_activeField->inline = true; $html = $this->_activeField->checkbox()->render(); $expectedHtml = <<
HTML; $this->assertEqualsWithoutLE($expectedHtml, $html); } public function testDefaultRadioByConfig() { Html::$counter = 0; $this->_activeField->inline = true; $html = $this->_activeField->radio()->render(); $expectedHtml = <<
HTML; $this->assertEqualsWithoutLE($expectedHtml, $html); } public function testDefaultCheckboxListByConfig() { Html::$counter = 0; $html = $this->_activeField->checkboxList([1 => 'name1', 2 => 'name2'])->render(); $expectedHtml = <<
HTML; $this->assertEqualsWithoutLE($expectedHtml, $html); } public function testDefaultRadioListByConfig() { Html::$counter = 0; $html = $this->_activeField->radioList([1 => 'name1', 2 => 'name2'])->render(); $expectedHtml = <<
HTML; $this->assertEqualsWithoutLE($expectedHtml, $html); } public function testHorizontalLayout() { Html::$counter = 0; ActiveForm::$counter = 0; ob_start(); $model = new DynamicModel(['attributeName', 'checkbox', 'gridRadios']); $form = ActiveForm::begin([ 'action' => '/some-action', 'layout' => ActiveForm::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL ]); echo $form->field($model, 'attributeName'); echo $form->field($model, 'checkbox')->checkbox(['wrapperOptions' => ['class' => ['widget' => new UnsetArrayValue()]]]); echo $form->field($model, 'gridRadios')->radioList([ 'option1' => 'First radio', 'option2' => 'Second radio', 'option3' => 'Third radio' ]); ActiveForm::end(); $out = ob_get_clean(); $expected = <<
HTML; $expected2 = <<
HTML; $expected3 = <<
HTML; $this->assertContainsWithoutLE($expected, $out); $this->assertContainsWithoutLE($expected2, $out); $this->assertContainsWithoutLE($expected3, $out); } protected function setUp(): void { // dirty way to have Request object not throwing exception when running testHomeLinkNull() $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = 'index.php'; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = 'index.php'; $this->mockWebApplication([ 'container' => [ 'definitions' => [ 'yii\bootstrap5\ActiveField' => [ 'checkTemplate' => "
", 'radioTemplate' => "
", 'checkHorizontalTemplate' => "{beginWrapper}\n
\n{endWrapper}", 'radioHorizontalTemplate' => "{beginWrapper}\n
\n{endWrapper}", 'checkOptions' => [ 'class' => ['widget' => 'form-check-input'], 'labelOptions' => [ 'class' => ['widget' => 'form-check-label'] ], 'wrapperOptions' => [ 'class' => ['widget' => 'form-check'] ] ], 'radioOptions' => [ 'class' => ['widget' => 'form-check-input'], 'labelOptions' => [ 'class' => ['widget' => 'form-check-label'] ], 'wrapperOptions' => [ 'class' => ['widget' => 'form-check'] ] ] ] ] ] ]); $this->_helperModel = new DynamicModel(['attributeName']); ob_start(); $this->_helperForm = ActiveForm::begin(['action' => '/something']); ActiveForm::end(); ob_end_clean(); $this->_activeField = Yii::createObject([ 'class' => 'yii\bootstrap5\ActiveField', 'form' => $this->_helperForm ]); $this->_activeField->model = $this->_helperModel; $this->_activeField->attribute = $this->_attributeName; } }