name: Build emu variant (Windows) on: workflow_call: inputs: emu-variant: description: | Which variant of the emu to build: regular: build the regular version of the emu exp: build the experimental version of the emu client: build the experimental steamclient version of the emu tools: build the tools only required: true type: string x32: description: | build architecture, unused when 'emu-variant' == 'tools' true: x32 false: x64 required: false type: boolean default: true debug: description: | build mode true: build in debug mode false: build in release mode required: true type: boolean permissions: contents: write env: DEPS_CACHE_KEY: emu-deps-win DEPS_CACHE_DIR: build/deps/win THIRD_PARTY_BASE_DIR: 'third-party' jobs: build: runs-on: windows-2022 if: ${{ !cancelled() }} steps: ### setup build vars - name: Setup build vars shell: cmd run: | echo env file = "%GITHUB_ENV%" echo workspace = "${{ github.workspace }}" set "arch=" if /i "${{ inputs.x32 }}"=="true" ( set "arch=32" ) else ( set "arch=64" ) >>"%GITHUB_ENV%" echo build_arch=%arch% set "build_switches=" if "${{ inputs.emu-variant }}"=="regular" ( set "build_switches=+lib-%arch%" ) else if "${{ inputs.emu-variant }}"=="exp" ( set "build_switches=+ex-lib-%arch% +ex-client-%arch%" ) else if "${{ inputs.emu-variant }}"=="client" ( set "build_switches=+exclient-%arch% +exclient-ldr-%arch% +exclient-extra-%arch% +lib-gameoverlay-%arch%" ) else if "${{ inputs.emu-variant }}"=="tools" ( set "build_switches=+tool-itf +tool-lobby" ) else ( 1>&2 echo [X] invalid emu variant "${{ inputs.emu-variant }}" exit /b 1 ) >>"%GITHUB_ENV%" echo build_switches=%build_switches% set "build_mode=" if /i "${{ inputs.debug }}"=="true" ( set "build_mode=debug" ) else ( set "build_mode=release" ) >>"%GITHUB_ENV%" echo build_mode=%build_mode% ### on Windows Git will auto change line ending to CRLF, not preferable - name: Ensure LF line ending shell: cmd working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }} run: | git config --local core.autocrlf false git config --system core.autocrlf false git config --global core.autocrlf false - name: Checkout branch uses: actions/checkout@v4 ### deps - name: Restore deps id: emu-deps-cache-step uses: actions/cache@v4 with: key: ${{ env.DEPS_CACHE_KEY }} path: ${{ env.DEPS_CACHE_DIR }} ## extra helpers/tools, these are not built inside the deps build dir - name: Clone third-party build helpers (common/win) uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: 'third-party/common/win' path: "${{env.THIRD_PARTY_BASE_DIR}}/common/win" - name: Clone third-party deps (build/win) uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: 'third-party/build/win' path: "${{env.THIRD_PARTY_BASE_DIR}}/build/win" ### build target(s) - name: Build target(s) if: inputs.emu-variant != 'all' shell: cmd working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }} run: build_win.bat -j 3 -verbose ${{ env.build_mode }} clean +build_str ${{ github.sha }} ${{ env.build_switches }} ### upload artifact/package to github Actions (for targets) - name: Upload build package (for targets) uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: "emu-win-${{ inputs.emu-variant }}-${{ env.build_arch }}-${{ env.build_mode }}-${{ github.sha }}" path: "build/win/" if-no-files-found: 'error' compression-level: 9 retention-days: 1