// ntinspect.cc // 4/20/2014 jichi #include "ntdll/ntdll.h" #include "ntinspect/ntinspect.h" // https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/4cb11cd3-8ce0-49d7-9dda-d62e9ae0180b/how-to-get-current-module-handle?forum=vcgeneral EXTERN_C IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase; //#ifdef _MSC_VER //# pragma warning(disable:4018) // C4018: signed/unsigned mismatch //#endif // _MSC_VER namespace { // unnamed // Replacement of wcscpy_s which is not available on Windows XP's msvcrt // http://sakuradite.com/topic/247 errno_t wcscpy_safe(wchar_t *buffer, size_t bufferSize, const wchar_t *source) { size_t len = min(bufferSize - 1, wcslen(source)); buffer[len] = 0; if (len) memcpy(buffer, source, len * 2); return 0; } } // unnamed namespace NTINSPECT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/4cb11cd3-8ce0-49d7-9dda-d62e9ae0180b/how-to-get-current-module-handle?forum=vcgeneral HMODULE getCurrentModuleHandle() { return (HMODULE)&__ImageBase; } /** Memory range */ BOOL getProcessName(LPWSTR buffer, int bufferSize) { //assert(name); PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY it; __asm { mov eax,fs:[0x30] mov eax,[eax+0xc] mov eax,[eax+0xc] mov it,eax } // jichi 6/4/2014: _s functions are not supported on Windows XP's msvcrt.dll //return 0 == wcscpy_s(buffer, bufferSize, it->BaseDllName.Buffer); return 0 == wcscpy_safe(buffer, bufferSize, it->BaseDllName.Buffer); } // See: ITH FillRange BOOL getModuleMemoryRange(LPCWSTR moduleName, DWORD *lowerBound, DWORD *upperBound) { //assert(lower); //assert(upper); PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY it; LIST_ENTRY *begin; __asm { mov eax,fs:[0x30] mov eax,[eax+0xc] mov eax,[eax+0xc] mov it,eax mov begin,eax } while (it->SizeOfImage) { if (_wcsicmp(it->BaseDllName.Buffer, moduleName) == 0) { DWORD lower = (DWORD)it->DllBase; if (lowerBound) *lowerBound = lower; if (upperBound) { DWORD upper = lower; MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mbi = {}; DWORD size = 0; do { DWORD len; // Nt function is needed instead of VirtualQuery, which only works for the current process ::NtQueryVirtualMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)upper, MemoryBasicInformation, &mbi, sizeof(mbi), &len); if (mbi.Protect & PAGE_NOACCESS) { it->SizeOfImage = size; break; } size += mbi.RegionSize; upper += mbi.RegionSize; } while (size < it->SizeOfImage); *upperBound = upper; } return TRUE; } it = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)it->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink; if (it->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink == begin) break; } return FALSE; } BOOL getProcessMemoryRange(DWORD *lowerBound, DWORD *upperBound) { WCHAR procName[MAX_PATH]; // cached *lowerBound = 0; *upperBound = 0; return getProcessName(procName, MAX_PATH) && getModuleMemoryRange(procName, lowerBound, upperBound); } /** Module header */ // See: ITH AddAllModules bool iterModule(const iter_module_fun_t &fun) { // Iterate loaded modules PPEB ppeb; __asm { mov eax, fs:[0x30] mov ppeb, eax } const DWORD start = *(DWORD *)&ppeb->Ldr->InLoadOrderModuleList; for (auto it = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)start; it->SizeOfImage && *(DWORD *)it != start; it = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)it->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink) if (!fun((HMODULE)it->DllBase, it->BaseDllName.Buffer)) return false; return true; } // See: ITH AddAllModules DWORD getExportFunction(LPCSTR funcName) { // Iterate loaded modules PPEB ppeb; __asm { mov eax, fs:[0x30] mov ppeb, eax } const DWORD start = *(DWORD *)&ppeb->Ldr->InLoadOrderModuleList; for (auto it = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)start; it->SizeOfImage && *(DWORD *)it != start; it = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)it->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink) { //if (moduleName && ::wcscmp(moduleName, it->BaseDllName.Buffer)) // BaseDllName.Buffer == moduleName // continue; if (DWORD addr = getModuleExportFunction((HMODULE)it->DllBase, funcName)) return addr; } return 0; } // See: ITH AddModule DWORD getModuleExportFunction(HMODULE hModule, LPCSTR funcName) { if (!hModule) return 0; DWORD startAddress = (DWORD)hModule; IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *DosHdr = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)hModule; if (IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE == DosHdr->e_magic) { DWORD dwReadAddr = startAddress + DosHdr->e_lfanew; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *NtHdr = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)dwReadAddr; if (IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE == NtHdr->Signature) { DWORD dwExportAddr = NtHdr->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress; if (dwExportAddr == 0) return 0; dwExportAddr += startAddress; IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *ExtDir = (IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *)dwExportAddr; dwExportAddr = startAddress + ExtDir->AddressOfNames; for (UINT uj = 0; uj < ExtDir->NumberOfNames; uj++) { DWORD dwFuncName = *(DWORD *)dwExportAddr; LPCSTR pcFuncName = (LPCSTR)(startAddress + dwFuncName); if (::strcmp(funcName, pcFuncName) == 0) { char *pcFuncPtr = (char *)(startAddress + (DWORD)ExtDir->AddressOfNameOrdinals+(uj * sizeof(WORD))); WORD word = *(WORD *)pcFuncPtr; pcFuncPtr = (char *)(startAddress + (DWORD)ExtDir->AddressOfFunctions+(word * sizeof(DWORD))); return startAddress + *(DWORD *)pcFuncPtr; // absolute address } dwExportAddr += sizeof(DWORD); } } } return 0; } // See: ITH FindImportEntry DWORD getModuleImportAddress(HMODULE hModule, DWORD exportAddress) { if (!hModule) return 0; DWORD startAddress = (DWORD)hModule; IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *DosHdr = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)hModule; if (IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE == DosHdr->e_magic) { IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *NtHdr = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)(startAddress + DosHdr->e_lfanew); if (IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE == NtHdr->Signature) { DWORD IAT = NtHdr->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT].VirtualAddress; DWORD end = NtHdr->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT].Size; IAT += startAddress; end += IAT; for (DWORD pt = IAT; pt < end; pt += 4) { DWORD addr = *(DWORD *)pt; if (addr == (DWORD)exportAddress) return pt; } } } return 0; } NTINSPECT_END_NAMESPACE // EOF