// My own modified version of ColdClientLoader originally written by Rat431 // https://github.com/Rat431/ColdAPI_Steam/tree/master/src/ColdClientLoader #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers // Windows Header Files #include // C RunTime Header Files #include #include #include #include #include #include bool IsNotRelativePathOrRemoveFileName(WCHAR* output, bool Remove) { int LG = lstrlenW(output); for (int i = LG; i > 0; i--) { if (output[i] == '\\') { if(Remove) RtlFillMemory(&output[i], (LG - i) * sizeof(WCHAR), NULL); return true; } } return false; } int APIENTRY wWinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, _In_ LPWSTR lpCmdLine, _In_ int nCmdShow) { WCHAR CurrentDirectory[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; WCHAR Client64Path[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; WCHAR ClientPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; WCHAR ExeFile[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; WCHAR ExeRunDir[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; WCHAR ExeCommandLine[4096] = { 0 }; WCHAR AppId[128] = { 0 }; int Length = GetModuleFileNameW(GetModuleHandleW(NULL), CurrentDirectory, sizeof(CurrentDirectory)) + 1; for (int i = Length; i > 0; i--) { if (CurrentDirectory[i] == '\\') { lstrcpyW(&CurrentDirectory[i + 1], L"ColdClientLoader.ini"); break; } } if (GetFileAttributesW(CurrentDirectory) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { MessageBoxA(NULL, "Couldn't find the configuration file(ColdClientLoader.ini).", "ColdClientLoader", MB_ICONERROR); return 1; } GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"SteamClient", L"SteamClient64Dll", L"", Client64Path, MAX_PATH, CurrentDirectory); GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"SteamClient", L"SteamClientDll", L"", ClientPath, MAX_PATH, CurrentDirectory); GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"SteamClient", L"Exe", NULL, ExeFile, MAX_PATH, CurrentDirectory); GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"SteamClient", L"ExeRunDir", NULL, ExeRunDir, MAX_PATH, CurrentDirectory); GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"SteamClient", L"ExeCommandLine", NULL, ExeCommandLine, 4096, CurrentDirectory); GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"SteamClient", L"AppId", NULL, AppId, sizeof(AppId), CurrentDirectory); if (AppId[0]) { SetEnvironmentVariableW(L"SteamAppId", AppId); SetEnvironmentVariableW(L"SteamGameId", AppId); SetEnvironmentVariableW(L"SteamOverlayGameId", AppId); } else { MessageBoxA(NULL, "You forgot to set the AppId.", "ColdClientLoader", MB_ICONERROR); return 1; } WCHAR TMP[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; if (!IsNotRelativePathOrRemoveFileName(Client64Path, false)) { lstrcpyW(TMP, Client64Path); SecureZeroMemory(Client64Path, sizeof(Client64Path)); GetFullPathNameW(TMP, MAX_PATH, Client64Path, NULL); } if (!IsNotRelativePathOrRemoveFileName(ClientPath, false)) { lstrcpyW(TMP, ClientPath); SecureZeroMemory(ClientPath, sizeof(ClientPath)); GetFullPathNameW(TMP, MAX_PATH, ClientPath, NULL); } if (!IsNotRelativePathOrRemoveFileName(ExeFile, false)) { lstrcpyW(TMP, ExeFile); SecureZeroMemory(ExeFile, sizeof(ExeFile)); GetFullPathNameW(TMP, MAX_PATH, ExeFile, NULL); } if (!IsNotRelativePathOrRemoveFileName(ExeRunDir, false)) { lstrcpyW(TMP, ExeRunDir); SecureZeroMemory(ExeRunDir, sizeof(ExeRunDir)); GetFullPathNameW(TMP, MAX_PATH, ExeRunDir, NULL); } if (GetFileAttributesW(Client64Path) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { MessageBoxA(NULL, "Couldn't find the requested SteamClient64Dll.", "ColdClientLoader", MB_ICONERROR); return 1; } if (GetFileAttributesW(ClientPath) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { MessageBoxA(NULL, "Couldn't find the requested SteamClientDll.", "ColdClientLoader", MB_ICONERROR); return 1; } if (GetFileAttributesW(ExeFile) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { MessageBoxA(NULL, "Couldn't find the requested Exe file.", "ColdClientLoader", MB_ICONERROR); return 1; } HKEY Registrykey = { 0 }; // Declare some variables to be used for Steam registry. DWORD UserId = 0x03100004771F810D & 0xffffffff; DWORD ProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId(); bool orig_steam = false; DWORD keyType = REG_SZ; WCHAR OrgSteamCDir[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; WCHAR OrgSteamCDir64[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; DWORD Size1 = MAX_PATH; DWORD Size2 = MAX_PATH; if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Valve\\Steam\\ActiveProcess", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &Registrykey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { orig_steam = true; // Get original values to restore later. RegQueryValueExW(Registrykey, L"SteamClientDll", 0, &keyType, (LPBYTE)& OrgSteamCDir, &Size1); RegQueryValueExW(Registrykey, L"SteamClientDll64", 0, &keyType, (LPBYTE)& OrgSteamCDir64, &Size2); } else { if (RegCreateKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Valve\\Steam\\ActiveProcess", 0, 0, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &Registrykey, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MessageBoxA(NULL, "Unable to patch Steam process informations on the Windows registry.", "ColdClientLoader", MB_ICONERROR); return 1; } } // Set values to Windows registry. RegSetValueExA(Registrykey, "ActiveUser", NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)& UserId, sizeof(DWORD)); RegSetValueExA(Registrykey, "pid", NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)& ProcessID, sizeof(DWORD)); { // Before saving to the registry check again if the path was valid and if the file exist if (GetFileAttributesW(ClientPath) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { RegSetValueExW(Registrykey, L"SteamClientDll", NULL, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)ClientPath, (DWORD)(lstrlenW(ClientPath) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + 1); } else { RegSetValueExW(Registrykey, L"SteamClientDll", NULL, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)"", 0); } if (GetFileAttributesW(Client64Path) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { RegSetValueExW(Registrykey, L"SteamClientDll64", NULL, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)Client64Path, (DWORD)(lstrlenW(Client64Path) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + 1); } else { RegSetValueExW(Registrykey, L"SteamClientDll64", NULL, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)"", 0); } } RegSetValueExA(Registrykey, "Universe", NULL, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)"Public", (DWORD)lstrlenA("Public") + 1); // Close the HKEY Handle. RegCloseKey(Registrykey); // spawn the exe STARTUPINFOW info = { 0 }; SecureZeroMemory(&info, sizeof(info)); info.cb = sizeof(info); PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo = { 0 }; SecureZeroMemory(&processInfo, sizeof(processInfo)); WCHAR CommandLine[16384] = { 0 }; _snwprintf(CommandLine, _countof(CommandLine), L"\"%ls\" %ls %ls", ExeFile, ExeCommandLine, lpCmdLine); if (!ExeFile[0] || !CreateProcessW(ExeFile, CommandLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, ExeRunDir, &info, &processInfo)) { MessageBoxA(NULL, "Unable to load the requested EXE file.", "ColdClientLoader", MB_ICONERROR); return 1; } bool run_exe = true; #ifndef EMU_RELEASE_BUILD { std::wstring dbg_file(50, L'\0'); auto res_dbg_len = GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"Debug", L"ResumeByDebugger", L"", &dbg_file[0], dbg_file.size(), CurrentDirectory); if (dbg_file[0]) { dbg_file = dbg_file.substr(0, res_dbg_len); } else { dbg_file.clear(); } for (auto &c : dbg_file) { c = (wchar_t)std::tolower((int)c); } if (dbg_file == L"1" || dbg_file == L"y" || dbg_file == L"yes" || dbg_file == L"true") { run_exe = false; std::string msg = "Attach a debugger now to PID " + std::to_string(processInfo.dwProcessId) + " and resume its main thread"; MessageBoxA(NULL, msg.c_str(), "ColdClientLoader", MB_OK); } } #endif // run if (run_exe) { ResumeThread(processInfo.hThread); } // wait WaitForSingleObject(processInfo.hThread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(processInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(processInfo.hProcess); if (orig_steam) { if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Valve\\Steam\\ActiveProcess", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &Registrykey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Restore the values. RegSetValueExW(Registrykey, L"SteamClientDll", NULL, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)OrgSteamCDir, Size1); RegSetValueExW(Registrykey, L"SteamClientDll64", NULL, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)OrgSteamCDir64, Size2); // Close the HKEY Handle. RegCloseKey(Registrykey); } } return 0; }