import shutil, os import platform import sys from importanalysis import importanalysis x86 = platform.architecture()[0] == "32bit" if sys.argv[1] == "32": targetdir = r"build\LunaTranslator_x86" launch = r"..\cpp\builds\_x86" baddll = "DLL64" pyrt = "../build/pyrt_x86/runtime" else: baddll = "DLL32" launch = r"..\cpp\builds\_x64" targetdir = r"build\LunaTranslator" pyrt = "../build/pyrt_x64/runtime" def copycheck(src, tgt): print(src, tgt, os.path.exists(src)) if not os.path.exists(src): return if src.lower().endswith("_ssl.pyd"): return if not os.path.exists(tgt): os.makedirs(tgt, exist_ok=True) if os.path.isdir(src): tgt = os.path.join(tgt, os.path.basename(src)) if os.path.exists(tgt): shutil.rmtree(tgt) shutil.copytree(src, tgt) return shutil.copy(src, tgt) copycheck(os.path.join(launch, "LunaTranslator.exe"), targetdir) copycheck(os.path.join(launch, "LunaTranslator_admin.exe"), targetdir) copycheck(os.path.join(launch, "LunaTranslator_debug.exe"), targetdir) copycheck("./LunaTranslator", targetdir) copycheck(r".\files", targetdir) copycheck(pyrt, targetdir + "/files") try: shutil.rmtree(rf"{targetdir}\files\plugins\{baddll}") except: pass shutil.copy(r"..\LICENSE", targetdir) collect = [] for _dir, _, fs in os.walk(targetdir): for f in fs: collect.append(os.path.join(_dir, f)) for f in collect: if f.endswith(".pyc") or f.endswith("Thumbs.db"): os.remove(f) elif f.endswith(".exe") or f.endswith(".pyd") or f.endswith(".dll"): if f.endswith("Magpie.Core.exe"): continue print(f) imports = importanalysis(f) print(f, imports) if len(imports) == 0: continue with open(f, "rb") as ff: bs = bytearray( for _dll, offset in imports: if _dll.lower().startswith("api-ms-win-core"): # 其实对于api-ms-win-core-winrt-XXX实际上是到ComBase.dll之类的,不过此项目中不包含这些 _target = "kernel32.dll" elif _dll.lower().startswith("api-ms-win-crt"): _target = "ucrtbase.dll" else: continue _dll = _dll.encode() _target = _target.encode() # print(len(bs)) bs[offset : offset + len(_dll)] = _target + b"\0" * ( len(_dll) - len(_target) ) # print(len(bs)) with open(f, "wb") as ff: ff.write(bs) target = os.path.basename(targetdir) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(targetdir)) if os.path.exists(rf"{target}.zip"): os.remove(rf"{target}.zip") if os.path.exists(rf"{target}.7z"): os.remove(rf"{target}.7z") os.system(rf'"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -m0=Deflate -mx9 {target}.zip {target}') if 0: os.system(rf'"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -m0=LZMA2 -mx9 {target}.7z {target}') with open(r"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.sfx", "rb") as ff: sfx = config = """ ;!@Install@!UTF-8! ;!@InstallEnd@! """ with open(rf"{target}.7z", "rb") as ff: data = with open(rf"{target}.exe", "wb") as ff: ff.write(sfx) ff.write(config.encode("utf8")) ff.write(data)