// hookman.cc // 8/24/2013 jichi // Branch IHF/HookManager.cpp, rev 133 // 8/24/2013 TODO: Clean up this file #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning (disable:4100) // C4100: unreference formal parameter # pragma warning (disable:4146) // C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type #endif // _MSC_VER #include "hookman.h" #include "vnrhook/include/const.h" #include "vnrhook/include/defs.h" #include "vnrhook/include/types.h" #include "winmutex/winmutex.h" #include #define HM_LOCK CriticalSectionLocker hmLocker(hmCs) // Synchronized scope for accessing private data HookManager::HookManager() : create(nullptr), remove(nullptr), reset(nullptr), attach(nullptr), detach(nullptr), nextThreadNumber(0), textThreadsByParams(), processRecordsByIds() { InitializeCriticalSection(&hmCs); // Console text thread current = textThreadsByParams[{ 0, -1UL, -1UL, -1UL }] = new TextThread({ 0, -1UL, -1UL, -1UL }, nextThreadNumber++, splitDelay); current->Status() |= USING_UNICODE | CURRENT_SELECT; } HookManager::~HookManager() { HM_LOCK; DeleteCriticalSection(&hmCs); } TextThread *HookManager::FindSingle(DWORD number) { HM_LOCK; for (auto i : textThreadsByParams) if (i.second->Number() == number) return i.second; return nullptr; } void HookManager::SetCurrent(TextThread *it) { HM_LOCK; if (it == nullptr) return; current->Status() &= ~CURRENT_SELECT; current = it; it->Status() |= CURRENT_SELECT; } void HookManager::SelectCurrent(DWORD num) { HM_LOCK; if (TextThread *st = FindSingle(num)) { SetCurrent(st); if (reset) reset(st); } } void HookManager::RemoveSingleHook(DWORD pid, DWORD addr) { HM_LOCK; std::vector removedThreads; for (auto i : textThreadsByParams) if (i.first.pid == pid && i.first.hook == addr) { if (remove) remove(i.second); delete i.second; removedThreads.push_back(i.first); } for (auto i : removedThreads) textThreadsByParams.erase(i); SelectCurrent(0); } void HookManager::RemoveProcessContext(DWORD pid) { HM_LOCK; std::vector removedThreads; for (auto i : textThreadsByParams) if (i.first.pid == pid) { if (remove) remove(i.second); delete i.second; removedThreads.push_back(i.first); } for (auto i : removedThreads) textThreadsByParams.erase(i); SelectCurrent(0); } void HookManager::RegisterProcess(DWORD pid, HANDLE hostPipe) { HM_LOCK; ProcessRecord* record = processRecordsByIds[pid] = new ProcessRecord; record->hostPipe = hostPipe; record->hookman_section = OpenFileMappingW(FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, (ITH_SECTION_ + std::to_wstring(pid)).c_str()); record->hookman_map = MapViewOfFile(record->hookman_section, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, HOOK_SECTION_SIZE / 2); // jichi 1/16/2015: Changed to half to hook section size record->process_handle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid); record->hookman_mutex = OpenMutexW(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, (ITH_HOOKMAN_MUTEX_ + std::to_wstring(pid)).c_str()); if (attach) attach(pid); } void HookManager::UnRegisterProcess(DWORD pid) { HM_LOCK; ProcessRecord pr = *processRecordsByIds[pid]; CloseHandle(pr.hookman_mutex); UnmapViewOfFile(pr.hookman_map); CloseHandle(pr.process_handle); CloseHandle(pr.hookman_section); processRecordsByIds.erase(pid); RemoveProcessContext(pid); if (detach) detach(pid); } void HookManager::DispatchText(DWORD pid, DWORD hook, DWORD retn, DWORD spl, const BYTE *text, int len) { // jichi 20/27/2013: When PID is zero, the text comes from console, which I don't need if (!text || !pid || len <= 0) return; HM_LOCK; ThreadParameter tp = { pid, hook, retn, spl }; TextThread *it; if ((it = textThreadsByParams[tp]) == nullptr) { it = textThreadsByParams[tp] = new TextThread(tp, nextThreadNumber++, splitDelay); if (create) create(it); } it->AddText(text, len); } void HookManager::AddConsoleOutput(LPCWSTR text) { HM_LOCK; int len = wcslen(text) * 2; TextThread *console = textThreadsByParams[{ 0, -1UL, -1UL, -1UL }]; console->AddSentence(std::wstring(text)); } void HookManager::ClearCurrent() { HM_LOCK; current->Reset(); if (reset) reset(current); } ProcessRecord *HookManager::GetProcessRecord(DWORD pid) { HM_LOCK; return processRecordsByIds[pid]; } HANDLE HookManager::GetHostPipe(DWORD pid) { HM_LOCK; return processRecordsByIds[pid] ? processRecordsByIds[pid]->hostPipe : nullptr; } HookParam HookManager::GetHookParam(DWORD pid, DWORD addr) { HM_LOCK; HookParam ret = {}; ProcessRecord* pr = GetProcessRecord(pid); if (pr == nullptr) return ret; MutexLocker locker(pr->hookman_mutex); const Hook* hooks = (const Hook*)pr->hookman_map; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_HOOK; ++i) if (hooks[i].Address() == addr) ret = hooks[i].hp; return ret; } std::wstring HookManager::GetHookName(DWORD pid, DWORD addr) { HM_LOCK; std::string buffer; ProcessRecord* pr = GetProcessRecord(pid); if (pr == nullptr) return L""; MutexLocker locker(pr->hookman_mutex); USES_CONVERSION; const Hook* hooks = (const Hook*)pr->hookman_map; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_HOOK; ++i) { if (hooks[i].Address() == addr) { buffer.resize(hooks[i].NameLength()); ReadProcessMemory(pr->process_handle, hooks[i].Name(), &buffer[0], hooks[i].NameLength(), nullptr); } } return std::wstring(A2W(buffer.c_str())); } // EOF