2020-02-29 01:42:39 -07:00

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# Textractor
![How it looks](screenshot.png)
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**Textractor** (a.k.a. NextHooker) is an open-source x86/x64 video game text hooker for Windows/Wine based off of [ITHVNR](http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/438331-ITHVNR-ITH-with-the-VNR-engine).<br>
Watch the [tutorial video](https://tinyurl.com/textractor-tutorial) for a quick rundown on using it.
## Download
Releases of Textractor can be found [here](https://github.com/Artikash/Textractor/releases).<br>
The last release of ITHVNR can be found [here](https://drive.google.com/open?id=13aHF4uIXWn-3YML_k2YCDWhtGgn5-tnO).<br>
Try running vcredist if you get an error when starting Textractor.
## Features
- Highly extensible and customizable
- Auto hook many game engines (including some not supported by VNR!)
- Hook text using /H "hook" codes (most AGTH codes supported)
- Directly extract text using /R "read" codes
## Support
Please let me know of any bugs, games that Textractor has trouble hooking, feature requests, or other suggestions.<br>
If you have trouble hooking a game please email me a place where I can freely download it, or gift it to me on [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198097566313/).
## Extensions
See my [Example Extension project](https://github.com/Artikash/ExampleExtension) to see how to build an extension.<br>
See the extensions folder for examples of what extensions can do.
## Contributing
All contributions are appreciated! Please email (no, I'm not busy!) me at akashmozumdar@gmail.com if you have any questions about the codebase.<br>
You should use the standard process of making a pull request (fork, branch, commit changes, make PR from your branch to my master).<br>
Contributing a translation is easy: just translate the strings in text.cpp as well as this README.
## Compiling
Before compiling *Textractor*, you should get Visual Studio with CMake support, as well as Qt version 5.13<br>
You should then be able to simply open the folder in Visual Studio, and build. Run Textractor.exe.
## Project Architecture
The host (see GUI/host folder) injects texthook.dll (created from the texthook folder) into the target process and connects to it via 2 pipe files.<br>
Host writes to hostPipe, texthook writes to hookPipe.<br>
texthook waits for the pipe to be connected, then injects a few instructions into any text outputting functions (e.g. TextOut, GetGlyphOutline) that cause their input to be sent through the pipe.<br>
Additional information about hooks is exchanged via shared memory.<br>
The text that the host receives through the pipe is then processed a little before being dispatched back to the GUI.<br>
Finally, the GUI dispatches the text to extensions before displaying it.
## [Developers](CREDITS.md)