otavepto 6e4c42410c * added 2 new options to the overlay appearance Notification_Margin_x and Notification_Margin_y
* updated the built-in overlay appearance & the example overlay ini file with a darker look and feel + changed some defaults
2024-04-30 08:38:38 +03:00

294 lines
9.3 KiB

#include "dll/base.h"
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <future>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include "InGameOverlay/RendererHook.h"
static constexpr size_t max_chat_len = 768;
enum window_state
window_state_none = 0,
window_state_show = 1<<0,
window_state_invite = 1<<1,
window_state_join = 1<<2,
window_state_lobby_invite = 1<<3,
window_state_rich_invite = 1<<4,
window_state_send_message = 1<<5,
window_state_need_attention = 1<<6,
struct friend_window_state
int id;
uint8 window_state;
std::string window_title;
union // The invitation (if any)
uint64 lobbyId;
char connect[k_cchMaxRichPresenceValueLength];
std::string chat_history;
char chat_input[max_chat_len];
bool joinable;
struct Friend_Less
bool operator()(const Friend& lhs, const Friend& rhs) const
return lhs.id() < rhs.id();
enum class notification_type
message = 0,
struct Notification
static constexpr float width_percent = 0.25f; // percentage from total width
static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds fade_in = std::chrono::milliseconds(2000);
static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds fade_out = std::chrono::milliseconds(2000);
static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds show_time = std::chrono::milliseconds(6000) + fade_in + fade_out;
static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds fade_out_start = show_time - fade_out;
int id{};
uint8 type{};
std::chrono::milliseconds start_time{};
std::string message{};
std::pair<const Friend, friend_window_state>* frd{};
std::weak_ptr<uint64_t> icon{};
struct Overlay_Achievement
// avoids spam loading on failure
constexpr const static int ICON_LOAD_MAX_TRIALS = 3;
std::string name{};
std::string title{};
std::string description{};
std::string icon_name{};
std::string icon_gray_name{};
bool hidden{};
bool achieved{};
uint32 unlock_time{};
std::weak_ptr<uint64_t> icon{};
std::weak_ptr<uint64_t> icon_gray{};
uint8_t icon_load_trials = ICON_LOAD_MAX_TRIALS;
uint8_t icon_gray_load_trials = ICON_LOAD_MAX_TRIALS;
// notification coordinates { x, y }
struct NotificationsCoords
std::pair<float, float> top_left{}, top_center{}, top_right{};
std::pair<float, float> bot_left{}, bot_center{}, bot_right{};
class Steam_Overlay
constexpr static const char ACH_SOUNDS_FOLDER[] = "sounds";
constexpr static const char ACH_FALLBACK_DIR[] = "achievement_images";
class Settings* settings;
class Local_Storage* local_storage;
class SteamCallResults* callback_results;
class SteamCallBacks* callbacks;
class RunEveryRunCB* run_every_runcb;
class Networking* network;
// friend id, show client window (to chat and accept invite maybe)
std::map<Friend, friend_window_state, Friend_Less> friends{};
bool is_ready = false;
ENotificationPosition notif_position = ENotificationPosition::k_EPositionBottomLeft;
int h_inset = 0;
int v_inset = 0;
std::string show_url{};
std::vector<Overlay_Achievement> achievements{};
bool show_overlay = false;
bool show_achievements = false;
bool show_settings = false;
bool show_test_ach = false;
// warn when using local save
bool warn_local_save = false;
// warn when app ID = 0
bool warn_bad_appid = false;
char username_text[256]{};
std::atomic<bool> save_settings = false;
int current_language = 0;
std::string warning_message{};
// Callback infos
std::queue<Friend> has_friend_action{};
std::vector<Notification> notifications{};
// used when the button "Invite all" is clicked
std::atomic<bool> invite_all_friends_clicked = false;
bool overlay_state_changed = false;
std::atomic<bool> i_have_lobby = false;
// some stuff has to be initialized once the renderer hook is ready
std::atomic<bool> late_init_imgui = false;
bool late_init_ach_icons = false;
// changed each time a notification is posted or overlay is shown/hidden
std::atomic_uint32_t renderer_frame_processing_requests = 0;
// changed only when overlay is shown/hidden, true means overlay is shown
std::atomic_uint32_t obscure_cursor_requests = 0;
constexpr static const int renderer_detector_polling_ms = 100;
std::future<InGameOverlay::RendererHook_t *> future_renderer{};
InGameOverlay::RendererHook_t *_renderer{};
Steam_Overlay(Steam_Overlay const&) = delete;
Steam_Overlay(Steam_Overlay&&) = delete;
Steam_Overlay& operator=(Steam_Overlay const&) = delete;
Steam_Overlay& operator=(Steam_Overlay&&) = delete;
static void overlay_run_callback(void* object);
static void overlay_networking_callback(void* object, Common_Message* msg);
bool is_friend_joinable(std::pair<const Friend, friend_window_state> &f);
bool got_lobby();
bool submit_notification(notification_type type, const std::string &msg, std::pair<const Friend, friend_window_state> *frd = nullptr, const std::weak_ptr<uint64_t> &icon = {});
void notify_sound_user_invite(friend_window_state& friend_state);
void notify_sound_user_achievement();
void notify_sound_auto_accept_friend_invite();
// Right click on friend
void build_friend_context_menu(Friend const& frd, friend_window_state &state);
// Double click on friend
void build_friend_window(Friend const& frd, friend_window_state &state);
// Notifications like achievements, chat and invitations
void set_next_notification_pos(std::pair<float, float> scrn_size, std::chrono::milliseconds elapsed, const Notification &noti, struct NotificationsCoords &coords);
// factor controlling the amount of sliding during the animation, 0 means disabled
float animate_factor(std::chrono::milliseconds elapsed);
void build_notifications(int width, int height);
// invite a single friend
void invite_friend(uint64 friend_id, class Steam_Friends* steamFriends, class Steam_Matchmaking* steamMatchmaking);
void request_renderer_detector();
void renderer_detector_delay_thread();
void renderer_hook_init_thread();
// note: make sure to load all relevant strings before creating the font(s), otherwise some glyphs ranges will be missing
void create_fonts();
void load_audio();
void load_achievements_data();
void initial_load_achievements_icons();
void overlay_state_hook(bool ready);
void allow_renderer_frame_processing(bool state, bool cleaning_up_overlay = false);
void obscure_game_input(bool state);
void add_auto_accept_invite_notification();
void add_invite_notification(std::pair<const Friend, friend_window_state> &wnd_state);
void post_achievement_notification(Overlay_Achievement &ach);
void add_chat_message_notification(std::string const& message);
bool open_overlay_hook(bool toggle);
bool try_load_ach_icon(Overlay_Achievement &ach, bool achieved);
void overlay_render_proc();
void render_main_window();
void networking_msg_received(Common_Message* msg);
void steam_run_callback();
Steam_Overlay(Settings* settings, Local_Storage *local_storage, SteamCallResults* callback_results, SteamCallBacks* callbacks, RunEveryRunCB* run_every_runcb, Networking *network);
bool Ready() const;
bool NeedPresent() const;
void SetNotificationPosition(ENotificationPosition eNotificationPosition);
void SetNotificationInset(int nHorizontalInset, int nVerticalInset);
void SetupOverlay();
void UnSetupOverlay();
void OpenOverlayInvite(CSteamID lobbyId);
void OpenOverlay(const char* pchDialog);
void OpenOverlayWebpage(const char* pchURL);
bool ShowOverlay() const;
void ShowOverlay(bool state);
void SetLobbyInvite(Friend friendId, uint64 lobbyId);
void SetRichInvite(Friend friendId, const char* connect_str);
void FriendConnect(Friend _friend);
void FriendDisconnect(Friend _friend);
void AddAchievementNotification(nlohmann::json const& ach);
class Steam_Overlay
Steam_Overlay(Settings* settings, Local_Storage *local_storage, SteamCallResults* callback_results, SteamCallBacks* callbacks, RunEveryRunCB* run_every_runcb, Networking* network) {}
~Steam_Overlay() {}
bool Ready() const { return false; }
bool NeedPresent() const { return false; }
void SetNotificationPosition(ENotificationPosition eNotificationPosition) {}
void SetNotificationInset(int nHorizontalInset, int nVerticalInset) {}
void SetupOverlay() {}
void UnSetupOverlay() {}
void OpenOverlayInvite(CSteamID lobbyId) {}
void OpenOverlay(const char* pchDialog) {}
void OpenOverlayWebpage(const char* pchURL) {}
bool ShowOverlay() const { return false; }
void ShowOverlay(bool state) {}
void SetLobbyInvite(Friend friendId, uint64 lobbyId) {}
void SetRichInvite(Friend friendId, const char* connect_str) {}
void FriendConnect(Friend _friend) {}
void FriendDisconnect(Friend _friend) {}
void AddAchievementNotification(nlohmann::json const& ach) {}