#pragma once // main.h // 8/23/2013 jichi // Branch: ITH/IHF_DLL.h, rev 66 #include "common.h" #include "types.h" void TextOutput(ThreadParam tp, BYTE (*buffer)[PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE], int len); void ConsoleOutput(LPCSTR text, ...); void NotifyHookFound(HookParam hp, wchar_t* text); void NotifyHookRemove(uint64_t addr, LPCSTR name); void NewHook(HookParam hp, LPCSTR name, DWORD flag = HOOK_ENGINE); void RemoveHook(uint64_t addr, int maxOffset = 9); inline SearchParam spDefault; extern "C" // minhook library { enum MH_STATUS { MH_OK, MH_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED, MH_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED, MH_ERROR_ALREADY_CREATED, MH_ERROR_NOT_CREATED, MH_ERROR_ENABLED, MH_ERROR_DISABLED, MH_ERROR_NOT_EXECUTABLE, MH_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, MH_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOC, MH_ERROR_MEMORY_PROTECT, MH_ERROR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND, MH_ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND }; MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_Initialize(VOID); MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_Uninitialize(VOID); // Creates a Hook for the specified target function, in disabled state. // Parameters: // pTarget [in] A pointer to the target function, which will be // overridden by the detour function. // pDetour [in] A pointer to the detour function, which will override // the target function. // ppOriginal [out] A pointer to the trampoline function, which will be // used to call the original target function. // This parameter can be NULL. MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_CreateHook(LPVOID pTarget, LPVOID pDetour, LPVOID *ppOriginal); MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_EnableHook(LPVOID pTarget); MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_DisableHook(LPVOID pTarget); MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_RemoveHook(LPVOID pTarget); MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_QueueEnableHook(LPVOID pTarget); MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_QueueDisableHook(LPVOID pTarget); MH_STATUS WINAPI MH_ApplyQueued(VOID); const char* WINAPI MH_StatusToString(MH_STATUS status); } #define MH_ALL_HOOKS NULL #define ITH_RAISE (*(int*)0 = 0) // raise C000005, for debugging only #define ITH_TRY __try #define ITH_EXCEPT __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) #define ITH_WITH_SEH(...) ITH_TRY { __VA_ARGS__; } ITH_EXCEPT {} // EOF