from myutils.config import globalconfig from myutils.wrapper import threader from traceback import print_exc from myutils.proxy import getproxy from myutils.utils import ( SafeFormatter, createenglishlangmap, getlangtgt, getlangsrc, create_langmap, ) from myutils.commonbase import ArgsEmptyExc, proxysession import re class DictTree: def text(self) -> str: ... def childrens(self) -> list: ... class cishubase: typename = None def init(self): pass def search(self, word): return word @property def proxy(self): return getproxy(("cishu", self.typename)) def __init__(self, typename) -> None: self.typename = typename self.proxysession = proxysession("cishu", self.typename) self.callback = print self.needinit = True try: self.init() self.needinit = False except: print_exc() @threader def safesearch(self, sentence, callback): try: if self.needinit: self.init() self.needinit = False try: res = except: print_exc() self.needinit = True res = None if res and len(res): callback(res) else: callback(None) except: pass @property def config(self): return globalconfig["cishu"][self.typename]["args"] def _gptlike_createquery(self, query, usekey, tempk): user_prompt = ( self.config.get(tempk, "") if self.config.get(usekey, False) else "" ) fmt = SafeFormatter() return fmt.format(user_prompt, must_exists="sentence", sentence=query) def _gptlike_createsys(self, usekey, tempk): fmt = SafeFormatter() if self.config[usekey]: template = self.config[tempk] else: template = "You are a professional dictionary assistant whose task is to help users search for information such as the meaning, pronunciation, etymology, synonyms, antonyms, and example sentences of {srclang} words. You should be able to handle queries in multiple languages and provide in-depth information or simple definitions according to user needs. You should reply in {tgtlang}." tgt = getlangtgt() src = getlangsrc() langmap = create_langmap(createenglishlangmap()) tgtlang = langmap.get(tgt, tgt) srclang = langmap.get(src, src) return fmt.format(template, srclang=srclang, tgtlang=tgtlang) def checkempty(self, items): emptys = [] for item in items: if (self.config[item]) == "": emptys.append(item) if len(emptys): emptys_s = [] argstype = self.config.get("argstype", {}) for e in emptys: name = argstype.get(e, {}).get("name", e) emptys_s.append(name) raise ArgsEmptyExc(emptys_s) def markdown_to_html(self, markdown_text: str): print(markdown_text) lines = markdown_text.split("\n") html_lines = [] lastli = "" lideep = 0 def switchli(): nonlocal lideep, lastli while lideep: html_lines.append("") lideep -= 1 lastli = "" for line in lines: if not line: continue m = re.match(r"#+ ", line) if m: switchli() html_lines.append( "{inner}".format( hi=m.span()[1] - 1, inner=line[m.span()[1] :] ) ) else: def parsex(line): line = re.sub(r"\*\*(.*?)\*\*", r"\1", line) line = re.sub(r"\*(.*?)\*", r"\1", line) return line m = re.match(r" *[-\*] ", line) if m: if lastli != if len(lastli) < len( html_lines.append("") lideep -= 1 lastli = html_lines.append("
  • {}
  • ".format(parsex(line[m.span()[1] :]))) else: switchli() html_lines.append("


    ".format(parsex(line))) switchli() return "".join(html_lines)