**Basic** - [Introduction](/en/README.md) - [Download and Launch](/en/start.md) - [Cannot Start the Software](/en/cantstart.md) - [Basic Usage](/en/basicuse.md) - [Software Update](/en/update.md) - [Support the Author](/en/support.md) **Detailed** - [HOOK Related Settings](/en/hooksettings.redirect) - [Detailed Explanation of HOOK Settings](/en/hooksettings.md) - [How to Use Embedded Translation](/en/embedtranslate.md) - [Playing Old Games on XP Virtual Machine and Extracting Text for Translation](/en/playonxp.md) - [OCR Related Settings](/en/ocrparam.redirect) - [Parameter Meanings for OCR Automated Execution Methods](/en/ocrparam.md) - [How to Install Additional Language Support for WindowsOCR](/en/windowsocr.md) - [OCR Mode Binding Game Window](/en/gooduseocr.md) - [Translation Source Settings](/en/guochandamoxing.redirect) - [How to Use Large Model API for Translation](/en/guochandamoxing.md) - [How to Use Large Model Offline Translation](/en/offlinellm.md) - [How to Use Debug Browser for Translation](/en/tiaoshiliulanqi.md) - [Text Processing & Translation Optimization](/en/textprocess.redirect) - [The Role and Usage of Various Text Processing Methods](/en/textprocess.md) - [The Role of Various Translation Optimizations](/en/transoptimi.md) - [Text-to-Speech](/en/ttsofname.md) - [Tokenization & Dictionary](/en/qa1.redirect) - [How to Use Mecab Tokenization & Part-of-Speech Color Tagging](/en/qa1.md) - [Anki Integration](/en/qa2.md) - [Tool Buttons](/en/alltoolbuttons.md) - [Shortcut Keys](/en/fastkeys.md) - [Practical Features](/en/usefulsmalltools.md)