2018-11-03 23:26:53 -04:00
# include "../extension.h"
# include <winhttp.h>
# include <ctime>
# include <vector>
# include <mutex>
# include <algorithm>
# include <regex>
# include <QInputDialog>
# include <QTimer>
QStringList languages
" English: en " ,
" Afrikaans: af " ,
" Arabic: ar " ,
" Albanian: sq " ,
" Belarusian: be " ,
" Bengali: bn " ,
" Bosnian: bs " ,
" Bulgarian: bg " ,
" Catalan: ca " ,
" Chinese(Simplified): zh-CH " ,
" Chinese(Traditional): zh-TW " ,
" Croatian: hr " ,
" Czech: cs " ,
" Danish: da " ,
" Dutch: nl " ,
" Esperanto: eo " ,
" Estonian: et " ,
" Filipino: tl " ,
" Finnish: fi " ,
" French: fr " ,
" Galician: gl " ,
" German: de " ,
" Greek: el " ,
" Hebrew: iw " ,
" Hindi: hi " ,
" Hungarian: hu " ,
" Icelandic: is " ,
" Indonesian: id " ,
" Irish: ga " ,
" Italian: it " ,
" Japanese: ja " ,
" Klingon: tlh " ,
" Korean: ko " ,
" Latin: la " ,
" Latvian: lv " ,
" Lithuanian: lt " ,
" Macedonian: mk " ,
" Malay: ms " ,
" Maltese: mt " ,
" Norwegian: no " ,
" Persian: fa " ,
" Polish: pl " ,
" Portuguese: pt " ,
" Romanian: ro " ,
" Russian: ru " ,
" Serbian: sr " ,
" Slovak: sk " ,
" Slovenian: sl " ,
" Somali: so " ,
" Spanish: es " ,
" Swahili: sw " ,
" Swedish: sv " ,
" Thai: th " ,
" Turkish: tr " ,
" Ukranian: uk " ,
" Urdu: ur " ,
" Vietnamese: vi " ,
" Welsh: cy " ,
" Yiddish: yi " ,
" Zulu: zu "
} ;
std : : wstring translateTo ;
BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HMODULE hModule , DWORD ul_reason_for_call , LPVOID lpReserved )
switch ( ul_reason_for_call )
QTimer : : singleShot ( 0 , [ ]
translateTo = QInputDialog : : getItem ( nullptr , " Select Language " , " What language should Google translate to? " , languages , 0 , false ) . split ( " " ) [ 1 ] . toStdWString ( ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
break ;
return TRUE ;
std : : wstring GetTranslationUri ( std : : wstring text , unsigned TKK )
// If no TKK available, use this uri. Can't use too much or google will detect unauthorized access.
if ( ! TKK ) return L " /translate_a/single?client=gtx&dt=ld&dt=rm&dt=t&tl= " + translateTo + L " &q= " + text ;
// Artikash 8/19/2018: reverse engineered from translate.google.com
char utf8 [ 10000 ] = { } ;
WideCharToMultiByte ( CP_UTF8 , 0 , text . c_str ( ) , - 1 , utf8 , 10000 , NULL , NULL ) ;
unsigned a = ( unsigned ) ( _time64 ( NULL ) / 3600 ) , b = a ; // <- the first part of TKK
for ( int i = 0 ; utf8 [ i ] ; )
2018-11-04 01:15:34 -04:00
a + = ( unsigned char ) utf8 [ i + + ] ;
2018-11-03 23:26:53 -04:00
a + = a < < 10 ;
a ^ = a > > 6 ;
a + = a < < 3 ;
a ^ = a > > 11 ;
a + = a < < 15 ;
a ^ = TKK ;
a % = 1000000 ;
b ^ = a ;
text . clear ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; utf8 [ i ] ; )
wchar_t utf8char [ 3 ] = { } ;
2018-11-04 01:15:34 -04:00
swprintf_s < 3 > ( utf8char , L " %02X " , ( int ) ( unsigned char ) utf8 [ i + + ] ) ;
2018-11-03 23:26:53 -04:00
text + = L " % " + std : : wstring ( utf8char ) ;
return L " /translate_a/single?client=t&dt=ld&dt=rm&dt=t&tl= " + translateTo + L " &tk= " + std : : to_wstring ( a ) + L " . " + std : : to_wstring ( b ) + L " &q= " + text ;
bool ProcessSentence ( std : : wstring & sentence , SentenceInfo sentenceInfo )
static HINTERNET internet = NULL ;
if ( ! internet ) internet = WinHttpOpen ( L " Mozilla/5.0 Textractor " , WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT_PROXY , NULL , NULL , 0 ) ;
static unsigned TKK = 0 ;
if ( sentenceInfo [ " hook address " ] = = - 1 ) return false ;
static std : : mutex m ;
static std : : vector < DWORD > requestTimes ;
std : : lock_guard l ( m ) ;
requestTimes . push_back ( GetTickCount ( ) ) ;
requestTimes . erase ( std : : remove_if ( requestTimes . begin ( ) , requestTimes . end ( ) , [ & ] ( DWORD requestTime ) { return GetTickCount ( ) - requestTime > 60 * 1000 ; } ) , requestTimes . end ( ) ) ;
if ( ! sentenceInfo [ " current select " ] & & requestTimes . size ( ) > 30 )
sentence + = L " \r \n Too many translation requests: refuse to make more. " ;
return true ;
std : : wstring translation ;
if ( internet )
if ( ! TKK )
if ( HINTERNET connection = WinHttpConnect ( internet , L " translate.google.com " , INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT , 0 ) )
if ( HINTERNET request = WinHttpOpenRequest ( connection , L " GET " , L " / " , NULL , NULL , NULL , WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE ) )
if ( WinHttpSendRequest ( request , NULL , 0 , NULL , 0 , 0 , NULL ) )
DWORD bytesRead ;
char buffer [ 100000 ] = { } ; // Google Translate page is ~64kb
WinHttpReceiveResponse ( request , NULL ) ;
WinHttpReadData ( request , buffer , 100000 , & bytesRead ) ;
if ( strstr ( buffer , " a \\ x3d " ) ) TKK = strtoll ( strstr ( buffer , " a \\ x3d " ) + 5 , nullptr , 10 ) + strtoll ( strstr ( buffer , " b \\ x3d " ) + 5 , nullptr , 10 ) ;
else TKK = strtoll ( strstr ( buffer , " TKK " ) + 12 , nullptr , 10 ) ;
WinHttpCloseHandle ( request ) ;
WinHttpCloseHandle ( connection ) ;
if ( HINTERNET connection = WinHttpConnect ( internet , L " translate.google.com " , INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT , 0 ) )
if ( HINTERNET request = WinHttpOpenRequest ( connection , L " GET " , GetTranslationUri ( sentence , TKK ) . c_str ( ) , NULL , NULL , NULL , WINHTTP_FLAG_ESCAPE_DISABLE | WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE ) )
if ( WinHttpSendRequest ( request , NULL , 0 , NULL , 0 , 0 , NULL ) )
DWORD bytesRead ;
char buffer [ 10000 ] = { } ;
WinHttpReceiveResponse ( request , NULL ) ;
WinHttpReadData ( request , buffer , 10000 , & bytesRead ) ;
// Response formatted as JSON: starts with '[[["'
if ( buffer [ 0 ] = = ' [ ' )
wchar_t wbuffer [ 10000 ] = { } ;
MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_UTF8 , 0 , buffer , - 1 , wbuffer , 10000 ) ;
std : : wstring response ( wbuffer ) ;
for ( std : : wsmatch results ; std : : regex_search ( response , results , std : : wregex ( L " \\ [ \" (.*?) \" ,[n \" ] " ) ) ; response = results . suffix ( ) . str ( ) )
translation + = std : : wstring ( results [ 1 ] ) + L " " ;
for ( auto & c : translation ) if ( c = = L ' \\ ' ) c = 0x200b ;
WinHttpCloseHandle ( request ) ;
WinHttpCloseHandle ( connection ) ;
if ( translation = = L " " ) translation = L " Error while translating. " ;
sentence + = L " \r \n " + translation ;
return true ;