export default { add: 'Add', setup: 'Setup', overview: 'Overview', proxies: 'Proxies', proxiesSettings: 'Proxies Settings', rules: 'Rules', connections: 'Connections', connectionsSettings: 'Connections Settings', connectionsDetails: 'Connections Details', logs: 'Logs', logsSettings: 'Logs Settings', config: 'Config', upload: 'Upload', download: 'Download', uploadTotal: 'Upload Total', downloadTotal: 'Download Total', activeConnections: 'Active Connections', memoryUsage: 'Memory Usage', traffic: 'Traffic', memory: 'Memory', down: 'Down', up: 'Up', proxyProviders: 'Proxy Providers', ruleProviders: 'Rule Providers', search: 'Search', ID: 'ID', type: 'Type', name: 'Name', process: 'Process', host: 'Host', sniffHost: 'Sniff Host', chains: 'Chains', connectTime: 'Time', dlSpeed: 'DL Speed', ulSpeed: 'UL Speed', dl: 'DL', ul: 'UL', sourceIP: 'Source IP', sourcePort: 'Source Port', destination: 'Destination', inboundUser: 'Inbound User', close: 'Close', reset: 'Reset', dnsQuery: 'DNS Query', dots: 'Dots', bar: 'Bar', auto: 'Auto', off: 'Off', proxiesPreviewType: 'Proxies Preview Type', urlForLatencyTest: 'URL for Latency Test', autoCloseConns: 'Automatically Close Connections', useTwemoji: 'Use Twemoji Mozilla Font', autoSwitchTheme: 'Automatically switch theme', favDayTheme: 'Favorite light theme', favNightTheme: 'Favorite dark theme', renderInTwoColumns: 'Render In Two Columns', updateGEODatabases: 'Update GEO Databases', restartCore: 'Restart Core', upgradeCore: 'Upgrade Core', upgradeUI: 'Upgrade Dashboard', proxiesSorting: 'Proxies Sorting', orderNatural: 'Original order in config file', orderLatency_asc: 'By latency from low to high', orderLatency_desc: 'By latency from high to low', orderName_asc: 'By name alphabetically (A-Z)', orderName_desc: 'By name alphabetically (Z-A)', ms: 'ms', updated: 'Updated', tableSize: 'Table size', logLevel: 'Log Level', info: 'info', silent: 'silent', debug: 'debug', warning: 'warning', error: 'error', logMaxRows: 'Log Maximum Reserved Rows', xs: 'Extra small size', sm: 'Small size', md: 'Normal size', lg: 'Large size', switchEndpoint: 'Switch Endpoint', switchLanguage: 'Switch Language', latencyTestTimeoutDuration: 'Latency Test Timeout Duration', all: 'All', sequence: 'Sequence', payload: 'Payload', details: 'Details', endpointURL: 'Endpoint URL', secret: 'Secret', runningMode: 'Running Mode', global: 'Global', rule: 'Rule', direct: 'Direct', active: 'Active', closed: 'Closed', sort: 'Sort', hideUnavailableProxies: 'Hide Unavailable Proxies', reloadConfig: 'Reload Config', flushFakeIP: 'Flush Fake-IP', tagClientSourceIPWithName: 'Tag Client Source IP With Name', tag: 'Tag', coreConfig: 'Core Config', xdConfig: 'XD Config', version: 'Version', expire: 'Expire', noExpire: 'Null', allowLan: 'Allow Lan', enableTunDevice: 'Enable TUN Device', tunModeStack: 'TUN Mode Stack', tunDeviceName: 'TUN Device Name', outboundInterfaceName: 'Outbound Interface Name', en: 'English', zh: 'Chinese', port: '{{ name }} Port', quickFilter: 'Quick Filter', iconHeight: 'Icon Height', iconMarginRight: 'Icon Margin Right', }