static std::wstring StringToWideString(const std::string &text, UINT encoding = CP_UTF8) { std::vector buffer(text.size() + 1); int length = MultiByteToWideChar(encoding, 0, text.c_str(), text.size() + 1,, buffer.size()); return std::wstring(, length - 1); } std::string WideStringToString(const std::wstring &text, UINT cp = CP_UTF8) { std::vector buffer((text.size() + 1) * 4); WideCharToMultiByte(cp, 0, text.c_str(), -1,, buffer.size(), nullptr, nullptr); return; } HANDLE runexe(const std::wstring &exe, const std::optional &startup_argument) { STARTUPINFOW si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); std::vector argu; if (startup_argument.has_value()) { argu.resize(startup_argument.value().size() + 1); wcscpy(, startup_argument.value().c_str()); } CreateProcessW(exe.c_str(), // No module name (use command line) startup_argument.has_value() ? : NULL, NULL, // Process handle not inheritable NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE 0, // No creation flags NULL, // Use parent's environment block NULL, // Use parent's starting directory &si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure &pi); // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure return pi.hProcess; } std::wstring stolower(const std::wstring &s1) { auto s = s1; std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), tolower); return s; } std::vector EnumerateProcesses(const std::wstring &exe) { HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return {}; } PROCESSENTRY32 pe32; pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); if (!Process32First(hSnapshot, &pe32)) { CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return {}; } std::vector pids; do { if (stolower(exe) == stolower(pe32.szExeFile)) pids.push_back(pe32.th32ProcessID); } while (Process32Next(hSnapshot, &pe32)); CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return pids; } enum { STRING = 12, MESSAGE_SIZE = 500, PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE = 50000, SHIFT_JIS = 932, MAX_MODULE_SIZE = 120, PATTERN_SIZE = 30, HOOK_NAME_SIZE = 60, FIXED_SPLIT_VALUE = 0x10001, HOOKCODE_LEN = 500 }; struct ThreadParam { bool operator==(ThreadParam other) const { return processId == other.processId && addr == other.addr && ctx == other.ctx && ctx2 == other.ctx2; } DWORD processId; uint64_t addr; uint64_t ctx; // The context of the hook: by default the first value on stack, usually the return address uint64_t ctx2; // The subcontext of the hook: 0 by default, generated in a method specific to the hook }; typedef void (*ProcessEvent)(DWORD); typedef void (*ThreadEvent)(wchar_t *, char *, ThreadParam); typedef void (*OutputCallback)(wchar_t *, char *, ThreadParam, const wchar_t *); typedef void (*ConsoleHandler)(const wchar_t *); typedef void (*HookInsertHandler)(uint64_t, const wchar_t *); typedef void (*EmbedCallback)(const wchar_t *, ThreadParam); nlohmann::json config; std::map translation; std::unordered_set connectedpids; void (*Luna_Start)(ProcessEvent Connect, ProcessEvent Disconnect, ThreadEvent Create, ThreadEvent Destroy, OutputCallback Output, ConsoleHandler console, HookInsertHandler hookinsert, EmbedCallback embed); void (*Luna_Inject)(DWORD pid, LPCWSTR basepath); void (*Luna_EmbedSettings)(DWORD pid, UINT32 waittime, UINT8 fontCharSet, bool fontCharSetEnabled, wchar_t *fontFamily, UINT32 spaceadjustpolicy, UINT32 keeprawtext, bool fastskipignore); void (*Luna_useembed)(DWORD pid, uint64_t address, uint64_t ctx1, uint64_t ctx2, bool use); bool (*Luna_checkisusingembed)(DWORD pid, uint64_t address, uint64_t ctx1, uint64_t ctx2); void (*Luna_embedcallback)(DWORD pid, LPCWSTR text, LPCWSTR trans); std::set notranslation; HANDLE hsema; class lunapatch { public: HANDLE hMessage; HANDLE hwait; lunapatch(std::wstring dll, nlohmann::json &&_translation, nlohmann::json &&_config) { translation = _translation; config = _config; auto LunaHost = LoadLibraryW(dll.c_str()); Luna_Start = (decltype(Luna_Start))GetProcAddress(LunaHost, "Luna_Start"); Luna_EmbedSettings = (decltype(Luna_EmbedSettings))GetProcAddress(LunaHost, "Luna_EmbedSettings"); Luna_Inject = (decltype(Luna_Inject))GetProcAddress(LunaHost, "Luna_Inject"); Luna_useembed = (decltype(Luna_useembed))GetProcAddress(LunaHost, "Luna_useembed"); Luna_checkisusingembed = (decltype(Luna_checkisusingembed))GetProcAddress(LunaHost, "Luna_checkisusingembed"); Luna_embedcallback = (decltype(Luna_embedcallback))GetProcAddress(LunaHost, "Luna_embedcallback"); hsema = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 100, NULL); Luna_Start( [](DWORD pid) { auto font = StringToWideString(config["embedsettings"]["font"]); auto insertspace_policy = config["embedsettings"]["insertspace_policy"]; auto keeprawtext = config["embedsettings"]["keeprawtext"]; Luna_EmbedSettings(pid, 1000, 2, false,, insertspace_policy, keeprawtext, false); connectedpids.insert(pid); }, [](DWORD pid) { connectedpids.erase(pid); ReleaseSemaphore(hsema, 1, NULL); }, [](auto, auto, auto) {}, [](auto, auto, auto) {}, [](auto, auto, auto, auto) {}, [](auto) {}, [](uint64_t addr, const wchar_t *output) { std::wstring newhookcode = output; for (auto hook : config["embedhook"]) { auto hookcode = StringToWideString(hook[0]); uint64_t _addr = hook[1]; uint64_t _ctx1 = hook[2]; uint64_t _ctx2 = hook[3]; if (hookcode == newhookcode) { for (auto pid : connectedpids) { Luna_useembed(pid, addr, _ctx1, _ctx2, true); } } } }, [](const wchar_t *output, ThreadParam tp) { std::wstring text = output; for (auto pid : connectedpids) { if ((Luna_checkisusingembed(pid, tp.addr, tp.ctx, tp.ctx2))) { auto trans = findtranslation(text); Luna_embedcallback(pid, output, trans.c_str()); } } }); } void run() { auto target_exe = StringToWideString(config["target_exe"]); auto _startup_argument = config["startup_argument"]; std::optional startup_argument; if (_startup_argument.is_null()) startup_argument = {}; else startup_argument = StringToWideString(config["startup_argument"]); hwait = runexe(target_exe, startup_argument); } ~lunapatch() { if (notranslation.size()) { for (auto &text : notranslation) { translation[text] = ""; } auto notrs = nlohmann::json(translation).dump(4); std::ofstream of;["translation_file"])); of << notrs; of.close(); } } void wait() { WaitForSingleObject(hwait, INFINITE); while (connectedpids.size()) WaitForSingleObject(hsema, INFINITE); } void inject() { // chrome has multi process Sleep(config["inject_timeout"]); for (auto exe : std::set{config["target_exe"], config["target_exe2"]}) { auto pids = EnumerateProcesses(StringToWideString(exe)); for (auto pid : pids) { wprintf(L"%d\n", pid); Luna_Inject(pid, L""); } } } static std::wstring findtranslation(const std::wstring &text) { auto utf8text = WideStringToString(text); if (translation.find(utf8text) == translation.end()) { // wprintf(L"%s\n",text.c_str()); notranslation.insert(utf8text); return {}; } return StringToWideString(; } }; std::wstring GetExecutablePath() { WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, buffer, MAX_PATH); std::wstring fullPath(buffer); size_t pos = fullPath.find_last_of(L"\\/"); if (pos != std::wstring::npos) { return fullPath.substr(0, pos); } return L""; } bool checkisapatch() { auto curr = std::filesystem::path(GetExecutablePath()); auto config = curr / "LunaPatch.json"; if (std::filesystem::exists(config) == false) { return false; } std::ifstream jsonfile;; auto configjson = nlohmann::json::parse(jsonfile); jsonfile.close(); std::string translation_file = configjson["translation_file"];; std::map translation = nlohmann::json::parse(jsonfile); jsonfile.close(); auto LunaHost = (curr / (std::wstring(L"LunaHost") + std::to_wstring(8 * sizeof(void *)))).wstring(); lunapatch _lunapatch(LunaHost, std::move(translation), std::move(configjson));; _lunapatch.inject(); _lunapatch.wait(); return true; }