#pragma once // hook.h // 8/23/2013 jichi // Branch: ITH/IHF_DLL.h, rev 66 #include "ith/common/const.h" #include "ith/common/types.h" //#ifdef IHF //# define IHFAPI __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall //#else //# define IHFAPI __declspec(dllimport) __stdcall //#endif // IHF #define IHFAPI // 9/19/2014 jichi: dummy //extern "C" { //DWORD IHFAPI OutputConsole(LPCWSTR text); void IHFAPI ConsoleOutput(LPCSTR text); // jichi 12/25/2013: Used to return length of sent text //DWORD IHFAPI OutputDWORD(DWORD d); //DWORD IHFAPI OutputRegister(DWORD *base); DWORD IHFAPI NotifyHookInsert(DWORD addr); DWORD IHFAPI NewHook(const HookParam &hp, LPCWSTR name, DWORD flag = HOOK_ENGINE); DWORD IHFAPI RemoveHook(DWORD addr); DWORD IHFAPI SwitchTrigger(DWORD on); DWORD IHFAPI GetFunctionAddr(const char *name, DWORD *addr, DWORD *base, DWORD *size, LPWSTR *base_name); //DWORD IHFAPI RegisterEngineModule(DWORD idEngine, DWORD dnHook); //} // extern "C" // 10/21/2014 jichi: TODO: Get rid of this global variable // Defined in pipe.cc extern bool engine_registered; // 10/14/2014 jichi: disable GDI hooks void DisableGDIHooks(); // EOF