name: Build rules dat files on: workflow_dispatch: schedule: - cron: "0 22 * * *" push: branches: - master paths-ignore: - "**/" jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Setup Go 1.19.6 uses: actions/setup-go@v3 with: go-version: 1.19.6 - name: Set variables run: | echo "RELEASE_NAME=Released on $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "TAG_NAME=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "CHINA_DOMAINS_URL=" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "GOOGLE_DOMAINS_URL=" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "APPLE_DOMAINS_URL=" >> $GITHUB_ENV # echo "EASYLISTCHINA_EASYLIST_REJECT_URL=" >> $GITHUB_ENV # echo "EASYPRIVACY_REJECT_URL=" >> $GITHUB_ENV # echo "PETERLOWE_REJECT_URL=" >> $GITHUB_ENV # echo "ADGUARD_DNS_REJECT_URL=" >> $GITHUB_ENV # echo "DANPOLLOCK_REJECT_URL=" >> $GITHUB_ENV # echo "ANTIAD_DOMAINS_URL=" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "CUSTOM_DIRECT=" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "CUSTOM_PROXY=!cn.txt" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "WIN_SPY=" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "WIN_UPDATE=" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "WIN_EXTRA=" >> $GITHUB_ENV shell: bash - name: Checkout the "hidden" branch of this repo uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: hidden - name: Checkout Loyalsoldier/domain-list-custom uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: Loyalsoldier/domain-list-custom path: custom - name: Checkout v2fly/domain-list-community uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: v2fly/domain-list-community path: community - name: Checkout cokebar/gfwlist2dnsmasq uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: cokebar/gfwlist2dnsmasq path: gfwlist2dnsmasq - name: Get geoip.dat relative files run: | wget -O cn.dat wget - name: Generate GFWList domains run: | cd gfwlist2dnsmasq || exit 1 chmod +x ./ ./ -l -o ./temp-gfwlist.txt - name: Get and add direct domains into temp-direct.txt file run: | curl -sSL ${CHINA_DOMAINS_URL} | sed '/^\s*#/d' | sed '/^[^\.]/ s/^/full: /' | sed 's/^\.\([^.]*\)/\1/' > temp-direct.txt curl -sSL ${CUSTOM_DIRECT} | perl -ne '/^(domain):([^:]+)(\n$|:@.+)/ && print "$2\n"' >> temp-direct.txt - name: Get and add proxy domains into temp-proxy.txt file run: | cat ./gfwlist2dnsmasq/temp-gfwlist.txt | perl -ne '/^((?=^.{3,255})[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+)/ && print "$1\n"' > temp-proxy.txt curl -sSL $GOOGLE_DOMAINS_URL | perl -ne '/^server=\/([^\/]+)\// && print "$1\n"' >> temp-proxy.txt curl -sSL $APPLE_DOMAINS_URL | perl -ne '/^server=\/([^\/]+)\// && print "$1\n"' >> temp-proxy.txt curl -sSL ${CUSTOM_PROXY} | grep -Ev ":@cn" | perl -ne '/^(domain):([^:]+)(\n$|:@.+)/ && print "$2\n"' >> temp-proxy.txt # - name: Get and add reject domains into temp-reject.txt file # run: | # curl -sSL $EASYLISTCHINA_EASYLIST_REJECT_URL | perl -ne '/^\|\|([-_0-9a-zA-Z]+(\.[-_0-9a-zA-Z]+){1,64})\^$/ && print "$1\n"' | perl -ne 'print if not /^[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}$/' > temp-reject.txt # curl -sSL $EASYPRIVACY_REJECT_URL | perl -ne '/^\|\|([-_0-9a-zA-Z]+(\.[-_0-9a-zA-Z]+){1,64})\^$/ && print "$1\n"' | perl -ne 'print if not /^[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}$/' >> temp-reject.txt # curl -sSL $ADGUARD_DNS_REJECT_URL | perl -ne '/^\|\|([-_0-9a-zA-Z]+(\.[-_0-9a-zA-Z]+){1,64})\^$/ && print "$1\n"' | perl -ne 'print if not /^[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}$/' >> temp-reject.txt # curl -sSL $ANTIAD_DOMAINS_URL | perl -ne '/^((?=^.{3,255})[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+)/ && print "$1\n"' >> temp-reject.txt # curl -sSL $PETERLOWE_REJECT_URL | perl -ne '/^127\.0\.0\.1\s([-_0-9a-zA-Z]+(\.[-_0-9a-zA-Z]+){1,64})$/ && print "$1\n"' >> temp-reject.txt # curl -sSL $DANPOLLOCK_REJECT_URL | perl -ne '/^127\.0\.0\.1\s([-_0-9a-zA-Z]+(\.[-_0-9a-zA-Z]+){1,64})/ && print "$1\n"' | sed '1d' >> temp-reject.txt - name: Reserve `full`, `regexp` and `keyword` type of rules from custom lists to "reserve" files run: | curl -sSL ${CUSTOM_DIRECT} | perl -ne '/^((full|regexp|keyword):[^:]+)(\n$|:@.+)/ && print "$1\n"' | sort --ignore-case -u > direct-reserve.txt curl -sSL ${CUSTOM_PROXY} | grep -Ev ":@cn" | perl -ne '/^((full|regexp|keyword):[^:]+)(\n$|:@.+)/ && print "$1\n"' | sort --ignore-case -u > proxy-reserve.txt - name: Add proxy, direct and reject domains from "hidden" branch to appropriate temp files run: | cat proxy.txt >> temp-proxy.txt cat direct.txt >> temp-direct.txt # cat reject.txt >> temp-reject.txt - name: Sort and generate redundant lists run: | cat temp-proxy.txt | sort --ignore-case -u > proxy-list-with-redundant cat temp-direct.txt | sort --ignore-case -u > direct-list-with-redundant # cat temp-reject.txt | sort --ignore-case -u > reject-list-with-redundant - name: Remove redundant domains run: | chmod +x ./ ./direct-list-with-redundant ./direct-list-deleted-unsort ./ ./proxy-list-with-redundant ./proxy-list-deleted-unsort # ./ ./reject-list-with-redundant ./reject-list-deleted-unsort [ ! -f "direct-list-deleted-unsort" ] && touch direct-list-deleted-unsort [ ! -f "proxy-list-deleted-unsort" ] && touch proxy-list-deleted-unsort # [ ! -f "reject-list-deleted-unsort" ] && touch reject-list-deleted-unsort sort ./direct-list-deleted-unsort > ./direct-list-deleted-sort sort ./proxy-list-deleted-unsort > ./proxy-list-deleted-sort # sort ./reject-list-deleted-unsort > ./reject-list-deleted-sort diff ./direct-list-deleted-sort ./direct-list-with-redundant | awk '/^>/{print $2}' > ./direct-list-without-redundant diff ./proxy-list-deleted-sort ./proxy-list-with-redundant | awk '/^>/{print $2}' > ./proxy-list-without-redundant # diff ./reject-list-deleted-sort ./reject-list-with-redundant | awk '/^>/{print $2}' > ./reject-list-without-redundant - name: Remove domains from "need-to-remove" lists in "hidden" branch run: | diff ./direct-need-to-remove.txt ./direct-list-without-redundant | awk '/^>/{print $2}' > temp-cn.txt diff ./proxy-need-to-remove.txt ./proxy-list-without-redundant | awk '/^>/{print $2}' > temp-geolocation-\!cn.txt # diff ./reject-need-to-remove.txt ./reject-list-without-redundant | awk '/^>/{print $2}' > temp-category-ads-all.txt - name: Remove domains end with ".cn" in "temp-geolocation-!cn.txt" and write lists to data directory run: | cat temp-cn.txt | sort --ignore-case -u | perl -ne '/^((?=^.{1,255})[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})*)/ && print "$1\n"' > ./community/data/cn cat temp-cn.txt | sort --ignore-case -u | perl -ne 'print if not /^((?=^.{3,255})[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+)/' > direct-tld-list.txt cat temp-geolocation-\!cn.txt | sort --ignore-case -u | perl -ne '/^((?=^.{1,255})[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})*)/ && print "$1\n"' | perl -ne 'print if not /\.cn$/' > ./community/data/geolocation-\!cn cat temp-geolocation-\!cn.txt | sort --ignore-case -u | perl -ne 'print if not /^((?=^.{3,255})[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+)/' > proxy-tld-list.txt # cat temp-category-ads-all.txt | sort --ignore-case -u | perl -ne '/^((?=^.{1,255})[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})*)/ && print "$1\n"' > ./community/data/category-ads-all # cat temp-category-ads-all.txt | sort --ignore-case -u | perl -ne 'print if not /^((?=^.{3,255})[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+)/' > reject-tld-list.txt - name: Add `full`, `regexp` and `keyword` type of rules back into "cn", "geolocation-!cn" and "category-ads-all" list run: | [ -f "direct-reserve.txt" ] && cat direct-reserve.txt >> ./community/data/cn [ -f "proxy-reserve.txt" ] && cat proxy-reserve.txt >> ./community/data/geolocation-\!cn # [ -f "reject-reserve.txt" ] && cat reject-reserve.txt >> ./community/data/category-ads-all cp ./community/data/cn direct-list.txt cp ./community/data/geolocation-\!cn proxy-list.txt # cp ./community/data/category-ads-all reject-list.txt # awk '{print " " $0}' reject-list.txt > hosts - name: Create `google-cn`、`apple-cn`、`gfw` lists run: | curl -sSL $GOOGLE_DOMAINS_URL | perl -ne '/^server=\/([^\/]+)\// && print "full:$1\n"' > ./community/data/google-cn curl -sSL $APPLE_DOMAINS_URL | perl -ne '/^server=\/([^\/]+)\// && print "full:$1\n"' > ./community/data/apple-cn cat ./gfwlist2dnsmasq/temp-gfwlist.txt | perl -ne '/^((?=^.{3,255})[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+)/ && print "$1\n"' >> ./community/data/gfw curl -sSL $WIN_SPY | grep "" | awk '{print $2}' > ./community/data/win-spy curl -sSL $WIN_UPDATE | grep "" | awk '{print $2}' > ./community/data/win-update curl -sSL $WIN_EXTRA | grep "" | awk '{print $2}' > ./community/data/win-extra - name: merge 'ios_rule_script/SteamCN' env: SED: sed '/^\s*#/d' | sed 's/DOMAIN,//g' | sed 's/DOMAIN-SUFFIX,//g' | sed 's/DOMAIN-KEYWORD,/keyword:/g' run: | curl -sSL | ${{ env.SED }} > steamcn.txt while read line; do grep -q "$line @cn" ./community/data/steam || sed -i "/$line/ s/$/ @cn/" ./community/data/steam; done < steamcn.txt cat ./community/data/steam - name: Add `meta` data env: SED: sed '/^\s*#/d' | sed 's/^PROCESS-NAME,//' | sed 's/DOMAIN,/full:/g' | sed 's/DOMAIN-SUFFIX,//g' | sed 's/DOMAIN-KEYWORD,/keyword:/g' run: | curl -sSL > ./community/data/biliintl curl -sSL | ${{ env.SED }} > ./community/data/onedrive echo "" >> ./community/data/onedrive && sort ./community/data/onedrive | uniq -i > tmp.txt && mv tmp.txt ./community/data/onedrive curl -sSL > ./community/data/sharepoint curl -sSL | ${{ env.SED }} > ./community/data/tracker1 curl -sSL | grep -i "\.[A-Z]" | grep -v tracker | sed 's/^.*\/\///g' | sed 's/:.*\/.*//g' >> ./community/data/tracker1 sort ./community/data/tracker1 | uniq -i > ./community/data/tracker rm ./community/data/tracker1 - name: Build geosite.dat file run: | cd custom || exit 1 go run ./ --datapath=../community/data - name: Build geosite-lite.dat file env: NO_SKIP: true run: | cd community || exit 1 mkdir -p data-lite curl -sSL | sed '/^\s*#/d' | sed '/^[^\.]/ s/^/full:/' | sed 's/^\.\([^.]*\)/\1/' > cn curl -sSL | perl -ne '/^(domain):([^:]+)(\n$|:@.+)/ && print "$2\n"' >> cn curl -sSL | perl -ne '/^((full|regexp|keyword):[^:]+)(\n$|:@.+)/ && print "$1\n"' | sort --ignore-case -u >> cn sort ./cn | uniq -i > data-lite/cn go run ./ --datapath=./data-lite --outputname geosite-lite.dat - name: Checkout SagerNet/sing-geosite uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: SagerNet/sing-geosite path: sing-geosite - name: Build geosite-lite.db file env: NO_SKIP: true run: | cd sing-geosite || exit 1 cp ../community/geosite-lite.dat ./ go run -v . geosite-lite.dat geosite.db mv geosite.db geosite-lite.db - name: Build geosite.db file env: NO_SKIP: true run: | cd sing-geosite || exit 1 sed -i 's/geosite-v2fly\.db/geosite.db/g' main.go sed -i 's/v2fly\/domain-list-community/xishang0128\/meta-rules-dat/g' main.go sed -i 's/dlc/geosite/g' main.go go run -v . - name: Checkout SagerNet/sing-geoip uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: SagerNet/sing-geoip path: sing-geoip - name: Build geoip.db file env: NO_SKIP: true run: | cd sing-geoip || exit 1 sed -i 's/Dreamacro\/maxmind-geoip/xishang0128\/geoip/g' main.go go run -v . mv geoip.db cn.db - name: Build geoip.db env: NO_SKIP: true run: | cd sing-geoip || exit 1 sed -i 's/xishang0128\/geoip/Loyalsoldier\/geoip/g' main.go go run -v . - name: Move and zip files run: | mkdir -p ./publish/ wget -O ./publish/cn.mmdb wget -O ./publish/country.mmdb install -Dp ./cn.dat ./publish/ install -Dp ./geoip.dat ./publish/ install -Dp ./custom/publish/geosite.dat ./publish/ install -Dp ./sing-geosite/geosite.db ./publish/ install -Dp ./community/geosite-lite.dat ./publish/ install -Dp ./sing-geosite/geosite-lite.db ./publish/ install -Dp ./sing-geoip/geoip.db ./publish/ install -Dp ./sing-geoip/cn.db ./publish/ curl -sSL | sed '/^\s*#/d' > ./publish/cn_domain.yaml curl -sSL | sed '/^\s*#/d' > ./publish/proxy.yaml cd ./publish || exit 1 sha256sum geosite.dat > geosite.dat.sha256sum sha256sum geosite-lite.dat > geositelite.dat.sha256sum - name: Delete current release assets uses: andreaswilli/delete-release-assets-action@v2.0.0 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} tag: latest deleteOnlyFromDrafts: false - name: Release and upload assets uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v0.1.6 with: name: latest tag_name: latest draft: false prerelease: false files: | ./publish/* env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Git push assets to "release" branch run: | cd publish || exit 1 git init git config --local "github-actions[bot]" git config --local "41898282+github-actions[bot]" git checkout -b release git add . git commit -m "${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}" git remote add origin "https://${{ }}:${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}${{ github.repository }}" git push -f -u origin release - name: Purge jsdelivr CDN run: | cd publish || exit 1 for file in $(ls); do curl -i "${{ github.repository }}@release/${file}" done