* Translate start.md * Translate start.md * Translate toolbar.md * Sync en.json * Translate settings.md * Woops * Translate trayicon.md * Translate ocrsetsumei.md * Translate hooksetsumei.md * Sync again * Update README.md * Added more * Add donate & download links <3
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When the software is in focus, hover over the buttons in the toolbar to see their tooltips Below is an introduction to each button's function, from left to right.
Universal button/Clipboard mode
These are universal buttons that appear in clipboard mode. From left to right:
Retranslate: By default, LunaTranslator doesn't translate very short texts. Use this button to force translation. It's also useful when translators occasionally malfunction or return errors
Auto Translate: Automatically translates received text. The button is pink when enabled and white when paused
Open Settings: Opens the settings window.
Copy to Clipboard: Copies the latest text extracted by OCR/HOOK to the clipboard
Show/Hide Original Text: Toggles the display of the original text
Show Translation History: Opens a window displaying previously extracted original text and translations
Text-to-Speech: When enabled, reads aloud the latest text from clipboard/OCR/HOOK. Note: This requires a Japanese text-to-speech engine installed on your system
Mouse Click-through: Makes the translation window fully transparent. Clicks will pass through to the game window beneath
Lock Toolbar: Disable toolbar auto-hide. The button is pink when active and white when disabled
Game Manager: Opens the game list window to select and open a game
Minimize to Tray: Hides LunaTranslator to the system tray. You can restore LunaTranslator from the tray icon
Exit: Closes the software
OCR Mode Buttons
OCR mode includes three additional buttons:
Select OCR Region: Allows you to select the area for OCR (similar to screenshot tools)
Show/Hide Region Border: Toggles the visibility of the rectangle indicating the OCR recognition area.
Bind to Window: Click this button, then click on the game window. The button turns pink to indicate successful binding. This allows the translation window to overlap the OCR region. Click the button and then click on the translator itself to unbind.
HOOK Mode Buttons
HOOK mode includes two additional buttons:
Select Game: Opens the game selection window to choose which game to hook.
Select Text: Opens the text selection window to choose which text strings to extract from the hooked game.