2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
// Detours Disassembler (disasm.cpp of detours.lib)
// Microsoft Research Detours Package, Version 4.0.1
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// #define DETOUR_DEBUG 1
# include "detours.h"
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# include <limits.h>
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# error detours.h version mismatch
# endif
# undef ASSERT
# define ASSERT(x)
// Special macros to handle the case when we are building disassembler for
// offline processing.
| | defined ( DETOURS_X64_OFFLINE_LIBRARY ) \
# undef DETOURS_X64
# undef DETOURS_X86
# undef DETOURS_IA64
# undef DETOURS_ARM64
# define DetourCopyInstruction DetourCopyInstructionX86
# define DetourSetCodeModule DetourSetCodeModuleX86
# define CDetourDis CDetourDisX86
# define DETOURS_X86
# if !defined(DETOURS_64BIT)
// Fix this as/if bugs are discovered.
//#error X64 disassembler can only build for 64-bit.
# endif
# define DetourCopyInstruction DetourCopyInstructionX64
# define DetourSetCodeModule DetourSetCodeModuleX64
# define CDetourDis CDetourDisX64
# define DETOURS_X64
# define DetourCopyInstruction DetourCopyInstructionARM
# define DetourSetCodeModule DetourSetCodeModuleARM
# define CDetourDis CDetourDisARM
# define DETOURS_ARM
# define DetourCopyInstruction DetourCopyInstructionARM64
# define DetourSetCodeModule DetourSetCodeModuleARM64
# define CDetourDis CDetourDisARM64
# define DETOURS_ARM64
# define DetourCopyInstruction DetourCopyInstructionIA64
# define DetourSetCodeModule DetourSetCodeModuleIA64
# define DETOURS_IA64
# else
# error
# endif
# endif
// Function:
// DetourCopyInstruction(PVOID pDst,
// PVOID *ppDstPool
// PVOID pSrc,
// PVOID *ppTarget,
// LONG *plExtra)
// Purpose:
// Copy a single instruction from pSrc to pDst.
// Arguments:
// pDst:
// Destination address for the instruction. May be NULL in which
// case DetourCopyInstruction is used to measure an instruction.
// If not NULL then the source instruction is copied to the
// destination instruction and any relative arguments are adjusted.
// ppDstPool:
// Destination address for the end of the constant pool. The
// constant pool works backwards toward pDst. All memory between
// pDst and *ppDstPool must be available for use by this function.
// ppDstPool may be NULL if pDst is NULL.
// pSrc:
// Source address of the instruction.
// ppTarget:
// Out parameter for any target instruction address pointed to by
// the instruction. For example, a branch or a jump insruction has
// a target, but a load or store instruction doesn't. A target is
// another instruction that may be executed as a result of this
// instruction. ppTarget may be NULL.
// plExtra:
// Out parameter for the number of extra bytes needed by the
// instruction to reach the target. For example, lExtra = 3 if the
// instruction had an 8-bit relative offset, but needs a 32-bit
// relative offset.
// Returns:
// Returns the address of the next instruction (following in the source)
// instruction. By subtracting pSrc from the return value, the caller
// can determinte the size of the instruction copied.
// Comments:
// By following the pTarget, the caller can follow alternate
// instruction streams. However, it is not always possible to determine
// the target based on static analysis. For example, the destination of
// a jump relative to a register cannot be determined from just the
// instruction stream. The output value, pTarget, can have any of the
// following outputs:
// The instruction has no targets.
// The instruction has a non-deterministic (dynamic) target.
// (i.e. the jump is to an address held in a register.)
// Address: The instruction has the specified target.
// When copying instructions, DetourCopyInstruction insures that any
// targets remain constant. It does so by adjusting any IP relative
// offsets.
# pragma data_seg(".detourd")
# pragma const_seg(".detourc")
//////////////////////////////////////////////////// X86 and X64 Disassembler.
// Includes full support for all x86 chips prior to the Pentium III, and some newer stuff.
# if defined(DETOURS_X64) || defined(DETOURS_X86)
class CDetourDis
public :
CDetourDis ( _Out_opt_ PBYTE * ppbTarget ,
_Out_opt_ LONG * plExtra ) ;
PBYTE CopyInstruction ( PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
static BOOL SanityCheckSystem ( ) ;
static BOOL SetCodeModule ( PBYTE pbBeg , PBYTE pbEnd , BOOL fLimitReferencesToModule ) ;
public :
struct COPYENTRY ;
typedef PBYTE ( CDetourDis : : * COPYFUNC ) ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
// nFlagBits flags.
enum {
DYNAMIC = 0x1u ,
ADDRESS = 0x2u ,
NOENLARGE = 0x4u ,
RAX = 0x8u ,
} ;
// ModR/M Flags
enum {
SIB = 0x10u ,
RIP = 0x20u ,
NOTSIB = 0x0fu ,
} ;
// Many of these fields are often ignored. See ENTRY_DataIgnored.
ULONG nFixedSize : 4 ; // Fixed size of opcode
ULONG nFixedSize16 : 4 ; // Fixed size when 16 bit operand
ULONG nModOffset : 4 ; // Offset to mod/rm byte (0=none)
ULONG nRelOffset : 4 ; // Offset to relative target.
ULONG nFlagBits : 4 ; // Flags for DYNAMIC, etc.
COPYFUNC pfCopy ; // Function pointer.
} ;
protected :
// These macros define common uses of nFixedSize, nFixedSize16, nModOffset, nRelOffset, nFlagBits, pfCopy.
# define ENTRY_DataIgnored 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
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# define ENTRY_CopyBytes1 { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
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# ifdef DETOURS_X64
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# define ENTRY_CopyBytes1Address { 9, 5, 0, 0, ADDRESS, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
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# else
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# define ENTRY_CopyBytes1Address { 5, 3, 0, 0, ADDRESS, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes1Dynamic { 1, 1, 0, 0, DYNAMIC, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes2 { 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::CopyBytesJump }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes2CantJump { 2, 2, 0, 1, NOENLARGE, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes2Dynamic { 2, 2, 0, 0, DYNAMIC, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes3 { 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes3Dynamic { 3, 3, 0, 0, DYNAMIC, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5 { 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Dynamic { 5, 3, 0, 0, DYNAMIC, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes } // x86 only
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
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# define ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Rax { 5, 3, 0, 0, RAX, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target { 5, 5, 0, 1, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
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# else
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# define ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Rax { 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target { 5, 3, 0, 1, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
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# endif
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# define ENTRY_CopyBytes4 { 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes5 { 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes5Or7Dynamic { 7, 5, 0, 0, DYNAMIC, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes7 { 7, 7, 0, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod { 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes2ModDynamic { 2, 2, 1, 0, DYNAMIC, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 { 3, 3, 1, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes2ModOperand { 6, 4, 1, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes3Mod { 3, 3, 2, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes } // SSE3 0F 38 opcode modrm
# define ENTRY_CopyBytes3Mod1 { 4, 4, 2, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes } // SSE3 0F 3A opcode modrm .. imm8
# define ENTRY_CopyBytesPrefix { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::CopyBytesPrefix }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytesSegment { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::CopyBytesSegment }
# define ENTRY_CopyBytesRax { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::CopyBytesRax }
# define ENTRY_CopyF2 { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::CopyF2 }
# define ENTRY_CopyF3 { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::CopyF3 } // 32bit x86 only
# define ENTRY_Copy0F { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::Copy0F }
# define ENTRY_Copy0F78 { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::Copy0F78 }
# define ENTRY_Copy0F00 { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::Copy0F00 } // 32bit x86 only
# define ENTRY_Copy0FB8 { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::Copy0FB8 } // 32bit x86 only
# define ENTRY_Copy66 { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::Copy66 }
# define ENTRY_Copy67 { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::Copy67 }
# define ENTRY_CopyF6 { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::CopyF6 }
# define ENTRY_CopyF7 { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::CopyF7 }
# define ENTRY_CopyFF { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::CopyFF }
# define ENTRY_CopyVex2 { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::CopyVex2 }
# define ENTRY_CopyVex3 { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::CopyVex3 }
# define ENTRY_CopyEvex { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::CopyEvex } // 62, 3 byte payload, then normal with implied prefixes like vex
# define ENTRY_CopyXop { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::CopyXop } // 0x8F ... POP /0 or AMD XOP
# define ENTRY_CopyBytesXop { 5, 5, 4, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes } // 0x8F xop1 xop2 opcode modrm
# define ENTRY_CopyBytesXop1 { 6, 6, 4, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes } // 0x8F xop1 xop2 opcode modrm ... imm8
# define ENTRY_CopyBytesXop4 { 9, 9, 4, 0, 0, &CDetourDis::CopyBytes } // 0x8F xop1 xop2 opcode modrm ... imm32
# define ENTRY_Invalid { ENTRY_DataIgnored &CDetourDis::Invalid }
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PBYTE CopyBytes ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CopyBytesPrefix ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CopyBytesSegment ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CopyBytesRax ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CopyBytesJump ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE Invalid ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE AdjustTarget ( PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc , UINT cbOp ,
UINT cbTargetOffset , UINT cbTargetSize ) ;
protected :
PBYTE Copy0F ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE Copy0F00 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ; // x86 only sldt/0 str/1 lldt/2 ltr/3 err/4 verw/5 jmpe/6/dynamic invalid/7
PBYTE Copy0F78 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ; // vmread, 66/extrq/ib/ib, F2/insertq/ib/ib
PBYTE Copy0FB8 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ; // jmpe or F3/popcnt
PBYTE Copy66 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE Copy67 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CopyF2 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CopyF3 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ; // x86 only
PBYTE CopyF6 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CopyF7 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CopyFF ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CopyVex2 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CopyVex3 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CopyVexCommon ( BYTE m , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
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PBYTE CopyVexEvexCommon ( BYTE m , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc , BYTE p ) ;
PBYTE CopyEvex ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CopyXop ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
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protected :
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static const COPYENTRY s_rceCopyTable [ ] ;
static const COPYENTRY s_rceCopyTable0F [ ] ;
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static const BYTE s_rbModRm [ 256 ] ;
static PBYTE s_pbModuleBeg ;
static PBYTE s_pbModuleEnd ;
static BOOL s_fLimitReferencesToModule ;
protected :
BOOL m_bOperandOverride ;
BOOL m_bAddressOverride ;
BOOL m_bRaxOverride ; // AMD64 only
BOOL m_bVex ;
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BOOL m_bEvex ;
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BOOL m_bF2 ;
BOOL m_bF3 ; // x86 only
BYTE m_nSegmentOverride ;
PBYTE * m_ppbTarget ;
LONG * m_plExtra ;
LONG m_lScratchExtra ;
PBYTE m_pbScratchTarget ;
BYTE m_rbScratchDst [ 64 ] ; // matches or exceeds rbCode
} ;
PVOID WINAPI DetourCopyInstruction ( _In_opt_ PVOID pDst ,
_Inout_opt_ PVOID * ppDstPool ,
_In_ PVOID pSrc ,
_Out_opt_ PVOID * ppTarget ,
_Out_opt_ LONG * plExtra )
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER ( ppDstPool ) ; // x86 & x64 don't use a constant pool.
CDetourDis oDetourDisasm ( ( PBYTE * ) ppTarget , plExtra ) ;
return oDetourDisasm . CopyInstruction ( ( PBYTE ) pDst , ( PBYTE ) pSrc ) ;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Disassembler Code.
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CDetourDis : : CDetourDis ( _Out_opt_ PBYTE * ppbTarget , _Out_opt_ LONG * plExtra ) :
m_bOperandOverride ( FALSE ) ,
m_bAddressOverride ( FALSE ) ,
m_bRaxOverride ( FALSE ) ,
m_bF2 ( FALSE ) ,
m_bF3 ( FALSE ) ,
m_bVex ( FALSE ) ,
m_bEvex ( FALSE )
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
m_ppbTarget = ppbTarget ? ppbTarget : & m_pbScratchTarget ;
m_plExtra = plExtra ? plExtra : & m_lScratchExtra ;
* m_plExtra = 0 ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyInstruction ( PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
// Configure scratch areas if real areas are not available.
if ( NULL = = pbDst ) {
pbDst = m_rbScratchDst ;
if ( NULL = = pbSrc ) {
// We can't copy a non-existent instruction.
return NULL ;
// Figure out how big the instruction is, do the appropriate copy,
// and figure out what the target of the instruction is if any.
REFCOPYENTRY pEntry = & s_rceCopyTable [ pbSrc [ 0 ] ] ;
return ( this - > * pEntry - > pfCopy ) ( pEntry , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyBytes ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
UINT nBytesFixed ;
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if ( m_bVex | | m_bEvex )
ASSERT ( pEntry - > nFlagBits = = 0 ) ;
ASSERT ( pEntry - > nFixedSize = = pEntry - > nFixedSize16 ) ;
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UINT const nModOffset = pEntry - > nModOffset ;
UINT const nFlagBits = pEntry - > nFlagBits ;
UINT const nFixedSize = pEntry - > nFixedSize ;
UINT const nFixedSize16 = pEntry - > nFixedSize16 ;
if ( nFlagBits & ADDRESS ) {
nBytesFixed = m_bAddressOverride ? nFixedSize16 : nFixedSize ;
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
// REX.W trumps 66
else if ( m_bRaxOverride ) {
nBytesFixed = nFixedSize + ( ( nFlagBits & RAX ) ? 4 : 0 ) ;
# endif
else {
nBytesFixed = m_bOperandOverride ? nFixedSize16 : nFixedSize ;
UINT nBytes = nBytesFixed ;
UINT nRelOffset = pEntry - > nRelOffset ;
UINT cbTarget = nBytes - nRelOffset ;
if ( nModOffset > 0 ) {
ASSERT ( nRelOffset = = 0 ) ;
BYTE const bModRm = pbSrc [ nModOffset ] ;
BYTE const bFlags = s_rbModRm [ bModRm ] ;
nBytes + = bFlags & NOTSIB ;
if ( bFlags & SIB ) {
BYTE const bSib = pbSrc [ nModOffset + 1 ] ;
if ( ( bSib & 0x07 ) = = 0x05 ) {
if ( ( bModRm & 0xc0 ) = = 0x00 ) {
nBytes + = 4 ;
else if ( ( bModRm & 0xc0 ) = = 0x40 ) {
nBytes + = 1 ;
else if ( ( bModRm & 0xc0 ) = = 0x80 ) {
nBytes + = 4 ;
cbTarget = nBytes - nRelOffset ;
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
else if ( bFlags & RIP ) {
nRelOffset = nModOffset + 1 ;
cbTarget = 4 ;
# endif
CopyMemory ( pbDst , pbSrc , nBytes ) ;
if ( nRelOffset ) {
* m_ppbTarget = AdjustTarget ( pbDst , pbSrc , nBytes , nRelOffset , cbTarget ) ;
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
if ( pEntry - > nRelOffset = = 0 ) {
// This is a data target, not a code target, so we shouldn't return it.
* m_ppbTarget = NULL ;
# endif
if ( nFlagBits & NOENLARGE ) {
* m_plExtra = - * m_plExtra ;
if ( nFlagBits & DYNAMIC ) {
return pbSrc + nBytes ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyBytesPrefix ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
pbDst [ 0 ] = pbSrc [ 0 ] ;
pEntry = & s_rceCopyTable [ pbSrc [ 1 ] ] ;
return ( this - > * pEntry - > pfCopy ) ( pEntry , pbDst + 1 , pbSrc + 1 ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyBytesSegment ( REFCOPYENTRY , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
m_nSegmentOverride = pbSrc [ 0 ] ;
return CopyBytesPrefix ( 0 , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyBytesRax ( REFCOPYENTRY , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
{ // AMD64 only
if ( pbSrc [ 0 ] & 0x8 ) {
m_bRaxOverride = TRUE ;
return CopyBytesPrefix ( 0 , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyBytesJump ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
( void ) pEntry ;
PVOID pvSrcAddr = & pbSrc [ 1 ] ;
PVOID pvDstAddr = NULL ;
LONG_PTR nOldOffset = ( LONG_PTR ) * ( signed char * & ) pvSrcAddr ;
LONG_PTR nNewOffset = 0 ;
* m_ppbTarget = pbSrc + 2 + nOldOffset ;
if ( pbSrc [ 0 ] = = 0xeb ) {
pbDst [ 0 ] = 0xe9 ;
pvDstAddr = & pbDst [ 1 ] ;
nNewOffset = nOldOffset - ( ( pbDst - pbSrc ) + 3 ) ;
* ( UNALIGNED LONG * & ) pvDstAddr = ( LONG ) nNewOffset ;
* m_plExtra = 3 ;
return pbSrc + 2 ;
ASSERT ( pbSrc [ 0 ] > = 0x70 & & pbSrc [ 0 ] < = 0x7f ) ;
pbDst [ 0 ] = 0x0f ;
pbDst [ 1 ] = 0x80 | ( pbSrc [ 0 ] & 0xf ) ;
pvDstAddr = & pbDst [ 2 ] ;
nNewOffset = nOldOffset - ( ( pbDst - pbSrc ) + 4 ) ;
* ( UNALIGNED LONG * & ) pvDstAddr = ( LONG ) nNewOffset ;
* m_plExtra = 4 ;
return pbSrc + 2 ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : AdjustTarget ( PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc , UINT cbOp ,
UINT cbTargetOffset , UINT cbTargetSize )
PBYTE pbTarget = NULL ;
# if 1 // fault injection to test test code
# if defined(DETOURS_X64)
typedef LONGLONG T ;
# else
typedef LONG T ;
# endif
T nOldOffset ;
T nNewOffset ;
PVOID pvTargetAddr = & pbDst [ cbTargetOffset ] ;
switch ( cbTargetSize ) {
case 1 :
nOldOffset = * ( signed char * & ) pvTargetAddr ;
break ;
case 2 :
nOldOffset = * ( UNALIGNED SHORT * & ) pvTargetAddr ;
break ;
case 4 :
nOldOffset = * ( UNALIGNED LONG * & ) pvTargetAddr ;
break ;
# if defined(DETOURS_X64)
case 8 :
nOldOffset = * ( UNALIGNED LONGLONG * & ) pvTargetAddr ;
break ;
# endif
default :
ASSERT ( ! " cbTargetSize is invalid. " ) ;
nOldOffset = 0 ;
break ;
pbTarget = pbSrc + cbOp + nOldOffset ;
nNewOffset = nOldOffset - ( T ) ( pbDst - pbSrc ) ;
switch ( cbTargetSize ) {
case 1 :
* ( CHAR * & ) pvTargetAddr = ( CHAR ) nNewOffset ;
if ( nNewOffset < SCHAR_MIN | | nNewOffset > SCHAR_MAX ) {
* m_plExtra = sizeof ( ULONG ) - 1 ;
break ;
case 2 :
* ( UNALIGNED SHORT * & ) pvTargetAddr = ( SHORT ) nNewOffset ;
if ( nNewOffset < SHRT_MIN | | nNewOffset > SHRT_MAX ) {
* m_plExtra = sizeof ( ULONG ) - 2 ;
break ;
case 4 :
* ( UNALIGNED LONG * & ) pvTargetAddr = ( LONG ) nNewOffset ;
if ( nNewOffset < LONG_MIN | | nNewOffset > LONG_MAX ) {
* m_plExtra = sizeof ( ULONG ) - 4 ;
break ;
# if defined(DETOURS_X64)
case 8 :
* ( UNALIGNED LONGLONG * & ) pvTargetAddr = nNewOffset ;
break ;
# endif
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
// When we are only computing size, source and dest can be
// far apart, distance not encodable in 32bits. Ok.
// At least still check the lower 32bits.
if ( pbDst > = m_rbScratchDst & & pbDst < ( sizeof ( m_rbScratchDst ) + m_rbScratchDst ) ) {
ASSERT ( ( ( ( size_t ) pbDst + cbOp + nNewOffset ) & 0xFFFFFFFF ) = = ( ( ( size_t ) pbTarget ) & 0xFFFFFFFF ) ) ;
# endif
ASSERT ( pbDst + cbOp + nNewOffset = = pbTarget ) ;
# endif
return pbTarget ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : Invalid ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
( void ) pbDst ;
( void ) pEntry ;
ASSERT ( ! " Invalid Instruction " ) ;
return pbSrc + 1 ;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Individual Bytes Codes.
PBYTE CDetourDis : : Copy0F ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
pbDst [ 0 ] = pbSrc [ 0 ] ;
pEntry = & s_rceCopyTable0F [ pbSrc [ 1 ] ] ;
return ( this - > * pEntry - > pfCopy ) ( pEntry , pbDst + 1 , pbSrc + 1 ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : Copy0F78 ( REFCOPYENTRY , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
// vmread, 66/extrq, F2/insertq
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static const COPYENTRY vmread = /* 78 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod ;
static const COPYENTRY extrq_insertq = /* 78 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes4 ;
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ASSERT ( ! ( m_bF2 & & m_bOperandOverride ) ) ;
// For insertq and presumably despite documentation extrq, mode must be 11, not checked.
// insertq/extrq/78 are followed by two immediate bytes, and given mode == 11, mod/rm byte is always one byte,
// and the 0x78 makes 4 bytes (not counting the 66/F2/F which are accounted for elsewhere)
REFCOPYENTRY const pEntry = ( ( m_bF2 | | m_bOperandOverride ) ? & extrq_insertq : & vmread ) ;
return ( this - > * pEntry - > pfCopy ) ( pEntry , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : Copy0F00 ( REFCOPYENTRY , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
// jmpe is 32bit x86 only
// Notice that the sizes are the same either way, but jmpe is marked as "dynamic".
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
static const COPYENTRY other = /* B8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod ; // sldt/0 str/1 lldt/2 ltr/3 err/4 verw/5 jmpe/6 invalid/7
static const COPYENTRY jmpe = /* B8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2ModDynamic ; // jmpe/6 x86-on-IA64 syscalls
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
REFCOPYENTRY const pEntry = ( ( ( 6 < < 3 ) = = ( ( 7 < < 3 ) & pbSrc [ 1 ] ) ) ? & jmpe : & other ) ;
return ( this - > * pEntry - > pfCopy ) ( pEntry , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : Copy0FB8 ( REFCOPYENTRY , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
// jmpe is 32bit x86 only
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
static const COPYENTRY popcnt = /* B8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod ;
static const COPYENTRY jmpe = /* B8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Dynamic ; // jmpe x86-on-IA64 syscalls
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
REFCOPYENTRY const pEntry = m_bF3 ? & popcnt : & jmpe ;
return ( this - > * pEntry - > pfCopy ) ( pEntry , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : Copy66 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
{ // Operand-size override prefix
m_bOperandOverride = TRUE ;
return CopyBytesPrefix ( pEntry , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : Copy67 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
{ // Address size override prefix
m_bAddressOverride = TRUE ;
return CopyBytesPrefix ( pEntry , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyF2 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
m_bF2 = TRUE ;
return CopyBytesPrefix ( pEntry , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyF3 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
{ // x86 only
m_bF3 = TRUE ;
return CopyBytesPrefix ( pEntry , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyF6 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
( void ) pEntry ;
if ( 0x00 = = ( 0x38 & pbSrc [ 1 ] ) ) { // reg(bits 543) of ModR/M == 0
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
static const COPYENTRY ce = /* f6 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 ;
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
return ( this - > * ce . pfCopy ) ( & ce , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
// DIV /6
// IDIV /7
// IMUL /5
// MUL /4
// NEG /3
// NOT /2
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
static const COPYENTRY ce = /* f6 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod ;
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
return ( this - > * ce . pfCopy ) ( & ce , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyF7 ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
( void ) pEntry ;
if ( 0x00 = = ( 0x38 & pbSrc [ 1 ] ) ) { // reg(bits 543) of ModR/M == 0
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
static const COPYENTRY ce = /* f7 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2ModOperand ;
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
return ( this - > * ce . pfCopy ) ( & ce , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
// DIV /6
// IDIV /7
// IMUL /5
// MUL /4
// NEG /3
// NOT /2
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
static const COPYENTRY ce = /* f7 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod ;
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
return ( this - > * ce . pfCopy ) ( & ce , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyFF ( REFCOPYENTRY pEntry , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
{ // INC /0
// DEC /1
// CALL /2
// CALL /3
// JMP /4
// JMP /5
// PUSH /6
// invalid/7
( void ) pEntry ;
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
static const COPYENTRY ce = /* ff */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod ;
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
PBYTE pbOut = ( this - > * ce . pfCopy ) ( & ce , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
BYTE const b1 = pbSrc [ 1 ] ;
if ( 0x15 = = b1 | | 0x25 = = b1 ) { // CALL [], JMP []
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
// All segments but FS and GS are equivalent.
if ( m_nSegmentOverride ! = 0x64 & & m_nSegmentOverride ! = 0x65 )
# else
if ( m_nSegmentOverride = = 0 | | m_nSegmentOverride = = 0x2E )
# endif
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
INT32 offset = * ( UNALIGNED INT32 * ) & pbSrc [ 2 ] ;
PBYTE * ppbTarget = ( PBYTE * ) ( pbSrc + 6 + offset ) ;
# else
PBYTE * ppbTarget = ( PBYTE * ) ( SIZE_T ) * ( UNALIGNED ULONG * ) & pbSrc [ 2 ] ;
# endif
if ( s_fLimitReferencesToModule & &
( ppbTarget < ( PVOID ) s_pbModuleBeg | | ppbTarget > = ( PVOID ) s_pbModuleEnd ) ) {
else {
// This can access violate on random bytes. Use DetourSetCodeModule.
* m_ppbTarget = * ppbTarget ;
else {
else if ( 0x10 = = ( 0x30 & b1 ) | | // CALL /2 or /3 --> reg(bits 543) of ModR/M == 010 or 011
0x20 = = ( 0x30 & b1 ) ) { // JMP /4 or /5 --> reg(bits 543) of ModR/M == 100 or 101
return pbOut ;
2020-05-20 18:40:59 -04:00
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyVexEvexCommon ( BYTE m , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc , BYTE p )
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
// m is first instead of last in the hopes of pbDst/pbSrc being
// passed along efficiently in the registers they were already in.
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
static const COPYENTRY ceF38 = /* 38 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod ;
static const COPYENTRY ceF3A = /* 3A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 ;
static const COPYENTRY ceInvalid = /* C4 */ ENTRY_Invalid ;
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
2020-05-20 18:40:59 -04:00
switch ( p & 3 ) {
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
case 0 : break ;
case 1 : m_bOperandOverride = TRUE ; break ;
case 2 : m_bF3 = TRUE ; break ;
case 3 : m_bF2 = TRUE ; break ;
2020-05-20 18:40:59 -04:00
switch ( m ) {
default : return Invalid ( & ceInvalid , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
case 1 : pEntry = & s_rceCopyTable0F [ pbSrc [ 0 ] ] ;
return ( this - > * pEntry - > pfCopy ) ( pEntry , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
case 2 : return CopyBytes ( & ceF38 , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
case 3 : return CopyBytes ( & ceF3A , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyVexCommon ( BYTE m , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
// m is first instead of last in the hopes of pbDst/pbSrc being
// passed along efficiently in the registers they were already in.
m_bVex = TRUE ;
BYTE const p = ( BYTE ) ( pbSrc [ - 1 ] & 3 ) ; // p in last byte
return CopyVexEvexCommon ( m , pbDst , pbSrc , p ) ;
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
2020-05-20 18:40:59 -04:00
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyVex3 ( REFCOPYENTRY , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
// 3 byte VEX prefix 0xC4
# ifdef DETOURS_X86
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
const static COPYENTRY ceLES = /* C4 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod ;
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
if ( ( pbSrc [ 1 ] & 0xC0 ) ! = 0xC0 ) {
return ( this - > * pEntry - > pfCopy ) ( pEntry , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
# endif
pbDst [ 0 ] = pbSrc [ 0 ] ;
pbDst [ 1 ] = pbSrc [ 1 ] ;
pbDst [ 2 ] = pbSrc [ 2 ] ;
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
m_bRaxOverride | = ! ! ( pbSrc [ 2 ] & 0x80 ) ; // w in last byte, see CopyBytesRax
# else
// Usually the VEX.W bit changes the size of a general purpose register and is ignored for 32bit.
// Sometimes it is an opcode extension.
// Look in the Intel manual, in the instruction-by-instruction reference, for ".W1",
// without nearby wording saying it is ignored for 32bit.
// For example: "VFMADD132PD/VFMADD213PD/VFMADD231PD Fused Multiply-Add of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values".
// Then, go through each such case and determine if W0 vs. W1 affect the size of the instruction. Probably not.
// Look for the same encoding but with "W1" changed to "W0".
// Here is one such pairing:
// VFMADD132PD/VFMADD213PD/VFMADD231PD Fused Multiply-Add of Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Values
// VEX.DDS.128.66.0F38.W1 98 /r A V/V FMA Multiply packed double-precision floating-point values
// from xmm0 and xmm2/mem, add to xmm1 and
// put result in xmm0.
// VFMADD132PD xmm0, xmm1, xmm2/m128
// VFMADD132PS/VFMADD213PS/VFMADD231PS Fused Multiply-Add of Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values
// VEX.DDS.128.66.0F38.W0 98 /r A V/V FMA Multiply packed single-precision floating-point values
// from xmm0 and xmm2/mem, add to xmm1 and put
// result in xmm0.
// VFMADD132PS xmm0, xmm1, xmm2/m128
# endif
return CopyVexCommon ( pbSrc [ 1 ] & 0x1F , pbDst + 3 , pbSrc + 3 ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyVex2 ( REFCOPYENTRY , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
// 2 byte VEX prefix 0xC5
# ifdef DETOURS_X86
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
const static COPYENTRY ceLDS = /* C5 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod ;
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
if ( ( pbSrc [ 1 ] & 0xC0 ) ! = 0xC0 ) {
return ( this - > * pEntry - > pfCopy ) ( pEntry , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
# endif
pbDst [ 0 ] = pbSrc [ 0 ] ;
pbDst [ 1 ] = pbSrc [ 1 ] ;
return CopyVexCommon ( 1 , pbDst + 2 , pbSrc + 2 ) ;
2020-05-20 18:40:59 -04:00
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyEvex ( REFCOPYENTRY , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
// 62, 3 byte payload, x86 with implied prefixes like Vex
// for 32bit, mode 0xC0 else fallback to bound /r
// NOTE: Intel and Wikipedia number these differently.
// Intel says 0-2, Wikipedia says 1-3.
BYTE const p0 = pbSrc [ 1 ] ;
# ifdef DETOURS_X86
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
const static COPYENTRY ceBound = /* 62 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod ;
2020-05-20 18:40:59 -04:00
if ( ( p0 & 0xC0 ) ! = 0xC0 ) {
return CopyBytes ( & ceBound , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
static const COPYENTRY ceInvalid = /* 62 */ ENTRY_Invalid ;
2020-05-20 18:40:59 -04:00
if ( ( p0 & 0x0C ) ! = 0 )
return Invalid ( & ceInvalid , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
BYTE const p1 = pbSrc [ 2 ] ;
if ( ( p1 & 0x04 ) ! = 0x04 )
return Invalid ( & ceInvalid , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
// Copy 4 byte prefix.
* ( UNALIGNED ULONG * ) pbDst = * ( UNALIGNED ULONG * ) pbSrc ;
m_bEvex = TRUE ;
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
m_bRaxOverride | = ! ! ( p1 & 0x80 ) ; // w
# endif
return CopyVexEvexCommon ( p0 & 3u , pbDst + 4 , pbSrc + 4 , p1 & 3u ) ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyXop ( REFCOPYENTRY , PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc )
/* 3 byte AMD XOP prefix 0x8F
byte0 : 0x8F
byte1 : RXBmmmmm
byte2 : WvvvvLpp
byte3 : opcode
mmmmm > = 8 , else pop
mmmmm only otherwise defined for 8 , 9 , A .
pp is like VEX but only instructions with 0 are defined
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
const static COPYENTRY cePop = /* 8F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod ;
const static COPYENTRY ceXop = /* 8F */ ENTRY_CopyBytesXop ;
const static COPYENTRY ceXop1 = /* 8F */ ENTRY_CopyBytesXop1 ;
const static COPYENTRY ceXop4 = /* 8F */ ENTRY_CopyBytesXop4 ;
2020-05-20 18:40:59 -04:00
BYTE const m = ( BYTE ) ( pbSrc [ 1 ] & 0x1F ) ;
ASSERT ( m < = 10 ) ;
switch ( m )
default :
return CopyBytes ( & cePop , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
case 8 : // modrm with 8bit immediate
return CopyBytes ( & ceXop1 , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
case 9 : // modrm with no immediate
return CopyBytes ( & ceXop , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
case 10 : // modrm with 32bit immediate
return CopyBytes ( & ceXop4 , pbDst , pbSrc ) ;
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
PBYTE CDetourDis : : s_pbModuleBeg = NULL ;
PBYTE CDetourDis : : s_pbModuleEnd = ( PBYTE ) ~ ( ULONG_PTR ) 0 ;
BOOL CDetourDis : : s_fLimitReferencesToModule = FALSE ;
BOOL CDetourDis : : SetCodeModule ( PBYTE pbBeg , PBYTE pbEnd , BOOL fLimitReferencesToModule )
if ( pbEnd < pbBeg ) {
return FALSE ;
s_pbModuleBeg = pbBeg ;
s_pbModuleEnd = pbEnd ;
s_fLimitReferencesToModule = fLimitReferencesToModule ;
return TRUE ;
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Disassembler Tables.
const BYTE CDetourDis : : s_rbModRm [ 256 ] = {
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , SIB | 1 , RIP | 4 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , SIB | 1 , RIP | 4 , 0 , 0 , // 0x
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , SIB | 1 , RIP | 4 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , SIB | 1 , RIP | 4 , 0 , 0 , // 1x
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , SIB | 1 , RIP | 4 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , SIB | 1 , RIP | 4 , 0 , 0 , // 2x
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , SIB | 1 , RIP | 4 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , SIB | 1 , RIP | 4 , 0 , 0 , // 3x
1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , // 4x
1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , // 5x
1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , // 6x
1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , // 7x
4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 5 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 5 , 4 , 4 , 4 , // 8x
4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 5 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 5 , 4 , 4 , 4 , // 9x
4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 5 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 5 , 4 , 4 , 4 , // Ax
4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 5 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 5 , 4 , 4 , 4 , // Bx
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , // Cx
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , // Dx
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , // Ex
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 // Fx
} ;
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
const CDetourDis : : COPYENTRY CDetourDis : : s_rceCopyTable [ ] =
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 00 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // ADD /r
/* 01 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // ADD /r
/* 02 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // ADD /r
/* 03 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // ADD /r
/* 04 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // ADD ib
/* 05 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5 , // ADD iw
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 06 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
/* 07 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 06 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
/* 07 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POP
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 08 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // OR /r
/* 09 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // OR /r
/* 0A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // OR /r
/* 0B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // OR /r
/* 0C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // OR ib
/* 0D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5 , // OR iw
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 0E */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 0E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 0F */ ENTRY_Copy0F , // Extension Ops
/* 10 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // ADC /r
/* 11 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // ADC /r
/* 12 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // ADC /r
/* 13 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // ADC /r
/* 14 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // ADC ib
/* 15 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5 , // ADC id
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 16 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
/* 17 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 16 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
/* 17 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POP
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 18 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // SBB /r
/* 19 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // SBB /r
/* 1A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // SBB /r
/* 1B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // SBB /r
/* 1C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // SBB ib
/* 1D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5 , // SBB id
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 1E */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
/* 1F */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 1E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
/* 1F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POP
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 20 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // AND /r
/* 21 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // AND /r
/* 22 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // AND /r
/* 23 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // AND /r
/* 24 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // AND ib
/* 25 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5 , // AND id
/* 26 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesSegment , // ES prefix
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 27 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 27 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // DAA
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 28 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // SUB /r
/* 29 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // SUB /r
/* 2A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // SUB /r
/* 2B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // SUB /r
/* 2C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // SUB ib
/* 2D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5 , // SUB id
/* 2E */ ENTRY_CopyBytesSegment , // CS prefix
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 2F */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 2F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // DAS
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 30 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // XOR /r
/* 31 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // XOR /r
/* 32 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // XOR /r
/* 33 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // XOR /r
/* 34 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // XOR ib
/* 35 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5 , // XOR id
/* 36 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesSegment , // SS prefix
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 37 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 37 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // AAA
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 38 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMP /r
/* 39 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMP /r
/* 3A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMP /r
/* 3B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMP /r
/* 3C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // CMP ib
/* 3D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5 , // CMP id
/* 3E */ ENTRY_CopyBytesSegment , // DS prefix
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 3F */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 3F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // AAS
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
# ifdef DETOURS_X64 // For Rax Prefix
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 40 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 41 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 42 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 43 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 44 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 45 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 46 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 47 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 48 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 49 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 4A */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 4B */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 4C */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 4D */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 4E */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
/* 4F */ ENTRY_CopyBytesRax , // Rax
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 40 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // INC
/* 41 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // INC
/* 42 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // INC
/* 43 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // INC
/* 44 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // INC
/* 45 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // INC
/* 46 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // INC
/* 47 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // INC
/* 48 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // DEC
/* 49 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // DEC
/* 4A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // DEC
/* 4B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // DEC
/* 4C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // DEC
/* 4D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // DEC
/* 4E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // DEC
/* 4F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // DEC
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 50 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
/* 51 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
/* 52 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
/* 53 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
/* 54 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
/* 55 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
/* 56 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
/* 57 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
/* 58 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POP
/* 59 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POP
/* 5A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POP
/* 5B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POP
/* 5C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POP
/* 5D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POP
/* 5E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POP
/* 5F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POP
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 60 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
/* 61 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
/* 62 */ ENTRY_CopyEvex , // EVEX / AVX512
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 60 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSHAD
/* 61 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POPAD
/* 62 */ ENTRY_CopyEvex , // BOUND /r and EVEX / AVX512
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 63 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // 32bit ARPL /r, 64bit MOVSXD
/* 64 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesSegment , // FS prefix
/* 65 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesSegment , // GS prefix
/* 66 */ ENTRY_Copy66 , // Operand Prefix
/* 67 */ ENTRY_Copy67 , // Address Prefix
/* 68 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5 , // PUSH
/* 69 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2ModOperand , // IMUL /r iz
/* 6A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // PUSH
/* 6B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // IMUL /r ib
/* 6C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // INS
/* 6D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // INS
/* 6E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // OUTS/OUTSB
/* 6F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // OUTS/OUTSW
/* 70 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JO // 0f80
/* 71 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JNO // 0f81
/* 72 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JB/JC/JNAE // 0f82
/* 73 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JAE/JNB/JNC // 0f83
/* 74 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JE/JZ // 0f84
/* 75 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JNE/JNZ // 0f85
/* 76 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JBE/JNA // 0f86
/* 77 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JA/JNBE // 0f87
/* 78 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JS // 0f88
/* 79 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JNS // 0f89
/* 7A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JP/JPE // 0f8a
/* 7B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JNP/JPO // 0f8b
/* 7C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JL/JNGE // 0f8c
/* 7D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JGE/JNL // 0f8d
/* 7E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JLE/JNG // 0f8e
/* 7F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JG/JNLE // 0f8f
/* 80 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // ADD/0 OR/1 ADC/2 SBB/3 AND/4 SUB/5 XOR/6 CMP/7 byte reg, immediate byte
/* 81 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2ModOperand , // ADD/0 OR/1 ADC/2 SBB/3 AND/4 SUB/5 XOR/6 CMP/7 byte reg, immediate word or dword
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 82 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 82 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // MOV al,x
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 83 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // ADD/0 OR/1 ADC/2 SBB/3 AND/4 SUB/5 XOR/6 CMP/7 reg, immediate byte
/* 84 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // TEST /r
/* 85 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // TEST /r
/* 86 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // XCHG /r @todo
/* 87 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // XCHG /r @todo
/* 88 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV /r
/* 89 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV /r
/* 8A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV /r
/* 8B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV /r
/* 8C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV /r
/* 8D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // LEA /r
/* 8E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV /r
/* 8F */ ENTRY_CopyXop , // POP /0 or AMD XOP
/* 90 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // NOP
/* 91 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // XCHG
/* 92 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // XCHG
/* 93 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // XCHG
/* 94 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // XCHG
/* 95 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // XCHG
/* 96 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // XCHG
/* 97 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // XCHG
/* 98 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // CWDE
/* 99 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // CDQ
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 9A */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 9A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes5Or7Dynamic , // CALL cp
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 9B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // WAIT/FWAIT
/* 9C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSHFD
/* 9D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POPFD
/* 9E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // SAHF
/* 9F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // LAHF
/* A0 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1Address , // MOV
/* A1 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1Address , // MOV
/* A2 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1Address , // MOV
/* A3 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1Address , // MOV
/* A4 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // MOVS
/* A5 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // MOVS/MOVSD
/* A6 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // CMPS/CMPSB
/* A7 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // CMPS/CMPSW
/* A8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // TEST
/* A9 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5 , // TEST
/* AA */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // STOS/STOSB
/* AB */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // STOS/STOSW
/* AC */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // LODS/LODSB
/* AD */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // LODS/LODSW
/* AE */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // SCAS/SCASB
/* AF */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // SCAS/SCASD
/* B0 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // MOV B0+rb
/* B1 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // MOV B0+rb
/* B2 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // MOV B0+rb
/* B3 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // MOV B0+rb
/* B4 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // MOV B0+rb
/* B5 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // MOV B0+rb
/* B6 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // MOV B0+rb
/* B7 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // MOV B0+rb
/* B8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Rax , // MOV B8+rb
/* B9 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Rax , // MOV B8+rb
/* BA */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Rax , // MOV B8+rb
/* BB */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Rax , // MOV B8+rb
/* BC */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Rax , // MOV B8+rb
/* BD */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Rax , // MOV B8+rb
/* BE */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Rax , // MOV B8+rb
/* BF */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Rax , // MOV B8+rb
/* C0 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // RCL/2 ib, etc.
/* C1 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // RCL/2 ib, etc.
/* C2 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3 , // RET
/* C3 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // RET
/* C4 */ ENTRY_CopyVex3 , // LES, VEX 3-byte opcodes.
/* C5 */ ENTRY_CopyVex2 , // LDS, VEX 2-byte opcodes.
/* C6 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // MOV
/* C7 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2ModOperand , // MOV/0 XBEGIN/7
/* C8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes4 , // ENTER
/* C9 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // LEAVE
/* CA */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Dynamic , // RET
/* CB */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1Dynamic , // RET
/* CC */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1Dynamic , // INT 3
/* CD */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Dynamic , // INT ib
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* CE */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* CE */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1Dynamic , // INTO
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* CF */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1Dynamic , // IRET
/* D0 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // RCL/2, etc.
/* D1 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // RCL/2, etc.
/* D2 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // RCL/2, etc.
/* D3 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // RCL/2, etc.
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* D4 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
/* D5 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* D4 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // AAM
/* D5 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // AAD
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* D6 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
/* D7 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // XLAT/XLATB
/* D8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // FADD, etc.
/* D9 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // F2XM1, etc.
/* DA */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // FLADD, etc.
/* DB */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // FCLEX, etc.
/* DC */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // FADD/0, etc.
/* DD */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // FFREE, etc.
/* DE */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // FADDP, etc.
/* DF */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // FBLD/4, etc.
/* E0 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2CantJump , // LOOPNE cb
/* E1 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2CantJump , // LOOPE cb
/* E2 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2CantJump , // LOOP cb
/* E3 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2CantJump , // JCXZ/JECXZ
/* E4 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // IN ib
/* E5 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // IN id
/* E6 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // OUT ib
/* E7 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2 , // OUT ib
/* E8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // CALL cd
/* E9 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JMP cd
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* EA */ ENTRY_Invalid , // Invalid
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* EA */ ENTRY_CopyBytes5Or7Dynamic , // JMP cp
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* EB */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Jump , // JMP cb
/* EC */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // IN ib
/* ED */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // IN id
/* EE */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // OUT
/* EF */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // OUT
/* F0 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesPrefix , // LOCK prefix
/* F1 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1Dynamic , // INT1 / ICEBP somewhat documented by AMD, not by Intel
/* F2 */ ENTRY_CopyF2 , // REPNE prefix
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
//#ifdef DETOURS_X86
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* F3 */ ENTRY_CopyF3 , // REPE prefix
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
// This does presently suffice for AMD64 but it requires tracing
// through a bunch of code to verify and seems not worth maintaining.
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
// /* F3 */ ENTRY_CopyBytesPrefix, // REPE prefix
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* F4 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // HLT
/* F5 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // CMC
/* F6 */ ENTRY_CopyF6 , // TEST/0, DIV/6
/* F7 */ ENTRY_CopyF7 , // TEST/0, DIV/6
/* F8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // CLC
/* F9 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // STC
/* FA */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // CLI
/* FB */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // STI
/* FC */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // CLD
/* FD */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // STD
/* FE */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // DEC/1,INC/0
/* FF */ ENTRY_CopyFF , // CALL/2
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
} ;
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
const CDetourDis : : COPYENTRY CDetourDis : : s_rceCopyTable0F [ ] =
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X86
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 00 */ ENTRY_Copy0F00 , // sldt/0 str/1 lldt/2 ltr/3 err/4 verw/5 jmpe/6/dynamic invalid/7
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 00 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // sldt/0 str/1 lldt/2 ltr/3 err/4 verw/5 jmpe/6/dynamic invalid/7
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 01 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // INVLPG/7, etc.
/* 02 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // LAR/r
/* 03 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // LSL/r
/* 04 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _04
/* 05 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // SYSCALL
/* 06 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // CLTS
/* 07 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // SYSRET
/* 08 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // INVD
/* 09 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // WBINVD
/* 0A */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _0A
/* 0B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // UD2
/* 0C */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _0C
/* 0D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PREFETCH
/* 0E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // FEMMS (3DNow -- not in Intel documentation)
/* 0F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // 3DNow Opcodes
/* 10 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVSS MOVUPD MOVSD
/* 11 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVSS MOVUPD MOVSD
/* 12 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVLPD
/* 13 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVLPD
/* 14 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // UNPCKLPD
/* 15 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // UNPCKHPD
/* 16 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVHPD
/* 17 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVHPD
/* 18 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PREFETCHINTA...
/* 19 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // NOP/r multi byte nop, not documented by Intel, documented by AMD
/* 1A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // NOP/r multi byte nop, not documented by Intel, documented by AMD
/* 1B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // NOP/r multi byte nop, not documented by Intel, documented by AMD
/* 1C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // NOP/r multi byte nop, not documented by Intel, documented by AMD
/* 1D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // NOP/r multi byte nop, not documented by Intel, documented by AMD
/* 1E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // NOP/r multi byte nop, not documented by Intel, documented by AMD
/* 1F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // NOP/r multi byte nop
/* 20 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV/r
/* 21 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV/r
/* 22 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV/r
/* 23 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV/r
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 24 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _24
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 24 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV/r,TR TR is test register on 80386 and 80486, removed in Pentium
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 25 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _25
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X64
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 26 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _26
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 26 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV TR/r TR is test register on 80386 and 80486, removed in Pentium
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 27 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _27
/* 28 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVAPS MOVAPD
/* 29 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVAPS MOVAPD
/* 2A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CVPI2PS &
/* 2B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVNTPS MOVNTPD
/* 2C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CVTTPS2PI &
/* 2D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CVTPS2PI &
/* 2E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // UCOMISS UCOMISD
/* 2F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // COMISS COMISD
/* 30 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // WRMSR
/* 31 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // RDTSC
/* 32 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // RDMSR
/* 33 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // RDPMC
/* 34 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // SYSENTER
/* 35 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // SYSEXIT
/* 36 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _36
/* 37 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // GETSEC
/* 38 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Mod , // SSE3 Opcodes
/* 39 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _39
/* 3A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Mod1 , // SSE3 Opcodes
/* 3B */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _3B
/* 3C */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _3C
/* 3D */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _3D
/* 3E */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _3E
/* 3F */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _3F
/* 40 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVO (0F 40)
/* 41 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVNO (0F 41)
/* 42 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVB & CMOVNE (0F 42)
/* 43 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVAE & CMOVNB (0F 43)
/* 44 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVE & CMOVZ (0F 44)
/* 45 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVNE & CMOVNZ (0F 45)
/* 46 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVBE & CMOVNA (0F 46)
/* 47 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVA & CMOVNBE (0F 47)
/* 48 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVS (0F 48)
/* 49 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVNS (0F 49)
/* 4A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVP & CMOVPE (0F 4A)
/* 4B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVNP & CMOVPO (0F 4B)
/* 4C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVL & CMOVNGE (0F 4C)
/* 4D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVGE & CMOVNL (0F 4D)
/* 4E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVLE & CMOVNG (0F 4E)
/* 4F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVG & CMOVNLE (0F 4F)
/* 50 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVMSKPD MOVMSKPD
/* 51 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // SQRTPS &
/* 52 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // RSQRTTS RSQRTPS
/* 53 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // RCPPS RCPSS
/* 54 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // ANDPS ANDPD
/* 55 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // ANDNPS ANDNPD
/* 56 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // ORPS ORPD
/* 57 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // XORPS XORPD
/* 58 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // ADDPS &
/* 59 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MULPS &
/* 5A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CVTPS2PD &
/* 5B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CVTDQ2PS &
/* 5C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // SUBPS &
/* 5D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MINPS &
/* 5E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // DIVPS &
/* 5F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MASPS &
/* 60 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PUNPCKLBW/r
/* 61 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PUNPCKLWD/r
/* 62 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PUNPCKLWD/r
/* 63 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PACKSSWB/r
/* 64 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PCMPGTB/r
/* 65 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PCMPGTW/r
/* 66 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PCMPGTD/r
/* 67 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PACKUSWB/r
/* 68 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PUNPCKHBW/r
/* 69 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PUNPCKHWD/r
/* 6A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PUNPCKHDQ/r
/* 6B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PACKSSDW/r
/* 6C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PUNPCKLQDQ
/* 6D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PUNPCKHQDQ
/* 6E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVD/r
/* 6F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV/r
/* 70 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // PSHUFW/r ib
/* 71 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // PSLLW/6 ib,PSRAW/4 ib,PSRLW/2 ib
/* 72 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // PSLLD/6 ib,PSRAD/4 ib,PSRLD/2 ib
/* 73 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // PSLLQ/6 ib,PSRLQ/2 ib
/* 74 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PCMPEQB/r
/* 75 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PCMPEQW/r
/* 76 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PCMPEQD/r
/* 77 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // EMMS
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
// extrq/insertq require mode=3 and are followed by two immediate bytes
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 78 */ ENTRY_Copy0F78 , // VMREAD/r, 66/EXTRQ/r/ib/ib, F2/INSERTQ/r/ib/ib
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
// extrq/insertq require mod=3, therefore ENTRY_CopyBytes2, but it ends up the same
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* 79 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // VMWRITE/r, 66/EXTRQ/r, F2/INSERTQ/r
/* 7A */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _7A
/* 7B */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _7B
/* 7C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // HADDPS
/* 7D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // HSUBPS
/* 7E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVD/r
/* 7F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOV/r
/* 80 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JO
/* 81 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JNO
/* 82 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JB,JC,JNAE
/* 83 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JAE,JNB,JNC
/* 84 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JE,JZ,JZ
/* 85 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JNE,JNZ
/* 86 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JBE,JNA
/* 87 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JA,JNBE
/* 88 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JS
/* 89 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JNS
/* 8A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JP,JPE
/* 8B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JNP,JPO
/* 8C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JL,NGE
/* 8D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JGE,JNL
/* 8E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JLE,JNG
/* 8F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes3Or5Target , // JG,JNLE
/* 90 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVO (0F 40)
/* 91 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVNO (0F 41)
/* 92 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVB & CMOVC & CMOVNAE (0F 42)
/* 93 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVAE & CMOVNB & CMOVNC (0F 43)
/* 94 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVE & CMOVZ (0F 44)
/* 95 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVNE & CMOVNZ (0F 45)
/* 96 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVBE & CMOVNA (0F 46)
/* 97 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVA & CMOVNBE (0F 47)
/* 98 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVS (0F 48)
/* 99 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVNS (0F 49)
/* 9A */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVP & CMOVPE (0F 4A)
/* 9B */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVNP & CMOVPO (0F 4B)
/* 9C */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVL & CMOVNGE (0F 4C)
/* 9D */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVGE & CMOVNL (0F 4D)
/* 9E */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVLE & CMOVNG (0F 4E)
/* 9F */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMOVG & CMOVNLE (0F 4F)
/* A0 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
/* A1 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POP
/* A2 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // CPUID
/* A3 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // BT (0F A3)
/* A4 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // SHLD
/* A5 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // SHLD
/* A6 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // XBTS
/* A7 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // IBTS
/* A8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // PUSH
/* A9 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // POP
/* AA */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // RSM
/* AB */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // BTS (0F AB)
/* AC */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // SHRD
/* AD */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // SHRD
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
// 0F AE mod76=mem mod543=0 fxsave
// 0F AE mod76=mem mod543=1 fxrstor
// 0F AE mod76=mem mod543=2 ldmxcsr
// 0F AE mod76=mem mod543=3 stmxcsr
// 0F AE mod76=mem mod543=4 xsave
// 0F AE mod76=mem mod543=5 xrstor
// 0F AE mod76=mem mod543=6 saveopt
// 0F AE mod76=mem mod543=7 clflush
// 0F AE mod76=11b mod543=5 lfence
// 0F AE mod76=11b mod543=6 mfence
// 0F AE mod76=11b mod543=7 sfence
// F3 0F AE mod76=11b mod543=0 rdfsbase
// F3 0F AE mod76=11b mod543=1 rdgsbase
// F3 0F AE mod76=11b mod543=2 wrfsbase
// F3 0F AE mod76=11b mod543=3 wrgsbase
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* AE */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // fxsave fxrstor ldmxcsr stmxcsr xsave xrstor saveopt clflush lfence mfence sfence rdfsbase rdgsbase wrfsbase wrgsbase
/* AF */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // IMUL (0F AF)
/* B0 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMPXCHG (0F B0)
/* B1 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMPXCHG (0F B1)
/* B2 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // LSS/r
/* B3 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // BTR (0F B3)
/* B4 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // LFS/r
/* B5 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // LGS/r
/* B6 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVZX/r
/* B7 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVZX/r
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# ifdef DETOURS_X86
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* B8 */ ENTRY_Copy0FB8 , // jmpe f3/popcnt
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# else
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* B8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // f3/popcnt
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
# endif
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
/* B9 */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _B9
/* BA */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // BT & BTC & BTR & BTS (0F BA)
/* BB */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // BTC (0F BB)
/* BC */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // BSF (0F BC)
/* BD */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // BSR (0F BD)
/* BE */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVSX/r
/* BF */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVSX/r
/* C0 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // XADD/r
/* C1 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // XADD/r
/* C2 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // CMPPS &
/* C3 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVNTI
/* C4 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // PINSRW /r ib
/* C5 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // PEXTRW /r ib
/* C6 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod1 , // SHUFPS & SHUFPD
/* C7 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CMPXCHG8B (0F C7)
/* C8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // BSWAP 0F C8 + rd
/* C9 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // BSWAP 0F C8 + rd
/* CA */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // BSWAP 0F C8 + rd
/* CB */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // CVTPD2PI BSWAP 0F C8 + rd
/* CC */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // BSWAP 0F C8 + rd
/* CD */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // BSWAP 0F C8 + rd
/* CE */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // BSWAP 0F C8 + rd
/* CF */ ENTRY_CopyBytes1 , // BSWAP 0F C8 + rd
/* D0 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // ADDSUBPS (untestd)
/* D1 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSRLW/r
/* D2 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSRLD/r
/* D3 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSRLQ/r
/* D4 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PADDQ
/* D5 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PMULLW/r
/* D6 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVDQ2Q / MOVQ2DQ
/* D7 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PMOVMSKB/r
/* D8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSUBUSB/r
/* D9 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSUBUSW/r
/* DA */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PMINUB/r
/* DB */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PAND/r
/* DC */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PADDUSB/r
/* DD */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PADDUSW/r
/* DE */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PMAXUB/r
/* DF */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PANDN/r
/* E0 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PAVGB
/* E1 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSRAW/r
/* E2 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSRAD/r
/* E3 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PAVGW
/* E4 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PMULHUW/r
/* E5 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PMULHW/r
/* E6 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // CTDQ2PD &
/* E7 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MOVNTQ
/* E8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSUBB/r
/* E9 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSUBW/r
/* EA */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PMINSW/r
/* EB */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // POR/r
/* EC */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PADDSB/r
/* ED */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PADDSW/r
/* EE */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PMAXSW /r
/* EF */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PXOR/r
/* F0 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // LDDQU
/* F1 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSLLW/r
/* F2 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSLLD/r
/* F3 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSLLQ/r
/* F4 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PMULUDQ/r
/* F5 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PMADDWD/r
/* F6 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSADBW/r
/* F7 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // MASKMOVQ
/* F8 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSUBB/r
/* F9 */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSUBW/r
/* FA */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PSUBD/r
/* FB */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // FSUBQ/r
/* FC */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PADDB/r
/* FD */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PADDW/r
/* FE */ ENTRY_CopyBytes2Mod , // PADDD/r
/* FF */ ENTRY_Invalid , // _FF
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
} ;
BOOL CDetourDis : : SanityCheckSystem ( )
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
C_ASSERT ( ARRAYSIZE ( CDetourDis : : s_rceCopyTable ) = = 256 ) ;
C_ASSERT ( ARRAYSIZE ( CDetourDis : : s_rceCopyTable0F ) = = 256 ) ;
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
return TRUE ;
# endif // defined(DETOURS_X64) || defined(DETOURS_X86)
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IA64 Disassembler.
# ifdef DETOURS_IA64
# if defined(_IA64_) != defined(DETOURS_IA64_OFFLINE_LIBRARY)
// Compile DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE for native IA64 or cross, but not both -- we get duplicates otherwise.
const DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : DETOUR_IA64_METADATA DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : s_rceCopyTable [ 33 ] =
{ 0x00 , M_UNIT , I_UNIT , I_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x01 , M_UNIT , I_UNIT , I_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x02 , M_UNIT , I_UNIT , I_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x03 , M_UNIT , I_UNIT , I_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x04 , M_UNIT , L_UNIT , X_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x05 , M_UNIT , L_UNIT , X_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x06 , 0 , 0 , 0 , } ,
{ 0x07 , 0 , 0 , 0 , } ,
{ 0x08 , M_UNIT , M_UNIT , I_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x09 , M_UNIT , M_UNIT , I_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x0a , M_UNIT , M_UNIT , I_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x0b , M_UNIT , M_UNIT , I_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x0c , M_UNIT , F_UNIT , I_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x0d , M_UNIT , F_UNIT , I_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x0e , M_UNIT , M_UNIT , F_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x0f , M_UNIT , M_UNIT , F_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x10 , M_UNIT , I_UNIT , B_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x11 , M_UNIT , I_UNIT , B_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x12 , M_UNIT , B_UNIT , B_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x13 , M_UNIT , B_UNIT , B_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x14 , 0 , 0 , 0 , } ,
{ 0x15 , 0 , 0 , 0 , } ,
{ 0x16 , B_UNIT , B_UNIT , B_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x17 , B_UNIT , B_UNIT , B_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x18 , M_UNIT , M_UNIT , B_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x19 , M_UNIT , M_UNIT , B_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x1a , 0 , 0 , 0 , } ,
{ 0x1b , 0 , 0 , 0 , } ,
{ 0x1c , M_UNIT , F_UNIT , B_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x1d , M_UNIT , F_UNIT , B_UNIT , } ,
{ 0x1e , 0 , 0 , 0 , } ,
{ 0x1f , 0 , 0 , 0 , } ,
{ 0x00 , 0 , 0 , 0 , } ,
} ;
// 120 112 104 96 88 80 72 64 56 48 40 32 24 16 8 0
// f. e. d. c. b. a. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0.
// 00
// f.e. d.c. b.a. 9.8. 7.6. 5.4. 3.2. 1.0.
// 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 001f : Template [4..0]
// 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 03ff ffff ffe0 : Zero [ 41.. 5]
// 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3c00 0000 0000 : Zero [ 45.. 42]
// 0000 0000 0007 ffff ffff c000 0000 0000 : One [ 82.. 46]
// 0000 0000 0078 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 : One [ 86.. 83]
// 0fff ffff ff80 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 : Two [123.. 87]
// f000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 : Two [127..124]
BYTE DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetTemplate ( ) const
return ( data [ 0 ] & 0x1f ) ;
BYTE DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetInst0 ( ) const
return ( ( data [ 5 ] & 0x3c ) > > 2 ) ;
BYTE DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetInst1 ( ) const
return ( ( data [ 10 ] & 0x78 ) > > 3 ) ;
BYTE DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetInst2 ( ) const
return ( ( data [ 15 ] & 0xf0 ) > > 4 ) ;
BYTE DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetUnit ( BYTE slot ) const
switch ( slot ) {
case 0 : return GetUnit0 ( ) ;
case 1 : return GetUnit1 ( ) ;
case 2 : return GetUnit2 ( ) ;
__debugbreak ( ) ;
return 0 ;
BYTE DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetUnit0 ( ) const
return s_rceCopyTable [ data [ 0 ] & 0x1f ] . nUnit0 ;
BYTE DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetUnit1 ( ) const
return s_rceCopyTable [ data [ 0 ] & 0x1f ] . nUnit1 ;
BYTE DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetUnit2 ( ) const
return s_rceCopyTable [ data [ 0 ] & 0x1f ] . nUnit2 ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetData0 ( ) const
return ( ( ( wide [ 0 ] & 0x000003ffffffffe0 ) > > 5 ) ) ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetData1 ( ) const
return ( ( ( wide [ 0 ] & 0xffffc00000000000 ) > > 46 ) |
( ( wide [ 1 ] & 0x000000000007ffff ) < < 18 ) ) ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetData2 ( ) const
return ( ( ( wide [ 1 ] & 0x0fffffffff800000 ) > > 23 ) ) ;
VOID DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetInst ( BYTE slot , BYTE nInst )
switch ( slot )
case 0 : SetInst0 ( nInst ) ; return ;
case 1 : SetInst1 ( nInst ) ; return ;
case 2 : SetInst2 ( nInst ) ; return ;
__debugbreak ( ) ;
VOID DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetInst0 ( BYTE nInst )
data [ 5 ] = ( data [ 5 ] & ~ 0x3c ) | ( ( nInst < < 2 ) & 0x3c ) ;
VOID DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetInst1 ( BYTE nInst )
data [ 10 ] = ( data [ 10 ] & ~ 0x78 ) | ( ( nInst < < 3 ) & 0x78 ) ;
VOID DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetInst2 ( BYTE nInst )
data [ 15 ] = ( data [ 15 ] & ~ 0xf0 ) | ( ( nInst < < 4 ) & 0xf0 ) ;
VOID DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetData ( BYTE slot , UINT64 nData )
switch ( slot )
case 0 : SetData0 ( nData ) ; return ;
case 1 : SetData1 ( nData ) ; return ;
case 2 : SetData2 ( nData ) ; return ;
__debugbreak ( ) ;
VOID DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetData0 ( UINT64 nData )
wide [ 0 ] = ( wide [ 0 ] & ~ 0x000003ffffffffe0 ) | ( ( nData < < 5 ) & 0x000003ffffffffe0 ) ;
VOID DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetData1 ( UINT64 nData )
wide [ 0 ] = ( wide [ 0 ] & ~ 0xffffc00000000000 ) | ( ( nData < < 46 ) & 0xffffc00000000000 ) ;
wide [ 1 ] = ( wide [ 1 ] & ~ 0x000000000007ffff ) | ( ( nData > > 18 ) & 0x000000000007ffff ) ;
VOID DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetData2 ( UINT64 nData )
wide [ 1 ] = ( wide [ 1 ] & ~ 0x0fffffffff800000 ) | ( ( nData < < 23 ) & 0x0fffffffff800000 ) ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetInstruction ( BYTE slot ) const
switch ( slot ) {
case 0 : return GetInstruction0 ( ) ;
case 1 : return GetInstruction1 ( ) ;
case 2 : return GetInstruction2 ( ) ;
__debugbreak ( ) ;
return 0 ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetInstruction0 ( ) const
// 41 bits from wide[0], skipping the 5 bit template.
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetInstruction1 ( ) const
// 64-46 bits from wide[0] and the rest from wide[1].
const UINT count0 = 64 - DETOUR_IA64_INSTRUCTION1_OFFSET ;
const UINT count1 = DETOUR_IA64_INSTRUCTION_SIZE - count0 ;
return GetBits ( wide [ 0 ] , DETOUR_IA64_INSTRUCTION1_OFFSET , count0 ) | ( GetBits ( wide [ 1 ] , 0 , count1 ) < < count0 ) ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetInstruction2 ( ) const
// Upper 41 bits of wide[1].
return wide [ 1 ] > > ( 64 - DETOUR_IA64_INSTRUCTION_SIZE ) ;
void DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetInstruction ( BYTE slot , UINT64 instruction )
switch ( slot ) {
case 0 : SetInstruction0 ( instruction ) ; return ;
case 1 : SetInstruction1 ( instruction ) ; return ;
case 2 : SetInstruction2 ( instruction ) ; return ;
__debugbreak ( ) ;
void DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetInstruction0 ( UINT64 instruction )
wide [ 0 ] = SetBits ( wide [ 0 ] , DETOUR_IA64_INSTRUCTION0_OFFSET , DETOUR_IA64_INSTRUCTION_SIZE , instruction ) ;
void DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetInstruction1 ( UINT64 instruction )
UINT const count0 = 64 - DETOUR_IA64_INSTRUCTION1_OFFSET ;
UINT const count1 = DETOUR_IA64_INSTRUCTION_SIZE - count0 ;
UINT64 const wide0 = SetBits ( wide [ 0 ] , DETOUR_IA64_INSTRUCTION1_OFFSET , count0 , instruction ) ;
UINT64 const wide1 = SetBits ( wide [ 1 ] , 0 , count1 , instruction > > count0 ) ;
wide [ 0 ] = wide0 ;
wide [ 1 ] = wide1 ;
void DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetInstruction2 ( UINT64 instruction )
// Set upper 41 bits of wide[1].
wide [ 1 ] = SetBits ( wide [ 1 ] , 64 - DETOUR_IA64_INSTRUCTION_SIZE , DETOUR_IA64_INSTRUCTION_SIZE , instruction ) ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SignExtend ( UINT64 Value , UINT64 Offset )
// This definition is from the IA64 manual.
if ( ( Value & ( ( ( UINT64 ) 1 ) < < ( Offset - 1 ) ) ) = = 0 )
return Value ;
UINT64 const new_value = Value | ( ( ~ ( UINT64 ) 0 ) < < Offset ) ;
return new_value ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetBits ( UINT64 Value , UINT64 Offset , UINT64 Count )
UINT64 const new_value = ( Value > > Offset ) & ~ ( ~ ( ( UINT64 ) 0 ) < < Count ) ;
return new_value ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetBits ( UINT64 Value , UINT64 Offset , UINT64 Count , UINT64 Field )
UINT64 const mask = ( ~ ( ( ~ ( UINT64 ) 0 ) < < Count ) ) < < Offset ;
UINT64 const new_value = ( Value & ~ mask ) | ( ( Field < < Offset ) & mask ) ;
return new_value ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetOpcode ( UINT64 instruction )
// Get 4bit primary opcode.
UINT64 const opcode = GetBits ( instruction , DETOUR_IA64_INSTRUCTION_SIZE - 4 , 4 ) ;
return opcode ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetX ( UINT64 instruction )
// Get 1bit opcode extension.
UINT64 const x = GetBits ( instruction , 33 , 1 ) ;
return x ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetX3 ( UINT64 instruction )
// Get 3bit opcode extension.
UINT64 const x3 = GetBits ( instruction , 33 , 3 ) ;
return x3 ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetX6 ( UINT64 instruction )
// Get 6bit opcode extension.
UINT64 const x6 = GetBits ( instruction , 27 , 6 ) ;
return x6 ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetImm7a ( UINT64 instruction )
UINT64 const imm7a = GetBits ( instruction , 6 , 7 ) ;
return imm7a ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetImm7a ( UINT64 instruction , UINT64 imm7a )
UINT64 const new_instruction = SetBits ( instruction , 6 , 7 , imm7a ) ;
return new_instruction ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetImm13c ( UINT64 instruction )
UINT64 const imm13c = GetBits ( instruction , 20 , 13 ) ;
return imm13c ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetImm13c ( UINT64 instruction , UINT64 imm13c )
UINT64 const new_instruction = SetBits ( instruction , 20 , 13 , imm13c ) ;
return new_instruction ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetSignBit ( UINT64 instruction )
UINT64 const signBit = GetBits ( instruction , 36 , 1 ) ;
return signBit ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetSignBit ( UINT64 instruction , UINT64 signBit )
UINT64 const new_instruction = SetBits ( instruction , 36 , 1 , signBit ) ;
return new_instruction ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetImm20a ( UINT64 instruction )
UINT64 const imm20a = GetBits ( instruction , 6 , 20 ) ;
return imm20a ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetImm20a ( UINT64 instruction , UINT64 imm20a )
UINT64 const new_instruction = SetBits ( instruction , 6 , 20 , imm20a ) ;
return new_instruction ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetImm20b ( UINT64 instruction )
UINT64 const imm20b = GetBits ( instruction , 13 , 20 ) ;
return imm20b ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetImm20b ( UINT64 instruction , UINT64 imm20b )
UINT64 const new_instruction = SetBits ( instruction , 13 , 20 , imm20b ) ;
return new_instruction ;
bool DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : RelocateInstruction ( _Inout_ DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE * pDst ,
_In_ BYTE slot ,
_Inout_opt_ DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE * pBundleExtra ) const
If pBundleExtra is provided and instruction is IP - relative ,
this function relocates instruction to target pBundleExtra ,
pBundleExtra is set to brl the original target , and return true .
[ Not used ] If pBundleExtra is not provided and instruction is IP - relative , return true .
Else return false .
The following IP - relative forms are recognized :
br and br . call
chk . s . m integer and float
chk . a . nc integer and float
chk . a . clr integer and float
chk . s . i
Brl is handled elsewhere , because the code was previously written .
Branch prediction hints are not relocated .
UINT64 const instruction = GetInstruction ( slot ) ;
UINT64 const opcode = GetOpcode ( instruction ) ;
size_t const dest = ( size_t ) pDst ;
size_t const extra = ( size_t ) pBundleExtra ;
switch ( GetUnit ( slot ) ) {
case F_UNIT :
// F14 fchkf
if ( opcode = = 0 & & GetX ( instruction ) = = 0 & & GetX6 ( instruction ) = = 8 ) {
goto imm20a ;
return false ;
case M_UNIT :
// M20 x3 == 1 integer chk.s.m
// M21 x3 == 3 floating point chk.s
if ( opcode = = 1 ) {
UINT64 const x3 = GetX3 ( instruction ) ;
if ( x3 = = 1 | | x3 = = 3 ) {
goto imm13_7 ;
// M22 x3 == 4 integer chk.a.nc
// M22 x3 == 5 integer chk.a.clr
// M23 x3 == 6 floating point chk.a.nc
// M23 x3 == 7 floating point chk.a.clr
if ( opcode = = 0 ) {
UINT64 const x3 = GetX3 ( instruction ) ;
if ( x3 = = 4 | | x3 = = 5 | | x3 = = 6 | | x3 = = 7 ) {
goto imm20b ;
return false ;
case I_UNIT :
// I20
if ( opcode = = 0 & & GetX3 ( instruction ) = = 1 ) { // chk.s.i
goto imm13_7 ;
return false ;
case B_UNIT :
// B1 B2 B3
// 4 br
// 5 br.call
if ( opcode = = 4 | | opcode = = 5 ) {
goto imm20b ;
return false ;
return false ;
UINT64 imm ;
UINT64 new_instruction ;
imm13_7 :
imm = SignExtend ( ( GetSignBit ( instruction ) < < 20 ) | ( GetImm13c ( instruction ) < < 7 ) | GetImm7a ( instruction ) , 21 ) < < 4 ;
new_instruction = SetSignBit ( SetImm13c ( SetImm7a ( instruction , ( extra - dest ) > > 4 ) , ( extra - dest ) > > 11 ) , extra < dest ) ;
goto set_brl ;
imm20a :
imm = SignExtend ( ( GetSignBit ( instruction ) < < 20 ) | GetImm20a ( instruction ) , 21 ) < < 4 ;
new_instruction = SetSignBit ( SetImm20a ( instruction , ( extra - dest ) > > 4 ) , extra < dest ) ;
goto set_brl ;
imm20b :
imm = SignExtend ( ( GetSignBit ( instruction ) < < 20 ) | GetImm20b ( instruction ) , 21 ) < < 4 ;
new_instruction = SetSignBit ( SetImm20b ( instruction , ( extra - dest ) > > 4 ) , extra < dest ) ;
goto set_brl ;
set_brl :
if ( pBundleExtra ! = NULL ) {
pDst - > SetInstruction ( slot , new_instruction ) ;
pBundleExtra - > SetBrl ( ( size_t ) this + imm ) ;
return true ;
UINT DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : RelocateBundle ( _Inout_ DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE * pDst ,
_Inout_opt_ DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE * pBundleExtra ) const
Having already copied the bundle unchanged , then relocate its instructions one at a time .
Return how many extra bytes are required to relocate the bundle .
UINT nExtraBytes = 0 ;
for ( BYTE slot = 0 ; slot < DETOUR_IA64_INSTRUCTIONS_PER_BUNDLE ; + + slot ) {
if ( ! RelocateInstruction ( pDst , slot , pBundleExtra ) ) {
continue ;
pBundleExtra - = ! ! pBundleExtra ;
nExtraBytes + = sizeof ( DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE ) ;
return nExtraBytes ;
BOOL DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : IsBrl ( ) const
// f.e. d.c. b.a. 9.8. 7.6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0.
// c000 0070 0000 0000 0000 00 01 00 00 00 05 : brl.sptk.few
// c8ff fff0 007f fff0 ffff 00 01 00 00 00 05 : brl.sptk.few
// c000 0048 0000 0000 0001 00 00 00 00 00 05 : brl.sptk.many
return ( ( wide [ 0 ] & 0x000000000000001e ) = = 0x0000000000000004 & & // 4 or 5.
( wide [ 1 ] & 0xe000000000000000 ) = = 0xc000000000000000 ) ; // c or d.
wide [ 0 ] = 0x0000000100000005 ; // few
//wide[0] = 0x0000000180000005; // many
wide [ 1 ] = 0xc000000800000000 ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetBrlImm ( ) const
return (
// 0x0000000000fffff0
( ( wide [ 1 ] & 0x00fffff000000000 ) > > 32 ) | // all 20 bits of imm20b.
// 0x000000ffff000000
( ( wide [ 0 ] & 0xffff000000000000 ) > > 24 ) | // bottom 16 bits of imm39.
// 0x7fffff0000000000
( ( wide [ 1 ] & 0x00000000007fffff ) < < 40 ) | // top 23 bits of imm39.
// 0x8000000000000000
( ( wide [ 1 ] & 0x0800000000000000 ) < < 4 ) // single bit of i.
) ;
VOID DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetBrlImm ( UINT64 imm )
wide [ 0 ] = ( ( wide [ 0 ] & ~ 0xffff000000000000 ) |
// 0xffff000000000000
( ( imm & 0x000000ffff000000 ) < < 24 ) // bottom 16 bits of imm39.
) ;
wide [ 1 ] = ( ( wide [ 1 ] & ~ 0x08fffff0007fffff ) |
// 0x00fffff000000000
( ( imm & 0x0000000000fffff0 ) < < 32 ) | // all 20 bits of imm20b.
// 0x00000000007fffff
( ( imm & 0x7fffff0000000000 ) > > 40 ) | // top 23 bits of imm39.
// 0x0800000000000000
( ( imm & 0x8000000000000000 ) > > 4 ) // single bit of i.
) ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetBrlTarget ( ) const
return ( UINT64 ) this + GetBrlImm ( ) ;
VOID DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetBrl ( UINT64 target )
UINT64 imm = target - ( UINT64 ) this ;
SetBrl ( ) ;
SetBrlImm ( imm ) ;
VOID DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetBrlTarget ( UINT64 target )
UINT64 imm = target - ( UINT64 ) this ;
SetBrlImm ( imm ) ;
BOOL DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : IsMovlGp ( ) const
// f.e. d.c. b.a. 9.8. 7.6. 5.4. 3.2. 1.0.
// 6fff f7f0 207f ffff ffff c001 0000 0004
// 6000 0000 2000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0004
return ( ( wide [ 0 ] & 0x00003ffffffffffe ) = = 0x0000000100000004 & &
( wide [ 1 ] & 0xf000080fff800000 ) = = 0x6000000020000000 ) ;
UINT64 DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : GetMovlGp ( ) const
UINT64 raw = (
// 0x0000000000000070
( ( wide [ 1 ] & 0x000007f000000000 ) > > 36 ) |
// 0x000000000000ff80
( ( wide [ 1 ] & 0x07fc000000000000 ) > > 43 ) |
// 0x00000000001f0000
( ( wide [ 1 ] & 0x0003e00000000000 ) > > 29 ) |
// 0x0000000000200000
( ( wide [ 1 ] & 0x0000100000000000 ) > > 23 ) |
// 0x000000ffffc00000
( ( wide [ 0 ] & 0xffffc00000000000 ) > > 24 ) |
// 0x7fffff0000000000
( ( wide [ 1 ] & 0x00000000007fffff ) < < 40 ) |
// 0x8000000000000000
( ( wide [ 1 ] & 0x0800000000000000 ) < < 4 )
) ;
return ( INT64 ) raw ;
VOID DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetMovlGp ( UINT64 gp )
UINT64 raw = ( UINT64 ) gp ;
wide [ 0 ] = ( 0x0000000100000005 |
// 0xffffc00000000000
( ( raw & 0x000000ffffc00000 ) < < 24 )
) ;
wide [ 1 ] = (
0x6000000020000000 |
// 0x0000070000000000
( ( raw & 0x0000000000000070 ) < < 36 ) |
// 0x07fc000000000000
( ( raw & 0x000000000000ff80 ) < < 43 ) |
// 0x0003e00000000000
( ( raw & 0x00000000001f0000 ) < < 29 ) |
// 0x0000100000000000
( ( raw & 0x0000000000200000 ) < < 23 ) |
// 0x00000000007fffff
( ( raw & 0x7fffff0000000000 ) > > 40 ) |
// 0x0800000000000000
( ( raw & 0x8000000000000000 ) > > 4 )
) ;
_Inout_opt_ DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE * pBundleExtra ) const
// Copy the bytes unchanged.
# pragma warning(suppress:6001) // using uninitialized *pDst
pDst - > wide [ 0 ] = wide [ 0 ] ;
pDst - > wide [ 1 ] = wide [ 1 ] ;
// Relocate if necessary.
UINT nExtraBytes = RelocateBundle ( pDst , pBundleExtra ) ;
if ( GetUnit1 ( ) = = L_UNIT & & IsBrl ( ) ) {
pDst - > SetBrlTarget ( GetBrlTarget ( ) ) ;
return nExtraBytes ;
BOOL DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE : : SetNop ( BYTE slot )
switch ( GetUnit ( slot ) ) {
case I_UNIT :
case M_UNIT :
case F_UNIT :
SetInst ( slot , 0 ) ;
SetData ( slot , 0x8000000 ) ;
return true ;
case B_UNIT :
SetInst ( slot , 2 ) ;
SetData ( slot , 0 ) ;
return true ;
DebugBreak ( ) ;
return false ;
return SetNop ( 0 ) ;
return SetNop ( 1 ) ;
return SetNop ( 2 ) ;
data [ 0 ] | = 0x01 ;
# endif // DETOURS_IA64
PVOID WINAPI DetourCopyInstruction ( _In_opt_ PVOID pDst ,
_Inout_opt_ PVOID * ppDstPool ,
_In_ PVOID pSrc ,
_Out_opt_ PVOID * ppTarget ,
_Out_opt_ LONG * plExtra )
LONG nExtra ;
DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE * pbSrc = ( DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE * ) pSrc ;
DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE * pbDst = pDst ? ( DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE * ) pDst : & bExtra ;
plExtra = plExtra ? plExtra : & nExtra ;
* plExtra = 0 ;
if ( ppTarget ! = NULL ) {
if ( pbSrc - > IsBrl ( ) ) {
* ppTarget = ( PVOID ) pbSrc - > GetBrlTarget ( ) ;
else {
* plExtra = ( LONG ) pbSrc - > Copy ( pbDst , ppDstPool ? ( ( DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE * ) * ppDstPool ) - 1 : ( DETOUR_IA64_BUNDLE * ) NULL ) ;
return pbSrc + 1 ;
# endif // DETOURS_IA64
# define c_PCAdjust 4 // The PC value of an instruction is the PC address plus 4.
# define c_PC 15 // The register number for the Program Counter
# define c_LR 14 // The register number for the Link Register
# define c_SP 13 // The register number for the Stack Pointer
# define c_NOP 0xbf00 // A nop instruction
# define c_BREAK 0xdefe // A nop instruction
class CDetourDis
public :
CDetourDis ( ) ;
PBYTE CopyInstruction ( PBYTE pDst ,
PBYTE * ppDstPool ,
PBYTE pSrc ,
PBYTE * ppTarget ,
LONG * plExtra ) ;
public :
typedef BYTE ( CDetourDis : : * COPYFUNC ) ( PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
struct COPYENTRY {
USHORT nOpcode ;
} ;
struct Branch5
DWORD Register : 3 ;
DWORD Imm5 : 5 ;
DWORD Padding : 1 ;
DWORD I : 1 ;
DWORD OpCode : 6 ;
} ;
struct Branch5Target
DWORD Padding : 1 ;
DWORD Imm5 : 5 ;
DWORD I : 1 ;
DWORD Padding2 : 25 ;
} ;
struct Branch8
DWORD Imm8 : 8 ;
DWORD Condition : 4 ;
DWORD OpCode : 4 ;
} ;
struct Branch8Target
DWORD Padding : 1 ;
DWORD Imm8 : 8 ;
DWORD Padding2 : 23 ;
} ;
struct Branch11
DWORD Imm11 : 11 ;
DWORD OpCode : 5 ;
} ;
struct Branch11Target
DWORD Padding : 1 ;
DWORD Imm11 : 11 ;
DWORD Padding2 : 20 ;
} ;
struct Branch20
DWORD Imm11 : 11 ;
DWORD J2 : 1 ;
DWORD IT : 1 ;
DWORD J1 : 1 ;
DWORD Other : 2 ;
DWORD Imm6 : 6 ;
DWORD Condition : 4 ;
DWORD Sign : 1 ;
DWORD OpCode : 5 ;
} ;
struct Branch20Target
DWORD Padding : 1 ;
DWORD Imm11 : 11 ;
DWORD Imm6 : 6 ;
DWORD J1 : 1 ;
DWORD J2 : 1 ;
DWORD Sign : 1 ;
INT32 Padding2 : 11 ;
} ;
struct Branch24
DWORD Imm11 : 11 ;
DWORD J2 : 1 ;
DWORD InstructionSet : 1 ;
DWORD J1 : 1 ;
DWORD Link : 1 ;
DWORD Branch : 1 ;
DWORD Imm10 : 10 ;
DWORD Sign : 1 ;
DWORD OpCode : 5 ;
} ;
struct Branch24Target
DWORD Padding : 1 ;
DWORD Imm11 : 11 ;
DWORD Imm10 : 10 ;
DWORD I2 : 1 ;
DWORD I1 : 1 ;
DWORD Sign : 1 ;
INT32 Padding2 : 7 ;
} ;
struct LiteralLoad8
DWORD Imm8 : 8 ;
DWORD Register : 3 ;
DWORD OpCode : 5 ;
} ;
struct LiteralLoad8Target
DWORD Padding : 2 ;
DWORD Imm8 : 8 ;
DWORD Padding2 : 22 ;
} ;
struct LiteralLoad12
DWORD Imm12 : 12 ;
DWORD Register : 4 ;
DWORD OpCodeSuffix : 7 ;
DWORD Add : 1 ;
DWORD OpCodePrefix : 8 ;
} ;
struct LiteralLoad12Target
DWORD Imm12 : 12 ;
DWORD Padding : 20 ;
} ;
struct ImmediateRegisterLoad32
DWORD Imm12 : 12 ;
DWORD DestinationRegister : 4 ;
DWORD SourceRegister : 4 ;
DWORD OpCode : 12 ;
} ;
struct ImmediateRegisterLoad16
DWORD DestinationRegister : 3 ;
DWORD SourceRegister : 3 ;
DWORD OpCode : 10 ;
} ;
struct TableBranch
DWORD IndexRegister : 4 ;
DWORD HalfWord : 1 ;
DWORD OpCodeSuffix : 11 ;
DWORD BaseRegister : 4 ;
DWORD OpCodePrefix : 12 ;
} ;
struct Shift
DWORD Imm2 : 2 ;
DWORD Imm3 : 3 ;
} ;
struct Add32
DWORD SecondOperandRegister : 4 ;
DWORD Type : 2 ;
DWORD Imm2 : 2 ;
DWORD DestinationRegister : 4 ;
DWORD Imm3 : 3 ;
DWORD Padding : 1 ;
DWORD FirstOperandRegister : 4 ;
DWORD SetFlags : 1 ;
DWORD OpCode : 11 ;
} ;
struct LogicalShiftLeft32
DWORD SourceRegister : 4 ;
DWORD Padding : 2 ;
DWORD Imm2 : 2 ;
DWORD DestinationRegister : 4 ;
DWORD Imm3 : 3 ;
DWORD Padding2 : 5 ;
DWORD SetFlags : 1 ;
DWORD OpCode : 11 ;
} ;
struct StoreImmediate12
DWORD Imm12 : 12 ;
DWORD SourceRegister : 4 ;
DWORD BaseRegister : 4 ;
DWORD OpCode : 12 ;
} ;
protected :
BYTE PureCopy16 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE PureCopy32 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE CopyMiscellaneous16 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE CopyConditionalBranchOrOther16 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE CopyUnConditionalBranch16 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE CopyLiteralLoad16 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE CopyBranchExchangeOrDataProcessing16 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE CopyBranch24 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE CopyBranchOrMiscellaneous32 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE CopyLiteralLoad32 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE CopyLoadAndStoreSingle ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE CopyLoadAndStoreMultipleAndSRS ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE CopyTableBranch ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE BeginCopy32 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
LONG DecodeBranch5 ( ULONG opcode ) ;
USHORT EncodeBranch5 ( ULONG originalOpCode , LONG delta ) ;
LONG DecodeBranch8 ( ULONG opcode ) ;
USHORT EncodeBranch8 ( ULONG originalOpCode , LONG delta ) ;
LONG DecodeBranch11 ( ULONG opcode ) ;
USHORT EncodeBranch11 ( ULONG originalOpCode , LONG delta ) ;
BYTE EmitBranch11 ( PUSHORT & pDest , LONG relativeAddress ) ;
LONG DecodeBranch20 ( ULONG opcode ) ;
ULONG EncodeBranch20 ( ULONG originalOpCode , LONG delta ) ;
LONG DecodeBranch24 ( ULONG opcode , BOOL & fLink ) ;
ULONG EncodeBranch24 ( ULONG originalOpCode , LONG delta , BOOL fLink ) ;
LONG DecodeLiteralLoad8 ( ULONG instruction ) ;
LONG DecodeLiteralLoad12 ( ULONG instruction ) ;
BYTE EmitLiteralLoad8 ( PUSHORT & pDest , BYTE targetRegister , PBYTE pLiteral ) ;
BYTE EmitLiteralLoad12 ( PUSHORT & pDest , BYTE targetRegister , PBYTE pLiteral ) ;
BYTE EmitImmediateRegisterLoad32 ( PUSHORT & pDest , BYTE reg ) ;
BYTE EmitImmediateRegisterLoad16 ( PUSHORT & pDest , BYTE reg ) ;
BYTE EmitLongLiteralLoad ( PUSHORT & pDest , BYTE reg , PVOID pTarget ) ;
BYTE EmitLongBranch ( PUSHORT & pDest , PVOID pTarget ) ;
USHORT CalculateExtra ( BYTE sourceLength , BYTE * pDestStart , BYTE * pDestEnd ) ;
protected :
ULONG GetLongInstruction ( BYTE * pSource )
return ( ( ( PUSHORT ) pSource ) [ 0 ] < < 16 ) | ( ( ( PUSHORT ) pSource ) [ 1 ] ) ;
BYTE EmitLongInstruction ( PUSHORT & pDstInst , ULONG instruction )
* pDstInst + + = ( USHORT ) ( instruction > > 16 ) ;
* pDstInst + + = ( USHORT ) instruction ;
return sizeof ( ULONG ) ;
BYTE EmitShortInstruction ( PUSHORT & pDstInst , USHORT instruction )
* pDstInst + + = instruction ;
return sizeof ( USHORT ) ;
PBYTE Align4 ( PBYTE pValue )
return ( PBYTE ) ( ( ( size_t ) pValue ) & ~ ( ULONG ) 3u ) ;
PBYTE CalculateTarget ( PBYTE pSource , LONG delta )
return ( pSource + delta + c_PCAdjust ) ;
LONG CalculateNewDelta ( PBYTE pTarget , BYTE * pDest )
return ( LONG ) ( pTarget - ( pDest + c_PCAdjust ) ) ;
BYTE EmitAdd32 ( PUSHORT & pDstInst , BYTE op1Reg , BYTE op2Reg , BYTE dstReg , BYTE shiftAmount )
Shift & shift = ( Shift & ) ( shiftAmount ) ;
const BYTE shiftType = 0x00 ; // LSL
Add32 add = { op2Reg , shiftType , shift . Imm2 , dstReg , shift . Imm3 ,
0x0 , op1Reg , 0x0 , 0x758 } ;
return EmitLongInstruction ( pDstInst , ( ULONG & ) add ) ;
BYTE EmitLogicalShiftLeft32 ( PUSHORT & pDstInst , BYTE srcReg , BYTE dstReg , BYTE shiftAmount )
Shift & shift = ( Shift & ) ( shiftAmount ) ;
LogicalShiftLeft32 shiftLeft = { srcReg , 0x00 , shift . Imm2 , dstReg , shift . Imm3 , 0x1E ,
0x00 , 0x752 } ;
return EmitLongInstruction ( pDstInst , ( ULONG & ) shiftLeft ) ;
BYTE EmitStoreImmediate12 ( PUSHORT & pDstInst , BYTE srcReg , BYTE baseReg , USHORT offset )
StoreImmediate12 store = { offset , srcReg , baseReg , 0xF8C } ;
return EmitLongInstruction ( pDstInst , ( ULONG & ) store ) ;
protected :
PBYTE m_pbTarget ;
PBYTE m_pbPool ;
LONG m_lExtra ;
BYTE m_rbScratchDst [ 64 ] ; // matches or exceeds rbCode
static const COPYENTRY s_rceCopyTable [ 33 ] ;
} ;
LONG CDetourDis : : DecodeBranch5 ( ULONG opcode )
Branch5 & branch = ( Branch5 & ) ( opcode ) ;
Branch5Target target ;
ZeroMemory ( & target , sizeof ( target ) ) ;
target . Imm5 = branch . Imm5 ;
target . I = branch . I ;
// Return zero-extended value
return ( LONG & ) target ;
USHORT CDetourDis : : EncodeBranch5 ( ULONG originalOpCode , LONG delta )
// Too large for a 5 bit branch (5 bit branches can be up to 7 bits due to I and the trailing 0)
if ( delta < 0 | | delta > 0x7F ) {
return 0 ;
Branch5 & branch = ( Branch5 & ) ( originalOpCode ) ;
Branch5Target & target = ( Branch5Target & ) ( delta ) ;
branch . Imm5 = target . Imm5 ;
branch . I = target . I ;
return ( USHORT & ) branch ;
LONG CDetourDis : : DecodeBranch8 ( ULONG opcode )
Branch8 & branch = ( Branch8 & ) ( opcode ) ;
Branch8Target target ;
ZeroMemory ( & target , sizeof ( target ) ) ;
target . Imm8 = branch . Imm8 ;
// Return sign extended value
return ( ( ( LONG & ) target ) < < 23 ) > > 23 ;
USHORT CDetourDis : : EncodeBranch8 ( ULONG originalOpCode , LONG delta )
// Too large for 8 bit branch (8 bit branches can be up to 9 bits due to the trailing 0)
if ( delta < ( - ( int ) 0x100 ) | | delta > 0xFF ) {
return 0 ;
Branch8 & branch = ( Branch8 & ) ( originalOpCode ) ;
Branch8Target & target = ( Branch8Target & ) ( delta ) ;
branch . Imm8 = target . Imm8 ;
return ( USHORT & ) branch ;
LONG CDetourDis : : DecodeBranch11 ( ULONG opcode )
Branch11 & branch = ( Branch11 & ) ( opcode ) ;
Branch11Target target ;
ZeroMemory ( & target , sizeof ( target ) ) ;
target . Imm11 = branch . Imm11 ;
// Return sign extended value
return ( ( ( LONG & ) target ) < < 20 ) > > 20 ;
USHORT CDetourDis : : EncodeBranch11 ( ULONG originalOpCode , LONG delta )
// Too large for an 11 bit branch (11 bit branches can be up to 12 bits due to the trailing 0)
if ( delta < ( - ( int ) 0x800 ) | | delta > 0x7FF ) {
return 0 ;
Branch11 & branch = ( Branch11 & ) ( originalOpCode ) ;
Branch11Target & target = ( Branch11Target & ) ( delta ) ;
branch . Imm11 = target . Imm11 ;
return ( USHORT & ) branch ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : EmitBranch11 ( PUSHORT & pDest , LONG relativeAddress )
Branch11Target & target = ( Branch11Target & ) ( relativeAddress ) ;
Branch11 branch11 = { target . Imm11 , 0x1C } ;
* pDest + + = ( USHORT & ) branch11 ;
return sizeof ( USHORT ) ;
LONG CDetourDis : : DecodeBranch20 ( ULONG opcode )
Branch20 & branch = ( Branch20 & ) ( opcode ) ;
Branch20Target target ;
ZeroMemory ( & target , sizeof ( target ) ) ;
target . Imm11 = branch . Imm11 ;
target . Imm6 = branch . Imm6 ;
target . Sign = branch . Sign ;
target . J1 = branch . J1 ;
target . J2 = branch . J2 ;
// Sign extend
if ( target . Sign ) {
target . Padding2 = - 1 ;
return ( LONG & ) target ;
ULONG CDetourDis : : EncodeBranch20 ( ULONG originalOpCode , LONG delta )
// Too large for 20 bit branch (20 bit branches can be up to 21 bits due to the trailing 0)
if ( delta < ( - ( int ) 0x100000 ) | | delta > 0xFFFFF ) {
return 0 ;
Branch20 & branch = ( Branch20 & ) ( originalOpCode ) ;
Branch20Target & target = ( Branch20Target & ) ( delta ) ;
branch . Imm11 = target . Imm11 ;
branch . Imm6 = target . Imm6 ;
branch . Sign = target . Sign ;
branch . J1 = target . J1 ;
branch . J2 = target . J2 ;
return ( ULONG & ) branch ;
LONG CDetourDis : : DecodeBranch24 ( ULONG opcode , BOOL & fLink )
Branch24 & branch = ( Branch24 & ) ( opcode ) ;
Branch24Target target ;
ZeroMemory ( & target , sizeof ( target ) ) ;
target . Imm11 = branch . Imm11 ;
target . Imm10 = branch . Imm10 ;
target . Sign = branch . Sign ;
target . I1 = ~ ( branch . J1 ^ target . Sign ) ;
target . I2 = ~ ( branch . J2 ^ target . Sign ) ;
fLink = branch . Link ;
// Sign extend
if ( target . Sign ) {
target . Padding2 = - 1 ;
return ( LONG & ) target ;
ULONG CDetourDis : : EncodeBranch24 ( ULONG originalOpCode , LONG delta , BOOL fLink )
// Too large for 24 bit branch (24 bit branches can be up to 25 bits due to the trailing 0)
if ( delta < static_cast < int > ( 0xFF000000 ) | | delta > static_cast < int > ( 0xFFFFFF ) ) {
return 0 ;
Branch24 & branch = ( Branch24 & ) ( originalOpCode ) ;
Branch24Target & target = ( Branch24Target & ) ( delta ) ;
branch . Imm11 = target . Imm11 ;
branch . Imm10 = target . Imm10 ;
branch . Link = fLink ;
branch . Sign = target . Sign ;
branch . J1 = ~ ( target . I1 ^ branch . Sign ) ;
branch . J2 = ~ ( target . I2 ^ branch . Sign ) ;
return ( ULONG & ) branch ;
LONG CDetourDis : : DecodeLiteralLoad8 ( ULONG instruction )
LiteralLoad8 & load = ( LiteralLoad8 & ) ( instruction ) ;
LiteralLoad8Target target ;
ZeroMemory ( & target , sizeof ( target ) ) ;
target . Imm8 = load . Imm8 ;
return ( LONG & ) target ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : EmitLiteralLoad8 ( PUSHORT & pDest , BYTE targetRegister , PBYTE pLiteral )
// Note: We add 2 (which gets rounded down) because literals must be 32-bit
// aligned, but the ldr can be 16-bit aligned.
LONG newDelta = CalculateNewDelta ( ( PBYTE ) pLiteral + 2 , ( PBYTE ) pDest ) ;
LONG relative = ( ( newDelta > 0 ? newDelta : - newDelta ) & 0x3FF ) ;
LiteralLoad8Target & target = ( LiteralLoad8Target & ) ( relative ) ;
LiteralLoad8 load = { target . Imm8 , targetRegister , 0x9 } ;
return EmitShortInstruction ( pDest , ( USHORT & ) load ) ;
LONG CDetourDis : : DecodeLiteralLoad12 ( ULONG instruction )
LiteralLoad12 & load = ( LiteralLoad12 & ) ( instruction ) ;
LiteralLoad12Target target ;
ZeroMemory ( & target , sizeof ( target ) ) ;
target . Imm12 = load . Imm12 ;
return ( LONG & ) target ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : EmitLiteralLoad12 ( PUSHORT & pDest , BYTE targetRegister , PBYTE pLiteral )
// Note: We add 2 (which gets rounded down) because literals must be 32-bit
// aligned, but the ldr can be 16-bit aligned.
LONG newDelta = CalculateNewDelta ( ( PBYTE ) pLiteral + 2 , ( PBYTE ) pDest ) ;
LONG relative = ( ( newDelta > 0 ? newDelta : - newDelta ) & 0xFFF ) ;
LiteralLoad12Target & target = ( LiteralLoad12Target & ) ( relative ) ;
target . Imm12 - = target . Imm12 & 3 ;
LiteralLoad12 load = { target . Imm12 , targetRegister , 0x5F , ( DWORD ) ( newDelta > 0 ) , 0xF8 } ;
return EmitLongInstruction ( pDest , ( ULONG & ) load ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : EmitImmediateRegisterLoad32 ( PUSHORT & pDest , BYTE reg )
ImmediateRegisterLoad32 load = { 0 , reg , reg , 0xF8D } ;
return EmitLongInstruction ( pDest , ( ULONG & ) load ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : EmitImmediateRegisterLoad16 ( PUSHORT & pDest , BYTE reg )
ImmediateRegisterLoad16 load = { reg , reg , 0x680 > > 2 } ;
return EmitShortInstruction ( pDest , ( USHORT & ) load ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : EmitLongLiteralLoad ( PUSHORT & pDest , BYTE targetRegister , PVOID pTarget )
* - - ( ( PULONG & ) m_pbPool ) = ( ULONG ) ( size_t ) pTarget ;
// ldr rn, target.
BYTE size = EmitLiteralLoad12 ( pDest , targetRegister , m_pbPool ) ;
// This only makes sense if targetRegister != PC;
// otherwise, we would have branched with the previous instruction anyway
if ( targetRegister ! = c_PC ) {
// ldr rn, [rn]
if ( targetRegister < = 7 ) {
size = ( BYTE ) ( size + EmitImmediateRegisterLoad16 ( pDest , targetRegister ) ) ;
else {
size = ( BYTE ) ( size + EmitImmediateRegisterLoad32 ( pDest , targetRegister ) ) ;
return size ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : EmitLongBranch ( PUSHORT & pDest , PVOID pTarget )
// Emit a long literal load into PC
BYTE size = EmitLongLiteralLoad ( pDest , c_PC , DETOURS_PBYTE_TO_PFUNC ( pTarget ) ) ;
return size ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
* ( USHORT * ) pDest = * ( USHORT * ) pSource ;
return sizeof ( USHORT ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : PureCopy32 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
* ( UNALIGNED ULONG * ) pDest = * ( UNALIGNED ULONG * ) pSource ;
return sizeof ( DWORD ) ;
USHORT CDetourDis : : CalculateExtra ( BYTE sourceLength , BYTE * pDestStart , BYTE * pDestEnd )
ULONG destinationLength = ( ULONG ) ( pDestEnd - pDestStart ) ;
return static_cast < USHORT > ( ( destinationLength > sourceLength ) ? ( destinationLength - sourceLength ) : 0 ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyMiscellaneous16 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
USHORT instruction = * ( PUSHORT ) ( pSource ) ;
// Compare and branch imm5 (CBZ, CBNZ)
if ( ( instruction & 0x100 ) & & ! ( instruction & 0x400 ) ) { // (1011x0x1xxxxxxxx)
LONG oldDelta = DecodeBranch5 ( instruction ) ;
PBYTE pTarget = CalculateTarget ( pSource , oldDelta ) ;
m_pbTarget = pTarget ;
LONG newDelta = CalculateNewDelta ( pTarget , pDest ) ;
instruction = EncodeBranch5 ( instruction , newDelta ) ;
if ( instruction ) {
// Copy the 16 bit instruction over
* ( PUSHORT ) ( pDest ) = instruction ;
return sizeof ( USHORT ) ; // The source instruction was 16 bits
// If that fails, re-encode with 'conditional branch' logic, without using the condition flags
// For example, cbz r2,+0x56 (0x90432) becomes:
// 001df73a b92a cbnz r2,001df748
// 001df73c e002 b 001df744
// 001df73e bf00 nop
// 001df740 0432 dc.h 0432
// 001df742 0009 dc.h 0009
// 001df744 f85ff008 ldr pc,=0x90432
// Store where we will be writing our conditional branch, and move past it so we can emit a long branch
PUSHORT pDstInst = ( PUSHORT ) ( pDest ) ;
PUSHORT pConditionalBranchInstruction = pDstInst + + ;
// Emit the long branch instruction
BYTE longBranchSize = EmitLongBranch ( pDstInst , pTarget ) ;
// Invert the CBZ/CBNZ instruction to move past our 'long branch' if the inverse comparison succeeds
// Write the CBZ/CBNZ instruction *before* the long branch we emitted above
// This had to be done out of order, since the size of a long branch can vary due to alignment restrictions
instruction = EncodeBranch5 ( * ( PUSHORT ) ( pSource ) , longBranchSize - c_PCAdjust + sizeof ( USHORT ) ) ;
Branch5 & branch = ( Branch5 & ) ( instruction ) ;
branch . OpCode = ( branch . OpCode & 0x02 ) ? 0x2C : 0x2E ; // Invert the CBZ/CBNZ comparison
* pConditionalBranchInstruction = instruction ;
// Compute the extra space needed for the branch sequence
m_lExtra = CalculateExtra ( sizeof ( USHORT ) , pDest , ( BYTE * ) ( pDstInst ) ) ;
return sizeof ( USHORT ) ; // The source instruction was 16 bits
// If-Then Instruction (IT)
if ( ( instruction > > 8 = = 0xBF ) & & ( instruction & 0xF ) ) { //(10111111xxxx(mask != 0b0000))
// ToDo: Implement IT handler
ASSERT ( false ) ;
return sizeof ( USHORT ) ;
return PureCopy16 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyConditionalBranchOrOther16 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
USHORT instruction = * ( PUSHORT ) ( pSource ) ;
// Could be a conditional branch, an Undefined instruction or a Service System Call
// Only the former needs special logic
if ( ( instruction & 0xE00 ) ! = 0xE00 ) { // 1101(!=111x)xxxxxxxx
LONG oldDelta = DecodeBranch8 ( instruction ) ;
PBYTE pTarget = CalculateTarget ( pSource , oldDelta ) ;
m_pbTarget = pTarget ;
LONG newDelta = CalculateNewDelta ( pTarget , pDest ) ;
instruction = EncodeBranch8 ( instruction , newDelta ) ;
if ( instruction ) {
// Copy the 16 bit instruction over
* ( PUSHORT ) ( pDest ) = instruction ;
return sizeof ( USHORT ) ; // The source instruction was 16 bits
// If that fails, re-encode as a sequence of branches
// For example, bne +0x6E (0x90452) becomes:
// 001df758 d100 bne 001df75c
// 001df75a e005 b 001df768
// 001df75c e002 b 001df764
// 001df75e bf00 nop
// 001df760 0452 dc.h 0452
// 001df762 0009 dc.h 0009
// 001df764 f85ff008 ldr pc,=0x90452
// First, reuse the existing conditional branch to, if successful, branch down to a 'long branch' that we will emit below
USHORT newInstruction = EncodeBranch8 ( * ( PUSHORT ) ( pSource ) , 0 ) ; // Due to the size of c_PCAdjust a zero-length branch moves 4 bytes forward, past the following unconditional branch
ASSERT ( newInstruction ) ;
PUSHORT pDstInst = ( PUSHORT ) ( pDest ) ;
* pDstInst + + = newInstruction ;
// Next, prepare to insert an unconditional branch that will be hit if the condition above is not met. This branch will branch over the following 'long branch'
// We can't actually encode this branch yet though, because 'long branches' can vary in size
PUSHORT pUnconditionalBranchInstruction = pDstInst + + ;
// Then, emit a 'long branch' that will be hit if the original condition is met
BYTE longBranchSize = EmitLongBranch ( pDstInst , pTarget ) ;
// Finally, encode and emit the unconditional branch that will be used to branch past the 'long branch' if the initial condition was not met
Branch11 branch11 = { 0x00 , 0x1C } ;
newInstruction = EncodeBranch11 ( * ( DWORD * ) ( & branch11 ) , longBranchSize - c_PCAdjust + sizeof ( USHORT ) ) ;
ASSERT ( newInstruction ) ;
* pUnconditionalBranchInstruction = newInstruction ;
// Compute the extra space needed for the branch sequence
m_lExtra = CalculateExtra ( sizeof ( USHORT ) , pDest , ( BYTE * ) ( pDstInst ) ) ;
return sizeof ( USHORT ) ; // The source instruction was 16 bits
return PureCopy16 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyUnConditionalBranch16 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
ULONG instruction = * ( PUSHORT ) ( pSource ) ;
LONG oldDelta = DecodeBranch11 ( instruction ) ;
PBYTE pTarget = CalculateTarget ( pSource , oldDelta ) ;
m_pbTarget = pTarget ;
LONG newDelta = CalculateNewDelta ( pTarget , pDest ) ;
instruction = EncodeBranch11 ( instruction , newDelta ) ;
if ( instruction ) {
// Copy the 16 bit instruction over
* ( PUSHORT ) ( pDest ) = ( USHORT ) instruction ;
return sizeof ( USHORT ) ; // The source instruction was 16 bits
// If that fails, re-encode as 32-bit
PUSHORT pDstInst = ( PUSHORT ) ( pDest ) ;
instruction = EncodeBranch24 ( 0xf0009000 , newDelta , FALSE ) ;
if ( instruction ) {
// Copy both bytes of the instruction
EmitLongInstruction ( pDstInst , instruction ) ;
m_lExtra = sizeof ( DWORD ) - sizeof ( USHORT ) ; // The destination instruction was 32 bits
return sizeof ( USHORT ) ; // The source instruction was 16 bits
// If that fails, emit as a 'long branch'
if ( ! instruction ) {
// For example, b +0x7FE (00090be6) becomes:
// 003f6d02 e001 b 003f6d08
// 003f6d04 0be6 dc.h 0be6
// 003f6d06 0009 dc.h 0009
// 003f6d08 f85ff008 ldr pc,=0x90BE6
EmitLongBranch ( pDstInst , pTarget ) ;
// Compute the extra space needed for the branch sequence
m_lExtra = CalculateExtra ( sizeof ( USHORT ) , pDest , ( BYTE * ) ( pDstInst ) ) ;
return sizeof ( USHORT ) ; // The source instruction was 16 bits
return sizeof ( USHORT ) ; // The source instruction was 16 bits
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyLiteralLoad16 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
PBYTE pStart = pDest ;
USHORT instruction = * ( PUSHORT ) ( pSource ) ;
LONG oldDelta = DecodeLiteralLoad8 ( instruction ) ;
PBYTE pTarget = CalculateTarget ( Align4 ( pSource ) , oldDelta ) ;
// Re-encode as a 'long literal load'
// For example, ldr r0, [PC + 1E0] (0x905B4) becomes:
// 001df72c f85f0008 ldr r0,=0x905B4
// 001df730 f8d00000 ldr.w r0,[r0]
LiteralLoad8 & load8 = ( LiteralLoad8 & ) ( instruction ) ;
EmitLongLiteralLoad ( ( PUSHORT & ) pDest , load8 . Register , pTarget ) ;
m_lExtra = ( LONG ) ( pDest - pStart - sizeof ( USHORT ) ) ;
return sizeof ( USHORT ) ; // The source instruction was 16 bits
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyBranchExchangeOrDataProcessing16 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
ULONG instruction = * ( PUSHORT ) ( pSource ) ;
// BX
if ( ( instruction & 0xff80 ) = = 0x4700 ) {
// The target is stored in a register
return PureCopy16 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
const CDetourDis : : COPYENTRY CDetourDis : : s_rceCopyTable [ 33 ] =
// Shift by immediate, move register
// ToDo: Not handling moves from PC
/* 0b00000 */ { 0x00 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
/* 0b00001 */ { 0x01 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
/* 0b00010 */ { 0x02 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
// Add/subtract register
// Add/subtract immediate
/* 0b00011 */ { 0x03 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
// Add/subtract/compare/move immediate
/* 0b00100 */ { 0x04 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
/* 0b00101 */ { 0x05 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
/* 0b00110 */ { 0x06 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
/* 0b00111 */ { 0x07 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
// Data-processing register
// Special data processing
// Branch/exchange instruction set
/* 0b01000 */ { 0x08 , & CDetourDis : : CopyBranchExchangeOrDataProcessing16 } ,
// Load from literal pool
/* 0b01001 */ { 0x09 , & CDetourDis : : CopyLiteralLoad16 } ,
// Load/store register offset
/* 0b01010 */ { 0x0a , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
/* 0b01011 */ { 0x0b , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
// Load/store word/byte immediate offset.
/* 0b01100 */ { 0x0c , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
/* 0b01101 */ { 0x0d , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
/* 0b01110 */ { 0x0e , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
/* 0b01111 */ { 0x0f , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
// Load/store halfword immediate offset.
/* 0b10000 */ { 0x10 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
/* 0b10001 */ { 0x11 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
// Load from or store to stack
/* 0b10010 */ { 0x12 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
/* 0b10011 */ { 0x13 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
// Add to SP or PC
/* 0b10100 */ { 0x14 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
// ToDo: Is ADR (T1) blitt-able?
// It adds a value to PC and stores the result in a register.
// Does this count as a 'target' for detours?
/* 0b10101 */ { 0x15 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
// Miscellaneous
/* 0b10110 */ { 0x16 , & CDetourDis : : CopyMiscellaneous16 } ,
/* 0b10111 */ { 0x17 , & CDetourDis : : CopyMiscellaneous16 } ,
// Load/store multiple
/* 0b11000 */ { 0x18 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
/* 0b11001 */ { 0x19 , & CDetourDis : : PureCopy16 } ,
// ToDo: Are we sure these are all safe?
// LDMIA, for example, can include an 'embedded' branch.
// Does this count as a 'target' for detours?
// Conditional branch
/* 0b11010 */ { 0x1a , & CDetourDis : : CopyConditionalBranchOrOther16 } ,
// Conditional branch
// Undefined instruction
// Service (system) call
/* 0b11011 */ { 0x1b , & CDetourDis : : CopyConditionalBranchOrOther16 } ,
// Unconditional branch
/* 0b11100 */ { 0x1c , & CDetourDis : : CopyUnConditionalBranch16 } ,
// 32-bit instruction
/* 0b11101 */ { 0x1d , & CDetourDis : : BeginCopy32 } ,
/* 0b11110 */ { 0x1e , & CDetourDis : : BeginCopy32 } ,
/* 0b11111 */ { 0x1f , & CDetourDis : : BeginCopy32 } ,
{ 0 , NULL }
} ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyBranch24 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
ULONG instruction = GetLongInstruction ( pSource ) ;
BOOL fLink ;
LONG oldDelta = DecodeBranch24 ( instruction , fLink ) ;
PBYTE pTarget = CalculateTarget ( pSource , oldDelta ) ;
m_pbTarget = pTarget ;
// Re-encode as 32-bit
PUSHORT pDstInst = ( PUSHORT ) ( pDest ) ;
LONG newDelta = CalculateNewDelta ( pTarget , pDest ) ;
instruction = EncodeBranch24 ( instruction , newDelta , fLink ) ;
if ( instruction ) {
// Copy both bytes of the instruction
EmitLongInstruction ( pDstInst , instruction ) ;
return sizeof ( DWORD ) ;
// If that fails, re-encode as a 'long branch'
EmitLongBranch ( pDstInst , pTarget ) ;
// Compute the extra space needed for the instruction
m_lExtra = CalculateExtra ( sizeof ( DWORD ) , pDest , ( BYTE * ) ( pDstInst ) ) ;
return sizeof ( DWORD ) ; // The source instruction was 32 bits
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyBranchOrMiscellaneous32 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
ULONG instruction = GetLongInstruction ( pSource ) ;
if ( ( instruction & 0xf800d000 ) = = 0xf0008000 ) { // B<c>.W <label>
LONG oldDelta = DecodeBranch20 ( instruction ) ;
PBYTE pTarget = CalculateTarget ( pSource , oldDelta ) ;
m_pbTarget = pTarget ;
// Re-encode as 32-bit
PUSHORT pDstInst = ( PUSHORT ) ( pDest ) ;
LONG newDelta = CalculateNewDelta ( pTarget , pDest ) ;
instruction = EncodeBranch20 ( instruction , newDelta ) ;
if ( instruction ) {
// Copy both bytes of the instruction
EmitLongInstruction ( pDstInst , instruction ) ;
return sizeof ( DWORD ) ;
// If that fails, re-encode as a sequence of branches
// For example, bls.w +0x86 (00090480)| becomes:
// 001df788 f2408001 bls.w 001df78e
// 001df78c e004 b 001df798
// 001df78e e001 b 001df794
// 001df790 0480 dc.h 0480
// 001df792 0009 dc.h 0009
// 001df794 f85ff008 ldr pc,=0x90480
// First, reuse the existing conditional branch to, if successful,
// branch down to a 'long branch' that we will emit below
instruction = EncodeBranch20 ( GetLongInstruction ( pSource ) , 2 ) ;
// Due to the size of c_PCAdjust a two-length branch moves 6 bytes forward,
// past the following unconditional branch
ASSERT ( instruction ) ;
EmitLongInstruction ( pDstInst , instruction ) ;
// Next, prepare to insert an unconditional branch that will be hit
// if the condition above is not met. This branch will branch over
// the following 'long branch'
// We can't actually encode this branch yet though, because
// 'long branches' can vary in size
PUSHORT pUnconditionalBranchInstruction = pDstInst + + ;
// Then, emit a 'long branch' that will be hit if the original condition is met
BYTE longBranchSize = EmitLongBranch ( pDstInst , pTarget ) ;
// Finally, encode and emit the unconditional branch that will be used
// to branch past the 'long branch' if the initial condition was not met
Branch11 branch11 = { 0x00 , 0x1C } ;
instruction = EncodeBranch11 ( * ( DWORD * ) ( & branch11 ) , longBranchSize - c_PCAdjust + sizeof ( USHORT ) ) ;
ASSERT ( instruction ) ;
* pUnconditionalBranchInstruction = static_cast < USHORT > ( instruction ) ;
// Compute the extra space needed for the instruction
m_lExtra = CalculateExtra ( sizeof ( DWORD ) , pDest , ( BYTE * ) ( pDstInst ) ) ;
return sizeof ( DWORD ) ; // The source instruction was 32 bits
if ( ( instruction & 0xf800d000 ) = = 0xf0009000 ) { // B.W <label>
// B <label> 11110xxxxxxxxxxx10xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
return CopyBranch24 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
if ( ( instruction & 0xf800d000 ) = = 0xf000d000 ) { // BL.W <label>
// B <label> 11110xxxxxxxxxxx10xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PUSHORT pDstInst = ( PUSHORT ) ( pDest ) ;
BOOL fLink ;
LONG oldDelta = DecodeBranch24 ( instruction , fLink ) ;
PBYTE pTarget = CalculateTarget ( pSource , oldDelta ) ;
m_pbTarget = pTarget ;
* - - ( ( PULONG & ) m_pbPool ) = ( ULONG ) ( size_t ) DETOURS_PBYTE_TO_PFUNC ( pTarget ) ;
// ldr lr, target.
EmitLiteralLoad12 ( pDstInst , c_LR , m_pbPool ) ;
// blx lr
EmitShortInstruction ( pDstInst , 0x47f0 ) ;
// Compute the extra space needed for the instruction
m_lExtra = CalculateExtra ( sizeof ( DWORD ) , pDest , ( BYTE * ) ( pDstInst ) ) ;
return sizeof ( DWORD ) ; // The source instruction was 32 bits
if ( ( instruction & 0xFFF0FFFF ) = = 0xF3C08F00 ) {
// BXJ 111100111100xxxx1000111100000000
// BXJ switches to Jazelle mode, which is not supported
ASSERT ( false ) ;
if ( ( instruction & 0xFFFFFF00 ) = = 0xF3DE8F00 ) {
// SUBS PC, LR 111100111101111010001111xxxxxxxx
// Everything else should be blitt-able
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyLiteralLoad32 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
BYTE * pStart = pDest ;
ULONG instruction = GetLongInstruction ( pSource ) ;
LONG oldDelta = DecodeLiteralLoad12 ( instruction ) ;
PBYTE pTarget = CalculateTarget ( Align4 ( pSource ) , oldDelta ) ;
LiteralLoad12 & load = ( LiteralLoad12 & ) ( instruction ) ;
EmitLongLiteralLoad ( ( PUSHORT & ) pDest , load . Register , pTarget ) ;
m_lExtra = ( LONG ) ( pDest - pStart - sizeof ( DWORD ) ) ;
return sizeof ( DWORD ) ; // The source instruction was 32 bits
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyLoadAndStoreSingle ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
ULONG instruction = GetLongInstruction ( pSource ) ;
// Note: The following masks only look at the interesting bits
// (not the opCode prefix, since that check was performed in
// order to get to this function)
if ( ! ( instruction & 0x100000 ) ) {
// 1111 100x xxx0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : STR, STRB, STRH, etc.
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
if ( ( instruction & 0xF81F0000 ) = = 0xF81F0000 ) {
// 1111100xxxx11111xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : PC +/- Imm12
return CopyLiteralLoad32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
if ( ( instruction & 0xFE70F000 ) = = 0xF81FF000 ) {
// 1111100xx001xxxx1111xxxxxxxxxxxx : PLD, PLI
// Convert PC-Relative PLD/PLI instructions to noops (1111100Xx00111111111xxxxxxxxxxxx)
if ( ( instruction & 0xFE7FF000 ) = = 0xF81FF000 ) {
PUSHORT pDstInst = ( PUSHORT ) ( pDest ) ;
* pDstInst + + = c_NOP ;
* pDstInst + + = c_NOP ;
return sizeof ( DWORD ) ; // The source instruction was 32 bits
// All other PLD/PLI instructions are blitt-able
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
// If the load is writing to PC
if ( ( instruction & 0xF950F000 ) = = 0xF850F000 ) {
// All other loads LDR (immediate), etc.
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyLoadAndStoreMultipleAndSRS ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
// Probably all blitt-able, although not positive since some of these can result in a branch (LDMIA, POP, etc.)
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyTableBranch ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
ULONG instruction = GetLongInstruction ( pSource ) ;
TableBranch & tableBranch = ( TableBranch & ) ( instruction ) ;
// If the base register is anything other than PC, we can simply copy the instruction
if ( tableBranch . BaseRegister ! = c_PC ) {
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
__debugbreak ( ) ;
// If the base register is PC, we need to manually perform the table lookup
// For example, this:
// 7ef40000 e8dff002 tbb [pc,r2]
// becomes this:
// 7ef40404 b401 push {r0} ; pushed as a placeholder for the target address
// 7ef40406 e92d0005 push.w {r0,r2} ; scratch register and another register are pushed; there's a minimum of two registers in the list for push.w
// 7ef40410 4820 ldr r0,=0x7EF40004 ; load the table address from the literal pool
// 7ef40414 eb000042 add r0,r0,r2,lsl #1 ; add the index value to the address of the table to get the table entry; lsl only used if it's a TBH instruction
// 7ef40418 f8d00000 ldr.w r0,[r0] ; dereference the table entry to get the value of the target
// 7ef4041c ea4f0040 lsl r0,r0,#1 ; multiply the offset by 2 (per the spec)
// 7ef40420 eb00000f add.w r0,r0,pc ; Add the offset to pc to get the target address
// 7ef40424 f8cd000c str.w r0,[sp,#0xC] ; store the target address on the stack (into the first push)
// 7ef40428 e8bd0005 pop.w {r0,r2} ; scratch register and another register are popped; there's a minimum of two registers in the list for pop.w
// 7ef4042c bd00 pop {pc} ; pop the address into pc
// Push r0 to make room for our jump address on the stack
PUSHORT pDstInst = ( PUSHORT ) ( pDest ) ;
* pDstInst + + = 0xb401 ;
// Locate a scratch register
BYTE scrReg = 0 ;
while ( scrReg = = tableBranch . IndexRegister ) {
+ + scrReg ;
// Push scrReg and tableBranch.IndexRegister (push.w doesn't support pushing just 1 register)
DWORD pushInstruction = 0xe92d0000 ;
pushInstruction | = 1 < < scrReg ;
pushInstruction | = 1 < < tableBranch . IndexRegister ;
EmitLongInstruction ( pDstInst , pushInstruction ) ;
// Write the target address out to the 'literal pool';
// when the base register of a TBB/TBH is PC,
// the branch table immediately follows the instruction
BYTE * pTarget = CalculateTarget ( pSource , 0 ) ;
* - - ( ( PUSHORT & ) m_pbPool ) = ( USHORT ) ( ( size_t ) pTarget & 0xffff ) ;
* - - ( ( PUSHORT & ) m_pbPool ) = ( USHORT ) ( ( size_t ) pTarget > > 16 ) ;
// Load the literal pool value into our scratch register (this contains the address of the branch table)
// ldr rn, target
EmitLiteralLoad8 ( pDstInst , scrReg , m_pbPool ) ;
// Add the index offset to the address of the branch table; the result will be the value within the table that contains the branch offset
// We need to multiply the index by two if we are using halfword indexing
// Will shift tableBranch.IndexRegister by 1 (multiply by 2) if using a TBH
EmitAdd32 ( pDstInst , scrReg , tableBranch . IndexRegister , scrReg , tableBranch . HalfWord ) ;
// Dereference rn into rn, to load the value within the table
// ldr rn, [rn]
if ( scrReg < 0x7 ) {
EmitImmediateRegisterLoad16 ( pDstInst , scrReg ) ;
else {
EmitImmediateRegisterLoad32 ( pDstInst , scrReg ) ;
// Multiply the offset by two to get the true offset value (as per the spec)
EmitLogicalShiftLeft32 ( pDstInst , scrReg , scrReg , 1 ) ;
// Add the offset to PC to get the target
EmitAdd32 ( pDstInst , scrReg , c_PC , scrReg , 0 ) ;
// Now write the contents of scrReg to the stack, so we can pop it into PC
// Write the address of the branch table entry to the stack, so we can pop it into PC
EmitStoreImmediate12 ( pDstInst , scrReg , c_SP , sizeof ( DWORD ) * 3 ) ;
// Pop scrReg and tableBranch.IndexRegister (pop.w doesn't support popping just 1 register)
DWORD popInstruction = 0xe8bd0000 ;
popInstruction | = 1 < < scrReg ;
popInstruction | = 1 < < tableBranch . IndexRegister ;
EmitLongInstruction ( pDstInst , popInstruction ) ;
// Pop PC
* pDstInst + + = 0xbd00 ;
// Compute the extra space needed for the branch sequence
m_lExtra = CalculateExtra ( sizeof ( USHORT ) , pDest , ( BYTE * ) ( pDstInst ) ) ;
return sizeof ( DWORD ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : BeginCopy32 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
ULONG instruction = GetLongInstruction ( pSource ) ;
// Immediate data processing instructions; ADD, SUB, MOV, MOVN, ADR, MOVT, BFC, SSAT16, etc.
if ( ( instruction & 0xF8008000 ) = = 0xF0000000 ) { // 11110xxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
// Should all be blitt-able
// ToDo: What about ADR? Is it safe to do a straight-copy?
// ToDo: Not handling moves to or from PC
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
// Non-Immediate data processing instructions; ADD, EOR, TST, etc.
if ( ( instruction & 0xEE000000 ) = = 0xEA000000 ) { // 111x101xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
// Should all be blitt-able
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
// Load and store single data item, memory hints
if ( ( instruction & 0xFE000000 ) = = 0xF8000000 ) { // 1111100xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
return CopyLoadAndStoreSingle ( pSource , pDest ) ;
// Load and store, double and exclusive, and table branch
if ( ( instruction & 0xFE400000 ) = = 0xE8400000 ) { // 1110100xx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
// Load and store double
if ( instruction & 0x1200000 ) {
// LDRD, STRD (immediate) : xxxxxxxPxxWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx where PW != 0b00
// The source register is PC
if ( ( instruction & 0xF0000 ) = = 0xF0000 ) {
// ToDo: If the source register is PC, what should we do?
ASSERT ( false ) ;
// If either target registers are PC
if ( ( ( instruction & 0xF000 ) = = 0xF000 ) | |
( ( instruction & 0xF00 ) = = 0xF00 ) ) {
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
// Load and store exclusive
if ( ! ( instruction & 0x800000 ) ) { // LDREX, STREX : xxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
if ( ( instruction & 0xF000 ) = = 0xF000 ) { // xxxxxxxxxxxx1111xxxxxxxxxxxx
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
// Table branch
if ( ( instruction & 0x1000F0 ) = = 0x100000 | | // TBB : xxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxx0000xxxx
( instruction & 0x1000F0 ) = = 0x100010 ) { // TBH : xxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxx0001xxxx
return CopyTableBranch ( pSource , pDest ) ;
// Load and store exclusive byte, halfword, doubleword (LDREXB, LDREXH, LDREXD, STREXB, STREXH, STREXD, etc.)
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
// Load and store multiple, RFE and SRS
if ( ( instruction & 0xFE400000 ) = = 0xE8000000 ) { // 1110100xx0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
// Return from exception (RFE)
if ( ( instruction & 0xE9900000 ) = = 0xE9900000 | | // 1110100110x1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
( instruction & 0xE8100000 ) = = 0xE8100000 ) { // 1110100000x1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
return CopyLoadAndStoreMultipleAndSRS ( pSource , pDest ) ;
// Branches, miscellaneous control
if ( ( instruction & 0xF8008000 ) = = 0xF0008000 ) { // 11110xxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
// Branches, miscellaneous control
return CopyBranchOrMiscellaneous32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
// Coprocessor instructions
if ( ( instruction & 0xEC000000 ) = = 0xEC000000 ) { // 111x11xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
// Unhandled instruction; should never make it this far
ASSERT ( false ) ;
return PureCopy32 ( pSource , pDest ) ;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Disassembler Code.
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
CDetourDis : : CDetourDis ( ) :
m_pbPool ( NULL ) ,
m_lExtra ( 0 )
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyInstruction ( PBYTE pDst ,
PBYTE * ppDstPool ,
PBYTE pSrc ,
PBYTE * ppTarget ,
LONG * plExtra )
if ( pDst & & ppDstPool & & ppDstPool ! = NULL ) {
m_pbPool = ( PBYTE ) * ppDstPool ;
else {
pDst = m_rbScratchDst ;
m_pbPool = m_rbScratchDst + sizeof ( m_rbScratchDst ) ;
// Make sure the constant pool is 32-bit aligned.
m_pbPool - = ( ( ULONG_PTR ) m_pbPool ) & 3 ;
REFCOPYENTRY pEntry = & s_rceCopyTable [ pSrc [ 1 ] > > 3 ] ;
ULONG size = ( this - > * pEntry - > pfCopy ) ( pSrc , pDst ) ;
pSrc + = size ;
// If the target is needed, store our target
if ( ppTarget ) {
* ppTarget = m_pbTarget ;
if ( plExtra ) {
* plExtra = m_lExtra ;
if ( ppDstPool ) {
* ppDstPool = m_pbPool ;
return pSrc ;
PVOID WINAPI DetourCopyInstruction ( _In_opt_ PVOID pDst ,
_Inout_opt_ PVOID * ppDstPool ,
_In_ PVOID pSrc ,
_Out_opt_ PVOID * ppTarget ,
_Out_opt_ LONG * plExtra )
CDetourDis state ;
return ( PVOID ) state . CopyInstruction ( ( PBYTE ) pDst ,
( PBYTE * ) ppDstPool ,
( PBYTE ) pSrc ,
( PBYTE * ) ppTarget ,
plExtra ) ;
# endif // DETOURS_ARM
# ifdef DETOURS_ARM64
# define c_LR 30 // The register number for the Link Register
# define c_SP 31 // The register number for the Stack Pointer
# define c_NOP 0xd503201f // A nop instruction
# define c_BREAK (0xd4200000 | (0xf000 << 5)) // A break instruction
// Problematic instructions:
// ADR 0ll10000 hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhddddd & 0x9f000000 == 0x10000000 (l = low, h = high, d = Rd)
// ADRP 1ll10000 hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhddddd & 0x9f000000 == 0x90000000 (l = low, h = high, d = Rd)
// B.cond 01010100 iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iii0cccc & 0xff000010 == 0x54000000 (i = delta = SignExtend(imm19:00, 64), c = cond)
// B 000101ii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii & 0xfc000000 == 0x14000000 (i = delta = SignExtend(imm26:00, 64))
// BL 100101ii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii & 0xfc000000 == 0x94000000 (i = delta = SignExtend(imm26:00, 64))
// CBNZ z0110101 iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiittttt & 0x7f000000 == 0x35000000 (z = size, i = delta = SignExtend(imm19:00, 64), t = Rt)
// CBZ z0110100 iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiittttt & 0x7f000000 == 0x34000000 (z = size, i = delta = SignExtend(imm19:00, 64), t = Rt)
// LDR Wt 00011000 iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiittttt & 0xff000000 == 0x18000000 (i = SignExtend(imm19:00, 64), t = Rt)
// LDR Xt 01011000 iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiittttt & 0xff000000 == 0x58000000 (i = SignExtend(imm19:00, 64), t = Rt)
// LDRSW 10011000 iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiittttt & 0xff000000 == 0x98000000 (i = SignExtend(imm19:00, 64), t = Rt)
// PRFM 11011000 iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiittttt & 0xff000000 == 0xd8000000 (i = SignExtend(imm19:00, 64), t = Rt)
// LDR St 00011100 iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiittttt & 0xff000000 == 0x1c000000 (i = SignExtend(imm19:00, 64), t = Rt)
// LDR Dt 01011100 iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiittttt & 0xff000000 == 0x5c000000 (i = SignExtend(imm19:00, 64), t = Rt)
// LDR Qt 10011100 iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiittttt & 0xff000000 == 0x9c000000 (i = SignExtend(imm19:00, 64), t = Rt)
// LDR inv 11011100 iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiittttt & 0xff000000 == 0xdc000000 (i = SignExtend(imm19:00, 64), t = Rt)
// TBNZ z0110111 bbbbbiii iiiiiiii iiittttt & 0x7f000000 == 0x37000000 (z = size, b = bitnum, i = SignExtend(imm14:00, 64), t = Rt)
// TBZ z0110110 bbbbbiii iiiiiiii iiittttt & 0x7f000000 == 0x36000000 (z = size, b = bitnum, i = SignExtend(imm14:00, 64), t = Rt)
class CDetourDis
public :
CDetourDis ( ) ;
PBYTE CopyInstruction ( PBYTE pDst ,
PBYTE pSrc ,
PBYTE * ppTarget ,
LONG * plExtra ) ;
public :
typedef BYTE ( CDetourDis : : * COPYFUNC ) ( PBYTE pbDst , PBYTE pbSrc ) ;
union AddImm12
DWORD Assembled ;
DWORD Rd : 5 ; // Destination register
DWORD Rn : 5 ; // Source register
DWORD Imm12 : 12 ; // 12-bit immediate
DWORD Shift : 2 ; // shift (must be 0 or 1)
DWORD Opcode1 : 7 ; // Must be 0010001 == 0x11
DWORD Size : 1 ; // 0 = 32-bit, 1 = 64-bit
} s ;
static DWORD Assemble ( DWORD size , DWORD rd , DWORD rn , ULONG imm , DWORD shift )
AddImm12 temp ;
temp . s . Rd = rd ;
temp . s . Rn = rn ;
temp . s . Imm12 = imm & 0xfff ;
temp . s . Shift = shift ;
temp . s . Opcode1 = 0x11 ;
temp . s . Size = size ;
return temp . Assembled ;
static DWORD AssembleAdd32 ( DWORD rd , DWORD rn , ULONG imm , DWORD shift ) { return Assemble ( 0 , rd , rn , imm , shift ) ; }
static DWORD AssembleAdd64 ( DWORD rd , DWORD rn , ULONG imm , DWORD shift ) { return Assemble ( 1 , rd , rn , imm , shift ) ; }
} ;
union Adr19
DWORD Assembled ;
DWORD Rd : 5 ; // Destination register
DWORD Imm19 : 19 ; // 19-bit upper immediate
DWORD Opcode1 : 5 ; // Must be 10000 == 0x10
DWORD Imm2 : 2 ; // 2-bit lower immediate
DWORD Type : 1 ; // 0 = ADR, 1 = ADRP
} s ;
inline LONG Imm ( ) const { DWORD Imm = ( s . Imm19 < < 2 ) | s . Imm2 ; return ( LONG ) ( Imm < < 11 ) > > 11 ; }
static DWORD Assemble ( DWORD type , DWORD rd , LONG delta )
Adr19 temp ;
temp . s . Rd = rd ;
temp . s . Imm19 = ( delta > > 2 ) & 0x7ffff ;
temp . s . Opcode1 = 0x10 ;
temp . s . Imm2 = delta & 3 ;
temp . s . Type = type ;
return temp . Assembled ;
static DWORD AssembleAdr ( DWORD rd , LONG delta ) { return Assemble ( 0 , rd , delta ) ; }
static DWORD AssembleAdrp ( DWORD rd , LONG delta ) { return Assemble ( 1 , rd , delta ) ; }
} ;
union Bcc19
DWORD Assembled ;
DWORD Condition : 4 ; // Condition
DWORD Opcode1 : 1 ; // Must be 0
DWORD Imm19 : 19 ; // 19-bit immediate
DWORD Opcode2 : 8 ; // Must be 01010100 == 0x54
} s ;
inline LONG Imm ( ) const { return ( LONG ) ( s . Imm19 < < 13 ) > > 11 ; }
static DWORD AssembleBcc ( DWORD condition , LONG delta )
Bcc19 temp ;
temp . s . Condition = condition ;
temp . s . Opcode1 = 0 ;
temp . s . Imm19 = delta > > 2 ;
temp . s . Opcode2 = 0x54 ;
return temp . Assembled ;
} ;
union Branch26
DWORD Assembled ;
DWORD Imm26 : 26 ; // 26-bit immediate
DWORD Opcode1 : 5 ; // Must be 00101 == 0x5
DWORD Link : 1 ; // 0 = B, 1 = BL
} s ;
inline LONG Imm ( ) const { return ( LONG ) ( s . Imm26 < < 6 ) > > 4 ; }
static DWORD Assemble ( DWORD link , LONG delta )
Branch26 temp ;
temp . s . Imm26 = delta > > 2 ;
temp . s . Opcode1 = 0x5 ;
temp . s . Link = link ;
return temp . Assembled ;
static DWORD AssembleB ( LONG delta ) { return Assemble ( 0 , delta ) ; }
static DWORD AssembleBl ( LONG delta ) { return Assemble ( 1 , delta ) ; }
} ;
union Br
DWORD Assembled ;
DWORD Opcode1 : 5 ; // Must be 00000 == 0
DWORD Rn : 5 ; // Register number
DWORD Opcode2 : 22 ; // Must be 1101011000011111000000 == 0x3587c0 for Br
// 0x358fc0 for Brl
} s ;
static DWORD Assemble ( DWORD rn , bool link )
Br temp ;
temp . s . Opcode1 = 0 ;
temp . s . Rn = rn ;
temp . s . Opcode2 = 0x3587c0 ;
if ( link )
temp . Assembled | = 0x00200000 ;
return temp . Assembled ;
static DWORD AssembleBr ( DWORD rn )
return Assemble ( rn , false ) ;
static DWORD AssembleBrl ( DWORD rn )
return Assemble ( rn , true ) ;
} ;
union Cbz19
DWORD Assembled ;
DWORD Rt : 5 ; // Register to test
DWORD Imm19 : 19 ; // 19-bit immediate
DWORD Nz : 1 ; // 0 = CBZ, 1 = CBNZ
DWORD Opcode1 : 6 ; // Must be 011010 == 0x1a
DWORD Size : 1 ; // 0 = 32-bit, 1 = 64-bit
} s ;
inline LONG Imm ( ) const { return ( LONG ) ( s . Imm19 < < 13 ) > > 11 ; }
static DWORD Assemble ( DWORD size , DWORD nz , DWORD rt , LONG delta )
Cbz19 temp ;
temp . s . Rt = rt ;
temp . s . Imm19 = delta > > 2 ;
temp . s . Nz = nz ;
temp . s . Opcode1 = 0x1a ;
temp . s . Size = size ;
return temp . Assembled ;
} ;
union LdrLit19
DWORD Assembled ;
DWORD Rt : 5 ; // Destination register
DWORD Imm19 : 19 ; // 19-bit immediate
DWORD Opcode1 : 2 ; // Must be 0
DWORD FpNeon : 1 ; // 0 = LDR Wt/LDR Xt/LDRSW/PRFM, 1 = LDR St/LDR Dt/LDR Qt
DWORD Opcode2 : 3 ; // Must be 011 = 3
DWORD Size : 2 ; // 00 = LDR Wt/LDR St, 01 = LDR Xt/LDR Dt, 10 = LDRSW/LDR Qt, 11 = PRFM/invalid
} s ;
inline LONG Imm ( ) const { return ( LONG ) ( s . Imm19 < < 13 ) > > 11 ; }
static DWORD Assemble ( DWORD size , DWORD fpneon , DWORD rt , LONG delta )
LdrLit19 temp ;
temp . s . Rt = rt ;
temp . s . Imm19 = delta > > 2 ;
temp . s . Opcode1 = 0 ;
temp . s . FpNeon = fpneon ;
temp . s . Opcode2 = 3 ;
temp . s . Size = size ;
return temp . Assembled ;
} ;
union LdrFpNeonImm9
DWORD Assembled ;
DWORD Rt : 5 ; // Destination register
DWORD Rn : 5 ; // Base register
DWORD Imm12 : 12 ; // 12-bit immediate
DWORD Opcode1 : 1 ; // Must be 1 == 1
DWORD Opc : 1 ; // Part of size
DWORD Opcode2 : 6 ; // Must be 111101 == 0x3d
DWORD Size : 2 ; // Size (0=8-bit, 1=16-bit, 2=32-bit, 3=64-bit, 4=128-bit)
} s ;
static DWORD Assemble ( DWORD size , DWORD rt , DWORD rn , ULONG imm )
LdrFpNeonImm9 temp ;
temp . s . Rt = rt ;
temp . s . Rn = rn ;
temp . s . Imm12 = imm ;
temp . s . Opcode1 = 1 ;
temp . s . Opc = size > > 2 ;
temp . s . Opcode2 = 0x3d ;
temp . s . Size = size & 3 ;
return temp . Assembled ;
} ;
union Mov16
DWORD Assembled ;
DWORD Rd : 5 ; // Destination register
DWORD Imm16 : 16 ; // Immediate
DWORD Shift : 2 ; // Shift amount (0=0, 1=16, 2=32, 3=48)
DWORD Opcode : 6 ; // Must be 100101 == 0x25
DWORD Type : 2 ; // 0 = MOVN, 1 = reserved, 2 = MOVZ, 3 = MOVK
DWORD Size : 1 ; // 0 = 32-bit, 1 = 64-bit
} s ;
static DWORD Assemble ( DWORD size , DWORD type , DWORD rd , DWORD imm , DWORD shift )
Mov16 temp ;
temp . s . Rd = rd ;
temp . s . Imm16 = imm ;
temp . s . Shift = shift ;
temp . s . Opcode = 0x25 ;
temp . s . Type = type ;
temp . s . Size = size ;
return temp . Assembled ;
static DWORD AssembleMovn32 ( DWORD rd , DWORD imm , DWORD shift ) { return Assemble ( 0 , 0 , rd , imm , shift ) ; }
static DWORD AssembleMovn64 ( DWORD rd , DWORD imm , DWORD shift ) { return Assemble ( 1 , 0 , rd , imm , shift ) ; }
static DWORD AssembleMovz32 ( DWORD rd , DWORD imm , DWORD shift ) { return Assemble ( 0 , 2 , rd , imm , shift ) ; }
static DWORD AssembleMovz64 ( DWORD rd , DWORD imm , DWORD shift ) { return Assemble ( 1 , 2 , rd , imm , shift ) ; }
static DWORD AssembleMovk32 ( DWORD rd , DWORD imm , DWORD shift ) { return Assemble ( 0 , 3 , rd , imm , shift ) ; }
static DWORD AssembleMovk64 ( DWORD rd , DWORD imm , DWORD shift ) { return Assemble ( 1 , 3 , rd , imm , shift ) ; }
} ;
union Tbz14
DWORD Assembled ;
DWORD Rt : 5 ; // Register to test
DWORD Imm14 : 14 ; // 14-bit immediate
DWORD Bit : 5 ; // 5-bit index
DWORD Nz : 1 ; // 0 = TBZ, 1 = TBNZ
DWORD Opcode1 : 6 ; // Must be 011011 == 0x1b
DWORD Size : 1 ; // 0 = 32-bit, 1 = 64-bit
} s ;
inline LONG Imm ( ) const { return ( LONG ) ( s . Imm14 < < 18 ) > > 16 ; }
static DWORD Assemble ( DWORD size , DWORD nz , DWORD rt , DWORD bit , LONG delta )
Tbz14 temp ;
temp . s . Rt = rt ;
temp . s . Imm14 = delta > > 2 ;
temp . s . Bit = bit ;
temp . s . Nz = nz ;
temp . s . Opcode1 = 0x1b ;
temp . s . Size = size ;
return temp . Assembled ;
} ;
protected :
BYTE PureCopy32 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest ) ;
BYTE EmitMovImmediate ( PULONG & pDstInst , BYTE rd , UINT64 immediate ) ;
BYTE CopyAdr ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction ) ;
BYTE CopyBcc ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction ) ;
BYTE CopyB ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction ) ;
BYTE CopyBl ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction ) ;
BYTE CopyB_or_Bl ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction , bool link ) ;
BYTE CopyCbz ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction ) ;
BYTE CopyTbz ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction ) ;
BYTE CopyLdrLiteral ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction ) ;
protected :
ULONG GetInstruction ( BYTE * pSource )
return ( ( PULONG ) pSource ) [ 0 ] ;
BYTE EmitInstruction ( PULONG & pDstInst , ULONG instruction )
* pDstInst + + = instruction ;
return sizeof ( ULONG ) ;
protected :
PBYTE m_pbTarget ;
BYTE m_rbScratchDst [ 128 ] ; // matches or exceeds rbCode
} ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : PureCopy32 ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest )
* ( ULONG * ) pDest = * ( ULONG * ) pSource ;
return sizeof ( DWORD ) ;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Disassembler Code.
2021-05-16 21:04:54 -04:00
CDetourDis : : CDetourDis ( ) :
2019-04-13 12:21:56 -04:00
PBYTE CDetourDis : : CopyInstruction ( PBYTE pDst ,
PBYTE pSrc ,
PBYTE * ppTarget ,
LONG * plExtra )
if ( pDst = = NULL ) {
pDst = m_rbScratchDst ;
DWORD Instruction = GetInstruction ( pSrc ) ;
ULONG CopiedSize ;
if ( ( Instruction & 0x1f000000 ) = = 0x10000000 ) {
CopiedSize = CopyAdr ( pSrc , pDst , Instruction ) ;
} else if ( ( Instruction & 0xff000010 ) = = 0x54000000 ) {
CopiedSize = CopyBcc ( pSrc , pDst , Instruction ) ;
} else if ( ( Instruction & 0x7c000000 ) = = 0x14000000 ) {
CopiedSize = CopyB_or_Bl ( pSrc , pDst , Instruction , ( Instruction & 0x80000000 ) ! = 0 ) ;
} else if ( ( Instruction & 0x7e000000 ) = = 0x34000000 ) {
CopiedSize = CopyCbz ( pSrc , pDst , Instruction ) ;
} else if ( ( Instruction & 0x7e000000 ) = = 0x36000000 ) {
CopiedSize = CopyTbz ( pSrc , pDst , Instruction ) ;
} else if ( ( Instruction & 0x3b000000 ) = = 0x18000000 ) {
CopiedSize = CopyLdrLiteral ( pSrc , pDst , Instruction ) ;
} else {
CopiedSize = PureCopy32 ( pSrc , pDst ) ;
// If the target is needed, store our target
if ( ppTarget ) {
* ppTarget = m_pbTarget ;
if ( plExtra ) {
* plExtra = CopiedSize - sizeof ( DWORD ) ;
return pSrc + 4 ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : EmitMovImmediate ( PULONG & pDstInst , BYTE rd , UINT64 immediate )
DWORD piece [ 4 ] ;
piece [ 3 ] = ( DWORD ) ( ( immediate > > 48 ) & 0xffff ) ;
piece [ 2 ] = ( DWORD ) ( ( immediate > > 32 ) & 0xffff ) ;
piece [ 1 ] = ( DWORD ) ( ( immediate > > 16 ) & 0xffff ) ;
piece [ 0 ] = ( DWORD ) ( ( immediate > > 0 ) & 0xffff ) ;
int count = 0 ;
// special case: MOVN with 32-bit dest
if ( piece [ 3 ] = = 0 & & piece [ 2 ] = = 0 & & piece [ 1 ] = = 0xffff )
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Mov16 : : AssembleMovn32 ( rd , piece [ 0 ] ^ 0xffff , 0 ) ) ;
count + + ;
// MOVN/MOVZ with 64-bit dest
int zero_pieces = ( piece [ 3 ] = = 0x0000 ) + ( piece [ 2 ] = = 0x0000 ) + ( piece [ 1 ] = = 0x0000 ) + ( piece [ 0 ] = = 0x0000 ) ;
int ffff_pieces = ( piece [ 3 ] = = 0xffff ) + ( piece [ 2 ] = = 0xffff ) + ( piece [ 1 ] = = 0xffff ) + ( piece [ 0 ] = = 0xffff ) ;
DWORD defaultPiece = ( ffff_pieces > zero_pieces ) ? 0xffff : 0x0000 ;
bool first = true ;
for ( int pieceNum = 3 ; pieceNum > = 0 ; pieceNum - - )
DWORD curPiece = piece [ pieceNum ] ;
if ( curPiece ! = defaultPiece | | ( pieceNum = = 0 & & first ) )
count + + ;
if ( first )
if ( defaultPiece = = 0xffff )
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Mov16 : : AssembleMovn64 ( rd , curPiece ^ 0xffff , pieceNum ) ) ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Mov16 : : AssembleMovz64 ( rd , curPiece , pieceNum ) ) ;
first = false ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Mov16 : : AssembleMovk64 ( rd , curPiece , pieceNum ) ) ;
return ( BYTE ) ( count * sizeof ( DWORD ) ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyAdr ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction )
Adr19 & decoded = ( Adr19 & ) ( instruction ) ;
PULONG pDstInst = ( PULONG ) ( pDest ) ;
// ADR case
if ( decoded . s . Type = = 0 )
BYTE * pTarget = pSource + decoded . Imm ( ) ;
LONG64 delta = pTarget - pDest ;
LONG64 deltaPage = ( ( ULONG_PTR ) pTarget > > 12 ) - ( ( ULONG_PTR ) pDest > > 12 ) ;
// output as ADR
if ( delta > = - ( 1 < < 20 ) & & delta < ( 1 < < 20 ) )
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Adr19 : : AssembleAdr ( decoded . s . Rd , ( LONG ) delta ) ) ;
// output as ADRP; ADD
else if ( deltaPage > = - ( 1 < < 20 ) & & ( deltaPage < ( 1 < < 20 ) ) )
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Adr19 : : AssembleAdrp ( decoded . s . Rd , ( LONG ) deltaPage ) ) ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , AddImm12 : : AssembleAdd32 ( decoded . s . Rd , decoded . s . Rd , ( ( ULONG ) ( ULONG_PTR ) pTarget ) & 0xfff , 0 ) ) ;
// output as immediate move
EmitMovImmediate ( pDstInst , decoded . s . Rd , ( ULONG_PTR ) pTarget ) ;
// ADRP case
BYTE * pTarget = ( BYTE * ) ( ( ( ( ULONG_PTR ) pSource > > 12 ) + decoded . Imm ( ) ) < < 12 ) ;
LONG64 deltaPage = ( ( ULONG_PTR ) pTarget > > 12 ) - ( ( ULONG_PTR ) pDest > > 12 ) ;
// output as ADRP
if ( deltaPage > = - ( 1 < < 20 ) & & ( deltaPage < ( 1 < < 20 ) ) )
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Adr19 : : AssembleAdrp ( decoded . s . Rd , ( LONG ) deltaPage ) ) ;
// output as immediate move
EmitMovImmediate ( pDstInst , decoded . s . Rd , ( ULONG_PTR ) pTarget ) ;
return ( BYTE ) ( ( BYTE * ) pDstInst - pDest ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyBcc ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction )
Bcc19 & decoded = ( Bcc19 & ) ( instruction ) ;
PULONG pDstInst = ( PULONG ) ( pDest ) ;
BYTE * pTarget = pSource + decoded . Imm ( ) ;
m_pbTarget = pTarget ;
LONG64 delta = pTarget - pDest ;
LONG64 delta4 = pTarget - ( pDest + 4 ) ;
// output as BCC
if ( delta > = - ( 1 < < 20 ) & & delta < ( 1 < < 20 ) )
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Bcc19 : : AssembleBcc ( decoded . s . Condition , ( LONG ) delta ) ) ;
// output as BCC <skip>; B
else if ( delta4 > = - ( 1 < < 27 ) & & ( delta4 < ( 1 < < 27 ) ) )
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Bcc19 : : AssembleBcc ( decoded . s . Condition ^ 1 , 8 ) ) ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Branch26 : : AssembleB ( ( LONG ) delta4 ) ) ;
// output as MOV x17, Target; BCC <skip>; BR x17 (BIG assumption that x17 isn't being used for anything!!)
EmitMovImmediate ( pDstInst , 17 , ( ULONG_PTR ) pTarget ) ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Bcc19 : : AssembleBcc ( decoded . s . Condition ^ 1 , 8 ) ) ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Br : : AssembleBr ( 17 ) ) ;
return ( BYTE ) ( ( BYTE * ) pDstInst - pDest ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyB_or_Bl ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction , bool link )
Branch26 & decoded = ( Branch26 & ) ( instruction ) ;
PULONG pDstInst = ( PULONG ) ( pDest ) ;
BYTE * pTarget = pSource + decoded . Imm ( ) ;
m_pbTarget = pTarget ;
LONG64 delta = pTarget - pDest ;
// output as B or BRL
if ( delta > = - ( 1 < < 27 ) & & ( delta < ( 1 < < 27 ) ) )
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Branch26 : : Assemble ( link , ( LONG ) delta ) ) ;
// output as MOV x17, Target; BR or BRL x17 (BIG assumption that x17 isn't being used for anything!!)
EmitMovImmediate ( pDstInst , 17 , ( ULONG_PTR ) pTarget ) ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Br : : Assemble ( 17 , link ) ) ;
return ( BYTE ) ( ( BYTE * ) pDstInst - pDest ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyB ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction )
return CopyB_or_Bl ( pSource , pDest , instruction , false ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyBl ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction )
return CopyB_or_Bl ( pSource , pDest , instruction , true ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyCbz ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction )
Cbz19 & decoded = ( Cbz19 & ) ( instruction ) ;
PULONG pDstInst = ( PULONG ) ( pDest ) ;
BYTE * pTarget = pSource + decoded . Imm ( ) ;
m_pbTarget = pTarget ;
LONG64 delta = pTarget - pDest ;
LONG64 delta4 = pTarget - ( pDest + 4 ) ;
// output as CBZ/NZ
if ( delta > = - ( 1 < < 20 ) & & delta < ( 1 < < 20 ) )
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Cbz19 : : Assemble ( decoded . s . Size , decoded . s . Nz , decoded . s . Rt , ( LONG ) delta ) ) ;
// output as CBNZ/Z <skip>; B
else if ( delta4 > = - ( 1 < < 27 ) & & ( delta4 < ( 1 < < 27 ) ) )
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Cbz19 : : Assemble ( decoded . s . Size , decoded . s . Nz ^ 1 , decoded . s . Rt , 8 ) ) ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Branch26 : : AssembleB ( ( LONG ) delta4 ) ) ;
// output as MOV x17, Target; CBNZ/Z <skip>; BR x17 (BIG assumption that x17 isn't being used for anything!!)
EmitMovImmediate ( pDstInst , 17 , ( ULONG_PTR ) pTarget ) ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Cbz19 : : Assemble ( decoded . s . Size , decoded . s . Nz ^ 1 , decoded . s . Rt , 8 ) ) ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Br : : AssembleBr ( 17 ) ) ;
return ( BYTE ) ( ( BYTE * ) pDstInst - pDest ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyTbz ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction )
Tbz14 & decoded = ( Tbz14 & ) ( instruction ) ;
PULONG pDstInst = ( PULONG ) ( pDest ) ;
BYTE * pTarget = pSource + decoded . Imm ( ) ;
m_pbTarget = pTarget ;
LONG64 delta = pTarget - pDest ;
LONG64 delta4 = pTarget - ( pDest + 4 ) ;
// output as TBZ/NZ
if ( delta > = - ( 1 < < 13 ) & & delta < ( 1 < < 13 ) )
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Tbz14 : : Assemble ( decoded . s . Size , decoded . s . Nz , decoded . s . Rt , decoded . s . Bit , ( LONG ) delta ) ) ;
// output as TBNZ/Z <skip>; B
else if ( delta4 > = - ( 1 < < 27 ) & & ( delta4 < ( 1 < < 27 ) ) )
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Tbz14 : : Assemble ( decoded . s . Size , decoded . s . Nz ^ 1 , decoded . s . Rt , decoded . s . Bit , 8 ) ) ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Branch26 : : AssembleB ( ( LONG ) delta4 ) ) ;
// output as MOV x17, Target; TBNZ/Z <skip>; BR x17 (BIG assumption that x17 isn't being used for anything!!)
EmitMovImmediate ( pDstInst , 17 , ( ULONG_PTR ) pTarget ) ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Tbz14 : : Assemble ( decoded . s . Size , decoded . s . Nz ^ 1 , decoded . s . Rt , decoded . s . Bit , 8 ) ) ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , Br : : AssembleBr ( 17 ) ) ;
return ( BYTE ) ( ( BYTE * ) pDstInst - pDest ) ;
BYTE CDetourDis : : CopyLdrLiteral ( BYTE * pSource , BYTE * pDest , ULONG instruction )
LdrLit19 & decoded = ( LdrLit19 & ) ( instruction ) ;
PULONG pDstInst = ( PULONG ) ( pDest ) ;
BYTE * pTarget = pSource + decoded . Imm ( ) ;
LONG64 delta = pTarget - pDest ;
// output as LDR
if ( delta > = - ( 1 < < 21 ) & & delta < ( 1 < < 21 ) )
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , LdrLit19 : : Assemble ( decoded . s . Size , decoded . s . FpNeon , decoded . s . Rt , ( LONG ) delta ) ) ;
// output as move immediate
else if ( decoded . s . FpNeon = = 0 )
UINT64 value = 0 ;
switch ( decoded . s . Size )
case 0 : value = * ( ULONG * ) pTarget ; break ;
case 1 : value = * ( UINT64 * ) pTarget ; break ;
case 2 : value = * ( LONG * ) pTarget ; break ;
EmitMovImmediate ( pDstInst , decoded . s . Rt , value ) ;
// FP/NEON register: compute address in x17 and load from there (BIG assumption that x17 isn't being used for anything!!)
EmitMovImmediate ( pDstInst , 17 , ( ULONG_PTR ) pTarget ) ;
EmitInstruction ( pDstInst , LdrFpNeonImm9 : : Assemble ( 2 + decoded . s . Size , decoded . s . Rt , 17 , 0 ) ) ;
return ( BYTE ) ( ( BYTE * ) pDstInst - pDest ) ;
PVOID WINAPI DetourCopyInstruction ( _In_opt_ PVOID pDst ,
_Inout_opt_ PVOID * ppDstPool ,
_In_ PVOID pSrc ,
_Out_opt_ PVOID * ppTarget ,
_Out_opt_ LONG * plExtra )
CDetourDis state ;
return ( PVOID ) state . CopyInstruction ( ( PBYTE ) pDst ,
( PBYTE ) pSrc ,
( PBYTE * ) ppTarget ,
plExtra ) ;
# endif // DETOURS_ARM64
BOOL WINAPI DetourSetCodeModule ( _In_ HMODULE hModule ,
_In_ BOOL fLimitReferencesToModule )
# if defined(DETOURS_X64) || defined(DETOURS_X86)
PBYTE pbBeg = NULL ;
PBYTE pbEnd = ( PBYTE ) ~ ( ULONG_PTR ) 0 ;
if ( hModule ! = NULL ) {
ULONG cbModule = DetourGetModuleSize ( hModule ) ;
pbBeg = ( PBYTE ) hModule ;
pbEnd = ( PBYTE ) hModule + cbModule ;
return CDetourDis : : SetCodeModule ( pbBeg , pbEnd , fLimitReferencesToModule ) ;
# elif defined(DETOURS_ARM) || defined(DETOURS_ARM64) || defined(DETOURS_IA64)
( void ) hModule ;
( void ) fLimitReferencesToModule ;
return TRUE ;
# else
# error unknown architecture (x86, x64, arm, arm64, ia64)
# endif
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// End of File.