#pragma once // texthook.h // 8/24/2013 jichi // Branch: IHF_DLL/IHF_CLIENT.h, rev 133 // // 8/24/2013 TODO: // - Clean up this file // - Reduce global variables. Use namespaces or singleton classes instead. #include "common.h" #include "types.h" extern int currentHook; extern DWORD trigger; // jichi 9/25/2013: This class will be used by NtMapViewOfSectionfor // interprocedure communication, where constructor/destructor will NOT work. class TextHook { int InsertHookCode(); int InsertReadCode(); int UnsafeInsertHookCode(); DWORD UnsafeSend(DWORD dwDataBase, DWORD dwRetn); int RemoveHookCode(); int RemoveReadCode(); int SetHookName(LPCSTR name); public: HookParam hp; LPSTR hook_name; int name_length; BYTE recover[0x68 - sizeof(HookParam)]; BYTE original[0x10]; unsigned __int64 Address() const { return hp.address; } DWORD Type() const { return hp.type; } WORD Length() const { return hp.hook_len; } LPSTR Name() const { return hook_name; } int NameLength() const { return name_length; } int InsertHook(); int InitHook(const HookParam &hp, LPCSTR name = 0, WORD set_flag = 0); DWORD Send(DWORD dwDataBase, DWORD dwRetn); int ClearHook(); int GetLength(DWORD base, DWORD in); // jichi 12/25/2013: Return 0 if failed }; // jichi 1/16/2015: Though called max hook, it means max number of text threads enum { MAX_HOOK = 64 }; enum { HOOK_SECTION_SIZE = MAX_HOOK * sizeof(TextHook) * 2, HOOK_BUFFER_SIZE = MAX_HOOK * sizeof(TextHook) }; extern TextHook *hookman, *current_available; extern bool running, live; extern HANDLE hookPipe, hmMutex; DWORD WINAPI PipeManager(LPVOID unused); enum : int { yes = 0, no = 1 }; // EOF