52 lines
3.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-09-19 13:13:44 +08:00
00401005 | E9 06000000 | jmp crackme2.401010 |
00401010 | 55 | push ebp |
00401011 | 8BEC | mov ebp,esp |
00401013 | 83EC 48 | sub esp,48 |
00401016 | 53 | push ebx |
00401017 | 56 | push esi |
00401018 | 57 | push edi |
00401019 | 8D7D B8 | lea edi,dword ptr ss:[ebp-48] |
0040101C | B9 12000000 | mov ecx,12 | ecx:"aCiDrOcK"
00401021 | B8 CCCCCCCC | mov eax,CCCCCCCC |
00401026 | F3:AB | rep stosd |
00401028 | 68 68204200 | push crackme2.422068 | 422068:"This cracme is coded by Acid_Cool_178 and The Bug Tracker\n"
0040102D | E8 7E010000 | call crackme2.4011B0 |
00401032 | 83C4 04 | add esp,4 |
00401035 | 68 4C204200 | push crackme2.42204C | 42204C:"Please write the code:"
0040103A | E8 71010000 | call crackme2.4011B0 |
0040103F | 83C4 04 | add esp,4 |
00401042 | 8D45 F8 | lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8] | ebp-8: 存储用户输入值
00401045 | 50 | push eax |
00401046 | 68 48204200 | push crackme2.422048 | 422048:"%8s"
0040104B | E8 00010000 | call crackme2.401150 | 用户输入
00401050 | 83C4 08 | add esp,8 |
00401053 | 68 3C204200 | push crackme2.42203C | 42203C:"aCiDrOcK" <---
00401058 | 8D4D F8 | lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8] |
0040105B | 51 | push ecx | 用户输入值
0040105C | E8 5F000000 | call crackme2.4010C0 | _strcmp
00401061 | 83C4 08 | add esp,8 |
00401064 | 85C0 | test eax,eax | 检查core
00401066 | 75 0F | jne <crackme2.FailCheck> |
00401068 | 68 2C204200 | push crackme2.42202C | 42202C:"\tYoU dId It\n"
0040106D | E8 3E010000 | call crackme2.4011B0 |
00401072 | 83C4 04 | add esp,4 |
00401075 | EB 0D | jmp crackme2.401084 |
00401077 | 68 1C204200 | push crackme2.42201C | 42201C:"\tYoU fAiLeD\n"
0040107C | E8 2F010000 | call crackme2.4011B0 |
00401081 | 83C4 04 | add esp,4 |
00401084 | 5F | pop edi |
00401085 | 5E | pop esi |
00401086 | 5B | pop ebx |
00401087 | 83C4 48 | add esp,48 |
0040108A | 3BEC | cmp ebp,esp |
0040108C | E8 9F010000 | call crackme2.401230 |
00401091 | 8BE5 | mov esp,ebp |
00401093 | 5D | pop ebp |
00401094 | C3 | ret |