2023-12-20 05:44:08 +02:00

18 KiB


  • fixed the implementation of BIsAppInstalled(), it must lock the global mutex since it is thread-safe, otherwise it will cause starvation and the current thread wion't yield, which triggers some games

  • more accurate behavior for BIsAppInstalled(), reject app ID if it was in the DLC list and isUnlockAllDlc was false

  • basic implementation for RequestAppProofOfPurchaseKey() and RequestAllProofOfPurchaseKeys()

  • a simple implementation for GetEarliestPurchaseUnixTime()

  • more accurate implementation for BGetSessionClientResolution, set both x & y to 0

  • return false in Steam_Apps::BIsDlcInstalled() when the given app ID is the base game

  • check for invalid app ID uint32_max in different places

  • more accurate implementation for Steam_Client::BReleaseSteamPipe(), return true if the pipe was released successfully

  • lock the global mutex and the overlay mutex in different places just to be on the safe side, without it, some games suffer from thread starvation, might slow things down

  • added missing env var "SteamOverlayGameId" to steam_client and client_loader

  • added a startup timer + counter for reference, currently used to print timestamp in debug log

  • consistent debug log location, for games that change cwd multiple times while running

  • fixed error propagation in Windows build script, apparently set /a var+=another_var works only if another_var is a defined env var but NOT one of the "magic" builtins like errorlevel


  • More accurate implementation for BIsAppInstalled(), it now rejects uint32_max

  • Allow behavior customizization via installed_app_ids.txt config file

  • Limit/Lock list of installed apps on an empty file (similar to dlc.txt)

  • Changed the behavior of GetCurrentBetaName() to comply with the docs, might break stuff

  • Allow customizing the behavior via is_beta_branch.txt + force_branch_name.txt config files

  • New script to generate native executable for generate_emu_config on Linux using pyinstaller

  • Setup Github Worflows to:

    • Build generate_emu_config for Linux when you push code to a branch whose name matches the pattern ci-build-gen-linux*
    • Build generate_emu_config for Windows when you push code to a branch whose name matches the pattern ci-build-gen-win*
    • Build the emu for Linux when you push code to a branch whose name matches the pattern ci-build-emu-linux*
    • Build the emu for Windows when you push code to a branch whose name matches the pattern ci-build-emu-win*
    • Build everything when you push code to a branch whose name is ci-build-all
    • Build everything and create a release when you push a tag whose name matches the pattern release*
  • Packaging scripts for both Windows & Linux, usable locally and via Github Workflows

    • For the emu:
      • First run build_win_deps.bat (Windows)
        or sudo ./ (Linux)
      • Run build_win.bat release + build_win.bat debug (Windows)
        or ./ release + ./ debug (Linux)
      • Finally run package_win.bat release + package_win.bat debug (Windows)
        or sudo ./ release + sudo ./ debug (Linux)
    • The same goes for generate_emu_config (scripts folder) but the scripts do not take any arguments, so no release or debug
  • Added all third-party dependencies as local branches in this repo + refer to these branches as submodules, making the repo self contained

  • based on cvsR4U1 by ce20fdf2 from viewtopic.php?p=2936697#p2936697

  • apply the fix for the Linux build (due to newer glibc) from this pull request by Randy Li:

  • add updated translation of Spanish + Latin American to the overlay by dragonslayer609 from viewtopic.php?p=2936892#p2936892

  • add updated translation of Russian to the overlay by GogoVan from viewtopic.php?p=2939565#p2939565

  • add more interfaces to look for in the original steam_api by alex47exe from viewtopic.php?p=2935557#p2935557

  • add fix for glyphs icons for xbox 360 controller by 0x0315 from viewtopic.php?p=2949498#p2949498


  • bare minimum implementation for SDK 1.58a

    • backup the current version of the interface 'steam ugc'

      • create new file: isteamugc017.h

      copy the current version of the interface to this file don't copy enums, structs, constants, etc..., just copy the pure virtual (abstract) class of the interface rename the abstract class to include the current version number in its name, i.e. 'class ISteamUGC017' create a file header guard containing the interface version in its name, i.e. 'ISTEAMUGC017_H' if the file has '#pragma once', then guard this line with '#ifdef STEAM_WIN32' ... '#endif', I don't know why

    • isteamugc.h (this always contains the declaration of latest interface version)

      • declare the new API: GetUserContentDescriptorPreferences()
      • update the API: SetItemTags() to use the new argument
      • update the interface version to STEAMUGC_INTERFACE_VERSION018
    • steam_ugc.h (this always contains the implementation of ALL interfaces versions)

      • add the backed-up abstract class to the list of inheritance, i.e. 'public ISteamUGC017'
      • (needs revise) implement the new API: GetUserContentDescriptorPreferences()
      • add a new overload of the API: SetItemTags() which takes the new additional argument
    • backup the current version of the interface 'steam remote play'

      • create new file: isteamremoteplay001.h

      copy the current version of the interface to this file don't copy enums, structs, constants, etc..., just copy the pure virtual (abstract) class of the interface rename the abstract class to include the current version number in its name, i.e. 'class ISteamRemotePlay001' create a file header guard containing the interface version in its name, i.e. 'ISTEAMREMOTEPLAY001_H' if the file has '#pragma once', then guard this line with '#ifdef STEAM_WIN32' ... '#endif', I don't know why

    • isteamremoteplay.h (this always contains the declaration of latest interface version)

      • declare the new API: BStartRemotePlayTogether()
      • update the interface version to STEAMREMOTEPLAY_INTERFACE_VERSION002
      • fix file header guard from _WIN32 to STEAM_WIN32
    • steam_remoteplay.h (this always contains the implementation of ALL interfaces versions)

      • add the backed-up abstract class to the list of inheritance, i.e. 'public ISteamRemotePlay001'
      • (needs revise) implement the new API: BStartRemotePlayTogether()
    • steam_api.h

      • #include the backed-up interface files:

        #include "isteamugc017.h" #include "isteamremoteplay001.h"

      • declare the new API: SteamInternal_SteamAPI_Init()
      • add a new enum ESteamAPIInitResult
      • fix return type of SteamAPI_InitSafe() from bool to steam_bool (some stupid games read the whole EAX register)
      • add a useless inline implementation for the API: SteamAPI_InitEx(), not exported yet but just in case for the future
    • steam_gameserver.h

      • declare the new API: SteamInternal_GameServer_Init_V2()
      • fix return type of SteamGameServer_Init() from bool to steam_bool (some stupid games read the whole EAX register)
      • add a useless inline implementation for the API: SteamGameServer_InitEx(), not exported yet but just in case for the future
    • steam_api_common.h

      • declare a new type: SteamErrMsg
    • dll.cpp (this has the implementation of whatever inside steam_api.h + steam_gameserver.h)

      • (needs revise) implement the new API: SteamInternal_SteamAPI_Init()
      • (needs revise) implement the new API: SteamInternal_GameServer_Init_V2()
      • read some missing interfaces versions when parsing steam_interfaces.txt
      • initialize all interfaces versions with the latest ones available, instead of hardcoding them
    • steam_client.cpp

      • add a new version string for the interface getter GetISteamUGC()
      • add a new version string for the interface getter GetISteamRemotePlay()
    • isteamnetworkingsockets.h

      • fix the signatures of the APIs: (ISteamNetworkingConnectionCustomSignaling vs ISteamNetworkingConnectionSignaling)

        ConnectP2PCustomSignaling() ReceivedP2PCustomSignal()

    • isteamnetworkingsockets009.h

      • fix the signatures of the APIs: (ISteamNetworkingConnectionCustomSignaling vs ISteamNetworkingConnectionSignaling)

        ConnectP2PCustomSignaling() ReceivedP2PCustomSignal()

    • steam_networking_sockets.h

      • implement the missing overloads of the APIs: (ISteamNetworkingConnectionCustomSignaling vs ISteamNetworkingConnectionSignaling)

        ConnectP2PCustomSignaling() ReceivedP2PCustomSignal()

    • steam_api_flat.h ////////////////////

      • declare new interfaces getters:

        SteamAPI_SteamUGC_v018() SteamAPI_SteamGameServerUGC_v018()

      • declare the new API: SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_GetUserContentDescriptorPreferences()
      • (needs revise) update signature of the API: SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_SetItemTags() to add the new argument this will potentially break compatibility with older version of the flat API ////////////////////
      • declare new interface getter: SteamAPI_SteamRemotePlay_v002()
      • declare the new API: SteamAPI_ISteamRemotePlay_BStartRemotePlayTogether() ////////////////////
      • fix the signatures of the APIs: (ISteamNetworkingConnectionCustomSignaling vs ISteamNetworkingConnectionSignaling)

        SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_ConnectP2PCustomSignaling() SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_ReceivedP2PCustomSignal()

    • flat.cpp ////////////////////

      • implement new interfaces getters:

        SteamAPI_SteamUGC_v018() SteamAPI_SteamGameServerUGC_v018()

      • implement the new API: SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_GetUserContentDescriptorPreferences()
      • (needs revise) update signature of the API: SteamAPI_ISteamUGC_SetItemTags() to use the new argument this will potentially break compatibility with older version of the flat API ////////////////////
      • implement new interface getter SteamAPI_SteamRemotePlay_v002()
      • implement the new API: SteamAPI_ISteamRemotePlay_BStartRemotePlayTogether() ////////////////////
      • fix the signatures of the APIs: (ISteamNetworkingConnectionCustomSignaling vs ISteamNetworkingConnectionSignaling)

        SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_ConnectP2PCustomSignaling() SteamAPI_ISteamNetworkingSockets_ReceivedP2PCustomSignal()

    • isteamfriends.h

      • (needs revise) add a missing (or new?) member m_dwOverlayPID to the struct GameOverlayActivated_t, hopefully this doesn't break stuff
    • steamnetworkingtypes.h

      • add new (or missing?) members to the enum ESteamNetworkingConfigValue:

        k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_RecvBufferSize k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_RecvBufferMessages k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_RecvMaxMessageSize k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_RecvMaxSegmentsPerPacket

    • add the file isteamdualsense.h, it isn't used currently but just in case for the future

    • update descriptions/comments or refactor/spacing

      • isteamapplist.h
      • isteamgamecoordinator.h
      • isteamps3overlayrenderer.h
      • isteamuserstats.h
      • isteamutils.h
      • isteamvideo.h
      • steamhttpenums.h
      • steamtypes.h
  • use Unicode when sanitizing settings, mainly for local_save.txt config file

    • new dir "utfcpp": containg all the source/include files of this library:
    • common_includes.h: include the new library "utfcpp"
    • settings.cpp: in Settings::sanitize(): convert to utf-32 first, do the sanitization, then convert back to std::string and return the result
  • avoid locking the global mutex every time when getting the global steamclient instance

    • dll.cpp: in get_steam_client(): only lock when the instance is null and double check for null, should speed up things a little bit
  • in different places, avoid locking gloal mutex if the relevant functionality was disabled

    • example in steam_user_stats.h: SetAchievement()
    • example in steam_overlay.cpp:

      Steam_Overlay::AddMessageNotification() Steam_Overlay::AddInviteNotification()

  • explicitly use the ASCII version of Windows APIs to avoid conflict when building with define symbols UNICODE + _UNICODE

    • base.cpp: GetModuleHandleA()
    • steam_overlay.cpp: PlaySoundA()
  • fix the implementation of RtlGenRandom stub:

    • return a number
    • use extern "C" if building in C++ mode
  • add new build scripts for both Windows and Linux for a much easier dev/build experience, both Windows and Linux scripts will run parallel build jobs for a much faster build times, by default, the scripts will use 70% of the max available threads, but if the auto detection didn't work, you can pass for example -j 10 to the scripts to use 10 parallel jobs

    on Linux, archives (.a files) of third party libraries are bundled wholly, and built statically via: -Wl,--whole-archive -Wl,-Bstatic -lssq -lcurl ... -Wl,-Bdynamic -Wl,--no-whole-archive this ensures that the final output binary (for example: won't require these libraries at runtime

    • to build on Linux (I'm using latest Ubuntu on WSL)

      • run as sudo ./, this will do the following:

        download and install the required build tools via apt-install unpack the third party libraries (protobuf, zlib, etc...) from the folder third-party to build-linux-deps build the unpacked libraries from build-linux-deps

        you only need this step once, additionally you can pass these arguments to the script: -verbose: force cmake to display extra info -j : force cmake to use parallel build jobs

      • without sudo, run ./ and pass the argument "release" or "debug" to build the emu in the corresponding mode, this will build the emu inside the folder build-linux some additional arguments you can pass to the script: -lib-32: prevent building 32-bit -lib-64: prevent building 64-bit

        -client-32: prevent building 32-bit -client-64: prevent building 64-bit

        -tool-clientldr: prevent copying the script -tool-itf: prevent copying the script -tool-lobby-32: prevent building executable lobby_connect_x32 -tool-lobby-64: prevent building executable lobby_connect_x64

        +lowperf: (UNTESTED) pass some arguments to the compiler to prevent emmiting instructions for: SSE4, popcnt, AVX

        -j : force build operations to use parallel jobs

    • to build on Windows (just install Visual Studio 2019/2022)

      • without admin, run build_win_deps.bat, this will do the following:

        unpack the third party libraries (protobuf, zlib, etc...) from the folder third-party to build-win-deps build the unpacked libraries from build-win-deps

        you only need this step once, additionally you can pass these arguments to the script: -verbose: force cmake to display extra info -j : force cmake to use parallel build jobs

      • without admin, run build_win.bat and pass the argument "release" or "debug" to build the emu in the corresponding mode, this will build the emu inside the folder build-win some additional arguments you can pass to the script: -lib-32: prevent building 32-bit steam_api.dll -lib-64: prevent building 64-bit steam_api64.dll

        -ex-lib-32: prevent building experimental steam_api.dll -ex-lib-64: prevent building experimental steam_api64.dll

        -ex-client-32: prevent building experimental steamclient.dll -ex-client-64: prevent building experimental steamclient64.dll

        -exclient-32: prevent building experimental client steamclient.dll -exclient-64: prevent building experimental client steamclient64.dll -exclient-ldr: prevent building experimental client loader steamclient_loader.exe

        -tool-itf: prevent building executable find_interfaces.exe -tool-lobby: prevent building executable lobby_connect.exe

        +lowperf: (UNTESTED) for 32-bit build only, pass the argument /arch:IA32 to the compiler

        -j : force build operations to use parallel jobs

  • added all required third-party libraries inside the folder "third-party"

  • greatly enhanced the functionality of the generate_emu_config script + add a build script

    • run recreate_venv.bat to

      create a python virtual environemnt install all required packages inside this env

    • run rebuild.bat to produce a bootstrapped .exe built using pyinstaller
    • inside the folder of the built executable

      create a file called my_login.txt, then add your username in the first line, and your password in the second line run the .exe file without any args to display all available options

  • revert the changes to SetProduct() and SetGameDescription()

  • in steam_overlay.cpp: AddAchievementNotification(): prefer original paths of achievements icons first, then fallback to "achievement_images/"

////////// older changes

  • add missing implementation of (de)sanitize_string when NO_DISK_WRITE is defined which fixes compilation of lobby_connect

  • check for empty string in (de)sanitize_file_name() before accessing its items

  • implement new API: GetAuthTicketForWebApi()

    • base.h: declare the new API: getWebApiTicket()
    • base.cpp: implement the new API: Auth_Ticket_Manager::getWebApiTicket()
    • steam_user.h: call the new API inside GetAuthTicketForWebApi()
  • add an updated and safer impl for Local_Storage::load_image_resized() by RIPAciD from viewtopic.php?p=2884627#p2884627

  • add missing note in ReadMe about libssq

  • add new release 4 by ce20fdf2 from viewtopic.php?p=2933673#p2933673

  • add hotfix 3 by ce20fdf2 from viewtopic.php?p=2921215#p2921215

  • add hotfix 2 by ce20fdf2: viewtopic.php?p=2884110#p2884110

  • add initial hotfix by ce20fdf2