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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
==--__Boba Fetts CrackMe Version 2.0__--==
Hey, and welcome to another adventure of one of my CrackMe´s
The rules are similar (the same) as in the earlier realeses and those are:
1. No patching allowed (disassemblers are allow to get a overwiew, but no patching)
2. SoftIce is of course allowed and others similar debuggers like TRW2000...
3. When you succed (which shouldn´t take that long) send me the solution but with YOUR name and serial, so I know that you didn´t just rip the serial from a friend or anything...
Other kind of solutions are welcomed as are tutorials..The prize to the ten first people who makes it will be put in the next versions "Greet" section.
Now have a good time now and remember:
"If there is a crack, make it a hole"
Probarly a little unclear for the most of the people but I think some of you know what the sentence meant?! ;)
Btw if you find any bugs please contact me as soon as you can so it can be fixed (I don´t have time for those kind of things, cuz you will find them for me). Those who finds a bug will also be in the next "Greet" section, so if you don´t make it don´t feel bad find a bug instead :)
My e-mail is as usual:
boba303@hotmail.com or you can visit http://www.lockless.com/ and send a mail from there.
Thats all for know...
Looking forward to hear from anyone of you who reads this letter....
This is Boba Fett for Lockless Cracking Crew saying: "Good day"
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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
打包工具: ASPack(2.000)
1. 老方法脱壳
2. MethCallEngine
3. 看起来有两关?计算serial
loc_40512A: var_98 = 112 'Variant
loc_405133: var_A8 = 1564 'Variant
loc_40513C: var_B8 = 1464 'Variant
loc_40515A: var_17C = CVar(Len(Me.lk.Text)) 'Variant
loc_405185: If Not((Me.lk.Text = "Ab")) Then
loc_40518D: var_18C = 0 'Variant
loc_4051A9: var_19C = CVar(Me.lk.Text) 'Variant
loc_4051B0: ' Referenced from: 405246
loc_4051C3: If CBool(Not (var_19C = vbNullString)) Then
loc_4051D2: var_18C = (var_18C + 1) 'Variant
loc_405224: var_1FC = (var_1FC + CVar(Asc(CStr(Left(Left(var_19C, CLng(var_18C)), 1))))) 'Variant
loc_405242: var_19C = Right(var_19C, CLng((var_17C - var_18C))) 'Variant
loc_405246: GoTo loc_4051B0
loc_405249: End If
loc_405252: If (var_1FC = CVar(Asc(CStr(Left(Left(var_19C, CLng(var_18C)), 1))))) Then
loc_405255: End
loc_405257: GoTo loc_40525A
loc_40525A: ' Referenced from: 405257
loc_40525A: End If
loc_405290: var_108 = (((var_98 * var_A8) Xor var_B8 - var_E8) - 10) 'Variant
loc_40529E: var_128 = (var_108 * var_1FC) 'Variant
loc_4052D4: var_148 = (CVar(Val(Me.sh.Text)) * var_108) 'Variant
loc_4052E1: If (var_148 = CVar(Val(Me.sh.Text))) Then
loc_4052E4: End
loc_4052E9: Else
loc_4052F9: If CBool(Not (var_148 < var_128)) Then
loc_40530F: var_168 = 11
loc_40532C: If CBool(Not ((var_148 + var_168) > (var_128 + 11))) Then
loc_405332: Me.Hide
loc_405345: Homo.Show var_168, var_20C
int result = 0; //serial
foreach (char c in name)
result += c;
string serial = result.ToString();
4. 没了,第二关过不去
loc_405422: var_98 = 144 'Variant
loc_40542B: var_A8 = 135 'Variant
loc_405434: var_B8 = 1234 'Variant
loc_405445: var_1AC = Me.kk.Text
loc_405458: If (var_1AC = vbNullString) Then
loc_40545B: End
loc_40545D: GoTo loc_405460
loc_405460: ' Referenced from: 40545D
loc_405460: End If
loc_405472: = .Text
loc_4054C3: var_F8 = ((var_B8 Mod var_98 Xor var_A8) + (CVar(Val(var_1AC)) * 100)) 'Variant
loc_4054E1: var_1CC = CVar(Len(Me.kk.Text)) 'Variant
loc_40550C: var_1EC = CVar(Me.kk.Text) 'Variant
loc_405513: Do 'loop at: 4055E3
loc_40551F: var_1DC = (0 + 1) 'Variant
loc_40557B: var_22C = CVar(Asc(CStr(Left(Left(CVar(Me.kk.Text), CLng(var_1DC)), 1)))) 'Variant
loc_405592: var_23C = 57
loc_4055A2: If CBool((var_22C < 48) Or (var_22C > var_23C)) Then
loc_4055B2: Me.we.Caption = "Only intergers"
loc_4055BA: Exit Sub
loc_4055BB: End If
loc_4055E3: Loop Until (Right(var_1EC, CLng((var_1CC - var_1DC))) = var_1A8) 'do at: 405513
loc_405601: Call var_1FC = CDec(CVar(Me.kk.Text))
loc_40561F: Set var_88 = MemVar_407044.sh
loc_405653: var_168 = Left(CVar(Val(blot.sh.Text)), 3) 'Variant
loc_405661: var_128 = (Right(Right(Right(var_1EC, CLng((var_1CC - var_1DC))), CLng((var_1CC - var_1DC))), CLng((var_1CC - var_1DC))) * var_168) 'Variant
loc_40567F: var_178 = ((var_F8 * var_168) - 18) 'Variant
loc_405693: If CBool(Not (var_128 < var_178)) Then
loc_4056C0: var_1A8 = 20
loc_4056DD: If CBool(Not ((CVar(Val(CStr(var_128))) + var_1A8) > (var_178 + 20))) Then
loc_4056E3: Me.Hide
loc_4056F6: Kanel.Show var_1A8, var_23C
string serial = result.ToString(); //上一步算出的serial
int v168 = int.Parse(serial[..3]);
int v128 = int.Parse(serial2[1..]) * v168;
int vf8 = 213 + int.Parse(serial2) * 100;
result2 = vf8 * v168 - 18;
//v128: serial2的值去掉最高位后乘以v168
//result2: 213加上serial2的值乘以100,再乘以v168,减去18
if (v128 == result2)
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