
369 lines
12 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2019 Mr Goldberg
This file is part of the Goldberg Emulator
The Goldberg Emulator is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The Goldberg Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the Goldberg Emulator; if not, see
<>. */
#include "base.h"
struct IP_PORT;
struct DLC_entry {
AppId_t appID{};
std::string name{};
bool available{};
struct Mod_entry {
PublishedFileId_t id{};
std::string title{};
std::string path{};
std::string previewURL{};
EWorkshopFileType fileType{};
std::string description{};
uint64 steamIDOwner{};
uint32 timeCreated{};
uint32 timeUpdated{};
uint32 timeAddedToUserList{};
ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility visibility{};
bool banned = false;
bool acceptedForUse{};
bool tagsTruncated{};
std::string tags{};
// file/url information
UGCHandle_t handleFile = generate_file_handle();
UGCHandle_t handlePreviewFile = generate_file_handle();
std::string primaryFileName{};
int32 primaryFileSize{};
std::string previewFileName{};
int32 previewFileSize{};
std::string workshopItemURL{};
// voting information
uint32 votesUp{};
uint32 votesDown{};
float score{};
// collection details
uint32 numChildren{}; // TODO
UGCHandle_t generate_file_handle() {
static UGCHandle_t val = 0;
if (val == 0 || val == k_UGCHandleInvalid) val = 1;
return val;
struct Leaderboard_config {
enum ELeaderboardSortMethod sort_method{};
enum ELeaderboardDisplayType display_type{};
struct Stat_config {
GameServerStats_Messages::StatInfo::Stat_Type type{};
union {
float default_value_float;
int32 default_value_int;
struct Image_Data {
uint32 width{};
uint32 height{};
std::string data{};
struct Controller_Settings {
std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::set<std::string>, std::string>>> action_sets{};
std::map<std::string, std::string> action_set_layer_parents{};
std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::set<std::string>, std::string>>> action_set_layers{};
struct Group_Clans {
CSteamID id{};
std::string name{};
std::string tag{};
struct Overlay_Appearance {
enum NotificationPosition {
top_left, top_center, top_right,
bot_left, bot_center, bot_right,
constexpr const static NotificationPosition default_pos = NotificationPosition::top_right;
std::string font_override{}; // path to a custom user-provided TTF font
float font_size = 16.0f;
float icon_size = 64.0f;
float font_glyph_extra_spacing_x = 1.0f;
float font_glyph_extra_spacing_y = 0.0f;
float notification_r = 0.12f;
float notification_g = 0.14f;
float notification_b = 0.21f;
float notification_a = 1.0f;
float notification_rounding = 10.0f; // corners roundness for all notifications
float notification_margin_x = 5.0f; // horizontal margin
float notification_margin_y = 5.0f; // vertical margin
uint32 notification_animation = 350; // sliding animation duration (millisec)
uint32 notification_duration_progress = 3500; // achievement progress indication duration (millisec)
uint32 notification_duration_achievement = 5000; // achievement unlocked duration (millisec)
uint32 notification_duration_invitation = 8000; // friend invitation duration (millisec)
uint32 notification_duration_chat = 4000; // sliding animation duration duration (millisec)
std::string ach_unlock_datetime_format = "%Y/%m/%d - %H:%M:%S";
float background_r = 0.12f;
float background_g = 0.11f;
float background_b = 0.11f;
float background_a = 0.55f;
float element_r = 0.30f;
float element_g = 0.32f;
float element_b = 0.40f;
float element_a = 1.0f;
float element_hovered_r = 0.278f;
float element_hovered_g = 0.393f;
float element_hovered_b = 0.602f;
float element_hovered_a = 1.0f;
float element_active_r = -1.0f;
float element_active_g = -1.0f;
float element_active_b = -1.0f;
float element_active_a = -1.0f;
NotificationPosition ach_earned_pos = NotificationPosition::bot_right; // achievement earned
NotificationPosition invite_pos = default_pos; // lobby/game invitation
NotificationPosition chat_msg_pos = NotificationPosition::top_center; // chat message from a friend
static NotificationPosition translate_notification_position(const std::string &str);
class Settings {
CSteamID steam_id{}; // user id
CGameID game_id{};
std::string name{};
std::string language{}; // default "english"
CSteamID lobby_id = k_steamIDNil;
bool offline = false;
uint16 port{}; // Listen port, default 47584
bool unlockAllDLCs = true;
std::vector<struct DLC_entry> DLCs{};
//installed app ids, Steam_Apps::BIsAppInstalled()
bool assume_any_app_installed = true;
std::set<AppId_t> installed_app_ids{};
std::map<AppId_t, std::string> app_paths{};
std::vector<struct Mod_entry> mods{};
std::map<std::string, Leaderboard_config> leaderboards{};
std::map<std::string, Stat_config> stats{};
//supported languages
std::set<std::string> supported_languages_set{};
std::string supported_languages{};
std::vector<DepotId_t> depots{};
//custom broadcasts
std::set<IP_PORT> custom_broadcasts{};
bool disable_networking = false;
//gameserver source query
bool disable_source_query = false;
//matchmaking server list & server details
bool matchmaking_server_list_always_lan_type = true;
bool matchmaking_server_details_via_source_query = false;
//app build id
int build_id = 10;
//make lobby creation fail in the matchmaking interface
bool disable_lobby_creation = false;
//steamhttp external download support
bool download_steamhttp_requests = false;
bool force_steamhttp_success = false;
//steam deck flag
bool steam_deck = false;
// use new app_ticket auth instead of old one
bool enable_new_app_ticket = false;
// can use GC token for generation
bool use_gc_token = false;
// bypass to make SetAchievement() always return true, prevent some games from breaking
bool achievement_bypass = false;
bool disable_account_avatar = true;
// setting this env var conflicts with Steam Input
bool disable_steamoverlaygameid_env_var = false;
// enable owning Steam Applications IDs (mostly builtin apps + dedicated servers)
bool enable_builtin_preowned_ids = false;
std::map<int, struct Image_Data> images{};
//subscribed lobby/group ids
std::set<uint64> subscribed_groups{};
std::vector<Group_Clans> subscribed_groups_clans{};
// get the alpha-2 code from:
std::string ip_country = "US";
//is playing on beta branch + current/forced branch name
bool is_beta_branch = false;
std::string current_branch_name = "public";
struct Controller_Settings controller_settings{};
std::string glyphs_directory{};
// allow Steam_User_Stats::FindLeaderboard() to always succeed and create the given unknown leaderboard
bool disable_leaderboards_create_unknown = false;
// share leaderboards with other players playing the same game on the same network
bool share_leaderboards_over_network = false;
// don't share stats and achievements with the game server
bool disable_sharing_stats_with_gameserver = false;
// synchronize user stats/achievements with game servers as soon as possible instead of caching them.
bool immediate_gameserver_stats = false;
bool disable_overlay = true;
int overlay_hook_delay_sec = 0; // "Saints Row (2022)" needs a lot of time to initialize, otherwise detection will fail
int overlay_renderer_detector_timeout_sec = 15; // "Saints Row (2022)" takes almost ~8 sec to detect renderer (DX12)
bool disable_overlay_achievement_notification = false;
bool disable_overlay_friend_notification = false;
bool disable_overlay_achievement_progress = false;
//warn people who use local save
bool overlay_warn_local_save = false;
//disable overlay warning for local save
bool disable_overlay_warning_local_save = false;
//disable overlay warning for bad app ID (= 0)
bool disable_overlay_warning_bad_appid = false;
// disable all overlay warnings
bool disable_overlay_warning_any = false;
Overlay_Appearance overlay_appearance{};
// whether to auto accept any overlay invites
bool auto_accept_any_overlay_invites = false;
// list of user steam IDs to auto-accept invites from
std::set<uint64_t> auto_accept_overlay_invites_friends{};
static constexpr const bool is_lobby_connect = true;
static constexpr const bool is_lobby_connect = false;
Settings(CSteamID steam_id, CGameID game_id, const std::string &name, const std::string &language, bool offline);
static std::string sanitize(const std::string &name);
CSteamID get_local_steam_id();
CGameID get_local_game_id();
const char *get_local_name();
void set_local_name(const char *name);
const char *get_language();
void set_language(const char *language);
void set_supported_languages(const std::set<std::string> &langs);
const std::set<std::string>& get_supported_languages_set() const;
const std::string& get_supported_languages() const;
void set_game_id(CGameID game_id);
void set_lobby(CSteamID lobby_id);
CSteamID get_lobby();
bool is_offline();
uint16 get_port();
void set_port(uint16 port);
//DLC stuff
void unlockAllDLC(bool value);
void addDLC(AppId_t appID, std::string name, bool available);
unsigned int DLCCount() const;
bool hasDLC(AppId_t appID);
bool getDLC(unsigned int index, AppId_t &appID, bool &available, std::string &name);
//installed apps, used by Steam_Apps::BIsAppInstalled()
void assumeAnyAppInstalled(bool val);
void addInstalledApp(AppId_t appID);
bool isAppInstalled(AppId_t appID) const;
//App Install paths
void setAppInstallPath(AppId_t appID, const std::string &path);
std::string getAppInstallPath(AppId_t appID);
//mod stuff
void addMod(PublishedFileId_t id, const std::string &title, const std::string &path);
void addModDetails(PublishedFileId_t id, const Mod_entry &details);
Mod_entry getMod(PublishedFileId_t id);
bool isModInstalled(PublishedFileId_t id);
std::set<PublishedFileId_t> modSet();
void setLeaderboard(const std::string &leaderboard, enum ELeaderboardSortMethod sort_method, enum ELeaderboardDisplayType display_type);
const std::map<std::string, Leaderboard_config>& getLeaderboards() const;
const std::map<std::string, Stat_config>& getStats() const;
void setStatDefiniton(const std::string &name, const struct Stat_config &stat_config);
int add_image(const std::string &data, uint32 width, uint32 height);
// overlay auto accept stuff
void acceptAnyOverlayInvites(bool value);
void addFriendToOverlayAutoAccept(uint64_t friend_id);
bool hasOverlayAutoAcceptInviteFromFriend(uint64_t friend_id) const;
size_t overlayAutoAcceptInvitesCount() const;