/* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 kaosu (qiupf2000@gmail.com) * This file is part of the Interactive Text Hooker. * Interactive Text Hooker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "ITH.h" #include "ith/host/srv.h" #include "ith/common/const.h" #include "ith/common/types.h" #include "language.h" #include "utility.h" extern HookManager* man; extern HWND hwndProcessComboBox; bool Parse(const std::wstring& cmd, HookParam& hp) { using std::wregex; using std::regex_search; // /H[X]{A|B|W|S|Q}[N][data_offset[*drdo]][:sub_offset[*drso]]@addr[:[module[:{name|#ordinal}]]] wregex rx(L"^X?([ABWSQ])(N)?", wregex::icase); std::match_results m; auto start = cmd.begin(); auto end = cmd.end(); bool result = regex_search(start, end, m, rx); if (!result) return result; start = m[0].second; if (m[2].matched) hp.type |= NO_CONTEXT; switch (m[1].first[0]) { case L's': case L'S': hp.type |= USING_STRING; break; case L'e': case L'E': hp.type |= STRING_LAST_CHAR; case L'a': case L'A': hp.type |= BIG_ENDIAN; hp.length_offset = 1; break; case L'b': case L'B': hp.length_offset = 1; break; case L'h': case L'H': hp.type |= PRINT_DWORD; case L'q': case L'Q': hp.type |= USING_STRING | USING_UNICODE; break; case L'l': case L'L': hp.type |= STRING_LAST_CHAR; case L'w': case L'W': hp.type |= USING_UNICODE; hp.length_offset = 1; break; default: break; } // [data_offset[*drdo]] std::wstring data_offset(L"(-?[[:xdigit:]]+)"), drdo(L"(\\*-?[[:xdigit:]]+)?"); rx = wregex(L"^"+ data_offset + drdo, wregex::icase); result = regex_search(start, end, m, rx); if (result) { start = m[0].second; hp.off = std::stoul(m[1].str(), NULL, 16); if (m[2].matched) { hp.type |= DATA_INDIRECT; hp.ind = std::stoul(m[2].str().substr(1), NULL, 16); } } // [:sub_offset[*drso]] std::wstring sub_offset(L"(-?[[:xdigit:]]+)"), drso(L"(\\*-?[[:xdigit:]]+)?"); rx = wregex(L"^:" + sub_offset + drso, wregex::icase); result = regex_search(start, end, m, rx); if (result) { start = m[0].second; hp.type |= USING_SPLIT; hp.split = std::stoul(m[1].str(), NULL, 16); if (m[2].matched) { hp.type |= SPLIT_INDIRECT; hp.split_ind = std::stoul(m[2].str().substr(1), NULL, 16); } } // @addr rx = wregex(L"^@[[:xdigit:]]+", wregex::icase); result = regex_search(start, end, m, rx); if (!result) return false; start = m[0].second; hp.addr = std::stoul(m[0].str().substr(1), NULL, 16); if (hp.off & 0x80000000) hp.off -= 4; if (hp.split & 0x80000000) hp.split -= 4; // [:[module[:{name|#ordinal}]]] // ":" -> // "" -> MODULE_OFFSET && module == NULL && function == addr // ":GDI.dll" -> MODULE_OFFSET && module != NULL // ":GDI.dll:strlen" -> MODULE_OFFSET | FUNCTION_OFFSET && module != NULL && function != NULL // ":GDI.dll:#123" -> MODULE_OFFSET | FUNCTION_OFFSET && module != NULL && function != NULL std::wstring module(L"([[:graph:]]+)"), name(L"[[:graph:]]+"), ordinal(L"\\d+"); rx = wregex(L"^:(" + module + L"(:" + name + L"|#" + ordinal + L")?)?$", wregex::icase); result = regex_search(start, end, m, rx); if (result) // :[module[:{name|#ordinal}]] { if (m[1].matched) // module { hp.type |= MODULE_OFFSET; std::wstring module = m[2]; std::transform(module.begin(), module.end(), module.begin(), ::towlower); hp.module = Hash(module); if (m[3].matched) // :name|#ordinal { hp.type |= FUNCTION_OFFSET; hp.function = Hash(m[3].str().substr(1)); } } } else { rx = wregex(L"^!([[:xdigit:]]+)(!([[:xdigit:]]+))?$", wregex::icase); result = regex_search(start, end, m, rx); if (result) { hp.type |= MODULE_OFFSET; hp.module = std::stoul(m[1].str(), NULL, 16); if (m[2].matched) { hp.type |= FUNCTION_OFFSET; hp.function = std::stoul(m[2].str().substr(1), NULL, 16); } } else { hp.type |= MODULE_OFFSET; hp.function = hp.addr; } } return true; } DWORD ProcessCommand(const std::wstring& cmd, DWORD pid) { using std::wregex; using std::regex_match; std::match_results m; if (regex_match(cmd, m, wregex(L"/pn(.+)", wregex::icase))) { pid = IHF_GetPIDByName(m[1].str().c_str()); if (pid == 0) return 0; IHF_InjectByPID(pid); } else if (regex_match(cmd, m, wregex(L"/p(\\d+)", wregex::icase))) { pid = std::stoul(m[1].str()); IHF_InjectByPID(pid); } else if (regex_match(cmd, m, wregex (L"/h(.+)", wregex::icase))) { HookParam hp = {}; if (Parse(m[1].str(), hp)) IHF_InsertHook(pid, &hp); } else if (regex_match(cmd, m, wregex(L"(?::|)(?:ㅇ|연|l|)([[:xdigit:]]+)(?:-| )([[:xdigit:]]+)", wregex::icase))) { DWORD from = std::stoul(m[1].str(), NULL, 16); DWORD to = std::stoul(m[2].str(), NULL, 16); IHF_AddLink(from, to); } else if (regex_match(cmd, m, wregex(L"(?::|)(?:ㅎ|해|해제|u)([[:xdigit:]]+)", wregex::icase))) { DWORD from = std::stoul(m[1].str(), NULL, 16); IHF_UnLink(from); } else if (regex_match(cmd, m, wregex(L"(?::|)(?:ㄷ|도|도움|도움말|h|help)", wregex::icase))) { ConsoleOutput(Usage); } else { ConsoleOutput(L"알 수 없는 명령어. 도움말을 보시려면, :h 나 :help를 입력하세요."); } return 0; }