more reliable horkeye hook

This commit is contained in:
Akash Mozumdar 2018-12-26 23:55:05 -05:00
parent 807e081bee
commit a5057d8671

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@ -13548,171 +13548,73 @@ bool InsertExpHook()
* /HA-4@552B5:<EFBFBD>exe * /HA-4@552B5:<EFBFBD>exe
* If this hook no longer works, try that one instead. * If this hook no longer works, try that one instead.
* Artikash 12/26/2018: Old HorkEye hook can't be found in shukusei no girlfriend
* Artikash 10/14/2018: Old HorkEye hook can't be found in shukusei no girlfriend * This function can be used instead. Hook code: /HS4@funcaddr
* This function can be used instead 0022DD80 - 83 EC 44 - sub esp,44 { 68 }
00FABC30 - 83 EC 34 - sub esp,34 { 52 } 0022DD83 - A1 3C704400 - mov eax,[0044703C] { [0000001C] }
00FABC33 - A1 F4701701 - mov eax,[011770F4] { [9E005B76] } 0022DD88 - 8B 0D 34704400 - mov ecx,[00447034] { [00000014] }
00FABC38 - 33 C4 - xor eax,esp 0022DD8E - 03 C0 - add eax,eax
00FABC3A - 89 44 24 30 - mov [esp+30],eax 0022DD90 - 8B 54 24 48 - mov edx,[esp+48]
00FABC3E - 83 3D C4541701 00 - cmp dword ptr [011754C4],00 { 0 } 0022DD94 - 89 44 24 2C - mov [esp+2C],eax
00FABC45 - 0F84 C8010000 - je 00FABE13 0022DD98 - A1 C87E5500 - mov eax,[00557EC8] { [00000002] }
00FABC4B - 83 3D 0CBF7F01 00 - cmp dword ptr [017FBF0C],00 { 0 } 0022DD9D - 03 05 30704400 - add eax,[00447030] { [00000014] }
00FABC52 - 66 A1 DCD00F01 - mov ax,[010FD0DC] { [00003264] } 0022DDA3 - 89 44 24 18 - mov [esp+18],eax
00FABC58 - F3 0F7E 05 D4D00F01 - movq xmm0,[010FD0D4] { ["lookahead2"] } 0022DDA7 - A1 38704400 - mov eax,[00447038] { [00000008] }
00FABC60 - 66 A3 C0B97F01 - mov [017FB9C0],ax { [00545000] } 0022DDAC - 03 C1 - add eax,ecx
00FABC66 - A0 DED00F01 - mov al,[010FD0DE] { [0] } 0022DDAE - D1 F9 - sar ecx,1
00FABC6B - A2 C2B97F01 - mov [017FB9C2],al { [84] } 0022DDB0 - 53 - push ebx
00FABC70 - A1 E0D00F01 - mov eax,[010FD0E0] { ["vo/000/"] } 0022DDB1 - 55 - push ebp
00FABC75 - 66 0FD6 05 B8B97F01 - movq [017FB9B8],xmm0 { [00006669] } 0022DDB2 - 56 - push esi
00FABC7D - 0F57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0 0022DDB3 - 8B 74 24 58 - mov esi,[esp+58]
00FABC80 - 89 44 24 10 - mov [esp+10],eax 0022DDB7 - 33 DB - xor ebx,ebx
00FABC84 - A1 E4D00F01 - mov eax,[010FD0E4] { [002F3030] } 0022DDB9 - 89 4C 24 48 - mov [esp+48],ecx
00FABC89 - 89 44 24 14 - mov [esp+14],eax 0022DDBD - 46 - inc esi
00FABC8D - 0F11 44 24 18 - movups [esp+18],xmm0 0022DDBE - 8B 0D 5CA28300 - mov ecx,[0083A25C] { [00000000] }
00FABC92 - 66 0FD6 44 24 28 - movq [esp+28],xmm0 0022DDC4 - 57 - push edi
00FABC98 - 74 0B - je 00FABCA5 0022DDC5 - 8B 3D 887E5500 - mov edi,[00557E88] { [00000040] }
00FABC9A - A1 9CE27F01 - mov eax,[017FE29C] { [0EC90D98] } 0022DDCB - 89 74 24 2C - mov [esp+2C],esi
00FABC9F - 8B 00 - mov eax,[eax] 0022DDCF - 89 44 24 34 - mov [esp+34],eax
00FABCA1 - 8B 00 - mov eax,[eax] 0022DDD3 - 89 5C 24 18 - mov [esp+18],ebx
00FABCA3 - EB 05 - jmp 00FABCAA 0022DDD7 - 8A 24 11 - mov ah,[ecx+edx]
00FABCA5 - A1 F8BE7F01 - mov eax,[017FBEF8] { [00000640] } 0022DDDA - 8A 44 11 01 - mov al,[ecx+edx+01]
00FABCAA - 40 - inc eax 0022DDDE - 89 7C 24 20 - mov [esp+20],edi
00FABCAB - 55 - push ebp 0022DDE2 - 39 1D 60A28300 - cmp [0083A260],ebx { [00000000] }
00FABCAC - 8B 2D 00602801 - mov ebp,[01286000] { [00D07890] } 0022DDE8 - 0F85 DD000000 - jne 0022DECB
00FABCB2 - 89 44 24 04 - mov [esp+04],eax 0022DDEE - 80 FC 5B - cmp ah,5B { 91 }
00FABCB6 - B8 ABAAAA2A - mov eax,2AAAAAAB { 715827883 } 0022DDF1 - 0F85 9C000000 - jne 0022DE93
00FABCBB - 8B 4D 1C - mov ecx,[ebp+1C] 0022DDF7 - 8B C1 - mov eax,ecx
00FABCBE - 2B 4D 18 - sub ecx,[ebp+18] 0022DDF9 - 3B C6 - cmp eax,esi
00FABCC1 - F7 E9 - imul ecx 0022DDFB - 7D 10 - jnl 0022DE0D
00FABCC3 - D1 FA - sar edx,1 0022DDFD - 0F1F 00 - nop [eax]
00FABCC5 - 8B C2 - mov eax,edx 0022DE00 - 80 3C 10 5D - cmp byte ptr [eax+edx],5D { 93 }
00FABCC7 - C1 E8 1F - shr eax,1F { 31 } 0022DE04 - 74 79 - je 0022DE7F
00FABCCA - 03 C2 - add eax,edx 0022DE06 - 40 - inc eax
00FABCCC - 8B 54 24 04 - mov edx,[esp+04] 0022DE07 - 3B 44 24 2C - cmp eax,[esp+2C]
00FABCD0 - 89 44 24 10 - mov [esp+10],eax 0022DE0B - 7C F3 - jl 0022DE00
00FABCD4 - 3B D0 - cmp edx,eax 0022DE0D - A1 BC7E5500 - mov eax,[00557EBC] { [00000001] }
00FABCD6 - 0F83 36010000 - jae 00FABE12 0022DE12 - 85 C0 - test eax,eax
00FABCDC - 53 - push ebx 0022DE14 - 0F84 A7000000 - je 0022DEC1
00FABCDD - 8D 0C 52 - lea ecx,[edx+edx*2] 0022DE1A - BE 02000000 - mov esi,00000002 { 2 }
00FABCE0 - C1 E1 02 - shl ecx,02 { 2 } 0022DE1F - 89 74 24 1C - mov [esp+1C],esi
00FABCE3 - 56 - push esi 0022DE23 - 89 35 68A28300 - mov [0083A268],esi { [00000000] }
00FABCE4 - 89 4C 24 10 - mov [esp+10],ecx 0022DE29 - 83 F8 01 - cmp eax,01 { 1 }
00FABCE8 - 57 - push edi 0022DE2C - 0F85 A3000000 - jne 0022DED5
00FABCE9 - 0F1F 80 00000000 - nop [eax+00000000] 0022DE32 - 83 3D C07E5500 00 - cmp dword ptr [00557EC0],00 { 0 }
00FABCF0 - 8B 45 18 - mov eax,[ebp+18] 0022DE39 - 8B 2D 506D5500 - mov ebp,[00556D50] { [00000028] }
00FABCF3 - 8B 3C 01 - mov edi,[ecx+eax] 0022DE3F - 75 2D - jne 0022DE6E
00FABCF6 - 8B 4F 14 - mov ecx,[edi+14] ; Hook here - edi currently is char** to text 0022DE41 - 8B C7 - mov eax,edi
00FABCF9 - 83 F9 10 - cmp ecx,10 { 16 } 0022DE43 - 8D 8D 50855100 - lea ecx,[ebp+00518550]
00FABCFC - 72 04 - jb 00FABD02 0022DE49 - C1 E0 0A - shl eax,0A { 10 }
00FABCFE - 8B 07 - mov eax,[edi] 0022DE4C - 03 C8 - add ecx,eax
00FABD00 - EB 02 - jmp 00FABD04 0022DE4E - 66 A1 58704400 - mov ax,[00447058] { [00004081] }
00FABD02 - 8B C7 - mov eax,edi 0022DE54 - 83 C5 02 - add ebp,02 { 2 }
00FABD04 - 8A 10 - mov dl,[eax] 0022DE57 - 89 2D 506D5500 - mov [00556D50],ebp { [00000028] }
00FABD06 - 0FB6 C2 - movzx eax,dl 0022DE5D - 66 89 01 - mov [ecx],ax
00FABD09 - 80 B8 20FA0F01 00 - cmp byte ptr [eax+010FFA20],00 { 0 } 0022DE60 - A0 5A704400 - mov al,[0044705A] { [0] }
00FABD10 - 0F85 AD000000 - jne 00FABDC3 0022DE65 - 88 41 02 - mov [ecx+02],al
00FABD16 - 80 B8 20041001 00 - cmp byte ptr [eax+01100420],00 { 0 } 0022DE68 - 8B 0D 5CA28300 - mov ecx,[0083A25C] { [00000000] }
00FABD1D - 0F85 A0000000 - jne 00FABDC3 ...
00FABD23 - 80 FA 81 - cmp dl,-7F { 129 } */
00FABD26 - 0F85 E3000000 - jne 00FABE0F
00FABD2C - 83 F9 10 - cmp ecx,10 { 16 }
00FABD2F - 72 04 - jb 00FABD35
00FABD31 - 8B 07 - mov eax,[edi]
00FABD33 - EB 02 - jmp 00FABD37
00FABD35 - 8B C7 - mov eax,edi
00FABD37 - 80 78 01 79 - cmp byte ptr [eax+01],79 { 121 }
00FABD3B - 0F85 CE000000 - jne 00FABE0F
00FABD41 - 8B 47 10 - mov eax,[edi+10]
00FABD44 - 33 DB - xor ebx,ebx
00FABD46 - 89 44 24 18 - mov [esp+18],eax
00FABD4A - 8D 73 02 - lea esi,[ebx+02]
00FABD4D - 3B C6 - cmp eax,esi
00FABD4F - 76 72 - jna 00FABDC3
00FABD51 - 8B E8 - mov ebp,eax
00FABD53 - 8B 57 14 - mov edx,[edi+14]
00FABD56 - 83 FA 10 - cmp edx,10 { 16 }
00FABD59 - 72 04 - jb 00FABD5F
00FABD5B - 8B 07 - mov eax,[edi]
00FABD5D - EB 02 - jmp 00FABD61
00FABD5F - 8B C7 - mov eax,edi
00FABD61 - 8A 0C 30 - mov cl,[eax+esi]
00FABD64 - 0FB6 C1 - movzx eax,cl
00FABD67 - 80 B8 20FF0F01 00 - cmp byte ptr [eax+010FFF20],00 { 0 }
00FABD6E - 74 1A - je 00FABD8A
00FABD70 - 80 F9 81 - cmp cl,-7F { 129 }
00FABD73 - 75 12 - jne 00FABD87
00FABD75 - 83 FA 10 - cmp edx,10 { 16 }
00FABD78 - 72 04 - jb 00FABD7E
00FABD7A - 8B 07 - mov eax,[edi]
00FABD7C - EB 02 - jmp 00FABD80
00FABD7E - 8B C7 - mov eax,edi
00FABD80 - 80 7C 30 01 7A - cmp byte ptr [eax+esi+01],7A { 122 }
00FABD85 - 74 32 - je 00FABDB9
00FABD87 - 46 - inc esi
00FABD88 - EB 28 - jmp 00FABDB2
00FABD8A - 80 F9 2C - cmp cl,2C { 44 }
00FABD8D - 75 23 - jne 00FABDB2
00FABD8F - 85 DB - test ebx,ebx
00FABD91 - 74 1C - je 00FABDAF
00FABD93 - 8B C6 - mov eax,esi
00FABD95 - 8B CF - mov ecx,edi
00FABD97 - 2B C3 - sub eax,ebx
00FABD99 - 50 - push eax
00FABD9A - E8 C1DFFAFF - call 00F59D60
00FABD9F - 03 C3 - add eax,ebx
00FABDA1 - 50 - push eax
00FABDA2 - 8D 44 24 28 - lea eax,[esp+28]
00FABDA6 - 50 - push eax
00FABDA7 - E8 F4BB0100 - call 00FC79A0
00FABDAC - 83 C4 0C - add esp,0C { 12 }
00FABDAF - 8D 5E 01 - lea ebx,[esi+01]
00FABDB2 - 46 - inc esi
00FABDB3 - 3B F5 - cmp esi,ebp
00FABDB5 - 72 9C - jb 00FABD53
00FABDB7 - EB 04 - jmp 00FABDBD
00FABDB9 - 85 DB - test ebx,ebx
00FABDBB - 75 37 - jne 00FABDF4
00FABDBD - 8B 2D 00602801 - mov ebp,[01286000] { [00D07890] }
00FABDC3 - 8B 54 24 10 - mov edx,[esp+10]
00FABDC7 - 8B 4C 24 14 - mov ecx,[esp+14]
00FABDCB - 42 - inc edx
00FABDCC - 83 C1 0C - add ecx,0C { 12 }
00FABDCF - 89 54 24 10 - mov [esp+10],edx
00FABDD3 - 89 4C 24 14 - mov [esp+14],ecx
00FABDD7 - 3B 54 24 1C - cmp edx,[esp+1C]
00FABDDB - 0F82 0FFFFFFF - jb 00FABCF0
00FABDE1 - 5F - pop edi
00FABDE2 - 5E - pop esi
00FABDE3 - 5B - pop ebx
00FABDE4 - 5D - pop ebp
00FABDE5 - 8B 4C 24 30 - mov ecx,[esp+30]
00FABDE9 - 33 CC - xor ecx,esp
00FABDEB - E8 16C61000 - call 010B8406
00FABDF0 - 83 C4 34 - add esp,34 { 52 }
00FABDF3 - C3 - ret
00FABDF4 - 83 FA 10 - cmp edx,10 { 16 }
00FABDF7 - 72 02 - jb 00FABDFB
00FABDF9 - 8B 3F - mov edi,[edi]
00FABDFB - 2B F3 - sub esi,ebx
00FABDFD - 8D 04 1F - lea eax,[edi+ebx]
00FABE00 - 56 - push esi
00FABE01 - 50 - push eax
00FABE02 - 8D 44 24 28 - lea eax,[esp+28]
00FABE06 - 50 - push eax
00FABE07 - E8 94BB0100 - call 00FC79A0
00FABE0C - 83 C4 0C - add esp,0C { 12 }
00FABE0F - 5F - pop edi
00FABE10 - 5E - pop esi
00FABE11 - 5B - pop ebx
00FABE12 - 5D - pop ebp
00FABE13 - 8B 4C 24 30 - mov ecx,[esp+30]
00FABE17 - 33 CC - xor ecx,esp
00FABE19 - E8 E8C51000 - call 010B8406
00FABE1E - 83 C4 34 - add esp,34 { 52 }
00FABE21 - C3 - ret
// Skip text between "," and "<22>, and remove [n] // Skip text between "," and "<22>, and remove [n]
// ex:【夏偾,S005_B_0002】「バーッ<E383BC> // ex:【夏偾,S005_B_0002】「バーッ<E383BC>
static bool HorkEyeFilter(LPVOID data, DWORD *size, HookParam *, BYTE) static bool HorkEyeFilter(LPVOID data, DWORD *size, HookParam *, BYTE)
@ -13762,17 +13664,18 @@ bool InsertHorkEyeHook()
const BYTE bytes2[] = const BYTE bytes2[] =
{ {
0x8b, 0x45, 0x18, 0x83, 0xec, XX, // sub esp,??
0x8b, 0x3c, 0x01 0xa1, XX4, // mov eax,??
0x8b, 0x0d, XX4, // mov ecx,??
0x03, 0xc0 // add eax,eax
}; };
if (DWORD addr = MemDbg::findBytes(bytes2, sizeof(bytes2), processStartAddress, processStopAddress)) for (auto addr : Util::SearchMemory(bytes2, sizeof(bytes2)))
{ {
HookParam hp = {}; HookParam hp = {};
hp.address = addr + 6; hp.address = addr;
hp.offset = pusha_edi_off - 4; hp.offset = 4;
hp.index = 0;
ConsoleOutput("Textractor: INSERT HorkEye2"); ConsoleOutput("Textractor: INSERT HorkEye2");
NewHook(hp, "HorkEye2"); NewHook(hp, "HorkEye2");
return true; return true;