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2023-06-05 17:21:58 +08:00

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<h3 class="fw-bold mb-4">Details</h3>
<p>This beginner-friendly, example-based course will guide you through the essential
knowledge of MDB
<p class="mb-2"><strong>What will you learn:</strong></p>
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<li><i class="fas fa-check text-success me-2"></i>Bootstrap</li>
<li><i class="fas fa-check text-success me-2"></i>MDBootstrap</li>
<li><i class="fas fa-check text-success me-2"></i>UI & UX design</li>
<li><i class="fas fa-check text-success me-2"></i>Responsive web design</li>
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<h3 class="mb-4">
<strong>$ 129</strong>
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<i class="fas fa-check text-success me-3"></i>Git repository
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<strong>$ 499</strong>
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<i class="fas fa-check text-success me-3"></i>Premium
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<i class="fas fa-check text-success me-3"></i>Premium
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<i class="fas fa-check text-success me-3"></i>Drag&amp;Drop
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