恍兮惚兮 78c88dae3b some
2024-11-13 12:27:49 +08:00

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Register for Online Translation


Baidu Translation Open Platform


Baidu Intelligent Cloud



Log in to the Console

Register and complete real-name authentication, then log in to the Tencent Cloud Console. If you don't have an account, please refer to the Account Registration Guide.

Activate the Service

  1. Under the products in the top navigation bar of the Tencent Cloud official website, find Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and click Machine Translation.
  2. Enter the Product Introduction Page, click the Start Now button, and enter the Machine Translation Console.
  3. In the console interface, read the Service Level Agreement, check "I have read and agree to the Service Level Agreement," and then click Activate Pay-as-you-go Version to activate text translation, file translation requests, batch text translation, voice translation, image translation, and language recognition interfaces with one click.

Free Quota and Purchase

After activating a machine translation service, you can enjoy the corresponding free call quota, which is issued to your Tencent Cloud account in the form of a resource package and prioritized for deduction during billing settlement. Once the free quota is exhausted, machine translation offers two billing models: prepaid and postpaid. You can check the Billing Overview of machine translation.

View Keys

Go to the official console Tencent Cloud Console API Key Management to obtain keys. Click the Create Key button, and in the pop-up window, view your Secretid and Secretkey. You can click Download CSV File to save them locally.



Step 1: Become a Developer

Click the "Register/Login" button in the upper right corner of the Zhiyun platform page, register and complete your information to become a developer.

Step 2: Access the Console and Create an Application

After logging in on the official website, you will be automatically redirected to the Zhiyun Console.

On the business overview page / application overview page / service details page, click the create application button to enter the Create Application Page.

Fill in the application name, select the service and integration method, and fill in other key information to complete the creation.

Step 3: Enter the Service Details Page, View Integration Documentation

Click the service name on the left side of the console to enter the service details page. Click the "Documentation" button under "Integration Method" to access the corresponding technical documentation; click the "SDK Download" button to download the SDK; in the "Examples" section, you can view demos. During the integration process, you may need information such as "Application ID (i.e., APP key)" and "Application Secret Key", which can be viewed in the application overview.



Activate service https://www.aliyun.com/product/ai/alimt

Create Key https://help.aliyun.com/zh/ram/user-guide/create-an-accesskey-pair


If you want to test, you can use 3975l6lr5pcbvidl6jl2 as a test Token. We do not guarantee the availability of this Token, so if you intend to use it continuously, please apply for a formal Token.

Please register an account on the Caiyun Technology Open Platform and apply for a Xiaoyi Token.

New users receive a free translation quota of 1 million characters, valid for one month; if you exceed 1 million characters, we charge at a rate of 39 yuan per 1 million characters (characters are counted based on the original text, including spaces and punctuation).


Volcano Engine

Activate the Service

Step 1: Enter the Machine Translation Console

  • Entry Point 1

    Click here to enter the machine translation console.

  • Entry Point 2

    Click the machine translation related product, enter the [Machine Translation Landing Page] - click [Management Console], to enter the machine translation console.

  • Entry Point 3

    Click the control panel navigation list, select [Machine Translation] under the AI platform, to enter the machine translation console.

Step 2: Activate Machine Translation Service

  • Note: After clicking to activate, it will enter the activation queue. If you encounter a peak in activations, it will redirect back to the activation page. Please wait patiently for a few minutes and re-enter the console. Successfully entering the console page indicates that the activation is complete. During this period, there is no need to repeatedly click to activate.

Obtain Keys

Click the account in the upper right corner, select [Key Management] from the drop-down list - click [Create Key], to obtain the access key (Access Key ID, Secret Access Key). You can use this key to call the interface later, please keep it safe.








key1 Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key

Location Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region





Huawei Cloud




No-Registration Online Translation


There are two types: DeepL and DeepLX.

DeepL is a built-in reverse interface that can be used directly, but it is prone to risk control.

DeepLX requires downloading and deploying DeepLX yourself, and entering the DeepLX api to use.


The default host is translate.plausibility.cloud, or you can deploy Lingva Translate yourself and enter your own domain.