add check for outdated doc and refactor input text modifications
Added the flag for checking if webdocument structure is outdated Refactor text modifications before processing to the translator
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ bool DevTools::startChrome(QString path, bool headless, int port)
if (!std::filesystem::exists(path.toStdWString()))
return false;
DWORD exitCode = 0;
if ((GetExitCodeProcess(processInfo.hProcess, &exitCode) != FALSE) && (exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE))
if (GetExitCodeProcess(processInfo.hProcess, &exitCode) != FALSE && exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE)
return false;
QString args = "--proxy-server=direct:// --disable-extensions --disable-gpu --user-data-dir="
+ QString::fromStdWString(std::filesystem::current_path())
@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ void DevTools::onTextMessageReceived(QString message)
for (auto iter = mapmethod.cbegin(); iter != mapmethod.cend();)
if ((iter->second.value("method") == root.value("method"))
&& (compareJson(iter->second.value("params"), root.value("params"))))
if (iter->second.value("method") == root.value("method")
&& compareJson(iter->second.value("params"), root.value("params")))
@ -33,28 +33,48 @@ QStringList languages
int docfound = -1, targetNodeId = -1, session = -1, pageenabled = -1, useragentflag = -1;
long update = -1;
std::pair<bool, std::wstring> Translate(const std::wstring& text, DevTools* devtools)
QString qtext = S(text);
qtext.remove(QString(12288)); // japanese space (no need for translator)
// Check text for repeated symbols (e.g. only ellipsis)
if (qtext.length() > 2)
for (int i = 1; i < (qtext.length() - 1); i++)
if (qtext[i] != qtext[1])
if ((i + 2) == qtext.length() && (qtext.front() == qtext.back()))
return { true, text };
// Check quotes
bool checkquote = false;
if ((qtext.front() == QString(12300) && qtext.back() == QString(12301)) // japanese quotation marks
|| (qtext.front() == "\"" && qtext.back() == "\""))
checkquote = true;
qtext.remove(0, 1);
if (qtext == QString(12387)) // if text consists of only one sokuon, add exclamation mark for correct translation
qtext += "!";
// Check ellipsis
int count = qtext.count(QString(8230)); // ellipsis
if (count == qtext.length()
|| (count == (qtext.length() - 1) && qtext.back() == QString(12290))) // japanese end of a sentence
return { true, text };
// Put quotes back
if (checkquote)
qtext = "\"" + qtext + "\"";
// Check status
if (devtools->getStatus() == "Stopped")
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", ERROR_CHROME) };
if ((devtools->getStatus().startsWith("Fail")) || (devtools->getStatus().startsWith("Unconnected")))
if (devtools->getStatus().startsWith("Fail") || devtools->getStatus().startsWith("Unconnected"))
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", ERROR_START_CHROME) };
@ -65,22 +85,15 @@ std::pair<bool, std::wstring> Translate(const std::wstring& text, DevTools* devt
targetNodeId = -1;
pageenabled = -1;
useragentflag = -1;
update = -1;
// Add spaces near ellipsis for better translation and check for quotes
qtext.replace(QRegularExpression("[" + QString(8230) + "]" + "[" + QString(8230) + "]" + "[" + QString(8230) + "]"), QString(8230));
qtext.replace(QRegularExpression("[" + QString(8230) + "]" + "[" + QString(8230) + "]"), QString(8230));
qtext.replace(QRegularExpression("[" + QString(8230) + "]"), " " + QString(8230) + " ");
bool checkquote = false;
if ((qtext.front() == QString(12300)) && (qtext.back() == QString(12301)))
checkquote = true;
qtext.remove(0, 1);
QJsonObject root;
// Erase tags and reduce the number of ellipsis for better translation
qtext.replace(QRegExp("(" + QString(8230) + ")+"), " " + QString(8230));
// Enable page feedback
QJsonObject root;
if (pageenabled == -1)
if (!devtools->SendRequest("Page.enable", {}, root))
@ -94,9 +107,9 @@ std::pair<bool, std::wstring> Translate(const std::wstring& text, DevTools* devt
if (useragentflag == -1)
QString useragent = devtools->getUserAgent();
useragent.replace(QRegularExpression("HeadlessChrome"), "Chrome");
if (!useragent.isEmpty())
useragent.replace("HeadlessChrome", "Chrome");
if (!devtools->SendRequest("Network.setUserAgentOverride", { {"userAgent", useragent} }, root))
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", ERROR_COMMAND_FAIL) };
@ -107,108 +120,117 @@ std::pair<bool, std::wstring> Translate(const std::wstring& text, DevTools* devt
long navigate = devtools->methodToReceive("Page.navigatedWithinDocument");
long target = devtools->methodToReceive("DOM.attributeModified", { { "value" , "lmt__mobile_share_container" } });
if (update == -1)
update = devtools->methodToReceive("DOM.documentUpdated");
// Navigate to site
QString fullurl = URL + "#ja/" + S(translateTo.Copy()) + "/" + qtext;
if (devtools->SendRequest("Page.navigate", { {"url", fullurl} }, root))
if (!devtools->SendRequest("Page.navigate", { {"url", fullurl} }, root))
// Wait until page is loaded
float timer = 0;
int timer_stop = 10;
while (!devtools->checkMethod(navigate) && timer < timer_stop)
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", ERROR_COMMAND_FAIL) };
// Wait until page is loaded
float timer = 0;
int timer_stop = 10;
while (!devtools->checkMethod(navigate) && timer < timer_stop)
timer += 0.1;
if (timer >= timer_stop)
return { false, FormatString(L"%s: %d ", ERROR_GOT_TIMEOUT, timer_stop) };
// Check if document is outdated
if (devtools->checkMethod(update))
docfound = -1;
targetNodeId = -1;
update = -1;
// Get document
if (docfound == -1)
if (!devtools->SendRequest("DOM.getDocument", {}, root))
timer += 0.1;
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", ERROR_COMMAND_FAIL) };
if (timer >= timer_stop)
docfound = root.value("result").toObject().value("root").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt();
// Get target selector
if (targetNodeId == -1)
if (!devtools->SendRequest("DOM.querySelector", { {"nodeId", docfound}, {"selector", "textarea.lmt__target_textarea"} }, root)
|| root.value("result").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt() == 0)
docfound = -1;
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", ERROR_COMMAND_FAIL) };
targetNodeId = root.value("result").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt();
// Wait for translation to appear on the web page
timer = 0;
while (!devtools->checkMethod(target) && timer < timer_stop)
timer += 0.1;
// Catch the translation
if (!devtools->SendRequest("DOM.getOuterHTML", { {"nodeId", targetNodeId + 1} }, root))
docfound = -1;
targetNodeId = -1;
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", ERROR_COMMAND_FAIL) };
QString OuterHTML = root.value("result").toObject().value("outerHTML").toString();
if (OuterHTML == "<div></div>")
// Try to catch the notification
int noteNodeId = -1;
if (!devtools->SendRequest("DOM.querySelector", { {"nodeId", docfound}, {"selector", "div.lmt__system_notification"} }, root)
|| root.value("result").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt() == 0)
return { false, FormatString(L"%s: %d ", ERROR_GOT_TIMEOUT, timer_stop) };
noteNodeId = root.value("result").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt();
// Get document
if (docfound == -1)
if (devtools->SendRequest("DOM.getOuterHTML", { {"nodeId", noteNodeId} }, root))
if (!devtools->SendRequest("DOM.getDocument", {}, root))
docfound = -1;
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", ERROR_COMMAND_FAIL) };
docfound = root.value("result").toObject().value("root").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt();
//Get target selector
if (targetNodeId == -1)
if (!(devtools->SendRequest("DOM.querySelector", { {"nodeId", docfound}, {"selector", "textarea.lmt__target_textarea"} }, root))
|| (root.value("result").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt() == 0))
docfound = -1;
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", ERROR_COMMAND_FAIL) };
targetNodeId = root.value("result").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt();
// Wait for translation to appear on the web page
timer = 0;
while (!devtools->checkMethod(target) && timer < timer_stop)
timer += 0.1;
// Catch the translation
devtools->SendRequest("DOM.getOuterHTML", { {"nodeId", targetNodeId + 1} }, root);
QString OuterHTML = root.value("result").toObject().value("outerHTML").toString();
if (OuterHTML == "<div></div>")
// Try to catch the notification
int noteNodeId = -1;
if (!(devtools->SendRequest("DOM.querySelector", { {"nodeId", docfound}, {"selector", "div.lmt__system_notification"} }, root))
|| (root.value("result").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt() == 0))
return { false, FormatString(L"%s: %d ", ERROR_GOT_TIMEOUT, timer_stop) };
noteNodeId = root.value("result").toObject().value("nodeId").toInt();
if (devtools->SendRequest("DOM.getOuterHTML", { {"nodeId", noteNodeId} }, root))
OuterHTML = root.value("result").toObject().value("outerHTML").toString();
OuterHTML = OuterHTML.trimmed();
return { false, FormatString(L"%s: %s", ERROR_NOTE, S(OuterHTML)) };
OuterHTML = root.value("result").toObject().value("outerHTML").toString();
OuterHTML = OuterHTML.trimmed();
// Check if the translator output language does not match the selected language
if (devtools->SendRequest("DOM.getAttributes", { {"nodeId", targetNodeId} }, root))
return { false, FormatString(L"%s: %s", ERROR_NOTE, S(OuterHTML)) };
OuterHTML = OuterHTML.trimmed();
// Check if the translator output language does not match the selected language
if (devtools->SendRequest("DOM.getAttributes", { {"nodeId", targetNodeId} }, root))
QJsonObject result = root.value("result").toObject();
QJsonArray attributes = result.value("attributes").toArray();
for (size_t i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++)
QJsonObject result = root.value("result").toObject();
QJsonArray attributes = result.value("attributes").toArray();
for (size_t i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++)
if (attributes[i].toString() == "lang")
if (attributes[i].toString() == "lang")
QString targetlang = attributes[i + 1].toString().mid(0, 2);
if (targetlang != S(translateTo.Copy()))
QString targetlang = attributes[i + 1].toString().mid(0, 2);
if (targetlang != S(translateTo.Copy()))
return { false, FormatString(L"%s (%s): %s", ERROR_LANGUAGE, S(targetlang), S(OuterHTML)) };
return { false, FormatString(L"%s (%s): %s", ERROR_LANGUAGE, S(targetlang), S(OuterHTML)) };
// Get quotes back
if (checkquote)
OuterHTML = "\"" + OuterHTML + "\"";
return { true, S(OuterHTML) };
return { false, FormatString(L"%s", ERROR_COMMAND_FAIL) };
return { true, S(OuterHTML) };
@ -50,6 +50,17 @@ void SaveCache()
savedSize = translationCache->size();
void EraseControlCharacters(std::wstring& text)
for (auto it = text.begin(); it!= text.end(); ++it)
if ((*it == '\n') || (*it == '\r') || (*it == '\t') || (int(*it) == 4) || (int(*it) == 5))
class Window : public QDialog
@ -184,7 +195,11 @@ bool ProcessSentence(std::wstring& sentence, SentenceInfo sentenceInfo)
if (auto it = translationCache->find(sentence); it != translationCache->end()) translation = it->second + L"\x200b";
if (translation.empty() && (sentenceInfo["current select"]))
std::tie(cache, translation) = Translate(sentence, devtools);
if (cache) translationCache->try_emplace(sentence, translation);
if (cache && translationCache->size() > savedSize + 50) SaveCache();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user