forked from Public-Mirror/Textractor
193 lines
7.5 KiB
193 lines
7.5 KiB
// 8/1/2014 jichi
#include "engine/pchooks.h"
#include "hook.h"
#define DEBUG "vnrcli"
#define DPRINT(cstr) ConsoleOutput(DEBUG ":" __FUNCTION__ ":" cstr) // defined in vnrcli
// 8/1/2014 jichi: Split is not used.
// Although split is specified, USING_SPLIT is not assigned.
// Use LPASTE to convert to wchar_t
#define LPASTE(s) L##s
#define L(s) LPASTE(s)
#define NEW_HOOK(_fun, _data, _data_ind, _split_off, _split_ind, _type, _len_off) \
{ \
HookParam hp = {}; \
hp.addr = (DWORD)_fun; \
| = _data; \
hp.ind = _data_ind; \
hp.split = _split_off; \
hp.split_ind = _split_ind; \
hp.type = _type; \
hp.length_offset = _len_off; \
NewHook(hp, L(#_fun)); \
// jichi 7/17/2014: Renamed from InitDefaultHook
void PcHooks::hookGDIFunctions()
// int TextHook::InitHook(LPVOID addr, DWORD data, DWORD data_ind, DWORD split_off, DWORD split_ind, WORD type, DWORD len_off)
// jichi 9/8/2013: Guessed meaning
// - data(off): 4 * the n-th (base 1) parameter representing the data of the string
// - len_off:
// - the n-th (base 1) parameter representing the length of the string
// - or 1 if is char
// - or 0 if detect on run time
// - type: USING_STRING if len_off != 1 else BIG_ENDIAN or USING_UNICODE
// Examples:
// int WINAPI lstrlenA(LPCSTR lpString)
// - data: 4 * 1 = 4, as lpString is the first
// - len_off: 0, as no parameter representing string length
// - type: BIG_ENDIAN, since len_off == 1
// BOOL GetTextExtentPoint32(HDC hdc, LPCTSTR lpString, int c, LPSIZE lpSize);
// - data: 4 * 2 = 0x8, as lpString is the second
// - len_off: 3, as nCount is the 3rd parameter
// - type: USING_STRING, since len_off != 1
// Note: All functions does not have NO_CONTEXT attribute and will be filtered.
enum stack {
s_retaddr = 0
, s_arg1 = 4 * 1 // 0x4
, s_arg2 = 4 * 2 // 0x8
, s_arg3 = 4 * 3 // 0xc
, s_arg4 = 4 * 4 // 0x10
, s_arg5 = 4 * 5 // 0x14
, s_arg6 = 4 * 6 // 0x18
//#define _(Name, ...) \
// hookman[HF_##Name].InitHook(Name, __VA_ARGS__); \
// hookman[HF_##Name].SetHookName(names[HF_##Name]);
// Always use s_arg1 = hDC as split_off
// 7/26/2014 jichi: Why there is no USING_SPLIT type?
// gdi32.dll
NEW_HOOK(GetTextExtentPoint32A, s_arg2, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_STRING, 3) // BOOL GetTextExtentPoint32(HDC hdc, LPCTSTR lpString, int c, LPSIZE lpSize);
NEW_HOOK(GetGlyphOutlineA, s_arg2, 0,s_arg1,0, BIG_ENDIAN, 1) // DWORD GetGlyphOutline(HDC hdc, UINT uChar, UINT uFormat, LPGLYPHMETRICS lpgm, DWORD cbBuffer, LPVOID lpvBuffer, const MAT2 *lpmat2);
NEW_HOOK(ExtTextOutA, s_arg6, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_STRING, 7) // BOOL ExtTextOut(HDC hdc, int X, int Y, UINT fuOptions, const RECT *lprc, LPCTSTR lpString, UINT cbCount, const INT *lpDx);
NEW_HOOK(TextOutA, s_arg4, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_STRING, 5) // BOOL TextOut(HDC hdc, int nXStart, int nYStart, LPCTSTR lpString, int cchString);
NEW_HOOK(GetCharABCWidthsA, s_arg2, 0,s_arg1,0, BIG_ENDIAN, 1) // BOOL GetCharABCWidths(HDC hdc, UINT uFirstChar, UINT uLastChar, LPABC lpabc);
NEW_HOOK(GetTextExtentPoint32W, s_arg2, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_UNICODE|USING_STRING, 3)
NEW_HOOK(GetGlyphOutlineW, s_arg2, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_UNICODE, 1)
NEW_HOOK(ExtTextOutW, s_arg6, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_UNICODE|USING_STRING, 7)
NEW_HOOK(TextOutW, s_arg4, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_UNICODE|USING_STRING, 5)
NEW_HOOK(GetCharABCWidthsW, s_arg2, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_UNICODE, 1)
// user32.dll
NEW_HOOK(DrawTextA, s_arg2, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_STRING, 3) // int DrawText(HDC hDC, LPCTSTR lpchText, int nCount, LPRECT lpRect, UINT uFormat);
NEW_HOOK(DrawTextExA, s_arg2, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_STRING, 3) // int DrawTextEx(HDC hdc, LPTSTR lpchText,int cchText, LPRECT lprc, UINT dwDTFormat, LPDRAWTEXTPARAMS lpDTParams);
NEW_HOOK(DrawTextW, s_arg2, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_UNICODE|USING_STRING, 3)
NEW_HOOK(DrawTextExW, s_arg2, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_UNICODE|USING_STRING, 3)
//#undef _
// jichi 10/2/2013
// Note: All functions does not have NO_CONTEXT attribute and will be filtered.
void PcHooks::hookLstrFunctions()
// int TextHook::InitHook(LPVOID addr, DWORD data, DWORD data_ind, DWORD split_off, DWORD split_ind, WORD type, DWORD len_off)
enum stack {
s_retaddr = 0
, s_arg1 = 4 * 1 // 0x4
//, s_arg2 = 4 * 2 // 0x8
//, s_arg3 = 4 * 3 // 0xc
//, s_arg4 = 4 * 4 // 0x10
//, s_arg5 = 4 * 5 // 0x14
//, s_arg6 = 4 * 6 // 0x18
// int WINAPI lstrlen(LPCTSTR lpString);
// Lstr functions usually extracts rubbish, and might crash certain games like 「Magical Marriage Lunatics!!」
// Needed by Gift
// Use arg1 address for both split and data
NEW_HOOK(lstrlenA, s_arg1, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_STRING, 0) // 9/8/2013 jichi: int WINAPI lstrlen(LPCTSTR lpString);
NEW_HOOK(lstrlenW, s_arg1, 0,s_arg1,0, USING_UNICODE|USING_STRING, 0) // 9/8/2013 jichi: add lstrlen
// size_t strlen(const char *str);
// size_t strlen_l(const char *str, _locale_t locale);
// size_t wcslen(const wchar_t *str);
// size_t wcslen_l(const wchar_t *str, _locale_t locale);
// size_t _mbslen(const unsigned char *str);
// size_t _mbslen_l(const unsigned char *str, _locale_t locale);
// size_t _mbstrlen(const char *str);
// size_t _mbstrlen_l(const char *str, _locale_t locale);
// Needed by 娘姉妹
// <tchar.h>
// char *_strinc(const char *current, _locale_t locale);
// wchar_t *_wcsinc(const wchar_t *current, _locale_t locale);
// <mbstring.h>
// unsigned char *_mbsinc(const unsigned char *current);
// unsigned char *_mbsinc_l(const unsigned char *current, _locale_t locale);
//_(L"_strinc", _strinc, 4, 0,4,0, USING_STRING, 0) // 12/13/2013 jichi
//_(L"_wcsinc", _wcsinc, 4, 0,4,0, USING_UNICODE|USING_STRING, 0)
void PcHooks::hookWcharFunctions()
// 12/1/2013 jichi:
// AlterEgo
// MultiByteToWideChar
// WideCharToMultiByte
// int MultiByteToWideChar(
// _In_ UINT CodePage,
// _In_ DWORD dwFlags,
// _In_ LPCSTR lpMultiByteStr, // hook here
// _In_ int cbMultiByte,
// _Out_opt_ LPWSTR lpWideCharStr,
// _In_ int cchWideChar
// );
// int WideCharToMultiByte(
// _In_ UINT CodePage,
// _In_ DWORD dwFlags,
// _In_ LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr,
// _In_ int cchWideChar,
// _Out_opt_ LPSTR lpMultiByteStr,
// _In_ int cbMultiByte,
// _In_opt_ LPCSTR lpDefaultChar,
// _Out_opt_ LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar
// );
enum stack {
s_retaddr = 0
//, s_arg1 = 4 * 1 // 0x4
//, s_arg2 = 4 * 2 // 0x8
, s_arg3 = 4 * 3 // 0xc
//, s_arg4 = 4 * 4 // 0x10
//, s_arg5 = 4 * 5 // 0x14
//, s_arg6 = 4 * 6 // 0x18
// 3/17/2014 jichi: Temporarily disabled
NEW_HOOK(MultiByteToWideChar, s_arg3, 0,4,0, USING_STRING, 4)
NEW_HOOK(WideCharToMultiByte, s_arg3, 0,4,0, USING_UNICODE|USING_STRING, 4)
// EOF