This commit is contained in:
kunish 2024-09-14 16:15:03 +00:00
commit 9211e0d049
40 changed files with 29233 additions and 0 deletions

.nojekyll Normal file
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CNAME Normal file
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assets/Logs-KOUcZ2qF.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
import{u as B,f as e,ah as J,i as t,ai as I,aj as K,F as x,ak as Q,al as U,am as d,an as Y,ao as ee,g as C,ap as V,aq as R,ar as H,P as te,t as v,A as L,r as j,w as ae,C as re,b as le,y as se,R as ne,$ as k,D as oe,a2 as ie,a3 as ce,B as A,a5 as ue,a1 as G,a6 as de,a9 as ge,aa as he,a0 as q,ae as ve,ag as fe,l as me}from"./index-DWMGWNy8.js";import{c as be,g as pe,a as $e,e as _e,f as N,r as Se}from"./index-6_sXLHMR.js";var xe=v('<div class="flex flex-col gap-4"><div><select class="select select-bordered w-full"></select></div><div><select class="select select-bordered w-full"></select></div><div><select class="select select-bordered w-full">'),M=v("<option>");const Ce=u=>{const[r]=B();return e(te,{ref:s=>{var n;return(n=u.ref)==null?void,s)},get icon(){return e(J,{size:24})},get title(){return r("logsSettings")},get children(){var s=xe(),n=s.firstChild,i=n.firstChild,$=n.nextSibling,m=$.firstChild,w=$.nextSibling,b=w.firstChild;return t(n,e(I,{withDivider:!0,get children(){return r("tableSize")}}),i),i.addEventListener("change",a=>K(,t(i,e(x,{get each(){return Object.values(Q)},children:a=>(()=>{var o=M();return o.value=a,t(o,()=>r(a)),o})()})),t($,e(I,{withDivider:!0,get children(){return r("logLevel")}}),m),m.addEventListener("change",a=>U(,t(m,e(x,{get each(){return[d.Info,d.Error,d.Warning,d.Debug,d.Silent]},children:a=>(()=>{var o=M();return o.value=a,t(o,()=>r(a)),o})()})),t(w,e(I,{withDivider:!0,get children(){return r("logMaxRows")}}),b),b.addEventListener("change",a=>Y(parseInt(,t(b,e(x,{each:ee,children:a=>(()=>{var o=M();return o.value=a,t(o,a),o})()})),C(()=>i.value=V()),C(()=>m.value=R()),C(()=>b.value=H()),s}})};let W=1;const[we,ye]=L([]),[X,Le]=L(!1);j(ae(R,(u,r)=>{if(u===r)return;const s=re("logs",{level:R()});j(()=>{const n=s();!n||X()||(ye(i=>[{...n,seq:W},...i].slice(0,H())),W++)})}));const Fe=()=>({logs:we,paused:X,setPaused:Le});var Ie=v("<span>"),ke=v('<div class="flex h-full flex-col gap-2"><div class="join w-full"><input type=search class="input input-sm join-item input-primary flex-1 flex-shrink-0"></div><div class="overflow-x-auto whitespace-nowrap rounded-md bg-base-300"><table><thead class="sticky top-0 z-10"></thead><tbody>'),Me=v("<tr>"),Re=v('<th class=bg-base-200><div class="flex items-center"><div>'),Ee=v('<tr class="hover:!bg-primary hover:text-primary-content">'),De=v("<td class=py-2>");const O=(u,r,s,n)=>{const i=Se(u.getValue(r),s);return n({itemRank:i}),i.passed},Pe=()=>{const u=le();if(!se())return u("/setup",{replace:!0}),null;let r;const[s]=B(),[n,i]=L(""),{logs:$,paused:m,setPaused:w}=Fe(),[b,a]=ne(L([]),{name:"logsTableSorting",storage:localStorage}),o=[{header:s("sequence"),accessorFn:c=>c.seq},{header:s("type"),accessorFn:c=>c.type,cell:({row:c})=>{const p=c.original.type;let g="";switch(p){case d.Error:g="text-error";break;case d.Warning:g="text-warning";break;case d.Info:g="text-info";break;case d.Debug:g="text-success";break}return(()=>{var _=Ie();return k(_,g),t(_,()=>`[${c.original.type}]`),_})()}},{header:s("payload"),accessorFn:c=>c.payload}],E=be({filterFns:{fuzzy:O},state:{get globalFilter(){return n()},get sorting(){return b()}},get data(){return $()},sortDescFirst:!0,columns:o,onGlobalFilterChange:i,onSortingChange:a,globalFilterFn:O,getFilteredRowModel:pe(),getSortedRowModel:$e(),getCoreRowModel:_e()});return(()=>{var c=ke(),p=c.firstChild,g=p.firstChild,_=p.nextSibling,D=_.firstChild,z=D.firstChild,Z=z.nextSibling;return g.$$input=l=>i(,t(p,e(A,{class:"btn-primary join-item btn-sm",onClick:()=>w(l=>!l),get icon(){return oe(()=>!!m())()?e(ie,{}):e(ce,{})}}),null),t(p,e(A,{class:"btn-primary join-item btn-sm",onClick:()=>r==null?void 0:r.showModal(),get icon(){return e(ue,{})}}),null),t(z,e(G,{get each(){return E.getHeaderGroups()},children:l=>{const f=l();return(()=>{var h=Me();return t(h,e(G,{get each(){return f.headers},children:y=>{const S=y();return(()=>{var T=Re(),P=T.firstChild,F=P.firstChild;return de(F,"click",S.column.getToggleSortingHandler(),!0),t(F,()=>N(S.column.columnDef.header,S.getContext())),t(P,()=>({asc:e(ge,{}),desc:e(he,{})})[S.column.getIsSorted()]??null,null),C(()=>k(F,q(S.column.getCanSort()&&"cursor-pointer select-none","flex-1"))),T})()}})),h})()}})),t(Z,e(x,{get each(){return E.getRowModel().rows},children:l=>(()=>{var f=Ee();return t(f,e(x,{get each(){return l.getVisibleCells()},children:h=>(()=>{var y=De();return t(y,()=>N(h.column.columnDef.cell,h.getContext())),y})()})),f})()})),t(c,e(Ce,{ref:l=>r=l}),null),C(l=>{var f=s("search"),h=q(ve(V()),"table relative rounded-none");return f!==l.e&&fe(g,"placeholder",l.e=f),h!==l.t&&k(D,l.t=h),l},{e:void 0,t:void 0}),c})()};me(["input","click"]);export{Pe as default};

assets/Overview-De_zu9wR.js Normal file

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assets/Rules-DrUtyF7O.js Normal file

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assets/Setup-CqaOhgQf.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
import{u as q,a as H,b as M,c as N,v as T,o as X,e as p,d as G,i as o,f as h,g as J,S as K,B as C,I as O,F as Q,t as $,z as b,s as w,h as E,j as W,k as R,l as Y,m as Z,n as tt}from"./index-DWMGWNy8.js";var a=[];for(var y=0;y<256;++y)a.push((y+256).toString(16).slice(1));function et(t,n=0){return(a[t[n+0]]+a[t[n+1]]+a[t[n+2]]+a[t[n+3]]+"-"+a[t[n+4]]+a[t[n+5]]+"-"+a[t[n+6]]+a[t[n+7]]+"-"+a[t[n+8]]+a[t[n+9]]+"-"+a[t[n+10]]+a[t[n+11]]+a[t[n+12]]+a[t[n+13]]+a[t[n+14]]+a[t[n+15]]).toLowerCase()}var m,nt=new Uint8Array(16);function st(){if(!m&&(m=typeof crypto<"u"&&crypto.getRandomValues&&crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto),!m))throw new Error("crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See");return m(nt)}var at=typeof crypto<"u"&&crypto.randomUUID&&crypto.randomUUID.bind(crypto);const L={randomUUID:at};function rt(t,n,x){if(L.randomUUID&&!n&&!t)return L.randomUUID();t=t||{};var l=t.random||(t.rng||st)();return l[6]=l[6]&15|64,l[8]=l[8]&63|128,et(l)}var lt=$("<option>"),it=$('<div class="mx-auto flex max-w-screen-sm flex-col items-center gap-4 py-10"><form class=contents><div class="flex w-full flex-col gap-4"><div class=flex-1><label class=label><span class=label-text></span></label><input name=url type=url class="input input-bordered w-full"placeholder=http(s)://{hostname}:{port} list=defaultEndpoints><datalist id=defaultEndpoints><option value=></option></datalist></div><div class=flex-1><label class=label><span class=label-text></span></label><input name=secret type=password class="input input-bordered w-full"placeholder=secret></div></div></form><div class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 gap-4">'),ot=$('<div class="badge badge-info flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-between gap-4 py-4"><span class=truncate>');const ct=b.object({url:b.string().min(1),secret:b.string()}),ut=()=>{const[t]=q(),n=H(),x=M(),l=s=>{R(s),x("/overview")},_=(s,e)=>Z.get(s,{headers:e?{Authorization:`Bearer ${e}`}:{}}).then(({ok:r})=>r).catch(r=>{const{message:i}=r;E.error(i)}),I=async s=>{const e=p().find(r=>;e&&await _(e.url,e.secret)&&l(s)},v=async({url:s,secret:e})=>{const r=tt(s);if(!await _(r,e))return;const i=rt(),c=p().slice(),d=c.find(f=>f.url===r);if(!d){w([{id:i,url:r,secret:e},...c]),l(i);return}d.secret=e,,w(c),l(i)},k=s=>{const{message:e}=s;E.error(e)},{form:S}=N({extend:T({schema:ct}),onSubmit:v,onError:k}),D=s=>{W()===s&&R(""),w(p().filter(e=>!==s))};return X(()=>{let||;if(s){const r=n.hash.match(/\?.*$/);Array.isArray(r)&&r[0]&&(s=r[0].replace("?",""))}const e=new URLSearchParams(s);e.has("hostname")?v({url:`${e.get("http")?"http:":e.get("https")?"https:":window.location.protocol}//${e.get("hostname")}${e.get("port")?`:${e.get("port")}`:""}`,secret:e.get("secret")??""}):p().length===0&&v({url:"",secret:""})}),(()=>{var s=it(),e=s.firstChild,r=e.firstChild,i=r.firstChild,c=i.firstChild,d=c.firstChild,f=c.nextSibling,U=f.nextSibling;U.firstChild;var j=i.nextSibling,A=j.firstChild,V=A.firstChild,B=e.nextSibling;return G(S,e,()=>S),o(d,()=>t("endpointURL")),o(U,h(K,{get when(){return window.location.origin!==""},get children(){var u=lt();return J(()=>u.value=window.location.origin),u}}),null),o(V,()=>t("secret")),o(r,h(C,{type:"submit",class:"btn-primary uppercase",get children(){return t("add")}}),null),o(B,h(Q,{get each(){return p()},children:({id:u,url:F})=>(()=>{var g=ot(),z=g.firstChild;return g.$$click=()=>I(u),o(z,F),o(g,h(C,{class:"btn-circle btn-ghost btn-xs text-white",onClick:P=>{P.stopPropagation(),D(u)},get children(){return h(O,{})}}),null),g})()})),s})()};Y(["click"]);export{ut as default};

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
import{W as a,b2 as m}from"./index-DWMGWNy8.js";const s=o=>a(o).locale(m()).fromNow();export{s as f};

assets/index-6_sXLHMR.js Normal file

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assets/index-DWMGWNy8.js Normal file

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manifest.webmanifest Normal file
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pwa-64x64.png Normal file

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