
591 lines
27 KiB

import json
import platform
import os
import sys
import glob
import configparser
import time
import traceback
def help():
exe_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
print(f"\nUsage: {exe_name} [Switches] [settings folder path]")
print(f" -revert: convert all .ini files back to .txt files")
print(f" /?, -?, --?, /h, -h, --h, /help, -help, --help")
print(f" show this help page")
print(f" Example: {exe_name}")
print(f" Example: {exe_name} -revert")
print(f' Example: {exe_name} "D:\\game\\steam_settings"')
print(f' Example: {exe_name} -revert "D:\\game\\steam_settings"')
print(" Running the tool without any switches will make it attempt to read the global settings folder")
NEW_STEAM_SETTINGS_FOLDER = 'steam_settings'
def create_new_steam_settings_folder():
if not os.path.exists(NEW_STEAM_SETTINGS_FOLDER):
def merge_dict(dest: dict, src: dict):
# merge similar keys, but don't overwrite values
for kv in src.items():
v_dest = dest.get(kv[0], None)
if isinstance(kv[1], dict) and isinstance(v_dest, dict):
merge_dict(v_dest, kv[1])
elif kv[0] not in dest:
dest[kv[0]] = kv[1]
def write_ini_file(base_path: str, out_ini: dict):
for file in out_ini.items():
with open(os.path.join(base_path, file[0]), 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for item in file[1].items():
f.write('[' + str(item[0]) + ']\n') # section
for kv in item[1].items():
if kv[1][1]: # comment
f.write('# ' + str(kv[1][1]) + '\n')
f.write(str(kv[0]) + '=' + str(kv[1][0]) + '\n') # key/value pair
def convert_to_ini(global_settings: str, out_dict_ini: dict):
# oh no, they're too many!
for file in glob.glob('*.*', root_dir=global_settings):
file = file.lower()
if file == 'force_account_name.txt' or file == 'account_name.txt':
with open(os.path.join(global_settings, file), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.user.ini': {
'user::general': {
'account_name': (fr.readline().strip('\n').strip('\r'), 'user account name'),
elif file == 'force_branch_name.txt':
with open(os.path.join(global_settings, file), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'': {
'app::general': {
'branch_name': (fr.readline().strip(), 'the name of the beta branch'),
elif file == 'force_language.txt' or file == 'language.txt':
with open(os.path.join(global_settings, file), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.user.ini': {
'user::general': {
'language': (fr.readline().strip(), 'the language reported to the app/game,'),
elif file == 'force_listen_port.txt' or file == 'listen_port.txt':
with open(os.path.join(global_settings, file), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::connectivity': {
'listen_port': (fr.readline().strip(), 'change the UDP/TCP port the emulator listens on'),
elif file == 'force_steamid.txt' or file == 'user_steam_id.txt':
with open(os.path.join(global_settings, file), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.user.ini': {
'user::general': {
'account_steamid': (fr.readline().strip(), 'Steam64 format'),
elif file == 'ip_country.txt':
with open(os.path.join(global_settings, file), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.user.ini': {
'user::general': {
'ip_country': (fr.readline().strip(), 'report a country IP if the game queries it,'),
elif file == 'overlay_appearance.txt':
with open(os.path.join(global_settings, file), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
ov_lines = [lll.strip() for lll in fr.readlines() if lll.strip() and lll.strip()[0] != ';' and lll.strip()[0] != '#']
for ovl in ov_lines:
[ov_name, ov_val] = ovl.split(' ', 1)
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.overlay.ini': {
'overlay::appearance': {
ov_name.strip(): (ov_val.strip(), ''),
elif file == 'build_id.txt':
with open(os.path.join(global_settings, file), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
with open(os.path.join(NEW_STEAM_SETTINGS_FOLDER, 'branches.json'), 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as fout:
"name": "public",
"description": "",
"protected": False,
"build_id": int(fr.readline().strip()),
"time_updated": int(time.time())
}], fout, indent=2)
elif file == 'disable_account_avatar.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::general': {
'enable_account_avatar': (0, 'enable avatar functionality'),
elif file == 'disable_networking.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::connectivity': {
'disable_networking': (1, 'disable all steam networking interface functionality'),
elif file == 'disable_sharing_stats_with_gameserver.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::connectivity': {
'disable_sharing_stats_with_gameserver': (1, 'prevent sharing stats and achievements with any game server, this also disables the interface ISteamGameServerStats'),
elif file == 'disable_source_query.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::connectivity': {
'disable_source_query': (1, 'do not send server details to the server browser, only works for game servers'),
elif file == 'overlay_hook_delay_sec.txt':
with open(os.path.join(global_settings, file), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.overlay.ini': {
'overlay::general': {
'hook_delay_sec': (fr.readline().strip(), 'amount of time to wait before attempting to detect and hook the renderer'),
elif file == 'overlay_renderer_detector_timeout_sec.txt':
with open(os.path.join(global_settings, file), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.overlay.ini': {
'overlay::general': {
'renderer_detector_timeout_sec': (fr.readline().strip(), 'timeout for the renderer detector'),
elif file == 'enable_experimental_overlay.txt' or file == 'disable_overlay.txt':
enable_ovl = 0
if file == 'enable_experimental_overlay.txt':
enable_ovl = 1
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.overlay.ini': {
'overlay::general': {
'enable_experimental_overlay': (enable_ovl, 'XXX USE AT YOUR OWN RISK XXX, enable the experimental overlay, might cause crashes'),
elif file == 'app_paths.txt':
with open(os.path.join(global_settings, file), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
app_lines = [lll.strip('\n').strip('\r') for lll in fr.readlines() if lll.strip() and lll.strip()[0] != '#']
for app_lll in app_lines:
[apppid, appppath] = app_lll.split('=', 1)
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'': {
'app::paths': {
apppid.strip(): (appppath, ''),
elif file == 'dlc.txt':
with open(os.path.join(global_settings, file), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
dlc_lines = [lll.strip('\n').strip('\r') for lll in fr.readlines() if lll.strip() and lll.strip()[0] != '#']
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'': {
'app::dlcs': {
'unlock_all': (0, 'should the emu report all DLCs as unlocked, default=1'),
for dlc_lll in dlc_lines:
[dlcid, dlcname] = dlc_lll.split('=', 1)
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'': {
'app::dlcs': {
dlcid.strip(): (dlcname, ''),
elif file == 'achievements_bypass.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::misc': {
'achievements_bypass': (1, 'force SetAchievement() to always return true'),
elif file == 'crash_printer_location.txt':
with open(os.path.join(global_settings, file), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::general': {
'crash_printer_location': (fr.readline().strip('\n').strip('\r'), 'this is intended to debug some annoying scenarios, and best used with the debug build'),
elif file == 'disable_lan_only.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::connectivity': {
'disable_lan_only': (1, 'prevent hooking OS networking APIs and allow any external requests'),
elif file == 'disable_leaderboards_create_unknown.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::general': {
'disable_leaderboards_create_unknown': (1, 'prevent Steam_User_Stats::FindLeaderboard() from always succeeding and creating the unknown leaderboard'),
elif file == 'disable_lobby_creation.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::connectivity': {
'disable_lobby_creation': (1, 'prevent lobby creation in steam matchmaking interface'),
elif file == 'disable_overlay_achievement_notification.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.overlay.ini': {
'overlay::general': {
'disable_achievement_notification': (1, 'disable the achievements notifications'),
elif file == 'disable_overlay_friend_notification.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.overlay.ini': {
'overlay::general': {
'disable_friend_notification': (1, 'disable friends invitations and messages notifications'),
elif file == 'disable_overlay_warning_any.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.overlay.ini': {
'overlay::general': {
'disable_warning_any': (1, 'disable any warning in the overlay'),
elif file == 'disable_overlay_warning_bad_appid.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.overlay.ini': {
'overlay::general': {
'disable_warning_bad_appid': (1, 'disable the bad app ID warning in the overlay'),
elif file == 'disable_overlay_warning_local_save.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.overlay.ini': {
'overlay::general': {
'disable_warning_local_save': (1, 'disable the local_save warning in the overlay'),
elif file == 'download_steamhttp_requests.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::connectivity': {
'download_steamhttp_requests': (1, 'attempt to download external HTTP(S) requests made via Steam_HTTP::SendHTTPRequest()'),
elif file == 'force_steamhttp_success.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::misc': {
'force_steamhttp_success': (1, 'force the function Steam_HTTP::SendHTTPRequest() to always succeed'),
elif file == 'new_app_ticket.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::general': {
'new_app_ticket': (1, 'generate new app auth ticket'),
elif file == 'gc_token.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::general': {
'gc_token': (1, 'generate/embed GC token inside new App Ticket'),
elif file == 'immediate_gameserver_stats.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::general': {
'immediate_gameserver_stats': (1, 'synchronize user stats/achievements with game servers as soon as possible instead of caching them'),
elif file == 'is_beta_branch.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'': {
'app::general': {
'is_beta_branch': (1, 'make the game/app think we are playing on a beta branch'),
elif file == 'matchmaking_server_details_via_source_query.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::general': {
'matchmaking_server_details_via_source_query': (1, 'grab the server details for match making using an actual server query'),
elif file == 'matchmaking_server_list_actual_type.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::general': {
'matchmaking_server_list_actual_type': (1, 'use the proper type of the server list (internet, friends, etc...) when requested by the game'),
elif file == 'offline.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::connectivity': {
'offline': (1, 'pretend steam is running in offline mode'),
elif file == 'share_leaderboards_over_network.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::connectivity': {
'share_leaderboards_over_network': (1, 'enable sharing leaderboards scores with people playing the same game on the same network'),
elif file == 'steam_deck.txt':
merge_dict(out_dict_ini, {
'configs.main.ini': {
'main::general': {
'steam_deck': (1, 'pretend the app is running on a steam deck'),
def write_txt_file(filename: str, dict_ini: dict, section: str, key: str):
val = dict_ini.get(section, {}).get(key, None)
if val is None:
return False
with open(os.path.join(NEW_STEAM_SETTINGS_FOLDER, filename), "wt", encoding='utf-8') as fw:
return True
def write_txt_file_bool(filename: str, dict_ini: dict, section: str, key: str, write_if: bool):
val = dict_ini.get(section, {}).get(key, None)
if val is None:
return False
val = str(val).lower()[0]
bool_val = val == '1' or val == "t" or val == "y"
if bool_val != write_if:
return False
with open(os.path.join(NEW_STEAM_SETTINGS_FOLDER, filename), "wt", encoding='utf-8') as fw:
return True
def write_txt_file_multi(filename: str, dict_ini: dict, section: str):
val = dict_ini.get(section, {})
if len(val) <= 0:
return False
with open(os.path.join(NEW_STEAM_SETTINGS_FOLDER, filename), "wt", encoding='utf-8') as fw:
for kv in val.items():
return True
def convert_public_branch_to_txt(global_settings: str):
src_file = os.path.join(global_settings, 'branches.json')
if not os.path.isfile(src_file):
return False
build_id = -1
with open(src_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as fr:
branches: list[dict] = json.load(fr)
for branch in branches:
if f'{branch.get("name", "")}'.lower() == "public":
build_id = branch.get('build_id', -1)
if build_id == -1:
return False
with open(os.path.join(NEW_STEAM_SETTINGS_FOLDER, 'build_id.txt'), "wt", encoding='utf-8') as fw:
return True
def convert_to_txt(global_settings: str):
# oh no, they're too many!
config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False, empty_lines_in_values=False)
for file in glob.glob('*.ini*', root_dir=global_settings):, file), encoding='utf-8')
dict_ini = dict(config)
if 'DEFAULT' in dict_ini: # remove the "magic" default section
del dict_ini['DEFAULT']
done = 0
done += write_txt_file_bool('achievements_bypass.txt', dict_ini, 'main::misc', 'achievements_bypass', True)
done += write_txt_file_multi('app_paths.txt', dict_ini, 'app::paths')
done += convert_public_branch_to_txt(global_settings)
done += write_txt_file('crash_printer_location.txt', dict_ini, 'main::general', 'crash_printer_location')
done += write_txt_file_bool('disable_account_avatar.txt', dict_ini, 'main::general', 'enable_account_avatar', False)
done += write_txt_file_bool('disable_lan_only.txt', dict_ini, 'main::connectivity', 'disable_lan_only',True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('disable_leaderboards_create_unknown.txt', dict_ini, 'main::general', 'disable_leaderboards_create_unknown', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('disable_lobby_creation.txt', dict_ini, 'main::connectivity', 'disable_lobby_creation', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('disable_networking.txt', dict_ini, 'main::connectivity', 'disable_networking', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('disable_overlay_achievement_notification.txt', dict_ini, 'overlay::general', 'disable_achievement_notification', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('disable_overlay_friend_notification.txt', dict_ini, 'overlay::general', 'disable_friend_notification', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('disable_overlay_warning_any.txt', dict_ini, 'overlay::general', 'disable_warning_any', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('disable_overlay_warning_bad_appid.txt', dict_ini, 'overlay::general', 'disable_warning_bad_appid', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('disable_overlay_warning_local_save.txt', dict_ini, 'overlay::general', 'disable_warning_local_save', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('disable_sharing_stats_with_gameserver.txt', dict_ini, 'main::connectivity', 'disable_sharing_stats_with_gameserver', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('disable_source_query.txt', dict_ini, 'main::connectivity', 'disable_source_query', True)
done += write_txt_file_multi('dlc.txt', dict_ini, 'app::dlcs')
done += write_txt_file_bool('download_steamhttp_requests.txt', dict_ini, 'main::connectivity', 'download_steamhttp_requests', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('disable_overlay.txt', dict_ini, 'overlay::general', 'enable_experimental_overlay', False)
done += write_txt_file_bool('enable_experimental_overlay.txt', dict_ini, 'overlay::general', 'enable_experimental_overlay', True)
done += write_txt_file('force_account_name.txt', dict_ini, 'user::general', 'account_name')
done += write_txt_file('force_branch_name.txt', dict_ini, 'app::general', 'branch_name')
done += write_txt_file('force_language.txt', dict_ini, 'user::general', 'language')
done += write_txt_file('force_listen_port.txt', dict_ini, 'main::connectivity', 'listen_port')
done += write_txt_file_bool('force_steamhttp_success.txt', dict_ini, 'main::misc', 'force_steamhttp_success', True)
done += write_txt_file('force_steamid.txt', dict_ini, 'user::general', 'account_steamid')
done += write_txt_file_bool('gc_token.txt', dict_ini, 'main::general', 'gc_token', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('immediate_gameserver_stats.txt', dict_ini, 'main::general', 'immediate_gameserver_stats', True)
done += write_txt_file('ip_country.txt', dict_ini, 'user::general', 'ip_country')
done += write_txt_file_bool('is_beta_branch.txt', dict_ini, 'app::general', 'is_beta_branch', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('matchmaking_server_details_via_source_query.txt', dict_ini, 'main::general', 'matchmaking_server_details_via_source_query', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('matchmaking_server_list_actual_type.txt', dict_ini, 'main::general', 'matchmaking_server_list_actual_type', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('new_app_ticket.txt', dict_ini, 'main::general', 'new_app_ticket', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('offline.txt', dict_ini, 'main::connectivity', 'offline', True)
done += write_txt_file_multi('overlay_appearance.txt', dict_ini, 'overlay::appearance')
done += write_txt_file('overlay_hook_delay_sec.txt', dict_ini, 'overlay::general', 'hook_delay_sec')
done += write_txt_file('overlay_renderer_detector_timeout_sec.txt', dict_ini, 'overlay::general', 'renderer_detector_timeout_sec')
done += write_txt_file_bool('share_leaderboards_over_network.txt', dict_ini, 'main::connectivity', 'share_leaderboards_over_network', True)
done += write_txt_file_bool('steam_deck.txt', dict_ini, 'main::general', 'steam_deck', True)
return done
def main():
is_windows = platform.system().lower() == "windows"
global_settings = ''
argc = len(sys.argv)
for idx in range(1, argc):
arg = sys.argv[idx]
if arg.lower() == "-revert":
elif arg == "/?" or arg == "-?" or arg == "--?" or arg.lower() == "/h" or arg.lower() == "-h" or arg.lower() == "--h" or arg.lower() == "/help" or arg.lower() == "-help" or arg.lower() == "--help":
elif os.path.isdir(arg):
global_settings = arg
print(f'invalid arg #{idx} "{arg}"', file=sys.stderr)
if not global_settings:
if is_windows:
appdata = os.getenv('APPDATA')
if appdata:
global_settings = os.path.join(appdata, 'Goldberg SteamEmu Saves', 'settings')
xdg = os.getenv('XDG_DATA_HOME')
if xdg:
global_settings = os.path.join(xdg, 'Goldberg SteamEmu Saves', 'settings')
if not global_settings:
home_env = os.getenv('HOME')
if home_env:
global_settings = os.path.join(home_env, 'Goldberg SteamEmu Saves', 'settings')
if not global_settings or not os.path.isdir(global_settings):
print('failed to detect folder', file=sys.stderr)
print(f'searching inside the folder: "{global_settings}"')
out_dict_ini = {}
convert_to_ini(global_settings, out_dict_ini)
if out_dict_ini:
write_ini_file(NEW_STEAM_SETTINGS_FOLDER, out_dict_ini)
print(f'new settings written inside: "{os.path.join(os.path.curdir, NEW_STEAM_SETTINGS_FOLDER)}"')
print('nothing found!', file=sys.stderr)
if convert_to_txt(global_settings):
print(f'new settings written inside: "{os.path.join(os.path.curdir, NEW_STEAM_SETTINGS_FOLDER)}"')
print('nothing found!', file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == "__main__":
except Exception as e:
print("Unexpected error:")
for line in traceback.format_exception(e):