mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 01:59:14 +08:00
Merge branch 'master' into master
This commit is contained in:
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ bool ExtenWindow::eventFilter(QObject* target, QEvent* event)
void ExtenWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Delete && ui->extenList->currentItem() != nullptr)
if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Delete && ui->extenList->currentItem())
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace
TextHook GetHook(uint64_t addr)
if (view == nullptr) return {};
if (!view) return {};
std::scoped_lock lock(viewMutex);
for (auto hook : view)
if (hook.address == addr) return hook;
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ namespace
size_t HashThreadParam(ThreadParam tp) { return std::hash<int64_t>()(tp.processId + tp.addr) + std::hash<int64_t>()(tp.ctx + tp.ctx2); }
Synchronized<std::unordered_map<ThreadParam, TextThread, Functor<HashThreadParam>>, std::recursive_mutex> textThreadsByParams;
Synchronized<std::unordered_map<DWORD, ProcessRecord>, std::recursive_mutex> processRecordsByIds;
Synchronized<std::unordered_map<DWORD, ProcessRecord>> processRecordsByIds;
Host::ProcessEventHandler OnConnect, OnDisconnect;
Host::ThreadEventHandler OnCreate, OnDestroy;
@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ namespace
auto info = *(HookFoundNotif*)buffer;
auto& OnHookFound = processRecordsByIds->at(processId).OnHookFound;
auto OnHookFound = processRecordsByIds->at(processId).OnHookFound;
std::wstring wide = info.text;
if (wide.size() > STRING) OnHookFound(info.hp, info.text);
info.hp.type = USING_STRING;
info.hp.type &= ~USING_UNICODE;
if (auto converted = Util::StringToWideString((char*)info.text, Host::defaultCodepage))
if (converted->size() > STRING) OnHookFound(info.hp, converted.value());
info.hp.codepage = CP_UTF8;
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ namespace
auto textThread = textThreadsByParams->find(tp);
if (textThread == textThreadsByParams->end())
try { textThread = textThreadsByParams->try_emplace(tp, tp, Host::GetHookParam(tp)).first; }
try { textThread = textThreadsByParams->try_emplace(tp, tp, processRecordsByIds->at(tp.processId).GetHook(tp.addr).hp).first; }
catch (std::out_of_range) { continue; } // probably garbage data in pipe, try again
@ -158,8 +158,6 @@ namespace Host
OnDestroy = [Destroy](TextThread& thread) { thread.Stop(); Destroy(thread); };
TextThread::Output = Output;
processRecordsByIds->try_emplace(console.processId, console.processId, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
textThreadsByParams->try_emplace(console, console, HookParam{}, CONSOLE);
textThreadsByParams->try_emplace(clipboard, clipboard, HookParam{}, CLIPBOARD);
@ -233,16 +231,18 @@ namespace Host
HookParam GetHookParam(ThreadParam tp)
return processRecordsByIds->at(tp.processId).GetHook(tp.addr).hp;
TextThread& GetThread(ThreadParam tp)
return textThreadsByParams->at(tp);
TextThread* GetThread(int64_t handle)
auto textThreadsByParams = ::textThreadsByParams.Acquire();
auto thread = std::find_if(textThreadsByParams->begin(), textThreadsByParams->end(), [&](const auto& thread) { return thread.second.handle == handle; });
return thread != textThreadsByParams->end() ? &thread->second : nullptr;
void AddConsoleOutput(std::wstring text)
@ -12,11 +12,12 @@ namespace Host
void InjectProcess(DWORD processId);
void DetachProcess(DWORD processId);
void InsertHook(DWORD processId, HookParam hp);
void RemoveHook(DWORD processId, uint64_t address);
void FindHooks(DWORD processId, SearchParam sp, HookEventHandler HookFound = {});
HookParam GetHookParam(ThreadParam tp);
TextThread* GetThread(int64_t handle);
TextThread& GetThread(ThreadParam tp);
void AddConsoleOutput(std::wstring text);
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QSpinBox>
#include <QListWidget>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QFileDialog>
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ extern const char* DETACH;
extern const char* ADD_HOOK;
extern const char* REMOVE_HOOKS;
extern const char* SAVE_HOOKS;
extern const char* FIND_HOOKS;
extern const char* SEARCH_FOR_HOOKS;
extern const char* SETTINGS;
extern const char* EXTENSIONS;
extern const char* SELECT_PROCESS;
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ extern const char* SEARCH_GAME;
extern const char* PROCESSES;
extern const char* CODE_INFODUMP;
extern const char* SEARCH_CJK;
extern const char* SEARCH_PATTERN;
extern const char* SEARCH_DURATION;
extern const char* PATTERN_OFFSET;
@ -59,14 +61,14 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
extenWindow(new ExtenWindow(this))
for (auto[text, slot] : Array<std::tuple<QString, void(MainWindow::*)()>>{
for (auto [text, slot] : Array<std::tuple<QString, void(MainWindow::*)()>>{
{ ATTACH, &MainWindow::AttachProcess },
{ LAUNCH, &MainWindow::LaunchProcess },
{ DETACH, &MainWindow::DetachProcess },
{ ADD_HOOK, &MainWindow::AddHook },
{ REMOVE_HOOKS, &MainWindow::RemoveHooks },
{ SAVE_HOOKS, &MainWindow::SaveHooks },
{ FIND_HOOKS, &MainWindow::FindHooks },
{ SEARCH_FOR_HOOKS, &MainWindow::FindHooks },
{ SETTINGS, &MainWindow::Settings },
{ EXTENSIONS, &MainWindow::Extensions }
@ -232,6 +234,13 @@ DWORD MainWindow::GetSelectedProcessId()
std::array<InfoForExtension, 10> MainWindow::GetMiscInfo(TextThread& thread)
void(*AddSentence)(MainWindow*, int64_t, const wchar_t*) = [](MainWindow* This, int64_t number, const wchar_t* sentence)
std::wstring sentenceStr = sentence;
// pointer from Host::GetThread may not stay valid unless on main thread
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(This, [=]() mutable { if (TextThread* thread = Host::GetThread(number)) thread->AddSentence(std::move(sentenceStr)); });
{ {
{ "current select", &thread == current },
@ -240,6 +249,8 @@ std::array<InfoForExtension, 10> MainWindow::GetMiscInfo(TextThread& thread)
{ "hook address", (int64_t)thread.tp.addr },
{ "text handle", thread.handle },
{ "text name", (int64_t)thread.name.c_str() },
{ "this", (int64_t)this },
{ "void (*AddSentence)(void* this, int64_t number, const wchar_t* sentence)", (int64_t)AddSentence },
{ nullptr, 0 } // nullptr marks end of info array
} };
@ -321,13 +332,14 @@ void MainWindow::RemoveHooks()
for (int i = 0; i < ui->ttCombo->count(); ++i)
ThreadParam tp = ParseTextThreadString(ui->ttCombo->itemText(i));
if (tp.processId == GetSelectedProcessId()) hooks[tp.addr] = Host::GetHookParam(tp);
if (tp.processId == GetSelectedProcessId()) hooks[tp.addr] = Host::GetThread(tp).hp;
auto hookList = new QListWidget(this);
hookList->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
hookList->setMinimumSize({ 300, 50 });
for (auto[address, hp] : hooks)
for (auto [address, hp] : hooks)
new QListWidgetItem(QString(hp.name) + "@" + QString::number(address, 16), hookList);
connect(hookList, &QListWidget::itemDoubleClicked, [processId, hookList](QListWidgetItem* item)
@ -343,141 +355,143 @@ void MainWindow::RemoveHooks()
void MainWindow::SaveHooks()
if (auto processName = Util::GetModuleFilename(GetSelectedProcessId()))
auto processName = Util::GetModuleFilename(GetSelectedProcessId());
if (!processName) return;
QHash<uint64_t, QString> hookCodes;
for (int i = 0; i < ui->ttCombo->count(); ++i)
QHash<uint64_t, QString> hookCodes;
for (int i = 0; i < ui->ttCombo->count(); ++i)
ThreadParam tp = ParseTextThreadString(ui->ttCombo->itemText(i));
if (tp.processId == GetSelectedProcessId())
ThreadParam tp = ParseTextThreadString(ui->ttCombo->itemText(i));
if (tp.processId == GetSelectedProcessId())
HookParam hp = Host::GetHookParam(tp);
if (!(hp.type & HOOK_ENGINE)) hookCodes[tp.addr] = S(Util::GenerateCode(hp, tp.processId));
HookParam hp = Host::GetThread(tp).hp;
if (!(hp.type & HOOK_ENGINE)) hookCodes[tp.addr] = S(Util::GenerateCode(hp, tp.processId));
auto hookInfo = QStringList() << S(processName.value()) << hookCodes.values();
ThreadParam tp = current.load()->tp;
if (tp.processId == GetSelectedProcessId()) hookInfo << QString("|%1:%2:%3").arg(tp.ctx).arg(tp.ctx2).arg(S(Util::GenerateCode(Host::GetHookParam(tp), tp.processId)));
QTextFile(HOOK_SAVE_FILE, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append).write((hookInfo.join(" , ") + "\n").toUtf8());
auto hookInfo = QStringList() << S(processName.value()) << hookCodes.values();
ThreadParam tp = current.load()->tp;
if (tp.processId == GetSelectedProcessId()) hookInfo << QString("|%1:%2:%3").arg(tp.ctx).arg(tp.ctx2).arg(S(Util::GenerateCode(Host::GetThread(tp).hp, tp.processId)));
QTextFile(HOOK_SAVE_FILE, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append).write((hookInfo.join(" , ") + "\n").toUtf8());
void MainWindow::FindHooks()
struct : QDialog
using QDialog::QDialog;
void launch()
auto layout = new QFormLayout(this);
auto patternInput = new QLineEdit(x64 ? "CC CC 48 89" : "CC CC 55 8B EC", this);
layout->addRow(SEARCH_PATTERN, patternInput);
for (auto[value, label] : Array<std::tuple<int&, const char*>>{
{ sp.searchTime = 20000, SEARCH_DURATION },
{ sp.offset = 2, PATTERN_OFFSET },
auto spinBox = new QSpinBox(this);
layout->addRow(label, spinBox);
connect(spinBox, qOverload<int>(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), [=, &value] { value = spinBox->value(); });
for (auto[value, label] : Array<std::tuple<uintptr_t&, const char*>>{
{ sp.minAddress = 0, MIN_ADDRESS },
{ sp.maxAddress = -1ULL, MAX_ADDRESS },
{ sp.padding = 0, STRING_OFFSET }
auto input = new QLineEdit(QString::number(value, 16), this);
layout->addRow(label, input);
connect(input, &QLineEdit::textEdited, [&value](QString input)
bool ok;
if (uintptr_t newValue = input.toULongLong(&ok, 16); ok) value = newValue;
auto filterInput = new QLineEdit(this);
layout->addRow(HOOK_SEARCH_FILTER, filterInput);
auto save = new QPushButton(START_HOOK_SEARCH, this);
connect(save, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QDialog::accept);
connect(save, &QPushButton::clicked, [this, patternInput, filterInput]
QByteArray pattern = QByteArray::fromHex(patternInput->text().replace("??", QString::number(XX, 16)).toUtf8());
if (pattern.size() < 3) return;
std::wregex filter(L".");
if (!filterInput->text().isEmpty()) try { filter = std::wregex(S(filterInput->text())); } catch (std::regex_error) {};
memcpy(sp.pattern, pattern.data(), sp.length = min(pattern.size(), 25));
auto hooks = std::make_shared<QString>();
DWORD processId = this->processId;
Host::FindHooks(processId, sp, [processId, hooks, filter](HookParam hp, const std::wstring& text)
if (std::regex_search(text, filter)) hooks->append(S(Util::GenerateCode(hp, processId)) + ": " + S(text) + "\n");
catch (std::out_of_range) { return; }
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, SAVE_SEARCH_RESULTS, "./Hooks.txt", TEXT_FILES);
if (fileName.isEmpty()) fileName = "Hooks.txt";
std::thread([hooks, fileName]
for (int lastSize = 0; hooks->size() == 0 || hooks->size() != lastSize; Sleep(2000)) lastSize = hooks->size();
QTextFile(fileName, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate).write(hooks->toUtf8());
SearchParam sp = {};
DWORD processId;
} searchDialog(this, Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
searchDialog.processId = GetSelectedProcessId();
DWORD processId = GetSelectedProcessId();
SearchParam sp = {};
bool customSettings = false;
std::wregex filter(L".");
QDialog dialog(this, Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
QFormLayout layout(&dialog);
QCheckBox cjkCheckbox(&dialog);
layout.addRow(SEARCH_CJK, &cjkCheckbox);
QDialogButtonBox confirm(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Help, &dialog);
connect(&confirm, &QDialogButtonBox::helpRequested, [&customSettings] { customSettings = true; });
connect(&confirm, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, &dialog, &QDialog::accept);
connect(&confirm, &QDialogButtonBox::helpRequested, &dialog, &QDialog::accept);
if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) return;
if (customSettings)
QDialog dialog(this, Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
QFormLayout layout(&dialog);
QLineEdit patternInput(x64 ? "CC CC 48 89" : "CC CC 55 8B EC", &dialog);
layout.addRow(SEARCH_PATTERN, &patternInput);
for (auto [value, label] : Array<std::tuple<int&, const char*>>{
{ sp.searchTime = 20000, SEARCH_DURATION },
{ sp.offset = 2, PATTERN_OFFSET },
auto spinBox = new QSpinBox(&dialog);
layout.addRow(label, spinBox);
connect(spinBox, qOverload<int>(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), [&value] (int newValue) { value = newValue; });
for (auto [value, label] : Array<std::tuple<uintptr_t&, const char*>>{
{ sp.minAddress = 0, MIN_ADDRESS },
{ sp.maxAddress = -1ULL, MAX_ADDRESS },
{ sp.padding = 0, STRING_OFFSET }
auto input = new QLineEdit(QString::number(value, 16), &dialog);
layout.addRow(label, input);
connect(input, &QLineEdit::textEdited, [&value](QString input)
bool ok;
if (uintptr_t newValue = input.toULongLong(&ok, 16); ok) value = newValue;
QLineEdit filterInput(".", &dialog);
layout.addRow(HOOK_SEARCH_FILTER, &filterInput);
QPushButton startButton(START_HOOK_SEARCH, &dialog);
connect(&startButton, &QPushButton::clicked, &dialog, &QDialog::accept);
if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) return;
QByteArray pattern = QByteArray::fromHex(patternInput.text().replace("??", QString::number(XX, 16)).toUtf8());
memcpy(sp.pattern, pattern.data(), sp.length = min(pattern.size(), 25));
try { filter = std::wregex(S(filterInput.text())); } catch (std::regex_error) {};
// sp.length is 0 in this branch, so default will be used
filter = cjkCheckbox.isChecked() ? std::wregex(L"[\\u3000-\\ua000]{4,}") : std::wregex(L"[\\u0020-\\u1000]{4,}");
auto hooks = std::make_shared<QString>();
Host::FindHooks(processId, sp, [processId, hooks, filter](HookParam hp, const std::wstring& text)
if (std::regex_search(text, filter)) hooks->append(S(Util::GenerateCode(hp, processId)) + ": " + S(text) + "\n");
} catch (std::out_of_range) { return; }
QString saveFile = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, SAVE_SEARCH_RESULTS, "./Hooks.txt", TEXT_FILES);
if (saveFile.isEmpty()) saveFile = "Hooks.txt";
std::thread([hooks, saveFile]
for (int lastSize = 0; hooks->size() == 0 || hooks->size() != lastSize; Sleep(2000)) lastSize = hooks->size();
QTextFile(saveFile, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate).write(hooks->toUtf8());
void MainWindow::Settings()
struct : QDialog
QDialog dialog(this, Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
QSettings settings(CONFIG_FILE, QSettings::IniFormat, &dialog);
QFormLayout layout(&dialog);
QPushButton saveButton(SAVE_SETTINGS, &dialog);
for (auto [value, label] : Array<std::tuple<int&, const char*>>{
{ Host::defaultCodepage, DEFAULT_CODEPAGE },
{ TextThread::maxBufferSize, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE },
{ TextThread::flushDelay, FLUSH_DELAY },
using QDialog::QDialog;
void launch()
auto settings = new QSettings(CONFIG_FILE, QSettings::IniFormat, this);
auto layout = new QFormLayout(this);
auto save = new QPushButton(SAVE_SETTINGS, this);
for (auto[value, label] : Array<std::tuple<int&, const char*>>{
{ Host::defaultCodepage, DEFAULT_CODEPAGE },
{ TextThread::maxBufferSize, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE },
{ TextThread::flushDelay, FLUSH_DELAY },
auto spinBox = new QSpinBox(this);
layout->insertRow(0, label, spinBox);
connect(save, &QPushButton::clicked, [=, &value] { settings->setValue(label, value = spinBox->value()); });
for (auto[value, label] : Array<std::tuple<bool&, const char*>>{
{ TextThread::filterRepetition, FILTER_REPETITION },
auto checkBox = new QCheckBox(this);
layout->insertRow(0, label, checkBox);
connect(save, &QPushButton::clicked, [=, &value] { settings->setValue(label, value = checkBox->isChecked()); });
connect(save, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QDialog::accept);
} settingsDialog(this, Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
auto spinBox = new QSpinBox(&dialog);
layout.insertRow(0, label, spinBox);
connect(&saveButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [spinBox, label, &settings, &value] { settings.setValue(label, value = spinBox->value()); });
for (auto [value, label] : Array<std::tuple<bool&, const char*>>{
{ TextThread::filterRepetition, FILTER_REPETITION },
auto checkBox = new QCheckBox(&dialog);
layout.insertRow(0, label, checkBox);
connect(&saveButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [checkBox, label, &settings, &value] { settings.setValue(label, value = checkBox->isChecked()); });
connect(&saveButton, &QPushButton::clicked, &dialog, &QDialog::accept);
void MainWindow::Extensions()
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ struct SentenceInfo
// nullptr marks end of info array
int64_t operator[](std::string propertyName)
for (auto info = infoArray; info->name != nullptr; ++info) if (propertyName == info->name) return info->value;
for (auto info = infoArray; info->name; ++info) if (propertyName == info->name) return info->value;
@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
#include <QMenu>
#include <QLayout>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QFormLayout>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QSpinBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QSettings>
@ -19,7 +23,11 @@ extern const char* SHOW_ORIGINAL_INFO;
extern const char* SIZE_LOCK;
extern const char* BG_COLOR;
extern const char* TEXT_COLOR;
extern const char* FONT;
extern const char* FONT_SIZE;
extern const char* FONT_FAMILY;
extern const char* FONT_WEIGHT;
extern const char* SAVE_SETTINGS;
std::mutex m;
@ -57,12 +65,32 @@ public:
settings->setValue(TEXT_COLOR, color);
auto setFontSize = [=](int pt)
auto requestFont = [=]
QFont newFont = display->font();
settings->setValue(FONT_SIZE, pt);
QFont font = display->font();
auto fontDialog = new QDialog(this, Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
auto layout = new QFormLayout(fontDialog);
auto fontFamily = new QLineEdit(font.family(), fontDialog);
layout->addRow(FONT_FAMILY, fontFamily);
auto fontSize = new QSpinBox(fontDialog);
layout->addRow(FONT_SIZE, fontSize);
auto fontWeight = new QSpinBox(fontDialog);
layout->addRow(FONT_WEIGHT, fontWeight);
auto save = new QPushButton(SAVE_SETTINGS, fontDialog);
connect(save, &QPushButton::clicked, fontDialog, &QDialog::accept);
connect(fontDialog, &QDialog::accepted, [=]
QFont font(fontFamily->text(), fontSize->value(), fontWeight->value());
settings->setValue(FONT, font.toString());
auto setTopmost = [=](bool topmost)
@ -83,7 +111,10 @@ public:
setGeometry(settings->value(WINDOW, geometry()).toRect());
setLock(settings->value(SIZE_LOCK, false).toBool());
setTopmost(settings->value(TOPMOST, false).toBool());
setFontSize(settings->value(FONT_SIZE, 16).toInt());
QFont font = display->font();
font.fromString(settings->value(FONT, font.toString()).toString());
setBackgroundColor(settings->value(BG_COLOR, palette().window().color()).value<QColor>());
setTextColor(settings->value(TEXT_COLOR, display->palette().windowText().color()).value<QColor>());
@ -99,7 +130,7 @@ public:
showOriginal->setChecked(settings->value(SHOW_ORIGINAL, true).toBool());
menu->addAction(BG_COLOR, [=] { setBackgroundColor(QColorDialog::getColor(bgColor, this, BG_COLOR, QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel)); });
menu->addAction(TEXT_COLOR, [=] { setTextColor(QColorDialog::getColor(display->palette().windowText().color(), this, TEXT_COLOR, QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel)); });
menu->addAction(FONT_SIZE, [=] { setFontSize(QInputDialog::getInt(this, FONT_SIZE, "", display->font().pointSize(), 0, INT_MAX, 1, nullptr, Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint)); });
menu->addAction(FONT, requestFont);
connect(display, &QLabel::customContextMenuRequested, [=](QPoint point) { menu->exec(mapToGlobal(point)); });
connect(this, &QDialog::destroyed, [=] { settings->setValue(WINDOW, geometry()); });
@ -147,7 +178,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved
std::lock_guard l(m);
if (window != nullptr)
if (window)
window->settings->setValue(WINDOW, window->geometry());
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ bool ProcessSentence(std::wstring& sentence, SentenceInfo sentenceInfo)
lua_pushstring(L, WideStringToString(sentence).c_str());
lua_createtable(L, 0, 0);
for (auto info = sentenceInfo.infoArray; info->name != nullptr; ++info)
for (auto info = sentenceInfo.infoArray; info->name; ++info)
lua_pushstring(L, info->name);
lua_pushinteger(L, info->value);
@ -93,13 +93,11 @@ BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved
bool ProcessSentence(std::wstring& sentence, SentenceInfo sentenceInfo)
std::lock_guard l(m);
static std::unordered_map<int64_t, std::wstring> queuedWritesByHandle;
int64_t textHandle = sentenceInfo["text handle"];
int64_t textHandle = sentenceInfo["text number"];
for (auto linkedHandle : linkedTextHandles[textHandle]) queuedWritesByHandle[linkedHandle] += L"\n" + sentence;
for (auto linkedHandle : linkedTextHandles[textHandle])
((void(*)(void*, int64_t, const wchar_t*))sentenceInfo["void (*AddSentence)(void* this, int64_t number, const wchar_t* sentence)"])
((void*)sentenceInfo["this"], linkedHandle, sentence.c_str());
if (queuedWritesByHandle[textHandle].empty()) return false;
sentence += queuedWritesByHandle[textHandle];
return true;
return false;
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "network.h"
#include <QTimer>
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QFile>
extern const char* SELECT_LANGUAGE;
extern const char* SELECT_LANGUAGE_MESSAGE;
@ -12,6 +13,8 @@ extern QStringList languages;
extern Synchronized<std::wstring> translateTo;
std::pair<bool, std::wstring> Translate(const std::wstring& text);
Synchronized<std::unordered_map<std::wstring, std::wstring>> translationCache;
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
@ -33,10 +36,21 @@ BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved
QFile file(QString("%1 Cache.txt").arg(TRANSLATION_PROVIDER));
file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text);
QStringList savedCache = QString(file.readAll()).split("|T|\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
for (int i = 0; i < savedCache.size() - 1; i += 2)
translationCache->insert({ savedCache[i].toStdWString(), savedCache[i + 1].toStdWString() });
QFile file(QString("%1 Cache.txt").arg(TRANSLATION_PROVIDER));
file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text);
auto translationCache = ::translationCache.Acquire();
for (const auto& [original, translation] : translationCache.contents)
file.write(QString::fromStdWString(FormatString(L"%s|T|\n%s|T|\n", original, translation)).toUtf8());
@ -63,7 +77,6 @@ bool ProcessSentence(std::wstring& sentence, SentenceInfo sentenceInfo)
const int tokenCount = 30, delay = 60 * 1000;
Synchronized<std::vector<DWORD>> tokens;
} rateLimiter;
static Synchronized<std::unordered_map<std::wstring, std::wstring>> translationCache;
bool cache = false;
std::wstring translation;
@ -61,11 +61,12 @@ struct ThreadParam
struct SearchParam
BYTE pattern[25] = {}; // pattern in memory to search for
int length, // length of pattern
BYTE pattern[25]; // pattern in memory to search for
int length, // length of pattern (zero means this SearchParam is invalid and the default should be used)
offset, // offset from start of pattern to add hook
searchTime; // ms
uintptr_t padding, minAddress, maxAddress;
struct InsertHookCmd // From host
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int)
return FALSE;
}, 0), SW_SHOW);
std::thread([] { while (true) Sleep(vars.at(0)), lstrlenW(L"こんにちは"); }).detach();
std::thread([] { while (true) Sleep(vars.at(0)), lstrlenW(L"こんにちは\n (Hello)"); }).detach();
STARTUPINFOW info = { sizeof(info) };
wchar_t commandLine[] = { L"Textractor -p\"Test.exe\"" };
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ const char* DETACH = u8"Detach from game";
const char* ADD_HOOK = u8"Add hook";
const char* REMOVE_HOOKS = u8"Remove hook(s)";
const char* SAVE_HOOKS = u8"Save hook(s)";
const char* FIND_HOOKS = u8"Find hooks";
const char* SEARCH_FOR_HOOKS = u8"Search for hooks";
const char* SETTINGS = u8"Settings";
const char* EXTENSIONS = u8"Extensions";
const char* SELECT_PROCESS = u8"Select process";
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ const char* CONFIRM_EXTENSION_OVERWRITE = u8"Another version of this extension a
const char* EXTENSION_WRITE_ERROR = u8"Failed to save extension";
const char* USE_JP_LOCALE = u8"Emulate japanese locale?";
const char* HOOK_SEARCH_UNSTABLE_WARNING = u8"Searching for hooks is unstable! Be prepared for your game to crash!";
const char* SEARCH_CJK = u8"Search for Chinese/Japanese/Korean";
const char* SEARCH_PATTERN = u8"Search pattern (hex byte array)";
const char* SEARCH_DURATION = u8"Search duration (ms)";
const char* PATTERN_OFFSET = u8"Offset from pattern start";
@ -115,7 +116,10 @@ Only works if this extension is used directly after a translation extension)";
const char* SIZE_LOCK = u8"Size Locked";
const char* BG_COLOR = u8"Background Color";
const char* TEXT_COLOR = u8"Text Color";
const char* FONT = u8"Font";
const char* FONT_FAMILY = u8"Font Family";
const char* FONT_SIZE = u8"Font Size";
const char* FONT_WEIGHT = u8"Font Weight";
const char* LUA_INTRO = u8R"(--[[
ProcessSentence is called each time Textractor receives a sentence of text.
@ -16818,7 +16818,7 @@ bool InsertVanillawareGCHook()
/** Artikash 6/7/2019
* PPSSPP JIT code has pointers, but they are all added to an offset before being used.
Find that offset and report it to user so they can search for hooks properly.
Find that offset so that hook searching works properly.
To find the offset, find a page of mapped memory with size 0x1f00000, read and write permissions, take its address and subtract 0x8000000.
The above is useful for emulating PSP hardware, so unlikely to change between versions.
@ -16839,7 +16839,13 @@ bool FindPPSSPP()
if (info.RegionSize == 0x1f00000 && info.Protect == PAGE_READWRITE && info.Type == MEM_MAPPED)
found = true;
ConsoleOutput("Textractor: PPSSPP memory found: use pattern 79 0F C7 85 and pattern offset 0 and string offset 0x%p to search for hooks", probe - 0x8000000);
ConsoleOutput("Textractor: PPSSPP memory found: searching for hooks should yield working hook codes");
memcpy(spDefault.pattern, Array<BYTE>{ 0x79, 0x0f, 0xc7, 0x85 }, spDefault.length = 4);
spDefault.offset = 0;
spDefault.minAddress = 0;
spDefault.maxAddress = -1ULL;
spDefault.padding = (uintptr_t)probe - 0x8000000;
spDefault.hookPostProcesser = [](HookParam& hp) { hp.type |= NO_CONTEXT; };
probe += info.RegionSize;
@ -37,22 +37,25 @@ namespace Engine
void Hijack()
static bool hijacked = false;
if (hijacked) return;
GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, processPath, MAX_PATH);
processName = wcsrchr(processPath, L'\\') + 1;
processStartAddress = processStopAddress = (uintptr_t)GetModuleHandleW(nullptr);
static auto _ = []
VirtualQuery((void*)processStopAddress, &info, sizeof(info));
processStopAddress = (uintptr_t)info.BaseAddress + info.RegionSize;
} while (info.Protect > PAGE_NOACCESS);
processStopAddress -= info.RegionSize;
GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, processPath, MAX_PATH);
processName = wcsrchr(processPath, L'\\') + 1;
hijacked = true;
ConsoleOutput("Textractor: finished hijacking process located from 0x%p to 0x%p", processStartAddress, processStopAddress);
processStartAddress = processStopAddress = (uintptr_t)GetModuleHandleW(nullptr);
VirtualQuery((void*)processStopAddress, &info, sizeof(info));
processStopAddress = (uintptr_t)info.BaseAddress + info.RegionSize;
} while (info.Protect > PAGE_NOACCESS);
processStopAddress -= info.RegionSize;
spDefault.minAddress = processStartAddress;
spDefault.maxAddress = processStopAddress;
ConsoleOutput("Textractor: hijacking process located from 0x%p to 0x%p", processStartAddress, processStopAddress);
return NULL;
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ namespace Engine
/** Artikash 6/7/2019
* PPSSPP JIT code has pointers, but they are all added to an offset before being used.
Find that offset and report it to user so they can search for hooks properly.
Find that offset so that hook searching works properly.
To find the offset, find a page of mapped memory with size 0x1f00000, read and write permissions, take its address and subtract 0x8000000.
The above is useful for emulating PSP hardware, so unlikely to change between versions.
@ -29,7 +29,13 @@ namespace Engine
if (info.RegionSize == 0x1f00000 && info.Protect == PAGE_READWRITE && info.Type == MEM_MAPPED)
found = true;
ConsoleOutput("Textractor: PPSSPP memory found: use pattern 79 10 41 C7 and pattern offset 0 and string offset 0x%p to search for hooks", probe - 0x8000000);
ConsoleOutput("Textractor: PPSSPP memory found: searching for hooks should yield working hook codes");
memcpy(spDefault.pattern, Array<BYTE>{ 0x79, 0x10, 0x41, 0xc7 }, spDefault.length = 4);
spDefault.offset = 0;
spDefault.minAddress = 0;
spDefault.maxAddress = -1ULL;
spDefault.padding = (uintptr_t)probe - 0x8000000;
spDefault.hookPostProcesser = [](HookParam& hp) { hp.type |= NO_CONTEXT; };
probe += info.RegionSize;
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ extern WinMutex viewMutex;
SearchParam current;
SearchParam sp;
constexpr int CACHE_SIZE = 500'000;
struct HookRecord
@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ namespace
hp.offset = offset;
hp.address = address;
hp.padding = current.padding;
hp.padding = sp.padding;
if (sp.hookPostProcesser) sp.hookPostProcesser(hp);
NotifyHookFound(hp, (wchar_t*)text);
uint64_t address = 0;
@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ void Send(char** stack, uintptr_t address)
for (int i = -registers; i < 6; ++i)
int length = 0, sum = 0;
char* str = stack[i] + current.padding;
char* str = stack[i] + sp.padding;
__try { for (; (str[length] || str[length + 1]) && length < 500; length += 2) sum += str[length] + str[length + 1]; }
if (length > STRING && length < 499)
@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ void Send(char** stack, uintptr_t address)
void SearchForHooks(SearchParam sp)
void SearchForHooks(SearchParam spUser)
@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ void SearchForHooks(SearchParam sp)
try { records = std::make_unique<HookRecord[]>(recordsAvailable = CACHE_SIZE); }
catch (std::bad_alloc) { return ConsoleOutput("Textractor: SearchForHooks ERROR (out of memory)"); }
current = sp;
sp = spUser.length == 0 ? spDefault : spUser;
uintptr_t moduleStartAddress = (uintptr_t)GetModuleHandleW(ITH_DLL);
uintptr_t moduleStopAddress = moduleStartAddress;
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ void NewHook(HookParam hp, LPCSTR lpname, DWORD flag)
WideCharToMultiByte(hp.codepage, 0, hp.text, MAX_MODULE_SIZE, codepageText, MAX_MODULE_SIZE * 4, nullptr, nullptr);
if (strlen(utf8Text) < 8 || strlen(codepageText) < 8 || wcslen(hp.text) < 4) return ConsoleOutput(NOT_ENOUGH_TEXT);
for (auto[addrs, type] : Array<std::tuple<std::vector<uint64_t>, HookParamType>>{
for (auto [addrs, type] : Array<std::tuple<std::vector<uint64_t>, HookParamType>>{
{ Util::SearchMemory(utf8Text, strlen(utf8Text), PAGE_READWRITE), USING_UTF8 },
{ Util::SearchMemory(codepageText, strlen(codepageText), PAGE_READWRITE), USING_STRING },
{ Util::SearchMemory(hp.text, wcslen(hp.text) * 2, PAGE_READWRITE), USING_UNICODE }
@ -14,6 +14,15 @@ void NotifyHookRemove(uint64_t addr, LPCSTR name);
void NewHook(HookParam hp, LPCSTR name, DWORD flag = HOOK_ENGINE);
void RemoveHook(uint64_t addr, int maxOffset = 9);
inline SearchParam spDefault = []
SearchParam sp = {};
memcpy(sp.pattern, x64 ? Array<BYTE>{ 0xcc, 0xcc, 0x48, 0x89 } : Array<BYTE>{ 0xcc, 0xcc, 0x55, 0x8b, 0xec }, sp.length = x64 ? 4 : 5);
sp.offset = 2;
sp.searchTime = 20000;
return sp;
extern "C" // minhook library
@ -327,11 +327,11 @@ int TextHook::GetLength(uintptr_t base, uintptr_t in)
int TextHook::HookStrlen(BYTE* data)
if (!hp.null_length) return hp.type & USING_UNICODE ? wcslen((wchar_t*)data) * 2 : strlen((char*)data);
BYTE* orig = data;
int nulls = hp.null_length ? hp.null_length : hp.type & USING_UNICODE ? 2 : 1;
for (int nullsRemaining = nulls; nullsRemaining > 0; ++data)
for (int nullsRemaining = hp.null_length; nullsRemaining > 0; ++data)
if (*data == 0) nullsRemaining -= 1;
else nullsRemaining = nulls;
else nullsRemaining = hp.null_length;
return data - orig;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user