/* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 kaosu (qiupf2000@gmail.com) * This file is part of the Interactive Text Hooker. * Interactive Text Hooker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "utility.h" #include "host/host.h" #include "host/hookman.h" #include "vnrhook/include/types.h" #include "vnrhook/include/const.h" #include "profile/misc.h" extern HookManager* man; // main.cpp std::wstring GetDriveLetter(const std::wstring& devicePath); std::wstring GetWindowsPath(const std::wstring& fileObjectPath); PVOID GetAllocationBase(DWORD pid, LPCVOID); std::wstring GetModuleFileNameAsString(DWORD pid, PVOID allocationBase); std::wstring GetModuleFileNameAsString(); std::wstring GetProcessPath(HANDLE hProc); void ConsoleOutput(LPCWSTR text) { man->AddConsoleOutput(text); } void ConsoleOutput(LPCSTR text) { int wc_length = MB_WC_count(text, -1); LPWSTR wc = new WCHAR[wc_length]; MB_WC(text, wc, wc_length); man->AddConsoleOutput(wc); delete wc; } std::wstring GetProcessPath(DWORD pid) { UniqueHandle hProc(OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, pid)); if (hProc) return GetProcessPath(hProc.get()); else return L""; } std::wstring GetProcessPath(HANDLE hProc) { wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; GetProcessImageFileName(hProc, path, MAX_PATH); return GetWindowsPath(path); } std::wstring GetWindowsPath(const std::wstring& path) { // path is in device form // \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\taskhost.exe auto pathOffset = path.find(L'\\', 1) + 1; pathOffset = path.find(L'\\', pathOffset); std::wstring devicePath = path.substr(0, pathOffset); // \Device\HarddiskVolume2 std::wstring dosDrive = GetDriveLetter(devicePath); // C: if (dosDrive.empty()) return path; std::wstring dosPath = dosDrive; // C: dosPath += path.substr(pathOffset); // C:\Windows\System32\taskhost.exe return dosPath; } std::wstring GetDriveLetter(const std::wstring& devicePath) { for (wchar_t drive = L'A'; drive <= L'Z'; drive++) { wchar_t szDriveName[3] = { drive, L':', L'\0' }; wchar_t szTarget[512]; if (QueryDosDevice(szDriveName, szTarget, 512)) if (devicePath.compare(szTarget) == 0) return szDriveName; } return L""; } std::wstring GetCode(const HookParam& hp, DWORD pid) { std::wstring code(L"/H"); WCHAR c; if (hp.type & PRINT_DWORD) c = L'H'; else if (hp.type & USING_UNICODE) { if (hp.type & USING_STRING) c = L'Q'; else if (hp.type & STRING_LAST_CHAR) c = L'L'; else c = L'W'; } else { if (hp.type & USING_STRING) c = L'S'; else if (hp.type & BIG_ENDIAN) c = L'A'; else if (hp.type & STRING_LAST_CHAR) c = L'E'; else c = L'B'; } code += c; if (hp.type & NO_CONTEXT) code += L'N'; if (hp.offset >> 31) code += L"-" + ToHexString(-(hp.offset + 4)); else code += ToHexString(hp.offset); if (hp.type & DATA_INDIRECT) { if (hp.index >> 31) code += L"*-" + ToHexString(-hp.index); else code += L"*" + ToHexString(hp.index); } if (hp.type & USING_SPLIT) { if (hp.split >> 31) code += L":-" + ToHexString(-(4 + hp.split)); else code += L":" + ToHexString(hp.split); } if (hp.type & SPLIT_INDIRECT) { if (hp.split_index >> 31) code += L"*-" + ToHexString(-hp.split_index); else code += L"*" + ToHexString(hp.split_index); } if (pid) { PVOID allocationBase = GetAllocationBase(pid, (LPCVOID)hp.address); if (allocationBase) { std::wstring path = GetModuleFileNameAsString(pid, allocationBase); if (!path.empty()) { auto fileName = path.substr(path.rfind(L'\\') + 1); DWORD relativeHookAddress = hp.address - (DWORD)allocationBase; code += L"@" + ToHexString(relativeHookAddress) + L":" + fileName; return code; } } } if (hp.module) { code += L"@" + ToHexString(hp.address) + L"!" + ToHexString(hp.module); if (hp.function) code += L"!" + ToHexString(hp.function); } else { // Hack. The original address is stored in the function field // if (module == NULL && function != NULL). // MODULE_OFFSET and FUNCTION_OFFSET are removed from HookParam.type in // TextHook::UnsafeInsertHookCode() and can not be used here. if (hp.function) code += L"@" + ToHexString(hp.function); else code += L"@" + ToHexString(hp.address) + L":"; } return code; } std::wstring GetModuleFileNameAsString(DWORD pid, PVOID allocationBase) { const ProcessRecord* pr = man->GetProcessRecord(pid); if (pr) { HANDLE hProc = pr->process_handle; WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; if (GetModuleFileNameEx(hProc, (HMODULE)allocationBase, path, MAX_PATH)) return path; } return L""; } PVOID GetAllocationBase(DWORD pid, LPCVOID addr) { const ProcessRecord *pr = man->GetProcessRecord(pid); if (pr) { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION info; HANDLE hProc = pr->process_handle; if (VirtualQueryEx(hProc, addr, &info, sizeof(info))) { if (info.Type & MEM_IMAGE) return info.AllocationBase; } } return NULL; } struct TitleParam { DWORD pid, buffer_len, retn_len; std::wstring buffer; }; BOOL CALLBACK EnumProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { TitleParam* p = (TitleParam*)lParam; DWORD pid; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid); if (pid == p->pid) { if (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_VISIBLE) { int len = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd); std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> result(new wchar_t[len + 1]); GetWindowText(hwnd, result.get(), len + 1); p->buffer = result.get(); p->retn_len = p->buffer.size(); if (!p->buffer.empty()) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } std::wstring GetProcessTitle(DWORD pid) { TitleParam p; p.pid = pid; p.buffer_len = 0; p.retn_len = 0; EnumWindows(EnumProc, (LPARAM)&p); return p.buffer; } WindowsError::WindowsError(DWORD error_code) : error_code(error_code), msg("") { CHAR str[512]; std::sprintf(str, "error code 0x%8x", error_code); msg = str; } const char *WindowsError::what() const { return msg.c_str(); } HANDLE IthCreateThread(LPVOID start_addr, DWORD param) { return CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)start_addr, (LPVOID)param, 0, NULL); } std::wstring GetModuleFileNameAsString() { WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, path, MAX_PATH); return path; } bool IthCreateDirectory(LPCWSTR name) { std::wstring path = GetModuleFileNameAsString(); path = path.substr(0, path.rfind(L'\\') + 1) + name; BOOL error_code = CreateDirectory(path.c_str(), NULL); return error_code != 0 || GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; } HANDLE IthCreateFile(LPCWSTR name, DWORD option, DWORD share, DWORD disposition) { std::wstring path = GetModuleFileNameAsString(); path = path.substr(0, path.rfind(L'\\') + 1) + name; return CreateFile(path.c_str(), option, share, NULL, disposition, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); } //SJIS->Unicode. mb must be null-terminated. wc_length is the length of wc in characters. int MB_WC(const char* mb, wchar_t* wc, int wc_length) { return MultiByteToWideChar(932, 0, mb, -1, wc, wc_length); } // Count characters in wide string. mb_length is the number of bytes from mb to convert or // -1 if the string is null terminated. int MB_WC_count(const char* mb, int mb_length) { return MultiByteToWideChar(932, 0, mb, mb_length, NULL, 0); } // Unicode->SJIS. Analogous to MB_WC. int WC_MB(const wchar_t *wc, char* mb, int mb_length) { return WideCharToMultiByte(932, 0, wc, -1, mb, mb_length, NULL, NULL); }