**Textractor** (a.k.a. NextHooker)는 Windows/Wine에서 작동하는 [ITHVNR](https://web.archive.org/web/20160202084144/http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/438331-ITHVNR-ITH-with-the-VNR-engine)을 기반으로 한 오픈소스 x86/x64 비디오게임 텍스트 후커 입니다.<br>
그 이후로는, 단순히 Visual Studio를 통해 폴더를 열고 빌드하는 것으로 실행이 가능합니다.
## 프로젝트 아키텍쳐
The host (see GUI/host folder) injects texthook.dll (created from the texthook folder) into the target process and connects to it via 2 pipe files.<br>
Host writes to hostPipe, texthook writes to hookPipe.<br>
texthook waits for the pipe to be connected, then injects a few instructions into any text outputting functions (e.g. TextOut, GetGlyphOutline) that cause their input to be sent through the pipe.<br>
Additional information about hooks is exchanged via shared memory.<br>
The text that the host receives through the pipe is then processed a little before being dispatched back to the GUI.<br>
Finally, the GUI dispatches the text to extensions before displaying it.