基于Yii 2框架的网盘系统

这是一个基于[Yii 2](https://www.yiiframework.com/) PHP框架设计的网盘系统,作为我的毕业设计作业,它具备一些网盘该有的功能。 项目基于Yii 2 基础项目模板构建,部分使用了模板内容。 [DEMO演示站](https://demo.chenx221.cyou:9443/) [![Yii2](https://img.shields.io/badge/Powered_by-Yii_Framework-green.svg?style=flat)](https://www.yiiframework.com/) 项目结构 ------------------- assets/ contains assets definition commands/ contains console commands (controllers) config/ contains application configurations controllers/ contains Web controller classes data/ contains data files mail/ contains view files for e-mails models/ contains model classes runtime/ contains files generated during runtime tests/ contains various tests for the basic application utils/ contains some useful classes vendor/ contains dependent 3rd-party packages views/ contains view files for the Web application web/ contains the entry script and Web resources 目前已实现的功能 ------------------- 用户登录、注册 目录显示 文件操作(下载,删除,重命名) 文件夹操作(打包下载,删除,重命名) 文件/文件夹上传(支持拖拽上传文件) 文件多选/批量操作,打包,下载,删除,复制,剪切,粘贴,解压 文件校验信息查看 文件/文件夹分享(+) 分享管理 文件预览(支持图像,视频,音频,文本,pdf) _(找不到好的office处理方案)_ 文件收集(+) 登录验证码(支持reCAPTCHA,hCaptcha,Turnstile三选一或关闭) 文件管理中的右键菜单 容量显示 个人资料显示、修改 修改密码 设置二步验证 部分安全强化(ACL、RBAC) 首页容量显示(点!按钮) 容量限制 文件保险箱(端到端加密)(数据存储在data\用户id.secret) WebAuthn 登录验证/管理 文件/文件夹搜素 工单支持 首页美化+公告 Google Analysis、Microsoft Clarify集成 管理员相关功能:用户管理、管理员个人设置、系统设置、审计日志(登录日志、分享访问日志、收集任务访问日志)、分享和收集任务管理、系统状态监控、工单和公告管理 计划实现的功能 ------------------- None 开发环境 ------------ Windows 11 / Debian 12 PhpStorm 2024.1.3 PHP 8.3.8 / 8.2.18 (这个项目需要PHP>=8.2) MariaDB 11.3.2 / 10.11.6 Apache Garnet 1.0.13 / Redis 7.0.15 环境搭建 ------------ ### 数据库 [下这个](https://git.chenx221.cyou/chenx221/yii2-netdisk/releases/download/1.0/releasev2.sql) ### Docker (测试) Docker自己装 ```bash sudo docker build -t chenx2210/chenx221-yii2-netdisk . ``` ```bash sudo docker network create my-network sudo docker run -d --name mariadb-container \ -v /root/db.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db.sql \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=chenx221 \ --network=my-network \ --restart always \ mariadb:latest sudo docker run -d --name redis-container \ --network=my-network \ --restart always \ redis sudo docker run -d -p 9443:443 \ -v /root/cert/fullchain1.pem:/etc/ssl/fullchain1.pem \ -v /root/cert/privkey1.pem:/etc/ssl/privkey1.pem \ -v /root/data:/var/www/html/data \ -v /root/.env:/var/www/html/.env \ --network=my-network \ --restart always \ chenx2210/chenx221-yii2-netdisk ``` docker安装时.env ``` DB_HOST=mariadb-container:3306 RD_HOST=redis-container ``` .sql文件别忘了+x 和777 ### For Windows #### [Wampserver](https://wampserver.aviatechno.net/) wampserver3.3.5_x64.exe Tools->切换默认DBMS为MariaDB 禁用Mysql 切换PHP版本为8.3.6 #### PHP 访问https://curl.se/docs/caextract.html,下载cacert.pem到C:\wamp64\bin\php\php8.3.6\extras\ssl 编辑C:\wamp64\bin\php\php8.3.6\php.ini 修改: ```ini max_execution_time = 360 memory_limit = 2G post_max_size = 512M upload_max_filesize = 512M xdebug.mode =debug curl.cainfo = G:\wamp64\bin\php\php8.3.6\extras\ssl\cacert.pem ``` 新增: ```ini xdebug.discover_client_host = true xdebug.client_host = xdebug.client_port= 9000 xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp extension=php_imagick.dll extension=php_memcache.dll ``` 编辑C:\wamp64\bin\php\php8.3.6\phpForApache.ini 修改: ```ini max_execution_time = 360 memory_limit = 4G post_max_size = 2G upload_max_filesize = 2G extension=pdo_pgsql extension=sodium date.timezone = "Asia/Shanghai" xdebug.mode =debug curl.cainfo =c:\wamp64\bin\php\php8.3.6\extras\ssl\cacert.pem ``` 新增: ```ini xdebug.discover_client_host = true xdebug.client_host = xdebug.client_port= 9000 xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp extension=php_imagick.dll extension=php_memcache.dll ``` 添加[php扩展](https://git.chenx221.cyou/chenx221/yii2-netdisk/releases/download/db.backup/php83.zip) #### Apache 编辑httpd.conf 修改: ```apacheconf LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so ``` 新增: ```apacheconf Define MYPORT8081 8081 Listen${MYPORT8081} Listen [::0]:${MYPORT8081} ``` 编辑httpd-vhosts.conf 新增: ```apacheconf ServerName env2.chenx221.cyou DocumentRoot "c:/wamp64/www/netdisk/web" Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews AllowOverride All Require all granted LimitRequestBody 2147483648 SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile "C:\wamp64\fullchain1.pem" SSLCertificateKeyFile "C:\wamp64\privkey1.pem" ``` #### mariadb phpmyadmin> root 修改密码 下载[DBeaver Community](https://dbeaver.io/download/) 新建数据库yii2basic 恢复数据库从release.sql #### redis(Garnet) [下载运行库](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-8.0.4-windows-x64-installer?cid=getdotnetcore) 修改Garnet.xml路径 ``` .\WinSW-x64.exe install .\Garnet.xml ``` 服务 运行Garnet服务 #### 其他 安装[git](https://git-scm.com/download/win) ``` git clone https://git.chenx221.cyou/chenx221/yii2-netdisk.git ``` 重命名yii2-netdisk为netdisk 在netdisk中新建data文件夹 修改环境变量path,追加`C:\wamp64\bin\php\php8.3.6` 安装[composer](https://getcomposer.org/Composer-Setup.exe) 在netdisk目录下`composer install` .env看下面linux部分配置 #### 额外说明 预留了一个管理员账户 username:admin password:administrator ### For Linux (以Debian 12为例) #### 安装依赖 ```bash sudo apt install php8.2 php8.2-zip php8.2-xsl php8.2-imagick php8.2-gmp php8.2-curl php8.2-bcmath php8.2-gd php8.2-mysql php8.2-imap php8.2-ldap php8.2-memcache php8.2-common php8.2-soap php8.2-xdebug php8.2-sqlite3 mariadb-server apache2 redis composer git ``` #### apache ```bash sudo a2enmod rewrite sudo a2enmod ssl sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/netdisk.conf ``` ```apacheconf ServerName env.chenx221.cyou DocumentRoot "/var/www/netdisk/web" Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews AllowOverride All Require all granted LimitRequestBody 2147483648 SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile "/var/www/fullchain1.pem" SSLCertificateKeyFile "/var/www/privkey1.pem" ``` 上传证书到`/var/www/`目录,别的不多说了 ```bash sudo a2ensite netdisk.conf sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf-available/netdisk-conf.conf ``` ```apacheconf Listen Listen [::0]:8081 ``` ```bash sudo a2enconf netdisk-conf.conf sudo systemctl restart apache2 ``` #### php ```bash sudo nano /etc/php/8.2/apache2/php.ini ``` 修改 ```ini max_execution_time = 360 memory_limit = 4G post_max_size = 2G upload_max_filesize = 2G ``` 增加 ```ini date.timezone = "Asia/Shanghai" [xdebug] xdebug.mode =debug xdebug.output_dir ="/tmp" xdebug.show_local_vars=0 xdebug.log="/tmp/xdebug.log" xdebug.log_level=7 xdebug.profiler_output_name=trace.%H.%t.%p.cgrind xdebug.use_compression=false xdebug.discover_client_host = true xdebug.client_host = xdebug.client_port= 9003 xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp ``` ```bash sudo systemctl restart apache2 ``` #### mariadb ```bash sudo mariadb-secure-installation ``` ``` Enter current password for root (enter for none): Switch to unix_socket authentication [Y/n] n Change the root password? [Y/n] y Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y ``` 上传sql文件到服务器,导入数据库 ``` mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE yii2basic; CREATE USER 'chenx221'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'chenx221'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON yii2basic.* TO 'chenx221'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; use yii2basic; source /home/chenx221/release.sql; ``` #### 其他配置 ```bash cd /var/www sudo mkdir .cache sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .cache sudo chmod -R 755 .cache sudo git clone https://git.chenx221.cyou/chenx221/yii2-netdisk.git //如果你看到这个README.md,那么这个项目已经公开了 sudo mv yii2-netdisk netdisk sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/netdisk sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/netdisk cd netdisk sudo -u www-data mkdir data sudo -u www-data cp .env.example .env ``` 参照.env.example文件,修改.env文件中的配置,以下是基础结构 ```env SITE_TITLE= REGISTRATION_ENABLED= DOMAIN= DB_HOST= DB_NAME= DB_USERNAME= DB_PASSWORD= VERIFY_PROVIDER= RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY= RECAPTCHA_SECRET= HCAPTCHA_SITE_KEY= HCAPTCHA_SECRET= TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY= TURNSTILE_SECRET= COOKIE_VALIDATION_KEY= ENABLE_IPINFO= IPINFO_TOKEN= CLARITY_ENABLED= CLARITY_ID= GA_ENABLED= GA_ID= ``` ```bash sudo -u www-data composer install ``` #### 额外说明 SQL中留了个管理员账户 username:admin password:administrator #### 后面的内容还没写好,先注释 [//]: # (TESTING) [//]: # (-------) [//]: # () [//]: # (Tests are located in `tests` directory. They are developed with [Codeception PHP Testing Framework](https://codeception.com/).) [//]: # (By default, there are 3 test suites:) [//]: # () [//]: # (- `unit`) [//]: # (- `functional`) [//]: # (- `acceptance`) [//]: # () [//]: # (Tests can be executed by running) [//]: # () [//]: # (```) [//]: # (vendor/bin/codecept run) [//]: # (```) [//]: # () [//]: # (The command above will execute unit and functional tests. Unit tests are testing the system components, while functional) [//]: # (tests are for testing user interaction. Acceptance tests are disabled by default as they require additional setup since) [//]: # (they perform testing in real browser. ) [//]: # () [//]: # () [//]: # (### Running acceptance tests) [//]: # () [//]: # (To execute acceptance tests do the following: ) [//]: # () [//]: # (1. Rename `tests/acceptance.suite.yml.example` to `tests/acceptance.suite.yml` to enable suite configuration) [//]: # () [//]: # (2. Replace `codeception/base` package in `composer.json` with `codeception/codeception` to install full-featured) [//]: # ( version of Codeception) [//]: # () [//]: # (3. Update dependencies with Composer ) [//]: # () [//]: # ( ```) [//]: # ( composer update ) [//]: # ( ```) [//]: # () [//]: # (4. Download [Selenium Server](https://www.seleniumhq.org/download/) and launch it:) [//]: # () [//]: # ( ```) [//]: # ( java -jar ~/selenium-server-standalone-x.xx.x.jar) [//]: # ( ```) [//]: # () [//]: # ( In case of using Selenium Server 3.0 with Firefox browser since v48 or Google Chrome since v53 you must download [GeckoDriver](https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases) or [ChromeDriver](https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads) and launch Selenium with it:) [//]: # () [//]: # ( ```) [//]: # ( # for Firefox) [//]: # ( java -jar -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=~/geckodriver ~/selenium-server-standalone-3.xx.x.jar) [//]: # ( ) [//]: # ( # for Google Chrome) [//]: # ( java -jar -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=~/chromedriver ~/selenium-server-standalone-3.xx.x.jar) [//]: # ( ``` ) [//]: # ( ) [//]: # ( As an alternative way you can use already configured Docker container with older versions of Selenium and Firefox:) [//]: # ( ) [//]: # ( ```) [//]: # ( docker run --net=host selenium/standalone-firefox:2.53.0) [//]: # ( ```) [//]: # () [//]: # (5. (Optional) Create `yii2basic_test` database and update it by applying migrations if you have them.) [//]: # () [//]: # ( ```) [//]: # ( tests/bin/yii migrate) [//]: # ( ```) [//]: # () [//]: # ( The database configuration can be found at `config/test_db.php`.) [//]: # () [//]: # () [//]: # (6. Start web server:) [//]: # () [//]: # ( ```) [//]: # ( tests/bin/yii serve) [//]: # ( ```) [//]: # () [//]: # (7. Now you can run all available tests) [//]: # () [//]: # ( ```) [//]: # ( # run all available tests) [//]: # ( vendor/bin/codecept run) [//]: # () [//]: # ( # run acceptance tests) [//]: # ( vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance) [//]: # () [//]: # ( # run only unit and functional tests) [//]: # ( vendor/bin/codecept run unit,functional) [//]: # ( ```) [//]: # () [//]: # (### Code coverage support) [//]: # () [//]: # (By default, code coverage is disabled in `codeception.yml` configuration file, you should uncomment needed rows to be able) [//]: # (to collect code coverage. You can run your tests and collect coverage with the following command:) [//]: # () [//]: # (```) [//]: # (#collect coverage for all tests) [//]: # (vendor/bin/codecept run --coverage --coverage-html --coverage-xml) [//]: # () [//]: # (#collect coverage only for unit tests) [//]: # (vendor/bin/codecept run unit --coverage --coverage-html --coverage-xml) [//]: # () [//]: # (#collect coverage for unit and functional tests) [//]: # (vendor/bin/codecept run functional,unit --coverage --coverage-html --coverage-xml) [//]: # (```) [//]: # () [//]: # (You can see code coverage output under the `tests/_output` directory.)