// host.cc // 8/24/2013 jichi // Branch IHF/main.cpp, rev 111 #include "host.h" #include "const.h" #include "defs.h" #include "../vnrhook/hijack/texthook.h" namespace { class ProcessRecord { public: ProcessRecord(DWORD processId, HANDLE hostPipe) : hostPipe(hostPipe), section(OpenFileMappingW(FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, (ITH_SECTION_ + std::to_wstring(processId)).c_str())), sectionMap(MapViewOfFile(section, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, HOOK_SECTION_SIZE / 2)), // jichi 1/16/2015: Changed to half to hook section size sectionMutex(ITH_HOOKMAN_MUTEX_ + std::to_wstring(processId)) {} ~ProcessRecord() { UnmapViewOfFile(sectionMap); CloseHandle(section); } TextHook GetHook(uint64_t addr) { if (sectionMap == nullptr) return {}; LOCK(sectionMutex); auto hooks = (const TextHook*)sectionMap; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_HOOK; ++i) if (hooks[i].hp.insertion_address == addr) return hooks[i]; return {}; } HANDLE hostPipe; private: HANDLE section; LPVOID sectionMap; WinMutex sectionMutex; }; ThreadEventCallback OnCreate, OnRemove; ProcessEventCallback OnAttach, OnDetach; std::unordered_map> textThreadsByParams; std::unordered_map> processRecordsByIds; std::recursive_mutex hostMutex; DWORD DUMMY[1]; ThreadParam CONSOLE{ 0, -1ULL, -1ULL, -1ULL }; void DispatchText(ThreadParam tp, const BYTE* text, int len) { LOCK(hostMutex); if (textThreadsByParams[tp] == nullptr) { if (textThreadsByParams.size() > MAX_THREAD_COUNT) return Host::AddConsoleOutput(L"too many text threads: can't create more"); OnCreate(textThreadsByParams[tp] = std::make_shared(tp)); } textThreadsByParams[tp]->AddText(text, len); } void RemoveThreads(std::function removeIf) { LOCK(hostMutex); for (auto it = textThreadsByParams.begin(); it != textThreadsByParams.end();) if (auto curr = it++; removeIf(curr->first)) { OnRemove(curr->second); textThreadsByParams.erase(curr->first); } } void RegisterProcess(DWORD processId, HANDLE hostPipe) { LOCK(hostMutex); processRecordsByIds.insert({ processId, std::make_unique(processId, hostPipe) }); OnAttach(processId); } void UnregisterProcess(DWORD processId) { OnDetach(processId); LOCK(hostMutex); processRecordsByIds.erase(processId); RemoveThreads([&](ThreadParam tp) { return tp.pid == processId; }); } void StartPipe() { std::thread([] { SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pipeSD = {}; InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&pipeSD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&pipeSD, TRUE, NULL, FALSE); // Allow non-admin processes to connect to pipe created by admin host SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pipeSA = { sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES), &pipeSD, FALSE }; HANDLE hookPipe = CreateNamedPipeW(HOOK_PIPE, PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 0, PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE, MAXDWORD, &pipeSA); HANDLE hostPipe = CreateNamedPipeW(HOST_PIPE, PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, MAXDWORD, &pipeSA); ConnectNamedPipe(hookPipe, nullptr); BYTE buffer[PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE + 1] = {}; DWORD bytesRead, processId; ReadFile(hookPipe, &processId, sizeof(processId), &bytesRead, nullptr); RegisterProcess(processId, hostPipe); // jichi 9/27/2013: why recursion? // Artikash 5/20/2018: Easy way to create a new pipe for another process StartPipe(); while (ReadFile(hookPipe, buffer, PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE, &bytesRead, nullptr)) switch (*(int*)buffer) { //case HOST_NOTIFICATION_NEWHOOK: // Artikash 7/18/2018: Useless for now, but could be used to implement smth later //break; case HOST_NOTIFICATION_RMVHOOK: { auto info = *(HookRemovedNotif*)buffer; RemoveThreads([&](ThreadParam tp) { return tp.pid == processId && tp.hook == info.address; }); } break; case HOST_NOTIFICATION_TEXT: { auto info = *(ConsoleOutputNotif*)buffer; Host::AddConsoleOutput(StringToWideString(info.message, CP_UTF8)); } break; default: { ThreadParam tp = *(ThreadParam*)buffer; buffer[bytesRead] = 0; buffer[bytesRead + 1] = 0; DispatchText(tp, buffer + sizeof(tp), bytesRead - sizeof(tp)); } break; } DisconnectNamedPipe(hookPipe); DisconnectNamedPipe(hostPipe); UnregisterProcess(processId); CloseHandle(hookPipe); CloseHandle(hostPipe); }).detach(); } } namespace Host { void Start(ProcessEventCallback onAttach, ProcessEventCallback onDetach, ThreadEventCallback onCreate, ThreadEventCallback onRemove, TextThread::OutputCallback output) { OnAttach = onAttach; OnDetach = onDetach; OnCreate = onCreate; OnRemove = onRemove; TextThread::Output = output; OnCreate(textThreadsByParams[CONSOLE] = std::make_shared(CONSOLE)); StartPipe(); } void Close() { // Artikash 7/25/2018: This is only called when Textractor is closed, at which point Windows should free everything itself...right? #ifdef _DEBUG // Check memory leaks LOCK(hostMutex); processRecordsByIds.clear(); textThreadsByParams.clear(); #endif } bool InjectProcess(DWORD processId, DWORD timeout) { if (processId == GetCurrentProcessId()) return false; CloseHandle(CreateMutexW(nullptr, FALSE, (ITH_HOOKMAN_MUTEX_ + std::to_wstring(processId)).c_str())); if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { AddConsoleOutput(L"already injected"); return false; } HMODULE textHooker = LoadLibraryExW(ITH_DLL, nullptr, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES); wchar_t textHookerPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD textHookerPathSize = GetModuleFileNameW(textHooker, textHookerPath, MAX_PATH) * 2 + 2; FreeLibrary(textHooker); if (HANDLE processHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, processId)) { #ifdef _WIN64 BOOL invalidProcess = FALSE; IsWow64Process(processHandle, &invalidProcess); if (invalidProcess) { AddConsoleOutput(L"architecture mismatch: try 32 bit Textractor instead"); CloseHandle(processHandle); return false; } #endif if (LPVOID remoteData = VirtualAllocEx(processHandle, nullptr, textHookerPathSize, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE)) { WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, remoteData, textHookerPath, textHookerPathSize, nullptr); if (HANDLE thread = CreateRemoteThread(processHandle, nullptr, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)LoadLibraryW, remoteData, 0, nullptr)) { WaitForSingleObject(thread, timeout); CloseHandle(thread); VirtualFreeEx(processHandle, remoteData, 0, MEM_RELEASE); CloseHandle(processHandle); return true; } VirtualFreeEx(processHandle, remoteData, 0, MEM_RELEASE); CloseHandle(processHandle); } } AddConsoleOutput(L"couldn't inject dll"); return false; } void DetachProcess(DWORD processId) { LOCK(hostMutex); auto command = HOST_COMMAND_DETACH; WriteFile(processRecordsByIds.at(processId)->hostPipe, &command, sizeof(command), DUMMY, nullptr); } void InsertHook(DWORD processId, HookParam hp, std::string name) { LOCK(hostMutex); auto command = InsertHookCmd(hp, name); WriteFile(processRecordsByIds.at(processId)->hostPipe, &command, sizeof(command), DUMMY, nullptr); } void RemoveHook(DWORD processId, uint64_t addr) { LOCK(hostMutex); auto command = RemoveHookCmd(addr); WriteFile(processRecordsByIds.at(processId)->hostPipe, &command, sizeof(command), DUMMY, nullptr); } HookParam GetHookParam(DWORD processId, uint64_t addr) { if (processId == 0) return {}; LOCK(hostMutex); return processRecordsByIds.at(processId)->GetHook(addr).hp; } std::wstring GetHookName(DWORD processId, uint64_t addr) { if (processId == 0) return L"Console"; LOCK(hostMutex); return StringToWideString(processRecordsByIds.at(processId)->GetHook(addr).hookName, CP_UTF8); } std::shared_ptr GetThread(ThreadParam tp) { LOCK(hostMutex); return textThreadsByParams[tp]; } void AddConsoleOutput(std::wstring text) { GetThread(CONSOLE)->AddSentence(text); } } // EOF