# dllconfig.pri # 8/9/2013 jichi # For linking ITH injectable dlls. # The dll is self-containd and Windows-independent. CONFIG += dll noqt #noeh nosafeseh CONFIG -= embed_manifest_dll # dynamically load dlls win32 { CONFIG(eh): DEFINES += ITH_HAS_SEH # Do have exception handler in msvcrt.dll on Windows Vista and later CONFIG(noeh): DEFINES -= ITH_HAS_SEH # Do not have exception handler in msvcrt.dll on Windows XP and before } include(../../../config.pri) #win32 { # CONFIG(noeh): include($$LIBDIR/winseh/winseh_safe.pri) #} # jichi 11/24/2013: Disable manual heap DEFINES -= ITH_HAS_HEAP # jichi 11/13/2011: disable swprinf warning DEFINES += _CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS ## Libraries #LIBS += -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 LIBS += -L$$WDK7_HOME/lib/wxp/i386 -lntdll LIBS += $$WDK7_HOME/lib/crt/i386/msvcrt.lib # Override msvcrt10 #LIBS += -L$$WDK7_HOME/lib/crt/i386 -lmsvcrt #QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$WDK7_HOME/lib/crt/i386/msvcrt.lib # This will leave runtime flags in the dll #LIBS += -L$$WDK8_HOME/lib/winv6.3/um/x86 -lntdll HEADERS += $$PWD/dllconfig.h # EOF