
174 lines
6.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import copy
import os
import time
import json
def __ClosestDictKey(targetKey : str, srcDict : dict[str, object] | set[str]) -> str | None:
for k in srcDict:
if k.lower() == f"{targetKey}".lower():
return k
return None
def __generate_ach_watcher_schema(lang: str, app_id: int, achs: list[dict]) -> list[dict]:
out_achs_list = []
for idx in range(len(achs)):
ach = copy.deepcopy(achs[idx])
out_ach_data = {}
# adjust the displayName
displayName = ""
ach_displayName = ach.get("displayName", None)
if ach_displayName:
if type(ach_displayName) == dict: # this is a dictionary
displayName : str = ach_displayName.get(lang, "")
if not displayName and ach_displayName: # has some keys but language not found
#print(f'[?] Missing language "{lang}" in "displayName" of achievement {ach["name"]}')
nearestLang = __ClosestDictKey(lang, ach_displayName)
if nearestLang:
#print(f'[?] Best matching language "{nearestLang}"')
displayName = ach_displayName[nearestLang]
print(f'[?] Missing language "{lang}", using displayName from the first language for achievement {ach["name"]}')
displayName : str = list(ach_displayName.values())[0]
else: # single string (or anything else)
displayName = ach_displayName
del ach["displayName"]
print(f'[?] Missing "displayName" in achievement {ach["name"]}')
out_ach_data["displayName"] = displayName
desc = ""
ach_desc = ach.get("description", None)
if ach_desc:
if type(ach_desc) == dict: # this is a dictionary
desc : str = ach_desc.get(lang, "")
if not desc and ach_desc: # has some keys but language not found
#print(f'[?] Missing language "{lang}" in "description" of achievement {ach["name"]}')
nearestLang = __ClosestDictKey(lang, ach_desc)
if nearestLang:
#print(f'[?] Best matching language "{nearestLang}"')
desc = ach_desc[nearestLang]
print(f'[?] Missing language "{lang}", using description from the first language for achievement {ach["name"]}')
desc : str = list(ach_desc.values())[0]
else: # single string (or anything else)
desc = ach_desc
del ach["description"]
print(f'[?] Missing "description" in achievement {ach["name"]}')
# adjust the description
out_ach_data["description"] = desc
# copy the rest of the data
# add links to icon, icongray, and icon_gray
base_icon_url = r''
icon_hash = out_ach_data.get("icon", None)
if icon_hash:
out_ach_data["icon"] = f'{base_icon_url}/{app_id}/{icon_hash}'
out_ach_data["icon"] = ""
icongray_hash = out_ach_data.get("icongray", None)
if icongray_hash:
out_ach_data["icongray"] = f'{base_icon_url}/{app_id}/{icongray_hash}'
out_ach_data["icongray"] = ""
icon_gray_hash = out_ach_data.get("icon_gray", None)
if icon_gray_hash:
del out_ach_data["icon_gray"] # use the old key
out_ach_data["icongray"] = f'{base_icon_url}/{app_id}/{icon_gray_hash}'
if "hidden" in out_ach_data:
out_ach_data["hidden"] = int(out_ach_data["hidden"])
except Exception as e:
out_ach_data["hidden"] = 0
return out_achs_list
def generate_all_ach_watcher_schemas(
base_out_dir : str,
appid: int,
app_name : str,
app_exe : str,
achs: list[dict],
small_icon_hash : str) -> None:
ach_watcher_out_dir = os.path.join(base_out_dir, "Achievement Watcher", "steam_cache", "schema")
print(f"generating schemas for Achievement Watcher in: {ach_watcher_out_dir}")
if app_exe:
print(f"detected app exe: '{app_exe}'")
print(f"[X] couldn't detect app exe")
# if not achs:
# print("[X] No achievements were found for Achievement Watcher")
# return
small_icon_url = ''
if small_icon_hash:
small_icon_url = f"{appid}/{small_icon_hash}.jpg"
images_base_url = r''
ach_watcher_base_schema = {
"appid": appid,
"name": app_name,
"binary": app_exe,
"achievement": {
"total": len(achs),
"img": {
"header": f"{images_base_url}/{appid}/header.jpg",
"background": f"{images_base_url}/{appid}/page_bg_generated_v6b.jpg",
"portrait": f"{images_base_url}/{appid}/library_600x900.jpg",
"hero": f"{images_base_url}/{appid}/library_hero.jpg",
"icon": small_icon_url,
"apiVersion": 1,
langs : set[str] = set()
for ach in achs:
displayNameLangs = ach.get("displayName", None)
if displayNameLangs and type(displayNameLangs) == dict:
descriptionLangs = ach.get("description", None)
if descriptionLangs and type(descriptionLangs) == dict:
if "token" in langs:
tokenKey = __ClosestDictKey("token", langs)
if tokenKey:
if not langs:
print("[X] Couldn't detect supported languages, assuming English is the only supported language for Achievement Watcher")
langs = ["english"]
for lang in langs:
out_schema_folder = os.path.join(ach_watcher_out_dir, lang)
if not os.path.exists(out_schema_folder):
out_schema = copy.copy(ach_watcher_base_schema)
out_schema["achievement"]["list"] = __generate_ach_watcher_schema(lang, appid, achs)
out_schema_file = os.path.join(out_schema_folder, f'{appid}.db')
with open(out_schema_file, "wt", encoding='utf-8') as f:
json.dump(out_schema, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)