#include "qtcommon.h" #include "extension.h" #include "network.h" #include extern const wchar_t* TRANSLATION_ERROR; extern const char* USE_PREV_SENTENCE_CONTEXT; extern QSettings settings; extern QFormLayout* display; extern Synchronized translateTo; const char* TRANSLATION_PROVIDER = "DeepL Translate"; QStringList languages { "Chinese (simplified): ZH", "Dutch: NL", "English: EN", "French: FR", "German: DE", "Italian: IT", "Japanese: JA", "Polish: PL", "Portuguese: PT", "Russian: RU", "Spanish: ES", }; bool translateSelectedOnly = true, rateLimitAll = true, rateLimitSelected = true, useCache = false; int tokenCount = 10, tokenRestoreDelay = 60000; const wchar_t* accept[] = { L"*/*", nullptr }; Synchronized LMTBID; bool useContext = true; Synchronized> context; BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved) { switch (ul_reason_for_call) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { auto checkbox = new QCheckBox; checkbox->setChecked(useContext); display->addRow(USE_PREV_SENTENCE_CONTEXT, checkbox); QObject::connect(checkbox, &QCheckBox::clicked, [](bool checked) { settings.setValue(USE_PREV_SENTENCE_CONTEXT, useContext = checked); }); } break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: { } break; } return TRUE; } std::pair Translate(const std::wstring& text, SentenceInfo sentenceInfo) { // the following code was reverse engineered from the DeepL website; it's as close as I could make it but I'm not sure what parts of this could be removed and still have it work int64_t r = _time64(nullptr), n = std::count(text.begin(), text.end(), L'i') + 1LL; static std::atomic id = 10000 * std::uniform_int_distribution(0, 9999)(std::mt19937(std::random_device()())); std::string jsonText; for (auto ch : WideStringToString(text)) if (ch == '"') jsonText += "\\\""; else jsonText += ch; // user_preferred_langs? what should preferred_num_beans and priority be? does timestamp do anything? other translation quality options? auto body = FormatString(R"( { "id": %d, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "LMT_handle_jobs", "params": { "priority": -1, "timestamp": %lld, "lang": { "source_lang_user_selected": "auto", "target_lang": "%s" }, "jobs": [{ "kind": "default", "preferred_num_beams": 4, "quality": "fast", "raw_en_context_after": [], "raw_en_sentence": "%s", "raw_en_context_before": [%s] }] } } )", ++id, r + (n - r % n), WideStringToString(translateTo->c_str()), jsonText, useContext ? WideStringToString(context->operator[](sentenceInfo["text number"])) : ""); context->insert_or_assign(sentenceInfo["text number"], L'"' + text + L'"'); // missing accept-encoding header since it fucks up HttpRequest std::wstring headers = L"Host: www2.deepl.com\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\nContent-type: text/plain\r\nOrigin: https://www.deepl.com\r\nTE: Trailers" + LMTBID.Acquire().contents; if (HttpRequest httpRequest{ L"Mozilla/5.0 Textractor", L"www2.deepl.com", L"POST", L"/jsonrpc", WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE, NULL, L"https://www.deepl.com/translator", accept, headers.c_str(), body.data(), body.size() }) { auto LMTBID = httpRequest.headers.find(L"LMTBID="), end = httpRequest.headers.find(L';', LMTBID); // not sure if this cookie does anything if (LMTBID != std::wstring::npos && end != std::wstring::npos) ::LMTBID->assign(L"\r\nCookie: " + httpRequest.headers.substr(LMTBID, end - LMTBID)); // Response formatted as JSON: translation starts with preprocessed_sentence":" and ends with "," if (std::wsmatch results; std::regex_search(httpRequest.response, results, std::wregex(L"postprocessed_sentence\":\"(.+?)\",\""))) return { true, results[1] }; else return { false, FormatString(L"%s: %s", TRANSLATION_ERROR, httpRequest.response) }; } else return { false, FormatString(L"%s (code=%u)", TRANSLATION_ERROR, httpRequest.errorCode) }; }