This commit is contained in:
Chenx221 2023-09-02 13:08:33 +08:00
parent bf873ce0c8
commit 434814a085
7 changed files with 181 additions and 90 deletions

OTP/Form1.Designer.cs generated
View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
button4 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
button5 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
progressBar1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar();
label3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
// listBox1
@ -139,15 +140,26 @@
// progressBar1
progressBar1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(640, 165);
progressBar1.Maximum = 30;
progressBar1.Name = "progressBar1";
progressBar1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(230, 51);
progressBar1.TabIndex = 10;
// label3
label3.AutoSize = true;
label3.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 24F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point);
label3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(702, 219);
label3.Name = "label3";
label3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 45);
label3.TabIndex = 11;
// Form1
AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(7F, 15F);
AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(904, 508);
@ -180,6 +192,7 @@
private System.Windows.Forms.Button button4;
private System.Windows.Forms.Button button5;
private System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar progressBar1;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label label3;

View File

@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ namespace OTP
private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
int remainingSeconds = totp.RemainingSeconds();
circularProgressBar1.Text = remainingSeconds.ToString();
circularProgressBar1.Value = remainingSeconds;
label3.Text = remainingSeconds.ToString();
progressBar1.Value = remainingSeconds;
if (remainingSeconds == 30)
@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ namespace OTP
label1.Text = "TOTP Code";
button1.Enabled = false;
button2.Enabled = false;
circularProgressBar1.Text = "time";
circularProgressBar1.Value = 30;
label3.Text = "time";
progressBar1.Value = 30;

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing"">Blue</data>
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
<data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>

OTP/Form3.Designer.cs generated
View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
groupBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox();
button7 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
pictureBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox();
button8 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
@ -182,6 +183,7 @@
// groupBox1
@ -221,6 +223,16 @@
pictureBox1.TabIndex = 14;
pictureBox1.TabStop = false;
// button8
button8.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(427, 0);
button8.Name = "button8";
button8.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(101, 23);
button8.TabIndex = 15;
button8.Text = "Stop Camera";
button8.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
button8.Click += button8_Click;
// Form3
AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(7F, 15F);
@ -272,5 +284,6 @@
private System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox groupBox1;
private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pictureBox1;
private System.Windows.Forms.Button button7;
private System.Windows.Forms.Button button8;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
using ScreenCapturerNS;
using FlashCap;
using FlashCap.Utilities;
using ScreenCapturerNS;
using System;
using System.Data.SQLite;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using ZXing;
//using AForge.Video;
@ -14,16 +19,20 @@ namespace OTP
private string connectionString = "Data Source=key.db;Version=3;";
private bool isCapturing = false; // 添加标识截图状态的成员变量
private bool isLocalfile = false;
private FilterInfoCollection videoDevices; // 声明用于存储摄像头设备信息的变量
private VideoCaptureDevice camera; // 声明用于摄像头捕获的变量
//private FilterInfoCollection videoDevices; // 声明用于存储摄像头设备信息的变量
//private VideoCaptureDevice camera; // 声明用于摄像头捕获的变量
private bool isCameraRunning = false; // 用于标识摄像头的运行状态
private bool isScanningPaused = false;
private Bitmap previousBitmap = null;
//private Bitmap previousBitmap = null;
private SynchronizationContext synchContext;
// Constructed capture device.
private CaptureDevice captureDevice;
public Form3()
videoDevices = new FilterInfoCollection(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice);
//videoDevices = new FilterInfoCollection(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice);
@ -72,31 +81,6 @@ namespace OTP
MessageBox.Show($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");
//private void deactivateButton(int btn)
// if (btn == 3)
// {
// button1.Enabled = false;
// button4.Enabled = false;
// button5.Enabled = false;
// button6.Enabled = false;
// }
//private void activeButton()
// for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
// {
// string buttonName = "button" + i;
// Control[] controls = this.Controls.Find(buttonName, true);
// if (controls.Length > 0 && controls[0] is Button)
// {
// Button button = (Button)controls[0];
// button.Enabled = true;
// }
// }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (isCapturing)
@ -134,7 +118,7 @@ namespace OTP
private void ScanQRCode(Bitmap bitmap)
// 创建二维码读取器实例
BarcodeReader barcodeReader = new BarcodeReader();
var barcodeReader = new ZXing.Windows.Compatibility.BarcodeReader();
// 尝试解码二维码
Result result = barcodeReader.Decode(bitmap);
@ -212,73 +196,146 @@ namespace OTP
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private async void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
isScanningPaused = false;
button7.Text = "Pause";
if (isCameraRunning)
this.synchContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
// Initialize and start capture device
// Capture device enumeration:
var devices = new CaptureDevices();
var descriptors = devices.EnumerateDescriptors().
// You could filter by device type and characteristics.
//Where(d => d.DeviceType == DeviceTypes.DirectShow). // Only DirectShow device.
Where(d => d.Characteristics.Length >= 1). // One or more valid video characteristics.
// Use first device.
var descriptor0 = descriptors.ElementAtOrDefault(0);
if (descriptor0 != null)
StopCamera(); // 停止摄像头
#if false
// Request video characteristics strictly:
// Will raise exception when parameters are not accepted.
var characteristics = new VideoCharacteristics(
PixelFormats.JPEG, 1920, 1080, 60);
// Or, you could choice from device descriptor:
// Hint: Show up video characteristics into ComboBox and like.
var characteristics = descriptor0.Characteristics.
FirstOrDefault(c => c.PixelFormat != PixelFormats.Unknown);
if (characteristics != null)
// Open capture device:
this.captureDevice = await descriptor0.OpenAsync(
// Start capturing.
await this.captureDevice.StartAsync();
private void OnPixelBufferArrived(PixelBufferScope bufferScope)
// Pixel buffer has arrived.
// NOTE: Perhaps this thread context is NOT UI thread.
#if false
// Get image data binary:
byte[] image = bufferScope.Buffer.ExtractImage();
// Or, refer image data binary directly.
// (Advanced manipulation, see README.)
ArraySegment<byte> image = bufferScope.Buffer.ReferImage();
// Convert to Stream (using FlashCap.Utilities)
using (var stream = image.AsStream())
StartCamera(); // 启动摄像头
// Decode image data to a bitmap:
var bitmap = Image.FromStream(stream);
// `bitmap` is copied, so we can release pixel buffer now.
// Switch to UI thread.
// HACK: Here is using `SynchronizationContext.Post()` instead of `Control.Invoke()`.
// Because in sensitive states when the form is closing,
// `Control.Invoke()` can fail with exception.
this.synchContext.Post(_ =>
// HACK: on .NET Core, will be leaked (or delayed GC?)
// So we could release manually before updates.
var oldImage = this.BackgroundImage;
if (oldImage != null)
//this.BackgroundImage = null;
// Update a bitmap.
pictureBox1.Image = bitmap;
}, null);
private void StartCamera()
if (!isCameraRunning) // 添加条件检查摄像头是否已经在运行
if (videoDevices != null && videoDevices.Count > 0)
if (camera == null)
camera = new VideoCaptureDevice(videoDevices[0].MonikerString);
camera.NewFrame += Camera_NewFrame; // 注册摄像头捕获图像的事件
camera.Start(); // 启动摄像头
isCameraRunning = true; // 设置摄像头运行状态为 true
MessageBox.Show("No camera device found.");
//if (!isCameraRunning) // 添加条件检查摄像头是否已经在运行
// if (videoDevices != null && videoDevices.Count > 0)
// {
// if (camera == null)
// {
// camera = new VideoCaptureDevice(videoDevices[0].MonikerString);
// }
// camera.NewFrame += Camera_NewFrame; // 注册摄像头捕获图像的事件
// camera.Start(); // 启动摄像头
// isCameraRunning = true; // 设置摄像头运行状态为 true
// }
// else
// {
// MessageBox.Show("No camera device found.");
// }
private void StopCamera()
if (camera != null && camera.IsRunning)
camera.NewFrame -= Camera_NewFrame; // 取消注册摄像头捕获图像的事件
camera = null; // 将摄像头对象置为null以便下次重新创建
isCameraRunning = false; // 设置摄像头运行状态为 false
isScanningPaused = false;
button7.Text = "Pause";
//if (camera != null && camera.IsRunning)
// camera.SignalToStop();
// camera.WaitForStop();
// camera.NewFrame -= Camera_NewFrame; // 取消注册摄像头捕获图像的事件
// camera = null; // 将摄像头对象置为null以便下次重新创建
// isCameraRunning = false; // 设置摄像头运行状态为 false
// isScanningPaused = false;
// button7.Text = "Pause";
private void Camera_NewFrame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap)eventArgs.Frame.Clone();
if (!isScanningPaused)
if (previousBitmap != null)
pictureBox1.Image = bitmap;
previousBitmap = bitmap;
//private void Camera_NewFrame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
// //Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap)eventArgs.Frame.Clone();
// //if (!isScanningPaused)
// //{
// // if (previousBitmap != null)
// // {
// // previousBitmap.Dispose();
// // }
// // pictureBox1.Image = bitmap;
// // previousBitmap = bitmap;
// //}
// //else
// //{
// // ScanQRCode(bitmap);
// // bitmap.Dispose();
// //}
private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
@ -312,5 +369,12 @@ namespace OTP
MessageBox.Show("Clipboard content is not a valid OTP link.");
private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Discard capture device.
this.captureDevice = null;

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing"">Blue</data>
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
<data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>

View File

@ -67,5 +67,6 @@
<PackageReference Include="EntityFramework" Version="6.4.4" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Drawing.Common" Version="7.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="ZXing.Net.Bindings.Windows.Compatibility" Version="0.16.12" />